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Take a Chance on Me (Baymoor Book 3) by D. A. Young (7)

Chapter Nineteen




“Annabelle, would you like to carpool with us this morning?” Davis finished the last of his coffee and folded up the newspaper he’d been reading during breakfast. He stood up and pushed his chair back from the table.

“No, thank you. I wanted to discuss floral options for the wedding with your mother before heading in.” She lifted her face for the goodbye kiss she knew was coming. As his lips pressed against hers all Annabelle could think of was how much she hated him, how much she needed to get away from him, and how much she wished he was dead.

Brenton stood up as well. “Yes, the sooner we can get you two down the aisle, the sooner we’ll be discussing baby names! See you at the office, Annabelle.”

Her fake laughed chimed in with theirs. She noticed that Edith didn’t react at all. She just sat there sipping her coffee. Another thing Annabelle noticed was that when Brenton left, he neither looked at nor addressed his wife. While waiting to hear the car drive away, Annabelle picked up a croissant and spread butter on it. Once the coast was clear, she put the butter knife down and addressed her biggest fan.

“I know that you’re trying to sabotage my wedding to Davis, Edith.” It was a bold accusation to make, but Annabelle’s gut instinct told her she wasn’t lying. She’d decided to test her theories after Davis and Brenton left for the hospital and private practice. “What I can’t figure out is, why? Is it because you despise the fact that my commoner blood will contaminate the ‘precious’ Fowler line?”

Edith’s chilling stare may have made Annabelle want to take cover in the past, but she was desperate for answers. She was on the verge of taking a terrifying chance and would need all the help she could get. Then she saw it in Edith’s eyes. It was the briefest of flickers but Annabelle saw the compassion before it was extinguished.

“Just because you’re tacky enough to request white hydrangeas for an outdoor fall wedding doesn’t mean that we should look like fools and suffer embarrassment for your plebeian taste, Annabelle. A bride should always get what she desires and if that means your wedding is postponed until April next year, then so be it. Davis isn’t pleased about it but what can he do?” Edith barbs were dictated in her well-modulated voice as she calmly poured herself another cup of coffee. They betrayed none of the adrenaline rushing through her at Annabelle’s perceptiveness.

Annabelle’s surreptitious glance confirmed that none of the servants were around. She knew they were spies and reported her activities to Davis when she was at the main house. She moved to sit next to Edith.

“Do you mind? Your invasion of my personal space only confirms that you’re lacking in home training and manners.”

“Shut up.” Annabelle took the cup out of Edith’s hands and threw it at the wall. The satisfying crunch it made as it shattered filled the room. “This is my life we’re talking about! I know that you’re aware of what’s going on between me and your son! You know what he’s capable of and yet you’ve done nothing to interfere! What kind of mother says and does nothing against their own child’s abhorrent behavior?!”

Edith stared blindly at the brown stain on the wall and the trails of coffee running down the baby blue silk wall paper, to the remnants seeping into the Persian rug. The broken pieces of the delicate rose and white coffee cup were scattered everywhere. “That was a piece from my Herend porcelain collection. It was hand painted in Hungary. Do you have any inkling of how expensive it was?”

“Fuck your china! You know what’s even more expensive? Being a Fowler!” Annabelle retorted. She was so frustrated and desperate to get through to Edith that she pulled Edith by the arm to gain her attention. “Are you listening to me, Edith?!”

She was stunned when the older woman quickly yanked her arm back and cowered, throwing her arms up as if to defend herself from Annabelle. Understanding dawned on her as Edith slowly lowered her arms.

Edith was mortified by her reaction and the weakness she’d revealed and refused to meet Annabelle’s eyes. She struggled to regain her composure, placing her clasped hands in her lap, and staring in fascination at the neck bow on Annabelle’s blouse. Her face was drawn, eyes hollowed, and lips compressed in a line so tight, they became practically nonexistent. “Don’t. Don’t ever do that again.”

