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Sweetest Obsession (The Cordova Empire Book 2) by Ann Mayburn (20)


As I pulled into the parking lot of the high school, I sang along with the radio, unable to wipe the smile off my face. It had been a week since Ramón returned, and I’d spent every day with him since. He’d taken time off work to heal and recover, and we spent every moment together in what had to be a disgusting display of love. We’d had Hannah and Leo over for dinner to celebrate their engagement—Leo popped the question the same day as Ramón, and Hannah had teased us about our PDA more than once. Like she had room to talk. I think Leo would have had her sewn to his side, if he could.

Not that Ramón and I had been any different. When we went to see his parents, to let them know we were getting married, he’d practically had me sitting on his lap the whole time, refusing to have me even a room away from him. I’d protested, but secretly loved his open affection. His parents had apologized profusely about keeping me in the dark about his helicopter crash, and I’d forgiven them. Even if I didn’t like it, I understood why they’d kept his condition a secret, even from me.

My ruby and diamond engagement ring sparkled in the bright light beaming through the windshield of my new baby blue Land Rover, a gift from Ramón. Without a doubt, he spoiled the hell out of me, but I’ve never had anyone spoil me before, so I didn’t mind it one bit. If giving me things made him happy, why would I take that away from him?

A horn beeped, and I narrowly avoided another car as I circled the lot, looking for a spot big enough to squeeze the Land Rover into without taking out the cars on either side. There must have been some kind of after school event going on, because the parking lot was almost full. I found an empty space way at the back of the fenced-in lot. Turning the radio down, I grabbed my new Gucci purse and matching giant satchel from the floorboards, smiling as I remembered being fucked up against a wall after I’d given Ramón a big thank you kiss for the present. A low heat simmered in my sex, but I forced myself to get a grip. I’d had fun this past week with Ramón in our new home, fucking our days away without a care in the world, but it was time to return from our self-imposed isolation.

Ramón was doing some kind of stockholders meeting with his dad, a big deal because rumors had started about his absence. He wanted everyone to see him healthy and whole, if a little damaged. The scars on his face continued to heal, now a pale pinkish white instead of angry red, but his face would never be the same. Not that I minded. Those scars were a constant reminder of how close I’d come to losing him. They made me value our time together, made me aware of how easily everything could change. His hair had grown a bit as well, and I loved the soft, yet stubbly feeling of his almost shaved head. While I missed his long hair, there was something to be said for a scarred, sexy bald man.

Thinking about Ramón wasn’t helping me calm down, so I opened the door and got out, letting the blast of heated desert air clear my mind. It was hot out, super-hot, the kind of heat where everyone goes indoors as soon as possible. My black pantsuit seemed like a poor choice as the sun instantly roasted me. The fabric was light and airy, the pants blousy at the ankles, so it almost looked like I was wearing a skirt. The jacket was made of the same breathable fabric, but I instantly started to sweat as I tried to shove everything I needed for my students into my satchel.

Grabbing a pair of silver chopsticks from my purse, I twisted my hair up into a bun and shoved them in. It was too fucking hot having it down, even though Ramón loved to play with my curls. Memories of laying on his chest, blissed out from orgasms, while he slowly wound and unwound my curls from his fingers filled me. When we were alone, Ramón was incredibly gentle and loving with me, and he allowed me to be the same. We were always touching each other and the pit of my stomach gave a happy little tingle as I reveled in the feeling of being in love and happy.

I waved to the security guard driving by, then hustled into the school and smiled at the guards as they searched my bags.

The first person I was going to see today was Devonlin, and I had some great news for him.

When I came into the empty English classroom I called my own while I was here, I found Devonlin already waiting by my desk.

Standing, he came over and gave me a big hug. “Thank you.”

Pulling out of his arms, I smiled up at him as he bashfully rubbed the back of his thick neck, his green t-shirt straining around his biceps. “For what?”

“For the protection for me and my family.”

I must have looked like a confused dog as I cocked my head at him. “While I’d love to take credit, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

He frowned down at me as voices echoed down the hall outside the classroom. “He said you sent him.”

Getting worried, I led him over to the desk so I could dump my stuff off and sit down. “Who said? I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

“The guy form the Cordova cartel, Mark.”

I blinked at him, unable to believe what I was hearing. “The Cordova cartel? You mean the Cordova Group?”

He studied me, then frowned. “Yeah, they’ve got a legit business, but everyone knows they’re one of the biggest cartels in the US.”

“You’re trying to tell me Judith and Jose Cordova are leaders of a cartel?”

Looking worried, Devonlin shook his head quickly. “Uh, no, I must be wrong. Was thinkin’ of someone else.”

“Don’t lie to me,” I snapped as my head began to pound. “You said cartel, and you meant it.”

He took a step toward me, his hand outstretched. “Ms. Holtz, you okay?”

My lungs refused to expand enough for me to take a deep breath, and my voice came out weak as I said, “You said someone came to visit you, who?”

“I’ve got the guy’s card right here in my wallet. Guy named Mark Lake. You know him?”

“He’s…he was my roommate. Oh my God, my roommate is a criminal.”

