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Something Worth Saving by Mayra Statham (16)

Chapter Sixteen


I TRIED TO STOP smiling, but I couldn’t. God, I am such a dork. Waking up early after last night’s extracurricular activities, I should have been so worn out all I should have wanted to do was snuggle and sleep in with Owen beside me.

Instead, I found myself with renewed energy. Hope that things were really going to work out rushed through my veins.

Everything is going to be okay.

It wouldn’t be easy, and that was fine. I didn’t need easy. I never had. I wasn’t the type to shy away from hard work, and that’s what it would take. All I needed was the knowledge Owen and I were on the same page. After watching him sleep for a minute, I slipped out of bed, enjoying the way my body ached. A reminder of the night and early hours we had spent loving one another. I looked forward to a repeat later that night. Or maybe an afternoon quickie?

I walked straight into the kitchen and got to work. Cooking the last meal I would be able to cook in there before we got started on construction in the kitchen.

Flipping a pancake, I felt him before I heard him. His stubble-covered jaw on my bare shoulder sent a delicious shiver straight down my spine that made me want him.

“Morning,” his deep voice rumbled at my ear; his soft breath lingered right over my shoulder.

“Good morning,” I chimed brightly. Looking at him, I noticed his eyes were still sleepy, but before I could say anything, he wrapped his arms around me and held me flush to his body.

“I don’t like waking up without you,” he murmured into my ear. I didn’t miss the hardness nudging at my bottom.

“I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed,” I admitted, his nose now at the crook of my neck nuzzling my sensitive skin.

“That’s funny, since I was thinking I would eat you for breakfast,” he mumbled deeply into my flesh, making my body come alive instantly. I felt his lips at my neck and couldn’t help the soft moan that escaped. “I need you again,” his voice rumbled as he pressed his front to my back. Like I needed the very solid and big reminder of what his body wanted. My thighs clenched together, slightly sore, but I wouldn’t say no to him.

The girls wouldn’t be up for at least another hour. We had time. Turning in his arms, I held his face and stood on the tips of my toes and kissed him. The kiss soon deepened and his hands roamed all over my body before he growled and pulled away, breaking the sensuous connection.

“Bed,” he ordered. I yelped and giggled at the smack of his hand against my ass. Taking a step forward, I stopped when he grabbed my hand and our eyes met. “Never mind,” he gritted, and I felt myself frown.

“What?” I asked, feeling confused and disappointed. It quickly faded away as a Cheshire grin fell over his face, an evil glimmer in his green eyes. A look I knew. I hadn’t seen it in a long time, but I was familiar with it. He had something up his sleeve. Something dirty. The thought sent shivers down my spine.

“Not the bed. Come with me,” he ordered. I had no choice but to follow him. He walked quickly in front of me, my hand in his. I followed him to the back of the house and out to the yard.

“What are you—” My words were cut off when his lips caught mine and I instantly felt like everything inside of me caught on fire.

Hands roamed. They caressed and gripped like we were afraid the other person was going to disappear. Not only his hands, but mine got into the mix. Feeling the heat from Owen’s skin made my nipples strain and rasp against the soft cotton of my tank top, and the scent of his skin mixed with a faded hint of his cologne filled my senses. I couldn’t get enough. Clothes were lifted, pulled aside in a fast and furious fashion. Passion and primal hunger crackled and sparked in the air between us.

One moment, my feet were planted firm on the ground. The next, he had lifted me, my legs instinctively wrapped around his waist before my back slammed against the wall of the house. His beautiful, thick cock filled me perfectly.

No foreplay.

No warning.

And I wasn’t complaining; I didn’t need it. My body was ready for him. I loved it when he gave it to me like that. It had been such a long time since he had lost control and taken me like that, I couldn’t believe I had forgotten. In the past, when he had needed me so badly, he would take me in the semi-private places. The risk of being caught only raised the heat and intimacy between us. We had been insatiable for one another, and it seemed we were back on that particular road again.

“Owen,” I hoarsely gasped. My orgasm hit without warning, and his face hid in my neck. The sting of a bite rushed through me at my neck, which only prolonged the waves of pleasure. His hushed dirty words faded into my skin as warmth filled me from inside out as I held on to his taut body.


How could a woman unhinge him the way she did?

The only woman he’d ever had was also the only woman who had ever made him look twice. Fifteen years might have passed from the first time he had laid eyes on her, but she still had that power.

Each time was better than the last.

It amazed him how damn stupid he had been. How fucking shortsighted and just plain dumb he could have been. Didn’t he know how precious time was? Having taken the time he had with her for granted, letting her feel lost and alone, and all for what? His career? Extra money? He had always thought he was a smart man, but this proved he wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box.

