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Take a Chance on Me (Baymoor Book 3) by D. A. Young (4)

Chapter Thirteen




 “Can’t you make it straighter? Like bone straight, Chelsea. Please?” Annabelle begged as she fidgeted on her vanity stool. “Guys, which lip gloss? The nude one? I like the one with the peach shimmer. How much longer will it be, Chelse? Davis said he’d be here at six, and he’s always prompt. I don’t want to keep him or his family waiting.”

“Annabelle, do I look like I care if ‘King Dick’ has to wait for anything?” Kenya sucked her teeth as she, Chelsea, and Georgie howled with laughter. She and Georgie were laying on Annabelle’s bed looking through her new jewelry case.

“Can I borrow these earrings?” Kenya held up a pair of diamond studs.

Chelsea glanced over her shoulder. “Annabelle, did they come in a smaller version? I need one for my nose.”

“You’re getting a nose ring? What about your parents? They will lose their minds on you!” Kenya informed her.

“Hell yeah, I’m getting one and when I turn eighteen, I’m getting tattoos as well,” Chelsea bragged.

“Annabelle, if you say yes to Kenya, then I want to borrow your purple flats with the plaid bows on them,” Georgie spoke up, jumping from the bed to grab a shoebox from the stack by the closet door. “I saw them in a magazine last week, but I haven’t saved up enough of my allowance to buy them.”

“Ladies, borrow whatever; go for it! I forgot I even had the jewelry, and those shoes are nowhere on my radar,” Annabelle replied airily. She was so busy applying nail polish over a chipped fingernail that she missed the concerned look her friends exchanged.

“I stopped by the Gas ‘N’ Go, and it was packed. I’m really digging the new snow cone machine,” Georgie offered. “Business must be doing well.”

“Yeah, very well. The bank approved their request for a loan. There was a little extra to do renovations on the house, so they had it repainted and got rid of all the old furniture,” Annabelle smiled with genuine happiness. “I’m so glad things are working out. My parents don’t argue anymore, and they have never been happier.”

“And you finally got Davis as a boyfriend, and the two of you are going strong,” Kenya added sarcastically. “Whoopty-doo!”

“Kenny, chill with that!” Chelsea warned.

“What’s your problem, Kenya?” Annabelle snapped. “Ever since Davis and I started dating, you’ve been acting like a bitch about it. Did he do something to you that I should know about?”

“Davis hasn’t done anything but be his normal self-centered douchebag self. He’s not the problem. You are.”

Annabelle jumped up as did Kenya, getting in each other’s faces while Georgina and Chelsea stood on opposite sides, monitoring the tense situation. “I’m the problem?! You come to my house, acting like you can’t stand for me to be happy, and I’m the problem? Heffa, how?!”

Kenya swept her hand dismissively over Annabelle. “Look in the mirror, lil’ ‘Ms. Take Me As I Am’! What happened to you not changing for nobody? Now, you stay in the mirror and act like every day is a big fashion show! You’ve changed and you don’t even see it.”

“So, you’re mad that I got a steady boyfriend, new look, and am still maintaining my 4.0 GPA when yours falls every single time you get a new crush?” Annabelle scoffed. “Puhleez!”

“You used to be so fun, and now, all you do is wait for Davis to call or come home on breaks from college, like you’re married or somethin’,” Kenya jeered. “Are you supposed to spend senior year committed to some fool who’s probably out getting laid as we speak? Quit being stupid, Annabelle! The only thing Davis wants is to get in your panties.”

The silence was deafening as the face-off continued.

“Let’s take a step back, guys,” Georgina encouraged them. “This ain’t us right, Chelsea?”

“We’ve been friends way too long to butt heads over a guy,” Chelsea agreed. “Kiss and make up.”

“Why do you sound so excited by that idea?”

“No, I don’t!” Chelsea blustered, a crimson blush infusing her cheeks. “You’re nuts!”

Annabelle stepped back and Kenya smiled victoriously. Finally, Annabelle would see that she was right about Davis. It baffled her that her friend couldn’t see him for the dickhead that he was.

Kenya’s relief turned to confusion when Annabelle walked over to her bedroom door. Confusion turned to shock when she opened it and spat, “Get out!”

Kenya’s mouth fell open, as did Georgina and Chelsea’s. They were just as shocked by their normally calm friend’s out-of-character behavior. “Say what?”

“Get your jealous, ignorant ass outta my house!” Annabelle seethed. “NOW.”

“Annabelle! You don’t mean that!” Kenya sputtered. “We’re best friends!”

Annabelle slammed the bedroom door so hard, a family picture fell off the wall. “Then act like it! Act like you’re happy instead of putting me down and picking fights! Be happy for me!”   

There was a knock on the bedroom door before Samantha Gaines stuck her head in. “I heard yelling and then the door slammed. Everything alright, ladies?”

Although her question was directed to the group, her gaze remained focus on Annabelle who appeared visibly upset. “Annabelle?”

Before she could respond, the doorbell rang. Her mother smiled. “That will be Davis. It would be tacky to keep him waiting, Annabelle. Let’s go, girls. I’ll drive you home.”


“Davis, stop.” Annabelle evaded Davis’s lips and gently pushed against his shoulders. “Let’s take a breather.”

“Why?” Davis kissed her jaw then her neck as his hand crept up her thigh and pulled the hem of her dress with it. “We’re having a good time, and I’m trying to make it better. Stop thinking so much, Annabelle. Just chill.”

Her legs slammed shut, and she pulled her dress down. “I’m not having that great a time, Davis! Stop it.”

This was the only thing wrong with their relationship. Annabelle liked Davis and his hugs and kisses, but she wasn’t interested in going any further than that. She was focused on her future and told him from the beginning. Annabelle thought Davis understood when he said that he respected her choice, but he’d become more persistent with each date.

Davis fell back on the sofa and threw his arm across his eyes. “What the fuck is your problem, Annabelle? We’ve been dating for five months, and I can’t get past first base with you! I’ve been faithful and haven’t messed around on you. Gimme somethin’!”

Anger rising, Annabelle shifted to face Davis. “You want to be rewarded for doing what a good boyfriend is supposed to do?! Listen, if being in a relationship with me is too much for you, then let’s forget it! I’m not going to be doing anything of a sexual nature any time soon. Especially not while I’m in high school. Not everything is about sex! Maybe we should take a break.”

Davis threw his hands up with a relieved expression. “So, what you breaking up with me now? I’m cool with that. Being with you is like kissing an ice cube. You can’t ever relax. Always tensing up and shit when I touch you. Maybe you should be happy someone can get their arms around you. You’re not exactly on the skinny side. You got a cute face, but so do a lot of girls that are skinnier.”

“That’s because I can’t relax and enjoy it when I know I have to watch for your hands!” Annabelle snapped back, stung by his harsh words. It was the first time he’d ever commented on her being a size fourteen, and despite what Edith had said, Annabelle thought he was different. She jumped up. “Don’t bother seeing me out. We’re done.”