“How long?” Annabelle whispered. She held her hands out to Edith with a pleading look. “Edith, please! How long has it been going on?”

Edith was still for so long, Annabelle expected the other woman to deny what was happening to her. Then her face crumbled and her shoulders fell as she pitched forward and Annabelle caught her. Sobbing Edith confessed, “Since my wedding night. But it’s my fault! I saw the way Brenton’s father treated his mother and mistakenly thought we were nothing like them! That we would be different and my love would be the change he needed.”

She sniffled and tried to control herself, but Edith couldn’t stop the outpouring of guilt. “Your troubles with Davis are a direct reflection of my cowardice, and I’ve been stalling the wedding in the hopes that you would change your mind and break the engagement. I tried to drive you away by being mean to you, but you were so determined to show me you were worthy. I’m so sorry, my dear! I’m so sorry!”

Annabelle’s vision blurred as she held her. She didn’t offer words of comfort because she had none. She wasn’t even Davis’s wife yet and he was out of control. There was no way she could spend the rest of her life like this. Not after what she’d discovered today. “I’m leaving, Edith. This morning I found out I was pregnant and refuse to raise my child as a Fowler.”

Edith stiffened and withdrew from her embrace to stare at Annabelle’s stomach accusingly. “How-how could you let this happen? You can’t have this child knowing what lies ahead for it!”

“I thought about that as well, and that’s why I can’t stay.”

“I know a doctor.” Shamefaced, Edith looked away. “She’s in Pennsylvania. Very discreet and will take care of your problem. I’ve used her in the past.”

“Abortions?” Annabelle whispered, shocked that they were having this discussion. When the test reflected positive results, her first instinct was to protect the innocent life inside of her. Her baby was the wake-up call she’d needed.

“Yes, I did.” Edith cut her off with a steely defiant glare. “You’ll never know how much of my soul it cost me, but Davis was never my child. Since birth, he’s been groomed for this lifestyle. Are you sure this is what you want to do, Annabelle?”

Placing her hand on her stomach, Annabelle matched Edith’s glare. “This is MY baby! No one else’s. I’m not judging you for doing what was best for you, but abortion isn’t an option for me. I choose my baby and myself over this. We don’t deserve this treatment and neither do you! Come with me, Edith.”

“You have no idea what you’re up against.” The pity and resignation in her voice were like nails on a chalkboard to Annabelle. “You won’t get far. The beating your father suffered in that holding cell will be child’s play compared to what they’ll do to get you to come back to Davis.”

Her words forced Annabelle to relive that particular nightmare.


During breeding season, Annabelle’s stay at Cinnamon Farms was the most peace she’d had in years. She stayed in the room off the barn and shared meals with Farmer Jennings, Max, Tavish, and Donna. Annabelle had never been so happy and relaxed at work without Davis hovering around. She was able to voice her opinions and not worry about repercussions. Once, she’d corrected Davis’s diagnosis in front of a customer, and he’d made her pay when they got home. She couldn’t leave the pool house for a week.

At Cinnamon Farms, her opinion was valued and Annabelle was contemplating offering her services as a veteran concierge when Davis showed up demanding that she come back home.

“You know I can’t do that. I’m needed here,” Annabelle said under her breath so as not to draw Tavish’s attention where he stood not fifty feet away from them grooming a horse in a stall.

“Needed doing what? Being Max’s whore?! Or are you servicing all three of them?”

“Why does it always come back to that? Your accusations are baseless and you know it! You should leave now and let me do my job to the best of my abilities.”

Eyes narrowed and lips twisted in anger at her defiance, Davis snarled, “I’m not leaving without you!” He grabbed her hand and squeezed so hard, Annabelle cried out. She tried to pull her hand back but he twisted it viciously.

“Is there a problem, lass?” Tavish called as he exited the stall and approached them. The question was directed to Annabelle, but his challenging glare was all for Davis. His Scottish brogue was thick with anger as he growled, “Might I be of assistance?”