But he sure as fuck would learn from this and never make that mistake again. Never again, he silently vowed before taking a swipe at the spot he’d bitten, then pulling his face away from her neck. His legs might have been slightly weak from holding her up and the powerful orgasm he’d just had, but looking at her face, satisfied and slightly naughty, he knew he would never let her fall.

“Wow,” she whispered, her eyes slightly sleepy but so fucking clear, he felt it in his chest and down to his toes. She saw him like no one else did.

“I fucking love you.” His voice was thick with emotion and her eyes softened, a hint of a smile reflecting back in her gaze.

“I love you, too,” she answered gently. Pressing his forehead to hers, he breathed in deeply before kissing her lightly. He set her to the ground and helped smooth her clothes back into place before tucking himself back into his shorts.

Once they were decent, he pulled her into his arms and settled her onto his lap as he sat down on a lounger they had in the yard. The sun was starting to brighten, but there was a nice breeze that took the bite away from the summer heat that was starting to escalate. Nadia’s body felt perfect over his, and he tightened his hold on her. Mine. Always mine.

“I love this place,” she mumbled, looking out to the yard. His own eyes followed hers.

It wasn’t much to look at. Not compared to their yard at home. This place was simple. Small green space, grass he noted was slightly overgrown and he needed to mow. Barely enough space for the girls to run around and for Nadia to plant some flowers around the perimeter. Yet the way she sounded in his arms, you would think she was talking about Buckingham Palace.

“You like it more than home?” he asked. Worry filled the back of his mind.

“This feels like home,” she answered, her honesty startling him so much that he looked up at her, her eyes already on his. “It’s not that I don’t love our house, Owen.”

“But?” he couldn’t help but ask. He knew it was going to open a can of worms, but he needed to know.

“It just feels…”


“Too big.” And that is a bad thing? he wondered, looking at her before looking out toward the tree in the corner.

“I’m not complaining, Owen.”

“I know…” He tried to shrug it off, trying to see things from her perspective, and it made sense. They had a five-bedroom, four-bathroom home and only really occupied three rooms. A conversation from the past popped into his head, and without thinking, he reminded her of it. “Do you remember when we got the place? We had plans of filling it with babies,” he reminded her and felt her sigh against his chest.

“I remember. It feels like a lifetime ago.”

“It does,” he agreed.

“But after the girls…” Her voice drifted off into silence, and he knew why. The edges of the foundation their relationship had been built on started to chip away. He didn’t blame her for not wanting anymore kids with him. It wasn’t as if he had been a great partner.

“I know.” He kissed the top of her head. “Want some coffee?” he offered. She shifted in his lap, his eyes meeting hers.

“Tell me something you want to happen in the next three years,” she asked him out of nowhere. He answered without a second thought.

“I want us to be at a point in our relationship where talking about adding more to our family doesn’t feel like some kind of lame attempt at trying to save our marriage.”

“Do you think talking about adding to our bunch right now would be that? A lame attempt to save our marriage?”

“Oh, yeah.” His eyes widened as he nodded.

“Why?” she asked, and he knew that tone. Simple curiosity.

“Because, isn’t it a cliché? Hell, while we were apart and I was home, all I kept thinking about were ways I could make sure to keep you tied to me.”

“Such a guy.” Her lips twitched, surprising him. He would have thought she would have been upset by his admission. “Your plan to fixing us was to keep me barefoot and pregnant?” she asked. Her body shook slightly with laughter, and he tickled her side before giving her a tight squeeze, glad she could have a sense of humor about his caveman thoughts instead of getting pissed at him.

“I can’t say the idea didn’t cross my mind,” he muttered to the top of her head. She shifted deeper into his body.

“Such a guy,” she repeated with an obvious smile in her voice.

“You liked that about me a couple of minutes ago.”

“I love that about you.” She kissed his cheek. “I want us there, too,” she whispered against his stubble-covered face. He held her tighter. Breathing easier with every second that ticked by while she was in his arms. Time flew by and stood still all at once.

“I should finish making breakfast before our day starts.”

“I’ll help you,” he said, and the smile she gave him mesmerized him. Before she could say anything, the sound of the back door opening and slamming shut rang in the air. They both turned to see Vivian walking toward them. Still in PJs and her hair messy from sleep, she waved with a yawn.

“Dad! Uncle Paul is on the phone.” He stilled and looked at Nadia, surprised to see warmth staring back at him.

“Go. You know it has to be important if he’s reaching out to you via landline.” She winked and got off his lap, giving him her hand. Reaching out, he took it and stood. Walking side by side, they reached Viv and the three of them went back inside.

Owen had no idea that at that moment he should have ignored that call.