“Fine by me. Don’t let the door hit your fat ass on the way out.”

Annabelle rushed out of the room, hot tears blurring her vision, and ran smack into Brenton. “Easy, young lady! Where’s the fire?” 

Mortified, Annabelle stepped back, dropping her gaze. “Sorry, Mr. Fowler. If you’ll excuse me, I have to go.”

But Brenton blocked her way. Fatherly concern was heavy in his words. “What’s wrong, Annabelle? Did you and Davis have a disagreement? What did he say to upset you?”

“We’ve decided to break up.” Her lips pressed tightly together. “Apparently, he’s used to skinnier girls who will be more accommodating and receptive to his advances.”

Sensing she was being watched, Annabelle looked up to see Edith standing on the stair landing with an inscrutable expression. “I’m not about that. If that’s what he wants, he’s more than welcome to find it with someone else.”

Something dark and unreadable flashed in Brenton’s eyes before disappearing. “Yes, of course. I’m sorry you experienced any discomfort. Please accept my apologies on Davis’s behalf. I will speak with him tonight about his boorish manners. Let me drive you home. I’ll be right back.”

On the ride to Annabelle’s house, Brenton brought up the animal hospital. “I was wondering if you’d like to observe the urethral blockage procedure Dr. Hanes will be performing on Mrs. Laurent’s tabby, Jingles, tomorrow.” He pointed to the back seat. “I hope you don’t mind, but I also took the liberty of bringing some of my father’s medical journals for you. Thought you might like to read through them.”

Annabelle was speechless and flattered. “I-I would love to! Thank you and yes, I’d love to observe if you don’t mind.”

Brenton smiled warmly at her. “Not in the least. I’ve got my eye on your future. You are going to do great things, Annabelle. I’m counting on you to bring the animal hospital into the future. I won’t be around forever.”

Annabelle glowed under his praise. “I can’t wait to join the team.”

They arrived at the house, and Annabelle was surprised to see her parents standing on the front porch.

Samantha smiled brightly and took her hand. “Hi, sweetie. You’re home early. Let’s go upstairs and you can tell me about your date.”

Thomas smiled at daughter, but it was tense and didn’t reach his eyes. “Hey, Annabelle. Go inside with your mother.” To Brenton, he extended his hand and the two men shook hands. “Good to see you, Brenton.”

Upstairs, Annabelle filled her mother in on Davis’s rude behavior. “I never want to see him again!”

Samantha picked up the dress her daughter had discarded on the bed and studied it. The fabric was high quality with bright tropical flowers on a white background. Samantha knew the moment she saw it in Macy’s that it would look amazing on Annabelle and had to get it for her. She missed having nice things and was frustrated that Annabelle was missing out on the finer things as well, not that she’d ever complained. Sometimes, her marriage to Thomas felt like an ordeal more than a partnership. There were so many sacrifices that had to be made financially, that Samantha constantly lived in a stressed and unhappy state. She missed their old life before Thomas got it in his head to run the store to make his old man happy, instead of selling it. Her sister Chandra insisted that Samantha find another line of work, but she was determined to be her own boss and have it all.

All Annabelle cared about were animals. She didn’t even realize the magnitude of the opportunity that was right in front of her with a boy from one of the wealthiest families in town. But Samantha did and all the opportunities a match between them could bring. Not just to Annabelle, but to her and Thomas as well.

“Davis was being foolish, allowing his hormones to lead him like that. I’m sure that by tomorrow morning, he’ll have seen the error of his ways.”

“Mama, I don’t care if he does! He’s not going to get away with disrespecting me like that!” Annabelle declared with finality.

“You’re absolutely right, baby.” Samantha kissed her daughter’s forehead. “If Davis can’t appreciate your worth, then one of your other admirers will. Let him be some other girl’s headache. Lord knows there are plenty who wanted to take your place. They were just waiting for you to slip up. Obviously, he’s crazy about you when everyone else is crazy about him, but if you need space, then you should have it. Would you listen to me rambling on? Get some sleep, dear. Things will look better in the morning.”

Long after her mother left, Annabelle lay thinking about her advice.


Samantha was right. The next morning, Davis showed up with a dozen white roses, begging Annabelle to take him back. She watched in disbelief as he got on his knees and apologized, “I messed up, Annabelle. You’re one in a million and the best thing that’s ever happened to me. A smarter guy would recognize that instead of being an asshole. Will you please forgive me and give me another chance?”

Her mother’s words had stayed with Annabelle. “They were just waiting for you to slip up. Obviously, he’s crazy about you when everyone else is crazy about him.”

She’d seen the angry, scornful looks the other girls threw her way. She knew they were all thinking the same thing. That Annabelle didn’t deserve a catch like Davis. He was out of her league with his good looks and money. Annabelle was angry about the insecurities she’d developed regarding Davis. She was good enough for him! They were just like Edith Fowler, and Annabelle was determined not to let them win. She took the flowers from him.

“Don’t let it happen again.”


“He was the perfect gentleman for the remainder of my time in high school.” Annabelle stared into her empty wine glass, unwilling to meet Graham’s gaze. She still couldn’t believe that she’d allowed such a monster into her life. “Davis kept his hands to himself and was very respectful toward me. Meanwhile, I was spending more time at the hospital and Brenton authorized me to observe more procedures and urged the vets to share surgery techniques with me. I was so hungry to learn everything, that I didn’t even mind when he started introducing me to everyone as his future daughter-in-law. I never questioned his recommendation that I go to the same school Davis was attending in California as well.

It was more expensive and farther than I wanted to go, but the store was doing so well, that my parents insisted I go. The other convenience stores had gone out of business. They couldn’t compete with the Gas ‘N’ Go prices or quality product. Things were going extremely well.” Annabelle paused and anxiously glanced at Graham, and his muscles turned to stone. Instinctively, he knew what she would say next, but the thought of Davis touching her was more than he could bear, but for her, he would.

Graham leaned forward and kissed her tenderly, loving the way she melted in response to his touch. He pulled back before he was tempted to explore her sweet taste further. “There is nothing that you can say that will change the way I feel about you or us. Put it all out in the open, Doc.”

“We…consummated our relationship, and it was decent. I honestly didn’t get the big deal about sex. It was like taking a lukewarm bath. Davis said I would get better in time.” Her lips curled into a self-deprecating sneer. “I was the kind of student that was always eager to learn more and couldn’t fathom the concept of failing. I read books and studied positions, determined to be the best he’d ever had. It worked, and Davis couldn’t get enough of sex with me. I was happy that I’d achieved my goal, but I still couldn’t connect on that level with him.

Davis grew jealous of anyone I shared my time with. He was convinced that I was sleeping with everyone. From professors to classmates, even a barista at the coffee stand in the student union! The first time he hit me was when a neighbor stopped by to return some mail that had been delivered to him accidentally. I was a fool not to leave then. Not that it would’ve done me any good.”




