Davis released Annabelle’s hand. “No. This is between me and my fiancée, if you’ll excuse us?”

“I’m afraid I canna do that. Visiting hours are over at the farm so ye best be on yer way.”

“Since when does the farm have visiting hours?”

“Since I implemented them,” Walter Jennings replied tersely as he joined them. Annabelle was grateful for him backing Tavish without needing an explanation. “You should leave now, Davis. Have your father call me in the morning. Good night.”

Annabelle allowed the farmer to guide her away as Tavish’s large hand clamped down on Davis’s shoulder and he forcibly escorted him from the barn. They walked to the front porch and Farmer Jennings gestured for Annabelle to have a seat in an Adirondack chair, before taking one himself. The sun was setting, and the farm was peaceful as the animals settled down for the night.

“Is there anything you’d like to talk about, Ms. Annabelle? I’m not much for words, but I’m a really good listener. Whatever you say will stay confidential.”

“I-,” Annabelle faltered. This was her chance to speak up, but she didn’t even know where to begin or how to say she’d allowed herself to be abused. She just knew she couldn’t go back there. “I think you’ll need me to stay on for a little while after the season is complete. Just a precautionary for the animals to be on the safe side…”

Farmer Jennings stared out at the green pastures, reflecting on the fear ringing clear in the young woman whom he’d known her entire life. It made him want to horsewhip that little shit and his daddy for not teaching him how to respect women. “Think another two weeks should give the animals enough time to heal?”

“That would be perfect.” Two weeks for Annabelle to get her life together.

Two days later, Annabelle received a call from a hysterical Samantha. Thomas had been pulled over, then taken into custody by the police in Baltimore for unpaid parking tickets. He’d insisted that the charge was bogus. While in holding, Thomas had been roughed up and needed to be taken to the hospital. Samantha had obtained the information from Davis whose cousin Jessie had called him. “Please call him and see what can be done, Annabelle!”

Annabelle sat staring at her phone for an hour before finally placing the call. He answered on the first ring. “I’m not at liberty to discuss your father’s situation on the phone, Annabelle. Come home and we can discuss his precarious situation face to face.”

That night after work Davis laughed as he opened the door to the pool house. “Welcome home, baby! Did you miss me?”

How she despised him! Annabelle crossed the threshold and Davis snatched her arm and pulled her to him. In her ear he whispered sinisterly, “When you defy me, bad things happen. Not just to you, but your family as well. Just remember, my sweet, that I can get to you and your family anywhere, at any time. You’ll never even see it coming…”


“Did you hear what I said, Annabelle?” Edith patted her hand, drawing her out of her reverie.

Annabelle stood up. “I did hear you and I’m still leaving. I won’t be chained to him or this way of life for much longer. I’m asking you to come with me. Aren’t you tired of being beaten? You need a fresh start just as much as me and the baby. I need to go to work now, but please think about it.”

They didn’t speak about it for a week and in that time Annabelle struggled to hide her morning sickness from Davis. One afternoon, he and Brenton were gone watching an Oriole game with Jessie and Sherman. Edith came to visit Annabelle at the pool house. “Let’s sit out at the pool.”

“I’ve decided to help you,” Edith began in a stilted voice. “I have some money for you but you’ll need to go next weekend during the family reunion. I’ve spoken with Misha and her cousins are willing to take you away from here and keep you safe for a little while. Once you leave here, do not attempt to contact anyone. You know firsthand how powerful they are. Unfortunately, you will be on your own. That’s until everything dies down and then I’ll join you. That is if you still want me to. You’re right, it’s time for us to be happy and the baby deserves a chance as well.”

“I’d love for you to join me,” Annabelle said softly. “It won’t be easy, but we’ve already known extreme hardships, we’re due some happiness.”