“Don’t freak out, Ms. Holtz. The Cordova cartel isn’t bad. They ain’t exactly good, but they take care of their people, and they’re gonna keep me safe from the Santiago cartel. Gonna keep them off my back, so I can focus on football. And they didn’t want anything in return, just for me to have a chance at a better life.” His eyes lit up and he smiled, huge. “And they’re helpin’ my mom, getting her the kind of medicine she needs. You should see her now, Ms. Holtz. She’s got hope of livin’ long enough to see me play in the pros. All thanks to you. Mark said you told him about my situation, and he thought it was a damn shame that life had dealt me such a shit hand. He’s a really cool guy. He even brought tons of groceries with him and clothes for my mom.”

While all of that was wonderful, I was still having a meltdown as I faced all the truths I’d tried to hide from myself, all the things I’d tried to explain away. Yeah, I’d told Mark about Devonlin, but I was hoping he’d have some kind of security suggestions, or would know someone who could help the kid. Somewhere, down deep, I knew something wasn’t right about the Cordova family, but I never imagined that they were a cartel. I watched the news, and I wasn’t naïve. I knew our country was run as much by criminals as it was by the government, but I never imagined I’d fall in love with a crime lord.

Shit, that was the reason why Manny and his goons had freaked out when they realized who Hannah was dating. Leo must be high ranking in the cartel, he was the reason those men beat us. As soon as that thought crossed my mind, I dismissed it. Kayla brought those men into the house, not Leo. I had a feeling our fate was sealed the moment they crossed the threshold, regardless of any connection Hannah had to the Cordova cartel.

Shit, what kind of bad stuff was Ramón into? Did he deal drugs? Did he addict little kids to crack? Did he sell guns? Worse yet…did the Cordova cartel traffic women?

My skin prickled with stinging sweat, and I suddenly felt cold as I hunched over, my stomach cramping.

Devonlin caught me easily and sat me on the desk, propping me up as my mind short circuited. “Whoa, Ms. Holtz, are you okay?”

No, I wasn’t okay.

So, so far from okay.

I tried to take a deep breath, but my anxiety made it feel like I was drowning. “I-I…I have to go.”

“I don’t think you should go anywhere. You don’t look so good. Stay here, we’ll get you some water, okay?”

I stumbled out of his arms, glad for once I’d worn sensible ballet flats instead of sky high heels. “I have to go.”

He kept protesting as I grabbed my stuff and practically ran out of the room, wanting to get to at least the safety of my car before I lost it. I could feel the panic attack creeping up on me, working to convince me I was dying, wanting to rob me of my strength. A few people wandering the halls started at me as I sprinted past, my satchel and purse thumping against my body, but I ignored their whispers and stares.

I hit the doors with a bang and flat out sprinted across the lot. I didn’t feel anything, the hot pavement beneath my feet, the burning sun overhead, my breath tearing from my body in pained sobs. My mind was a whirling mess of guilt, anger, betrayal, and sadness. I wasn’t paying attention to anything at all when, out of nowhere, someone grabbed me then shoved me into a waiting car, my scream cutting off as the door slammed behind us.

The car sped out of the parking lot, and I slammed into the door before long, cruel fingers gripped my arm hard enough to bruise.

I screamed, but it was cut off by Nova slapping me hard across the face.

“Shut up, you stupid cunt, before I cut your throat.”

Shaking so hard my teeth chattered, I darted a panicked glance around the interior of a large town car. There was a big guy with light brown hair driving up front, but he wasn’t looking back at us, intent on the road ahead. Pain splintered through me as Nova hit me again, drawing my attention back to him as I tried to shield myself from his blows.

“Stupid,” punch “Fucking,” punch “Bitch. You had to go stick your fucking nose where it didn’t belong, had to get the Cordova Cartel involved. How the fuck do you know them?”

A strange roaring sound filled my ears, and an odd sense of calm fell over me. It was like I’d been standing in the middle of a heavy metal concert, my head being blasted by noise, then suddenly found myself in a soundproof room. My thoughts became organized, focused, and even the pain he’d inflicted on me fell away.

“I asked you a fucking question, bitch!” He slapped me again and the tang of blood hit my tongue. “You better answer me, or I swear to fuck I’ll sell you to the most twisted fucker I know, and he’ll slowly rape you to death.”

My gaze zeroed on in Nova. I knew, without a doubt, he meant every word he said. I had to save myself, had to do whatever I needed to stay safe. Over and over, the words whispered through my head, save yourself save yourself, save yourselfat any cost.

Moving almost in a daze, I slipped the solid silver chopsticks from my hair, then shoved both of them through Nova’s eyes with perfect accuracy, right into his brain.

His shrill, harsh scream barely registered as I turned my attention to the driver. He was trying to keep control of the car, while turning around to look at why his boss was suddenly screaming his death throes. I was already moving, untangling myself from Nova’s flailing arms and reaching for the front seat. Once again, I felt as if I was watching someone else as I reached forward and hooked my fingers into claws, sinking them deep into his face and scratching so deep, blood covered my fingertips.

He let go of the wheel and tried to pry me off as I shredded his face. The last thing I saw before everything went black was the oncoming cement divider between the lanes of traffic.