Chapter Fourteen




Gingerly, Annabelle placed the ice pack to her stinging cheek, still unable to believe that Davis had struck her. Warily, she watched him approach the sofa she sat on.

“What’s his name?” Davis demanded, standing over her with curled fists.

“Gino; he lives across the hall,” she answered back automatically. “He lives across the hall and was just returning our mail. Why are you asking me that when he offered to help us move our furniture? You know who he is.”

Davis pounced. “So you do know him! That’s why you felt comfortable opening the door wearing that! Were you trying to impress him?!”

“It’s a yoga outfit! I was on my way to my class and opened the door. He was standing there with the mail! I don’t need to explain myself to you!” Annabelle jumped up and pushed past him. “I’m leaving! You and I are through!”

She grabbed her bag and headed toward the door. Suddenly, Annabelle was propelled forward until she slammed, face first, into the door. Pain radiated through her as the motion was repeated before Davis flung her backward and jumped on her. “You ain’t goin’ nowhere, you stupid bitch!”

His fists driving down was the last image Annabelle saw.


“He beat me so bad, I lay there for the rest of the day and night while he went about his business. Like I wasn’t even there; like I wasn’t shit! He made dinner for himself, talked on the phone to his friends, and watched television while I lay not fifteen feet from him bloodied, numb with disbelief, and ashamed of what I allowed to transpire, drifting in and out of consciousness. Davis took my purse, car keys, and phone. He stripped me off my clothes and refused to let me put anything on and starved me. We stayed in our apartment for two weeks like that. Anything he considered a slight was handled with…calculation.

No more hits to my face, arms or legs. We missed our classes, and Davis made up some excuse that we both had pneumonia while allowing the cuts to my face to heal and bruises to fade. Davis taunted, ridiculed, and berated me for not being a real woman. Said a real woman would know how to get herself off without a man’s help. That if I was so big, bad, and independent I would have figured it out instead of being so pathetic. He said if I told anyone what happened that he’d kill my parents. By the time he allowed me to leave the apartment, Davis had accomplished his mission in breaking me. I never defied him again. In public, we were the perfectly poised couple. Davis was so smooth and charming that sometimes, I wondered if I imagined what he’d done to me. I learned not to question him and kept up the façade of having my shit together. In order to do that, I had to withdraw from the ones who knew me best: Kenya and Chelsea.

It would have been Georgie too, but she was already gone. I avoided them at all costs, rescinded their invitations to come and visit me. I barely came home for summer breaks, choosing instead to work for a local veterinarian. Kenny had been right about Davis, and I was too scared that something would happen to my parents to admit it to her even though her father was the sheriff at the time. His father visited along with my parents, and Davis took great delight in cozying up to my mama and daddy. They thought the world of him, and it was killing me.”

“That pie ready, Annabelle? You really outdid yourself with dinner.” Davis spoke loudly for their parents’ benefit. He leaned in and kissed her cheek, whispering, “Next time easy on the salt, or I might think you’re trying to kill me. We wouldn’t want that now, would we?”

God yes, she did.

Casually, he picked up the paring knife she’d used on the apples for the pie. “What kind of sound would good old Thomas make if I stuck this into his side? It doesn’t have to be right now. He’s stepped out for a walk while smoking his cigar the last couple of nights. It’d be a shame if he met with an accident.”

Annabelle was shaking so bad, the dishes in her hand were rattling against the sink.

“Easy now.” Davis sank his teeth into her shoulder through her denim shirt, biting down until the rattling stopped. “Your fear makes me so hard, Annabelle. Damn, I can’t wait to fuck you later.”

Davis grabbed the pie dish, whistling cheerfully on his way out. “Who’s hungry for pie?”

Annabelle turned the faucet on full blast to cover the sounds of her violent retching.

“We didn’t return to Baymoor until we’d completed school then moved into his parent’s pool house. The next day, his parents threw us a big party to celebrate our new positions in the hospital and during the party, Davis proposed.” Annabelle’s eyes shut tightly. “You will never know how much I wanted to say no. I looked out at the sea of happy, expectant faces, and my eyes met Kenya’s. I could see the abject disappointment and concern in her eyes as I said yes, but my hesitation earned me a beating that night.”

Annabelle opened her eyes, feeling raw from exposing her sordid past. She’d noticed the more she talked, the darker Graham’s eyes became. Currently, they were obsidian. She shouldn’t have been able to see anything, but she saw everything he was feeling and felt his fury rolling off his still form in sonic waves.

“I think that’s enough about me for one night,” Annabelle offered lightly. “I don’t want to look back on this time, thinking that I bored you to death with my past. Although I do have one regret. I didn’t get to say goodbye to Auntie Cee, Inez, and my friends.”

Graham said nothing. Instead he raised his hand, signaling he wanted the check, which was promptly brought to the table. He signed it before assisting Annabelle out of her chair. In her ear, he whispered words that were a healing balm to her reopened wounds, “You were too much for him. Too smart, too powerful, too strong, and too beautiful. Too everything for Fowler, and it made him hyperaware of his inferiority to you. Let’s go. We have something to do.”


“Move it, prima donna!” Georgie shouted as she walked down the steps of Wade and Eliza’s craftsman bungalow. “I’m starving and we’re supposed to be at the Comfort Table in fifteen minutes.”

Eliza shoved her black beanie on and thrust her arms into her black wool coat before buttoning it completely. If Wade even caught her traipsing around town improperly bundled, Eliza was sure he’d do something crazy, like try to withhold sex from her. Damned sheriff had all the leverage when it came to her crazed hormones. “Would you calm your ass down? They wouldn’t start without us. We can be at the café in ten minutes.”

Eliza locked the front door, and the sisters huddled together against the light snowfall and made their way through the town.

“How are the renovations going on the new house?” Georgie quizzed as they passed a two-story farmhouse that was under construction.

“Slow. Now that the inn is complete, I wanted to start gutting it immediately and get it done before we start accepting guests. Unfortunately, this morning sickness is killing me, and it looks like it’s going to be with me for the long haul. If it wasn’t for your impatient behind, I’d still be in bed.” Eliza slipped her arm through Georgie’s. “Your words from the other night have been replaying in my mind nonstop, Little Bit. Having children is a big deal and something that you and Max can decide together; when you’re ready. Have the two of you even discussed it?”

“Not since my fashion show when I pretty much begged him to take me back,” Georgie said with a cheesy grin. “I just know he wants babies, not a baby.”

“Awww, but it was such a cute video. You know it’s been watched on YouTube at least a million times. Everyone has seen the love the two of you have for each other. The world knows your love can withstand a few hiccups because that’s all they are. Marriage isn’t a straight line to happiness, but as long as you’re walking the path in sync, you’ll get there. You deserve the best in life, so claim it, sis.”