“Let’s go over the plan…”


The day of the party Annabelle went to her parents’ house to say goodbye. There was no way she could leave without saying something to them. Annabelle didn’t even know when she’d next see them.

“Why are you doing this, Annabelle?” Samantha demanded to know. “Marriage isn’t perfect! Look at me and your father! Somehow, we’ve managed to make it work! Only a coward would run when the going got a little tough! I did not raise a coward!” She turned to Thomas, “Stop sitting there like a lump on a damn log and talk to your daughter! She’s leaving the best thing that ever happened to her!”

Thomas tried, “Sweetie, you’re being irrational. That doesn’t sound like Davis. I beg you to go and talk to him. Everything will look different after you do.”

“Yeah, because I’ll have two fucking black eyes, Dad!” Annabelle jumped up to confront her mother. “Or maybe he’ll only break my pinky finger this time. Something small that I can easily reset! How dare you say he’s the best thing that ever happened to me! He’s the worst and just hearing your money hungry ass say some garbage like that only confirms it!”

“You’re being overly dramatic and not thinking straight, darling!” Samantha chided her. “All we are asking is that you take your time and think this over wisely! Don’t be so impulsive. Think of your position at the hospital and the prestige you have because of it.”

“I have those things because I worked for all of it!” Annabelle seethed at her mother’s belittling as she stood up and pointed at herself. “Me! No one else!”

Annabelle grabbed her keys and purse. She allowed herself a good look around at the house she’d grown up in and hardly recognized it. Her parents had renovated again and everything was of a higher quality. The store must still be doing well. That was good to know. She could leave in good conscience. “I think I’ve overstayed my welcome. It’s always good to know where you stand with people. Take care of yourselves. Goodbye.”

“You’re making a grave mistake, Annabelle!” Samantha called after her with desperation. “Don’t do this! Annabelle!”

Her pleas fell on deaf ears as Annabelle got into her car and sped off.


Something was off. Annabelle could feel it in her bones as she mingled with the Fowler family. The feeling of being a deer tiptoeing through a pack of sleeping wolves was her current state of mind. Treading carefully, she only spoke to the wives, while giving the men distant smiles. The grandfather clock in the main hallway chimed seven on the dot and Edith appeared next to her with a martini.

“Accept it and drink. Don’t worry; it’s only water with a lime garnish,” Edith glanced around the room. “Davis just went to the bathroom. Go through the garden and exit out the side gate. The car is a silver Volvo and will be waiting at the end of the street. Misha’s cousin Fanny is driving and has all the information. You’ll stay with her tonight and then she’ll move you tomorrow. Take care of yourself, Annabelle.”

“Thank you, Edith,” Annabelle’s hand was shaking as she drank the glass’s content’s in one gulp. With great feeling she admitted, “I wish we could have gotten to know each other under better circumstances.”

“Likewise. Now leave. Misha and I will create a diversion. Go!” Edith walked away from her. “Misha, dear! It’s been too long since I’ve heard your angelic voice. Would you mind blessing us with a song?”

Annabelle left the room and headed for the kitchen. She smiled at the staff busy plating dessert and slipped out the door to the garden. Her heart was drumming so loud she couldn’t hear anything except for it.

“Where are you going, Annabelle?”

She spun around to see Davis and Brenton advancing on her stealthily. They reminded her of two lions going in for the kill. Brenton’s perpetual mask of joviality was slipping away. Annabelle could see the arrogant scorn in his eyes.

“I needed some fresh air. It was too stifling in there.”

“You weren’t thinking of leaving after all we’ve done for you, were you, Annabelle?” Brenton asked.

“Like I said, it was becoming too stifling in there.” She kept her voice even knowing they fed off fear. “Is there a crime against that?”

“No, there’s no crime in that as long as that’s all you were doing.” Brenton’s smile was back in place. “I’m glad to know that’s not the case. Especially after all I’ve done for your parents.”

Unease slithered down her spine. “What do my parents have to do with this?”

