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Secrets and Solace (Love at Solace Lake Book 2) by Jana Richards (5)


Scarlet crawled out of bed at seven the next morning. Padding barefoot into the kitchen, she put on some coffee, needing a strong jolt of caffeine to start her day. While she waited for the coffee to brew, she sat at the kitchen island, folded her hands on the counter, and rested her head on top of them.

Maggie’s bedroom door opened. “Good morning, Sunshine.”

Scarlet lifted her head and glared at her younger sister. “Do you have to be so damn chipper this early in the morning?”

Maggie grinned. “I guess I’m a morning person. Would you like something to eat?”

“I’m saving myself for brunch. I just want coffee.”

Maggie grabbed a cup from the cupboard. She filled it with coffee and handed it to Scarlet along with the sugar bowl. Try as she might, Scarlet couldn’t wean herself from sugar in her coffee. She added her usual two heaping teaspoons, then after a moment of hesitation, added another spoonful. She needed a little extra this morning.

Maggie climbed onto the stool beside her. “Didn’t you sleep well?”

“No. It took me forever to fall asleep. Probably all the excitement yesterday.”

Truth was, every time she closed her eyes she saw Cameron Hainstock’s handsome face. His dark eyes seemed to look straight through her, as if he could see all her secrets. The strange thing was that when she looked at him, she believed she could see his secrets, too. He’d been hurt, no doubt by Tessa’s mother, but she also sensed something darker. An involuntary shiver raced down her spine.

“The tent people will be here at nine to take it down, and Reese’s guys should arrive about the same time to take the tables and chairs back to the community center,” Maggie said. “We need to take down the decorations. Do you want to shower first, or should I?”

“You go ahead. I’ll finish my coffee first.”

“Okay.” She hesitated, remaining on the stool. “You danced a lot with Ethan’s brother last night.”

“So? You danced a lot with Ethan’s nephew. He has the hots for you, by the way.”

Maggie grimaced. “Yes, he made that abundantly clear. I let him down easy.”

“How so? He’s a nice guy, and very good-looking. He lives in Minneapolis, doesn’t he? It’s not that far away.”

“He’s only twenty-one, Scarlet. Just a kid.”

“You’re twenty-four, not eighty-four. What’s the big deal? Why not have some fun with a good-looking young man?”

“Drew is very nice, but I’m not interested in him that way. It wouldn’t be fair to lead him on. I need someone more… mature.” She frowned at Scarlet. “How did this conversation get to be about me? We were talking about you. You looked very interested in Cam Hainstock last night.”

“I was being polite, for his little girl’s sake.”

Maggie lifted one dark eyebrow in disbelief. “Yeah, right. Cam’s very attractive, and he seemed pretty into you.”

“We don’t like each other. We’re too different.”

Her sister studied her. “I know you’ve had some unhappy experiences, but don’t let it keep you from trying again.”

Scarlet set down her coffee cup with a thud, causing some of the liquid to slosh over the side. “Let’s call a spade a spade, Maggie. I broke off two engagements. I hurt two perfectly nice guys, though I’m relieved to tell you they’ve both gone on to find new loves and are now blissfully happy. They dodged a bullet when I ran out on them.”

“You’re being awfully hard on yourself.”

“Why shouldn’t I be? When it comes to love, I’m about as screwed up as it gets.” She folded her arms on the counter and rested her head on them once more.

“Maybe you just need to find the right man.”

Cameron’s face appeared in her mind’s eye. When he’d asked her where she was spending the night, she’d seen the gleam of interest in his eyes. She raised her head and opened her eyes to dispel the image. “You should have your shower.”

Maggie stared at her for a moment, then nodded and slid off her stool. She headed for the bathroom and a few moments later Scarlet heard the water running. She let out a sigh of relief.

No matter how attracted she might be to Cameron, she wouldn’t act on it. With her track record, she’d only bring him more heartache. She couldn’t do that to him. And she couldn’t do that to his daughter.

In a couple of hours, the decorations were removed, the tables and chairs carted away and the tent dismantled, giving Maggie and Scarlet enough time to change and drive the short distance to Miller’s Resort for the wedding brunch. When they arrived, Maggie headed to the kitchen to check on the food, leaving Scarlet alone in the private dining room that had been set aside for the event. Fortunately, an urn of coffee had already been set up. She poured herself a cup and added the sugar, sighing with pleasure as she sipped the sweet, dark brew.