They’d reached Town Square where the lights, strung through the trees, twinkled as late afternoon drifted into dusk. Baymoor’s decorating committee was busy removing the holiday decorations in preparation for January’s Donut Festival. One person, in particular, stood out in her bright red coat. “Is that—”

“Ingrid doing her best impression of a normal human being? Yup, it sure is. Just keep walking because I’m so not in the mood to deal with that bundle of bitch today.” Eliza cracked her knuckles, and the sound was ominous, even muffled by her mittens. “Keep moving; we’re almost there. If she has some shit to say, let her ass catch up.”

“Catch hands is more like it,” Georgie grumbled but followed Eliza’s lead.

“But why you out here tryna fight crackheads?”

Georgie smacked her arm. “How about I put these mitts on an Olive Oyl lookin’ heffa instead?”

“Biiish! Don’t make me and my baby kick some Hobbit ass out here!” Eliza retorted and smacked her arm back.

“Take it back!” Smack!

“You take it back, rude ass!” Smack, smack! “That’s why your mama’s a ho!”

“Yeah, well she’s your mama too,” Georgina paused mid-smack to let that sink in. “Man, we’re really sick and twisted.”

Eliza waved the comment off. “I don’t think anyone would hold it against us. Let them try to walk in our shoes first. Come along, Georgie-girl; you’re making us late.”


The inside of the Comfort Table was warm, cozy, and filled with the tantalizing aromas wafting from the kitchen. As usual, it was packed to capacity with a crowd patiently waiting to eat chef Raymond Beauvoir’s cooking. While they waited, employees served them complimentary slices of fresh mozzarella-stuffed rosemary focaccia bread. Eliza swiped one and bit into the fragrant goodness.

“Did you just mug that kid for a piece of bread?”

“Mug is such a harsh word, Georgie.” Eliza tore a piece of bread and shoved it in her sister’s mouth. “Try this! The sea salt sprinkled on top brings out the rosemary perfectly; plus, it keeps you quiet. It’s a win-win.”

“It’s about time you guys got here!” Chelsea scolded as she hugged Eliza and Georgie. “Come on, let’s go!”

The sisters followed her down the hallway to Nate and Valerie’s large office where their Uncle Nate, Chef Raymond, Chandra (his girlfriend and the café’s part-time manager), Max, Wade, and Kenya were sitting at the large table usually reserved for meetings and tastings. Greetings and hugs were exchanged before Georgina and Eliza took seats by their men and the chef.

“Bonjour mes chéris!” Raymond greeted in his gravelly Cajun accent as the sisters kissed his cheek. “We done waited long enough for dis! Come and sit a spell! You like to give ol’ anxious Chandra here an attack of the heart.”

Chandra laughed and kissed the top of his shiny bald head as he squeezed her waist with fondness. “Hush up, you old fool! You’re lucky I love you.”

Raymond gave her a sly grin as he stroked his salt and pepper mustache. “Heh-heh; luck don’t got nothin’ to do with why you love up on ol’ Raymond so much, ma cherie.”

“Ray-Ray!” A flustered Chandra shushed him as she glanced around the room with chagrin. “That is our business and no one else’s!”

“Yeah, Ray-Ray,” Max snickered and Wade cosigned. “Keep that to yourself. No one wants to picture what fogs your glass eye up.”

“Ewww…what would that even look like?” Wade looked ill but wisely refrained from continuing as Raymond swung his head in their direction with a grizzly bear worthy growl. Under the office track lighting, his glass eye shined menacingly as he bared his teeth at the younger men whom he’d formed a love-hate relationship with. Not many dared to stand up to the cantankerous chef, for fear of being cut off from his scrumptious cooking, but Max, Wade, and Graham were the exception. For that, Raymond grudgingly gave them his respect every now and then. Just not today.

“It’d be a wise thing for you and ol’ Smoky Bear there to shut yo’ damn traps right now, for I slap ‘em shut, Mr. E-I-E-I-O!” he threatened in true irascible form.

“Are you trying to hypnotize us with that thing, old man? Put it away,” Max laughed at the chef but stopped when Georgina elbowed him sharply in his side.

“If the three of you are finished,” Nate interjected pointedly. When he received no objections, Nate opened his laptop and typed in some info as everyone crowded around him. They waited with bated breath as the laptop made the connection.

The screen was black then fuzzy before a sharp image of Annabelle with a tremulous smile appeared.

There wasn’t a dry eye in the room as Chandra collapsed against Raymond with a joyful cry, and he patted her hip consolingly. Kenya and Chelsea clung to each other, as did Max and Georgie, Wade and Eliza, and Nate and Val.

“Hi, guys,” Annabelle waved at them before promptly bursting into tears.



Chapter Fifteen


He was making her nervous the way he was fixated on the floor numbers of the elevator of the Maxim Hotel. Annabelle was surprised when they’d bypassed the lobby and headed straight for the elevator. Graham was not looking at her but still had a tight grip on her hand. Annabelle tugged her hand loose of his, startling Graham out of his pensive thoughts.

He’d been silent since they left the restaurant, appearing to be deep in thought. The only indication that given that Graham was still aware of Annabelle’s presence was that he hadn’t let go off her hand except to open her car door before going back around to the driver’s side of the car.  “Did you get a room? If so, you’re awfully sure of yourself, aren’t you? How do you even know that I’m interested in taking our relationship to that level so soon?”

Since hearing Annabelle’s story, Graham had been thinking of all the ways he was going to torture Davis Fowler when he finally got his hands on that motherfucker. Maybe he’d allow Alexei Romankov’s dogs to toy with Davis then run him into the ground? Or string him up and then break every bone in his body? It didn’t matter. Fowler was going to die, but not before Graham savored every fucking whimper, moan, and groan he could pull from that bitch. Normally, he didn’t play with his target, but yeah, he was definitely going to make an exception for Annabelle’s ex.

His lips quirked upward at her offended attitude, allowing some of his rage to recede so he could focus and be present in the moment with his woman. “Are you kidding me? If memory serves, a couple of hours ago, I had you working your hips slicker than a dancehall queen with my fingers all up in your- mmmph!”

“Serves you right, rude ass!” Annabelle retorted crossly, face flaming hot with embarrassment. With a self-righteous huff, she tossed her braids over her shoulder, watching as Graham bent to rub his ankle that she’d just kicked. “You are Riverdancing on every nerve in my body right now, Mr. Carlton! If we’re not doing that, then why are we here?”

“This is the hotel that I booked for my stay. I just need to retrieve the last of my things.” The elevator stopped on the fifteenth floor, but Graham made no move to exit, choosing instead to press the hold button before wrapping his arms around Annabelle’s waist and backing them into a corner. His lips touched hers softly.

“For the record, I know we’re not at that stage in our relationship yet. We haven’t even gotten to my story.” His eyes were somber. “Maybe you’ll change your mind, but I’m hoping you won’t. When the time is right for us, it will happen. Besides, word porn with you is way hotter than any sex I’ve ever had. I know the wait is worth it, Doc. You’re worth it.”