“Uh-oh. Perhaps I’ve said too much,” Brenton replied insincerely. He turned to Davis. “Why don’t you enlighten her, son? I’ll leave you to handle your business. Keep it quiet so our guests don’t hear.”

Brenton gave Annabelle an ugly smile before walking away from them.

“What is he talking about, Davis?”

“He’s talking about how your parents agreed to make sure that we stay together and eventually get married. In exchange, my father has been giving them money to fund their business.”

“You’re lying! They received a loan—”

Davis cruel laugh filled the air. “Do you honestly believe a bank would have financed them? They had terrible credit and your grandfather ran that place into the ground! It was my father that bailed them out! In return, I got you.” He smirked nastily. “The arrangement was made a week after you first had dinner here. Your gold-digging mother was so greedy that she accepted the deal without even consulting your father first! She cleaned you up and presented you on a platter. All that was missing was the apple in your mouth.”

Davis stepped closer and Annabelle mechanically took one back. “Look at you! You still don’t believe me! I own you. I’ve said it from the beginning, but you’re too stupid to listen! My father bought you for me through your family which he owns. How do you think I was here to catch you red-handed?”

He grabbed her arms and squeezed. “Your mother called me and told me what you were planning. See, unlike her stupid, stupid daughter, she was aware of the consequences of keeping her mouth shut. Samantha understands very well that you don’t ever bite the hand that feeds you.”

Davis flung her to the ground. “When I’m done with you, Annabelle, you will understand once and for all that it’s pointless to defy me.”

Annabelle tried to fight back and protect her baby at the same time, but her strength was waning and her efforts only enraged him. The last thing she saw was Edith and an unfamiliar woman behind Davis with a stepping stone in her raised hands.


“Annabelle? Can you hear me, Annabelle?”

The voice was so familiar, and yet she couldn’t place it. Annabelle tried to open her eyes, and mouth to speak, but her efforts were eclipsed by the pain cloaking her body. She tried to recall what happened. The party. Edith. Brenton and Davis. Fighting with Davis. Edith...her baby! Was the baby okay? Annabelle tried to sit up, but the pain was jarring. Where was she?!

“It’s Chelsea Reyes, Annabelle. You’re here in Baltimore. Don’t worry; you’re safe. No one’s going to hurt you. I promise you. Just rest.”

“Nnnoo rugss!” The effort to get those words out made her throat burn but they were so necessary. No drugs for the baby.

“But you’re in pain…” Chelsea protested but stopped as Annabelle waved her hand no. “Fine. Just rest for now. No one knows you’re here.”

Annabelle listened to her walk away and only then did she allow herself to drift off.

She was finally free.   


Chapter Twenty


Graham slid the slab apple pie into the oven before finally leaving the kitchen after instructing one of his employees to watch it.

He passed the front desk where Georgie and Forenzo were conversing with the bachelorette party. Graham deliberately ignored the thirsty bug-a-boo posing provocatively against the front desk, batting her eyelashes at him, and proceeded down the main hall to his office. He entered the room and quietly shut the door behind him, leaning against it as Annabelle rose from the sofa where she’d been impatiently waiting for him. Graham opened his arms, and she flew into them, wrapping her arms around his neck as he gathered her close, his mouth slanting over hers in a kiss that was possessive, greedy, and demanded everything of one another.

Graham’s hands slid down her back to cup her bottom and press her to him as Annabelle rose on her tiptoes to meet him. The time apart had exceeded torturous, and it was several long moments before they finally came up for air. Graham brushed the thick black curls from her forehead, staring into Annabelle’s eyes with something akin to wonder.

She was here, but at what cost?

“You took down your braids.” He gently tugged on a shoulder-length curl and watched it spring back into place when he released it. “The curls suit you, love.”

Annabelle cupped his jaw and ran her fingers over the hair covering it. “Skyping didn’t do you justice, Mr. Carlton. Your beard is insane! How dare you run the streets lookin’ like this! No wonder you got randoms offering you sexual favors.”