“Daddy, Scarlet’s here!”

Tessa ran toward her and hugged her legs. Scarlet’s coffee cup wobbled in her hand, nearly falling onto Tessa’s head. She managed to set it on the table before causing any harm to the child.

“Good morning, Tessa. I’m glad to see you, but you have to be careful when someone has something hot in their hands. You could get burned.”

The little girl’s eyes turned cautious, and she shrank away from her. “Are you mad at me?”

Her question and her demeanor surprised Scarlet. She laid her hand on Tessa’s shining dark hair. “No, of course not, sweetheart. I didn’t want to hurt you. If I sounded mad, it was because I was scared.”

“Tessa, you shouldn’t bother Scarlet.”

She looked up into Cameron’s unsmiling face. He was dressed more casually in dark jeans, a cornflower blue cotton shirt and a black blazer. The look made him even more masculine and sexy than the suit had. Scarlet stiffened her spine. “She’s not bothering me.” She smiled at Tessa. “Are you hungry? We’ve got waffles with strawberries.”

“Can I have whipped cream on my strawberries?”

“I’m sure that can be arranged.”

Tessa smiled brightly, her earlier upset forgotten. “I’m going to tell Auntie Lydia!” She ran across the room where Lydia and Graham and their children were entering the dining room. Other guests had begun to arrive as well.

Cameron stepped closer. “I’m sorry. Tessa is a little sensitive about raised voices.”

“Why is that?”

His mouth formed a straight, angry line. “From what I can tell, her mother raises her voice a lot.”

“Are you saying she’s verbally abusive?”

“I don’t have any proof of that.”

“But you suspect.”

He looked into her eyes, and Scarlet saw the anger and turmoil before he carefully wiped his face of emotion. “Today is about celebrating Ethan and Harper’s marriage. Let’s leave it at that, okay?”

She nodded. This wasn’t the time or the place to talk about Tessa’s mother. “Okay.”

Ethan and Harper entered the dining room hand in hand, looking relaxed and happy. Harper wore a simple cotton sundress the exact shade of blue as her eyes. Scarlet could probably count on the fingers of one hand the number of times she’d seen her sister in a dress. It was a different look for her, one that suited her well. The happiness glowing in her eyes also suited her well.

About thirty-five people arrived for brunch, mostly family, close friends, and people both Ethan and Harper worked with, in the present and the past. A couple of Ethan’s aunts and uncles and several of his cousins from Wisconsin who had attended the wedding were also there. Seeing them laughing with Ethan and Harper caused an unexpected lump to form in Scarlet’s throat. Her parents had both been only children, and all four of her grandparents were gone now. Harper and Maggie were the only family she had.

And now Harper had a new family. They would occupy her time and attention from now on.

She swallowed and looked away, busying herself by helping Maggie and the catering staff carry out the food from the kitchen and set up the brunch buffet. When everything was ready, Maggie stood at the front of the room and raised her hand.

“Good morning, everyone! Thank you for coming out for brunch on this beautiful Sunday morning. The staff here at Miller’s Resort has prepared a lovely feast for us, including an omelet station where Chef Sherry will create an omelet for you to your exact specifications. So please, help yourself and enjoy!”

Guests quickly formed a line and began dishing up food. Though she’d been famished earlier, Scarlet’s appetite deserted her. She got into line anyway and put a few things on her plate. She hated the melancholy mood that had unexpectedly struck her. This day was about Harper and her happiness. For her, Scarlet would push away the blues and slap a smile on her face.

She’d do anything for her sisters, even if it meant faking it.

Someone touched her arm as she was standing in line. Scarlet turned to see Abby Hanson and her husband Reese. She tried to hide her shock at Abby’s frailness. They’d been at the wedding yesterday and she’d seemed fine, though tired. Scarlet knew she’d been recovering from surgery, albeit very slowly. But this morning, Abby looked terribly weak, as if simply getting here had taken every ounce of energy she possessed. She leaned heavily on a cane and on Reese’s left arm.

“Good morning, Scarlet,” Abby said. “I didn’t get a chance yesterday to tell you how beautiful you looked. Your mother would have been so proud of all three of her girls.”