Mollified by his words, Annabelle pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. “You drive me crazy in the best ways possible, Graham Carlton. There’s not a chance in hell of me leaving you alone. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”

“I’ll hold you to it, Annabelle Gaines.” Graham kissed her nose. “Now, let’s go. As always, ladies first.”

But Annabelle wasn’t buying his uber-innocent expression for one second.

“This is in advance for looking at my ass.”  Annabelle whacked him in the arm with her clutch as she passed. “You, sir, are steeped in ulterior motives.”

“Woman, you know me so well.” Graham groaned behind her in rhapsody, bringing a smile to her face. “Goodness gracious! Second room on your left, Doc.”

Annabelle leaned against the doorframe as she watched his long, tapered fingers insert the keycard. They were truly talented and capable. Dancehall queen, indeed.

Graham opened the door but didn’t enter right away. Immediately, he noticed that the closet door was opened two inches more than when he’d last been here. He pushed the bathroom door open, and the mat corner in front of the toilet was flapped over. His messenger bag was exactly where he’d left it on the desk. Graham grinned, seeing that it had remained untouched. They weren’t that bold, just extremely unintelligent for fucking with him in the first place. He didn’t doubt that the room had been bugged as well. He pulled his phone out and swiped it over the bag. The red light indicated a bug had been planted on the flap inside.

Picking up the bag, Graham opened it and removed the bug, leaving it on the desk.  With a finger to his lips, Graham motioned to Annabelle to keep quiet and that they were leaving.

“I guess it’s a good thing that the room wasn’t for that. I never would have taken you for a minute man,” Annabelle remarked in the hallway. She pointed to the bag. “What gives?”

Graham pressed the down button for the elevator. “This is my workbag. Please believe that we’ll revisit your minute man crack at a later date. I plan to make you eat those words along with something else.”

“Promises, promises,” Annabelle sang, bumping him with her hip as she allowed him to take her hand once more in his. “Where are we off to now?”

With his other hand, he pulled out his phone and sent a group text. Then with a devilish grin, Graham opened an app he’d designed specifically for moments like these. He entered the names Vechers and Warrick and pressed the activate button. “Now, you and I are going dancing.”


Canberra, Australia


Hiram Vechers and Julian Warrick were enjoying a post-dinner cigar after the lovely steak dinner prepared by the Warricks’ housekeeper as they held a spirited debate over politics. Fed up with the discussions they could never seem to get away from, their wives stood up and excused themselves, announcing that they would be in the garden with dessert when the men got tired of talking shop.

“What do you think Carlton is up to? My men have been sitting on the hotel, but he hasn’t made an appearance since that first day,” Vechers complained.

“He’s refused a cleaning service but left his workbag. I’m positive it’s rigged,” Warrick mused. “I’m starting to believe his vacation claim. Perhaps, we should have taken his word and left him alone.”

“Balderdash, Julian! It was necessary and we both know it. Who the hell does he think he is?!” Vechers blustered. “Does he even know what we’re capable off?! If anyone should be leery, it’s him! We can destroy his career like that!” Vecher’s snapped his meaty fingers arrogantly. “I’d love to see him strike back!”

Their phones pinged simultaneously, and they both reached for them. Identical expressions of dawning horror grew on their faces at what they were reviewing. Dick pics to their mistresses, along with the lewd exchanges. They scrambled to get into their phones and delete the evidence of their infidelities but found their passwords to be ineffective. Another message appeared.

Congratulations, gentlemen. You now have my attention. Access to your phones, emails, and organizations have been temporarily suspended. An indecent amount of ass-kissing will be required on your part for access to be restored. I’ll be in touch.


The nightclub they went to was a popular one. Graham had shed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves before leaving the car, which was a good idea as it was crowded and a little warm. As he escorted Annabelle through the throngs of people, she wasn’t surprised that people made a way for him despite how packed it was. Fine as Graham was, he gave off a strong “unfuckwitable” vibe that no one was willing to try. He was able to find them a high-top table in the corner, but as soon as they sat down, D.J. Khaled’s “Wild Thoughts” came on, and Annabelle hopped back up and grabbed his hand.

“There’s no way we’re sitting this one out!” she yelled over the thumping beats, leading Graham to the dance floor. She crooked her finger at him. “C’mon, Mr. Carlton, don’t be shy!”

I don't know if you could take it
Know you wanna see me nakey, nakey, naked
I wanna be your baby, baby, baby
Spinning and it's wet just like it came from Maytag
White girl wasted on that brown liquor

Annabelle couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so relaxed and carefree. Maybe the end of summer before her junior year of high school when she, Georgie, Kenny, and Chelsea attended a teen dance in the town square. The four of them had danced the night away until the dee-jay packed up his turntables. She hadn’t danced much since. Yes, she danced with Rory, but mom-dancing wasn’t what she had in mind tonight.

She led him to the dance floor and backed her ass up on him, surprised by how well they fit together as Graham molded his body to hers. Gripping her undulating hips tightly, he brushed his thick erection against her bottom. Annabelle arched her back and served him moves that had the whole club watching. She loved the way Graham let her take control. He was an alpha to the core, but he knew she needed this, rhythm pouring from his body as he matched her beat for beat.

Diamonds ain't nothing when I'm rockin' with ya
Diamonds ain't nothing when I'm shinin' with ya
Just keep it white and black as if I'm ya sista
I'm too hip to hop around town out here with ya

Graham wrapped her braids around his hand and Annabelle shuddered, feeling his cool breath blowing on her damp neck. She was burning up with need for him and exercising it through the music. “Wild Thoughts” faded into Aaliyah’s “Are You That Somebody”, and Graham spun Annabelle around and pulled her close. His lips trailing along her jaw then down her neck as they gyrated against each other and he led her to a corner. Her hands wrapped around his neck, and her lips sought his eagerly. Annabelle fed him moist kisses as his hands splayed over her ass and he pressed her impossibly close to him.

Boy, I promise you if we keep bumpin' heads
I know that one of these days (days)
We gon' hook it up while we talk on the phone

They were consumed in each other, swept up in the moment, their bodies pressed together. The darkness in the club as well as Graham’s large frame shielded Annabelle from view as their bodies moved and their hands caressed each other, turning one kiss into a hundred. They were parched when they finally came up for air, but still, Graham couldn’t resist Annabelle. Nibbling on her lips, he spoke, “I’m going to grab us some drinks. I’ll be right back, love. You good?”

“More than good,” Annabelle purred, feeling exhilarated. He escorted her back to the table and kissed her again. “Hurry back.”

She watched his sexy confident swagger as he cut through the crowd and suddenly understood his reasoning for wanting to walk behind her. Annabelle could watch Graham Carlton for the rest of her life and never tire of such a compelling view. Deciding to take advantage of his absence, Annabelle whipped out her compact. She gasped at her sweaty, glassy-eyed reflection, grabbed a tissue from her purse, and tried to do a little damage control to her makeup.