Her miffed expression made him grin. Awwww, his baby was jealous. She had no idea of the lockdown she’d put on him, his heart, and his boy. “I don’t fuck with strangers, so we’re all good here, Doc.” Graham licked the corner of her mouth, which led to another round of kissing before he said, “I missed you, woman! You know I’m mad as hell right now, though?”

“I can get behind that because that makes two of us,” Annabelle swiftly countered, stepping back from him with crossed arms, ready for a showdown. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice those goons that were watching us?! Edith almost beamed one of them in the grocery store with a can of soup!”

Oh, you mad?” Graham pulled her back into him. “Then get mad, Doc, because everyone’s safety is my number one priority, and I make no apologies for it. Now, how did you get here and where are Rory and Edith?”

Before she could answer, Graham’s phone rang. He thought about ignoring it, but maybe it was Warrick or Vechers finally calling to say they fucked up and lost her. Graham pulled his phone out and saw Alexei Romankov’s number. With a look of fond exasperation for his woman, he took the call.

“Hey, Alexei. Please tell Vivienne I’m not sure whether I’m angry or sending her flowers,” Graham informed him dryly.

On the other end, the Russian’s shout of laughter filled his ears. When he spoke, his aggravation for his wife was apparent. “It appears we are in the same boat, my friend. Do not worry, Graham. I will find a suitable form of discipline that she and I will both enjoy. As I’m sure Max will as well, though, I find it hard to be mad at your sister whose designs are nothing short of ingenious! I’m relieved to hear that you know I was unaware of her shenanigans. This call is to also let you know that your family is here with mine, and they are being well taken care of.”

“Thank you, Alexei.”

“Your thanks are unnecessary, my friend. Darby has been filling me in on your situation, and my men are available to you as well. My wife wisely left some of them in Baymoor. Before leaving, Vivi made sure the security detail Darby has patrolling the farm had already been debriefed.”

“Damn. Women definitely run this world,” Graham said with admiration. “Now, if we could just get one in the White House.”

“I concur. Or at least someone who has the countries best interest at heart? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to find my wife. Congratulations on your lovely family, Graham,” Alexei said warmly. “Your daughter is absolutely enchanting and Edith is marvelous. If I may make a suggestion? Don’t be too hard on your woman. We both know what we’d do for the ones that we love. Your Annabelle seems brave and fearless, just like my Vivi. Those aren’t bad qualities at all to have in a spouse. I look forward to meeting her.”

“Likewise. Would you mind sending me Laura Klaus’s information?”

“Yes, of course. Vivienne mentioned that she wanted to discuss it with Edith as well.”

Dr. Laura Klaus was a therapist and family friend to the Romankovs, and the Sullivan brothers. She’d been there from the time the brothers’ mother, Moira, was murdered by their father when they were much younger. Although grown men now, they still occasionally saw her for therapy sessions. This was a definite benefit to having Annabelle and Edith stateside. To his knowledge, neither of them had yet to see a therapist, but after all they’d endured, Graham was going to strongly recommend it.

“My friend, I know that you and my son are frustrated with the lack of results. After everything I went through to find Vivi’s blackmailer, the most important thing I learned is that vengeance and patience go hand-in-hand, but no matter how frustrating the wait, the end result will be worth the trouble.”

The men said their goodbyes, and Graham turned to find Annabelle studying the black and white family pictures on his gallery wall before exploring the office Eliza had designed for him. It was painted light gray and his desk was black with built-in bookshelves on both sides and picture frames, commissioned from Jack’s company, Americana Traditions. His leather chair was an oxblood color as were the two club chairs across from it and the tufted leather sofa beneath the photos. There was a mini bar and high-top table with stools in one corner. “What’s your verdict on my spot, Doc?”

“This place definitely suits you. Very masculine and sleek yet cozy at the same time.” She spun around with a soft smile. “Your niece is very beautiful.”