Scarlet’s eyes suddenly burned with tears, and she had to blink several times to keep from crying. She stooped to give Abby a one-armed hug, and swallowed back the raw emotions. “Thank you, Abby. I appreciate you saying that.”

“Harper looks happy, doesn’t she?”

Scarlet glanced at her sister. She was laughing up at Ethan, her love for him shining in her eyes. “Yes, she does. I think they’ll be very good together.”

“I think you’re right.” Abby patted her arm. “We’re holding up the line. We’d better get moving before the hungry hoard gets restless.”

Scarlet nodded before turning to the buffet and throwing a few more things onto her plate she wasn’t sure she’d be able to eat. Harper waved at her as she left the buffet table.

“Come sit with us.”

Large round tables that accommodated conversation had been set up around the private dining room. Scarlet sat next to Harper. A minute later, Tessa scrambled up into the chair next to her. Cameron set a plate with a waffle covered in strawberries and whipped cream, and a smaller plate containing carrot and celery sticks with a small pot of ranch dip in front of her before taking the seat beside her.

“I got lots of whipped cream on my strawberries, Scarlet!”

Scarlet couldn’t help but smile at the little girl’s excitement. “It looks yummy.”

“Daddy says I have to eat some vegetables, too.”

She caught Cameron’s eye. “That’s a good idea. You won’t grow big and strong if you only eat whipped cream.”

“Can you cut up my waffle for me, Scarlet?” she asked.


Scarlet used Tessa’s knife and fork to slice the waffle into bite size pieces. When she looked up, Cameron was frowning, as if he didn’t approve of her helping his daughter. What was his problem? Tessa had asked and she’d helped. No big deal.

Lydia and Graham and Reese and Abby sat in the remaining seats at the table. Maggie, Scarlet noted, had been convinced to sit with Drew and his sister and several young cousins at a neighboring table. She smiled. Drew was nothing if not persistent.

Harper turned to her. “Ethan and I added up the donations this morning, and it comes to over five thousand dollars.”

“That’s wonderful. Do you want me to deliver the donations to the shelter while you’re away?”

“That would be great. Thanks.”

Harper and Ethan had asked that guests to their wedding not bring gifts. Instead, they requested donations be made to the women’s shelter in St. Cloud. It was Harper’s way of paying tribute to their mother. Would Miranda be alive today if she’d had the help of a women’s shelter? Scarlet pushed aside the thought. Today wasn’t the day for such reflections.

“Everything was wonderful yesterday, Harper,” Abby said. “Your bridesmaids were particularly lovely.”

“I know. Not many brides have bridesmaids as beautiful as mine.” Harper laid her hand on Scarlet’s shoulder. “I can’t tell you how excited I am to have you staying at the lodge for the next few months. It means the world to me.”

Scarlet caught her hand and held it. She had no idea whether her sister’s efforts to bring the old fishing lodge back to life would pan out, but she’d do everything in her power to help.

“You’re going to be staying at the lodge?” Cameron asked. He didn’t look happy.

“Yes, I’m taking a leave of absence from my job in Chicago until the first of November. I’m going to be working on a marketing plan for the lodge, something to help advertise its reopening and rebirth, and get it ready to launch into the world.” She sipped her coffee. “Did you know Maggie has decided to join these two crazy kids and work full-time at the lodge? She’s developing a menu.”

Cameron’s brow wrinkled. “No, I didn’t know that.”

“We’re getting the whole family involved in this project,” Ethan said. “Cam’s going to build the new luxury cottages.”

Scarlet didn’t know he was a contractor. “Will you be using the same plan to build the new cottages as the two existing ones?”

“I think we need to come up with something less generic. I’m working on some sketches. Then Harper and Ethan can decide which option they want to build.”

“I’d like to see your sketches. Maybe I can get an artist to do a rendering of the new cottages from your sketches. That way, I can show potential guests the kind of luxury accommodation they could expect.”

“No need for another artist, Scarlet,” Harper said. “Cam’s sketches are amazing. The new cottages are going to fit in beautifully with the vibe we want to create. Each one is going to be completely self-sustaining with its own solar power plant and composting toilet.”

Cameron pushed food around his plate. “All that is going to cost thousands more than conventional building methods.”

“Yes, but in the long run it will save money in heating and cooling costs,” Harper argued.