She’d just finished reapplying her lip gloss when suddenly she felt a cold splash down her back. Whirling around, Annabelle was surprised to find a tall and slender attractive black woman with a café au lait complexion glaring evilly at her. What was more surprising was that she recognized her from a yoga class she occasionally took at Rory’s dance studio. They’d even exchanged pleasantries a time or two. Sheena, or something like that. No, it was Shayla. Judging from the way the woman’s eyes narrowed at her, she recognized Annabelle as well. Her sidekicks looked uneasy and took a couple of hesitant steps back, wisely trying to disappear into the crowd.

“Oops, I spilled my drink,” Shayla drawled, not sounding the least bit apologetic. “It’s Annabelle, isn’t it? Fancy seeing you here with the Yank! He does get around, doesn’t he?” She smiled spitefully, her eyes running over Annabelle’s curvaceous form. “I didn’t know he liked them chunky, mate, but for how long? You really should make more of an effort to get to yoga class.”

Pulling the wet fabric from her back, Annabelle was pissed at this lowlife’s pettiness over a man. Obviously, there was some history between Graham and this woman, but she’d let Graham handle that. Dammit, she knew it! His shit was legit enough to have bitches acting up in the club. Annabelle opted to take the high road and not spoil the remainder of her night.

She gave the other woman a tight smile. “Don’t do this. Just walk away and maintain whatever dignity you can salvage. If Graham wanted to be with you, he would be. It’s as simple as that. If you need a moment to hate on us while you let it sink in, so be it. Just know that it won’t affect Graham and me.” Annabelle leveled a hard gaze at the woman in warning. “But. Do. Not. Get. Shit. Twisted. These chakras ain’t that aligned if you’re feeling bold enough to play in my face, little girl. This is the only warning you’ll get.”

Shayla’s jealousy was suffocating her. She’d come out with some girlfriends in the hopes of forgetting about Graham’s stinging rejection, only to find him here all up on Annabelle. She’d never had a problem before with the quiet, pretty woman with the cute kid. Until Shayla saw the way Graham was with her. It was like he couldn’t get enough of Annabelle. He was solely focused on her, and his touch was extremely proprietary. The PDA he showered her with really made Shayla’s blood boil. He’d treated her like a hit and run, but this woman obviously held a loftier position in his life. One that Shayla coveted, making her spew toxic hateful words recklessly.

“Are you looking for a dad for that loudmouthed brat of yours? If so, you should know that he’s not that type of man. He’s a fuckboy only interested in getting in your large knickers—”

Annabelle’s fist plowing into Shayla’s nose silenced her, and the room swam around her as her face ignited with pain. She felt a trickle of wetness from her nose and touched it. Was that her blood? Why weren’t Lucy and Bianca helping her?! They were just standing there gaping at her. Silly bitches were utterly useless. Shayla grabbed the edge of the hi-top to steady herself. She meant to tell Annabelle to wanker off, but the right hook slamming into her jaw knocked her out.

Shayla landed at Graham’s feet. A glowering Annabelle addressed Graham as the crowd around them grew larger. “This lame ass hoe one of your ex-whatever’s?”

Graham set the drinks down and stepped callously over Shayla’s inert form, reaching for Annabelle. “That’s been over and she was aware of that. I never encouraged her, Annabelle.”

She remained stiff in his embrace, but Annabelle’s eyes were blazing with anger, her chest heaving and her fists still clenched as she tried to refrain from inflicting more violence. “She talked about my child. My child! I don’t give a damn what she said about me, but you don’t talk about my child and think there’ll be no repercussions. Don’t even get me started on what she said about you! She’s lucky that I don’t go for broke on her bony ass.”

Graham’s protective instincts had risen forth at the bar when he looked up and noticed Shayla speaking to Annabelle. It was amazing how in such a short time, he’d come to know his woman. Her expression was too calm with the exception of the tilt of her head and the sharp, feral smile. To the astute eye, those were surefire indications that Armageddon was about to reign down. Unfortunately for Shayla, she wasn’t that woke. Pushing through the converging crowd reacting wildly to some song, Graham winced when Annabelle smashed her fist into Shayla’s face and then followed up by rocking her jaw with another punch.

To know that Shayla had talked about his Rory pushed forth Graham’s protective instincts and need for justice, but it was softened by the knowledge that Annabelle had defended him as well. Aside from the females in his family, no woman had ever done that. He kissed her forehead. “Are you okay?”

Annabelle wound her braids into a bun and worked the kinks out of her neck. “No. I’ve decided I’m nowhere near done with her disrespectful ass. Wake her up!

Graham looked around the club at the people filming Shayla. He was certain she’d already gone viral. “I say we let karma handle this one, Doc. Let’s go.”





Chapter Sixteen


Annabelle was just wrapping her braids for the night when her phone went off. Picking it up from her nightstand, she read it with pursed lips and debated the message.

The night’s not over. Meet me in the kitchen.

After the club, Annabelle insisted on coming home. On the way, Graham explained his relationship with Shayla, but it didn’t change the way Annabelle was feeling. At the front door, she’d stiffly thanked Graham for taking her out, kissed his cheek then bolted up the stairs. She was feeling foolish for thinking that it was okay to let her hair down and have a normal relationship. She wasn’t just ‘Annabelle’ anymore; she was a mom and tonight, her daughter had come under fire. After checking on Rory, she took a shower and resisted the urge to look out her window as she had every night since Graham moved into the casita. Her phone went off again.

I know you’re not sleeping. Don’t make me come and get that ass.

Annabelle rolled her eyes but hopped up knowing he was crazy enough to do it. She tip-toed down the hallway and stairs to the kitchen where Graham sat at the table in a white tank top and pajama bottoms. His laptop was set up in front of him. Annabelle stopped in the entryway, pointedly ignoring the mirth he was trying to contain at her cow-dotted pajamas. “That’s right, buddy, chuckle it up. What do you want?”

“Thanks for not wearing the face mask,” he drawled. “I would have known you were trying to seduce me if the green slime made an appearance. My heart wouldn’t have been able to survive it, temptress.” Graham cut the teasing when she didn’t respond. “How are you feeling?”

Annabelle fiddled with the cow-faced buttons on her top. “I’m feeling a little out of element if you really want to know.” She flung her hands up in frustration. “I decide to make what I thought was a positive change in my life, and next thing you know, I’m throwing MMA blows up in the club! That doesn’t exactly fit in with the low-key, toxic-free life I’ve gotten used to living. I was looking for something…normal. Do—can you understand that?”


“What do you mean no? As in, no, you don’t think I’m deserving of an ordinary relationship?” Annabelle fumed. “Or, no, you can’t participate in one?”

Swiftly, Graham rose and closed the distance between them. He gripped her chin and tilted her face up until their eyes met and held. “Both. Because you and I? We’re anything but ordinary, love. I come from a background that makes me thankful that I didn’t turn into a product of my environment.”

The disgust in his voice silenced Annabelle. Graham’s eyes were chips of ice, and his mouth was set in a hard, uncompromising line. “My mother was a drug addicted whore, and my father was her pimp. They were sick, twisted, abusive people who never should have had children. They soured me and my sisters on relationships, and we never allowed ourselves to even entertain the notion of having one. I couldn’t afford to let my guard down in my own home. I made that crucial mistake once and paid a heavy price. I haven’t let it down again or wanted to. Until you.”

Graham released her chin to lay his palms on the wall on either side of her. The fierce tenderness in his eyes made Annabelle raise her hand to his cheek and stroke it lovingly as her eyes watered with his admission. “Annabelle, I’ve had the privilege of watching my family and friends fall in love. It was something I never believed in for myself until now. I watch them, and there’s nothing ordinary about them. Love has changed them in ways they never thought possible, and they’re the best versions of themselves because of it. So, no. I’m not settling for ‘ordinary’, and I refuse to let you either.”

He lowered his head and captured her lips in a lingering kiss before stepping back. “Doc, if you can’t decipher, dissect, and appreciate what I’m trying to build with you, then you need to level-up because I’m not stepping to the side. We’re in this together.”

Graham walked back over to the table and sat down with an expectant look that had Annabelle slinking over to the table with a shamed face. She sat down next to him, wrapped her arm around his, and melted into him. “I don’t want you to think I don’t want this. Everything is new to me as well, and you’re right. Screw ordinary’s, basic bitch ass!” She reached up and kissed the corner of his mouth, loving the way his goatee tickled her nose. “Let me make it up to you. Tomorrow night, I’ll pull out all the stops and put on my oatmeal-honey yogurt mask.”

Graham wondered if she could hear how hard his heart was slamming against his ribs. The uncertainty in those beautiful expressive eyes had just about killed him. He never wanted Annabelle to have doubts about him or them. “Damn, Doc, if you show me all this sexy now, what are we gonna do when we’re older and kicking it?”

“I plan on keeping my control hose game tight, Mr. Carlton. You won’t know what hit you. Now, why’d you want to see me?”

“I hate that the evening ended on a sour note. This was supposed to be the finale tonight,” Graham explained as he booted his laptop up. He yanked her psychedelic rainbow print scarf off her head.

“HEY!” Annabelle smacked his arms as her braids tumbled around her face. “What is your deal?!”

“Shhh.” Graham pressed a kiss to her lips and slid out of the way of the screen. “You’ll thank me in a moment.”

Annabelle watched the dark screen before it blurred then went crystal clear to show her beloved family and friends in Baymoor. She watched them focus on the screen then smiled tremulously at their astonished faces before her vision grew hazy. Nate and Valerie Banks. Auntie Cee crying and Chef Raymond supporting her. Georgie with Max! Wade and Georgie and Graham’s sister. Chelsea and…Kenny.

She tried to speak, but her throat was clogged with the millions of things she wanted to say. In the end, she could only manage a weak, “Hi, Guys.”

Annabelle tried to hold the tears at bay, but they were years in the making. She could hear crying on the screen as well but couldn’t see them. Graham’s arm encircled her, and she clung to him as he whispered, “Baby, it’s okay. Take a deep breath. Everyone’s waiting to speak to you. You’re okay, baby.”

She could hear Graham and was grateful that he understood what this moment meant for her. She tried to pull herself together when she heard the emotion in his voice, like when he spoke to Rory earlier. Her tears were undoing him, and while she hadn’t been ready to acknowledge it aloud to herself, Annabelle knew she loved Graham Carlton with every bone in her body. They hadn’t known each other that long, but he was everything that she would have waited for if she hadn’t been so blinded.

She was gonna make him lose his shit in front of his boys, Graham thought with resignation. He could already feel Max and Wade’s piercing eyes tracking him like buzzards, just ready to drag his ass. Annabelle was right to call him a big softie. Where she and Rory were concerned, Graham was defenseless. Being so far out of his comfort zone was unsettling, but he had no choice in the matter since they’d captured his heart.

“I can’t believe it’s really her,” Kenya whispered, afraid that she was dreaming, and if she spoke too loud, Annabelle would vanish again.

“Believe it; she’s just as beautiful as I remembered.” Chelsea wiped the mascara streaks from her face. She angled her head and leaned forward.  “Jesus, I didn’t know Graham was so ripped!”

“Hey, watch it or I’m telling Megan,” Georgie joked as she snuggled deeper into Max’s side. Guilt was riding heavy on her shoulders as well. Annabelle had reached out to her a couple of times, and if she hadn’t been so self-absorbed, maybe she could have made a difference. “They look good together. Don’t they, Max?”

Max’s eyes met Wade’s, who was busy comforting a sniffling Eliza. Silently, they agreed to give it to ‘Mr. Playa Playa’ later. For now, they’d let him live and tend to his woman. “They sure do. Hey, Annabelle!”

“It’s good to see you, Annabelle,” Wade added.

“C’mon, Doc,” Graham’s lips brushed Annabelle’s cheek as he teased, “If you stop crying, I promise I’ll burn your hideous pajamas and get you some real shit. Georgie makes some pretty ass lingerie that I’d give my life to see you in.”

“So, this isn’t the first time you’ve seen my A.B. in her jammies?” Chandra interrogated him as she fanned her face. “Should I be worried or happy about that fact, young man?”

“You should be very afraid, ma’am,” Graham assured her solemnly. “She has terrible taste in nightwear.”

“Jerk! You know you like them.”

“Actually, I more than like them…I love them,” Graham admitted in a husky voice. The way he was looking at Annabelle brought the butterflies to life in her stomach. Because she knew, like everyone else present, that they weren’t talking about no damn jammies.

Nate and Valerie pressed their knees together, trying to be subtle about their joy of watching their son in love.

“Me too…,” she replied with deep feeling at his admission. She cradled his face in her hands. “Like really love them.”

Heat flaring in his eyes, Graham lowered his head but before their lips could touch—

“Boy, don’t nobody here give two shits about yo’ fondness for nighties!” Raymond barked, interrupting the poignant moment and training his glass eye on Graham. “I knew you had some kinda fetish like ol’ E-I-E-I-O here and dem animals!”

Everyone burst into laughter as he looked around grouchily mumbling, “What the hell is so damn funny?! The boy has issues and y’all laughin’?! He snorted, dismissing them with a wave. “But folks think I’m the crazy one!”


After an hour of getting reacquainted with Annabelle and being sworn to secrecy, Kenya was the only one left in Nate’s office. Raymond left to escort a teary-eyed but happy Chandra home, and Chelsea left for her movie date with Megan. The remaining couples gathered at the ‘family’ table at the back of the cafe.

“When are we eating?” Leaning her head on Max’s shoulder, Georgina shot her aunt and uncle an adoring look. “Did you ever think you’d still be feeding me as an adult? Is it sad that I don’t even ask what I’m being fed?”

“That’s because your butt is spoiled,” Max informed his wife with a drawn-out exhale and fake martyred expression. He popped the caps on the five bottles of ‘New Year Baby’ IPA’s from the Rockin’ Rooster, Baymoor’s microbrewery. “Lucky for you, I’ve willingly sacrificed and devoted the rest of my life to the task of keeping you that way.”