“You’re not getting the whole ‘eco-tourism’ thing, Cameron,” Scarlet added. “The sustainability of Solace Lake Lodge is what will make it different from this resort and all the other resorts in the state. I plan to play it up big.”

“What’s wrong with a resort like Miller’s? This place is beautiful.”

Scarlet shrugged. “There’s nothing wrong with this place, but if we want to stand out and carve out our own place in the market, we need to be different. Being eco-friendly will appeal to a lot of people. It may cost more to begin with, but I believe the investment will pay off, in a lot of ways.”

“Lucky for you, Ethan’s got a steady supply of money.” Sarcasm dripped off his words.

She stared at him, anger flaring in her gut. Suddenly, the idea of spending the next five months at the lodge and having to see Cameron Hainstock every day was more than she could bear.

“What else do you have in mind for your marketing plan, Scarlet?” Lydia asked.

She wrenched her attention away from Cameron and directed it toward his sister, grateful for the diversion. “I’m going to set up a website and social media accounts for the lodge to get the word out about the renovations, and hopefully get people excited about coming here. I also want to attend some wedding shows and trade fairs. I’m hoping to market the lodge as a year-round destination for all kinds of events and conferences.”

Lydia nodded in approval. “Excellent idea. It was a beautiful setting for Ethan and Harper’s wedding. Why don’t you give me a call next week, and we’ll talk a little more about your plans and figure out a marketing budget for what you need to do?”

“I’d like that.”

“Good. I look forward to speaking with you.” Lydia turned to Ethan. “Speaking of weddings, are you two going to tell us where you’re going on your honeymoon, or am I going to have to beat it out of you?”

Ethan grinned at her. “No need for violence, Sis. I didn’t say anything because I was keeping it a surprise for Harper. I told her this morning. We’re going to Paris for our honeymoon.”

“That sounds very romantic, Harper,” Abby said. Scarlet saw the wistful look she gave Reese and the way he squeezed her shoulder.

“It does, doesn’t it?” Harper caught Ethan’s hand. “Ethan knew I’ve always dreamt of going to Paris, and now he’s making my dreams come true.”

“You’re lucky to have a husband rich enough to buy you whatever you want, whether it’s an eco-friendly lodge or a trip to Paris.”

The biting sarcasm in Cameron’s voice shocked the table into silence. Thick tension instantly descended on the group. Harper’s face went pale and her smile disappeared. Scarlet wanted to yell at him, or throw something at him, but with Tessa sitting next to her and listening to every word, she couldn’t say or do anything. How dare he imply that Harper only married Ethan for his money? Anyone with eyes could see they were devoted to each other.

Ethan rose to his feet, his eyes blazing. “Damn it, Cam—”

“Cam,” Abby interrupted. “Did you know that Harper’s parents went to Paris on their honeymoon? Miranda always talked about taking Harper one day, but of course she never got the chance.”

Cameron had the good grace to look uncomfortable. “No, I didn’t know that.”

“Harper and Ethan will be able to see the sights that Miranda talked about for so many years, and they’ll be able to make their own memories there.”

Ethan sat down, though anger burned in his eyes. Harper covered his fisted hand with hers. When she smiled, Ethan smiled back, his tense posture relaxing.

He turned back to his brother, the smile fading. “The money belongs to both Harper and me now, and the very best use for it is investing in the future of the lodge. Part of that future is sustainability, like solar energy. If you’ve got a problem with that, then maybe we need to reconsider our deal to have you build the cottages.”

Scarlet held her breath while she, and everyone else at the table, waited for Cameron’s answer. Tessa picked up on the mood. She abandoned her half-eaten waffle and kneeled on her chair to put her small arm around his shoulders.


Cameron laid his hand on her head, but looked at Ethan. “There’s no problem.”

Ethan gave a curt nod, but said nothing else. Cameron pushed back his chair, picking Tessa up as he got to his feet. “I have to get Tessa home to her mother.”

No one said anything as he left the dining room. Tessa waved at Scarlet over Cameron’s shoulder, and she waved back. Her heart ached at the little girl’s unhappy, confused face. Tessa didn’t understand what was going on, but she had sensed the strain between the adults and it obviously upset her. Scarlet suspected Tessa already had enough upheaval in her young life. Damn Cameron for exposing her to more tension.

And damn him for turning what should have been a joyous family occasion into a war zone.