Val shared an affectionate smile with Nate as she answered their niece. “Lord knows we prayed on it enough. You know all we ever wanted was for the family to be together.”

Nate shot Wade and Eliza an accusatory glare as employees laden with trays arrived at their table. “When is this wedding taking place? You’re making my grandbaby anxious with your pussyfooting around. Camille is demanding her mother’s name be changed like yesterday. Sheriff, you know I don’t like to see my baby stressed.”

Eliza and Baymoor’s reformed bachelor squirmed in their seats. “We’re still in the planning stages, Uncle Nate, but yes, it is happening.”

“Sir, I’ll piggyback her down the aisle if I have to,” Nate replied with a straight face.

“You’re just making that hole you’re digging harder to crawl out of, buddy,” Eliza spoke out of the corner of her mouth. She was queasy as the plates of beer-battered Cajun fries and grilled cheese and smoked pulled beef sandwiches were placed in front of everyone. Except her. Instead, Eliza received a bowl of chicken soup that had a fragrant citrus aroma. Appetite restored, she picked up her spoon. “What’s this?”

“That, my dear, is Greek lemon chicken soup,” Val remarked casually as she handed a chilled bottle of cold-pressed apple-cranberry juice for her oldest niece. “Vivienne Romankov mentioned it to me the other night at the inn. She said it did wonders for her morning sickness with Kat. Congratulations to the both of you.”

Wade blanched and Eliza slunk down in her chair and squeaked, “Ummm, thank you! We just found out not that long ago. I wasn’t aware it was that obvious.”

“You kept touching your stomach then jerking your hand away.” Val took a sip of her IPA. “When are you due?”

Wade proudly answered for Eliza. “In seven months.”

“Refresh my memory on the cows and free milk speech, Wade?” Nate’s frown indicated he was done playing around.

Georgina knew that he took his responsibilities as their father seriously, and judging from his clenched jaw, he was just getting started.  An intervention was needed. “How much did you enjoy watching Graham fall in love? It was so sweet the way he couldn’t stop looking at her. Like we didn’t even exist.”

“Glad to know I wasn’t the only one hearing the lyrics to Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust”,” Wade responded, grateful for the clemency Georgina had granted him. He wasn’t a man to take shit off anyone, but Nate was the father of the woman who owned his heart and for now he’d bite his tongue. He slapped Max on the back heartily, prompting his friend to choke on the bite of sandwich he’d just taken. “We’d sure love to get your take on it anytime now.”

“Oh, so now you want ‘Chocolate Thunder’s’ opinion?” Max needled him, content to let his homie sit on the hot seat for all the shit Wade had previously given him regarding his love life.

“Dude, if you ever cared about our friendship…”

“What is she doing here?!” Georgina’s voice was louder than she intended, causing other diners to see what drew her attention. “And why is she wearing a uniform?”

If Ingrid was aware of the stir she was causing, she gave no indication, going about her business in restocking the baked goods on either side of the cash register.

“I can’t believe you hired her.” Eliza’s knuckles were white from gripping her juice bottle so tight. “Why would you guys do something like that?”

“I suppose I could tell you both that it’s our business and to mind yours as we don’t butt into the way you run your companies,” Nate informed her and Georgina sternly, reminding them that he was the patriarch of their family and didn’t approve of their behavior.

“But we won’t,” Valerie interceded firmly, shooting her husband a reproachful look. She leaned forward in her chair, and everyone did the same to hear her response. “Instead, we’ll just say that it’s easier this way to monitor her if we know where she is. Nate and I have discussed this at length and feel it’s for the best. She still has to submit to her weekly drug tests and isn’t breaking any laws. As much as you might want to run Ingrid away like she’s Frankenstein, unfortunately, you can’t.”

“I know you’re worried about her interacting with Camille, but her schedule is set up so that she’s working the majority of the time,” Nate calmly added. “As I told Graham, I want to see her do well and so should you. Nothing can erase the events of the past, and I’m not asking anyone to forget any of it ever happened. Let’s just all focus on moving forward. That’s all I’m asking of you. Don’t let your past destroy your bright futures.”

The sisters mulled over his words as dinner progressed without further interruption. Georgie swiped some of Max’s fries, and under the table, he squeezed her booty. She whispered to him, “Two babies. I don’t want to wait any longer, please. Eliza thinks she’s the only one who can make cute babies. I’m about to give my big sis a run for her money.”

Max processed her words with a slow smile, relieved that Nate’s logic was being well received. “Told you marrying me was a good idea. I’m pretty sure I can manage to make a couple of those, but I’m warning you…six is my limit.”

“Nobody said six, man! Two.”

“Please. Once you see them, I’m going to have to beat you off with a stick,” Max said smugly.

“You’re impossible, but I love you anyways.”

“I love you too. Now hurry up and eat, so we can get home and I can get started on this project.” Max advised her with relish.

“Aunt Val, do you have any spare time to come to the inn tomorrow? I want to show you what my thought process for the wedding has been so far,” Eliza said when dinner was over. Wade rubbed her shoulder with encouragement.

“I’d love to come by, Eliza. For some reason, I’m envisioning a New Orleans Mardi Gras theme! Ever since the three of you came back from your little getaway Camille has been making me watch “The Princess and The Frog”. I’m thinking miniature king cakes and bright colored beads.”

“Oooh and maybe Raymond could cook? Since he’s from the deepest, darkest part of the –”

“Bayouuu,” Wade, Nate and Max chorused on cue.


Later that night, at closing, Nate was in his office when Ingrid knocked on his door. “I finished refilling the salt and pepper shakers. Val said it was fine by her if I take off.” Ingrid held up a plastic bag with the café’s logo. “She also had one of the cooks make me the sandwich and fries from tonight’s special.”

“I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for working hard today.” The formality in which he delivered the speech he gave all of his employees at the end of their shift spoke volumes to where their relationship was. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good night.”

Despite his dismissal, Ingrid didn’t leave. If she’d had an ounce of pride left, she would walk out the door, but there was nothing left. That meant she had nothing left to lose. In a tentative voice, Ingrid spoke. “How are the girls? They look good.”

“If you want to know, then you should ask them yourself,” Nate replied in a biting tone. “They will rip you apart, and it will be no less than you deserve. If your intentions are good, you will take it and won’t stop until you get the response you are seeking. If your intentions are not honorable, stay away from them. Or else, you’ll see a side of me that you’ll wish you hadn’t woken. Goodnight, Ingrid.”

What did you expect? Did you think because you cleaned up your act, people would reward you? Why? They don’t give a damn about you! Why would they? You’re a junkie whore. That’s all you’ll ever be. So, why don’t you quit the goody two-shoes act and we can finally have some fun…

Suppressing the negative thoughts, Ingrid turned away. “Goodnight, Nathaniel.”




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