Annabelle moved to his desk and picked up a framed pic next to his black and chrome globe lamp. It was an eight by ten black and white picture of her and Rory sleeping on the beach. “You sneaky devil! I was sooo busted-looking by the end of that day, boo! How could you frame that?!”

“Woman, you could fall into a pile of manure and I still wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you.”

“Oooh, that’s so sweet. Really, babe?”

“Hell no,” Graham laughed when Annabelle sucked her teeth at him. He approached her and dropped another kiss on her pouting mouth, kissing away her sulky expression. He pulled her hand, and she followed him around to the other side of his desk where he sat down in his chair and she sat down on his lap. “That picture stays. I like looking at my girls when I’m working late at night. Real talk, Annabelle. I was missing y’all like crazy and am glad you’re here, but I wish you’d have said something before up and leaving. If anything had happened to the three of you…”

“And I wish you had told me about Gus!” she fired back. “I was here when he first arrived at Cinnamon Farms. He was such a sweetheart. You should have told me, Graham. He didn’t deserve that.”

“I didn’t tell you about Gus for this very reason! You’re an excellent doctor who cares deeply for your patients and becomes too invested in them. When I showed up on your doorstep, I had every intention of being a manipulative asshole and using Gus against you because I knew you’d want to come back. Then I saw Rory and got a glimpse of just how good your life was.” Graham rubbed his hand over his jaw, his eyes filled with regret. “I couldn’t do that to you guys.”

“So you thought you’d do it without me? It’s not exactly working out that well, and it’s only keeping us apart,” Annabelle said with a stubborn expression. “We need to work together! Edith and Rory are safe so we can focus. I know this asshole better than anyone. Nothing will keep him away if he thinks he can get to me.”

“I don’t like it!” Graham snapped, unwilling to concede that she was right. “I don’t want you using yourself as bait.”

“That’s funny because you didn’t have a problem with that idea before you found out about Rory!” she tossed back flippantly.

They glared at each other, both too stubborn and unwilling to back down. A knock at the door interrupted them.

“Mario is here with the smoked turkey wings!” Georgina called cheerfully.

“Tell him to prep them, and I’ll be there shortly! Don’t forget you and I need to talk about your ‘helpfulness’.” Graham snapped back at her irritably.

“Don’t talk to my friend like that!” Annabelle defended Georgie. “She was only trying to help me.”

“Your lil’ friend is my baby sister, and I was cleaning her snotty face waaay before she met you. I knew I shoulda let her leave the house with a crusty booger face,” Graham muttered.

“You’re terrible!” Annabelle gave him a brief kiss and reluctantly slid from his lap. “I know you’re mad, but I still looove you in spite of it. I’ll let you get back to work.”

“I love you too, but this conversation isn’t finished, Annabelle,” Graham warned her as he stood and fished his suite key out of his jean pocket. “Where’s your stuff at? I’m going to put it in my room.”

“Ummm…” Annabelle worried her bottom lip, knowing Graham wasn’t going to like her reply. “It’s at Max and Georgie’s house.”

The silence in the room was deafening, then Graham spoke in an ominously soft tone. “What’s it doing there?”

“I’m going to be helping out at the farm, so Georgie offered me your old room. It’s easier because I’m already on property. You won’t have to worry about me so much because Tavish and Max will be with me throughout the day,” Annabelle replied feebly. “I’ll be fine with them.”

If Graham thought he’d been heated before, he was positively livid now. Protecting her was his job and no one else’s. Normally, he didn’t have a problem with the easygoing, burly Scotsman, but game recognized game, and Tavish was a womanizer whose dick refused to stay under his imaginary kilt. It didn’t matter to Graham that he was hooking up with Renee, Georgie’s assistant. The Scot had a fondness for thick, voluptuous women, and they just didn’t come any curvier than Annabelle. Fuck no, he wouldn’t be leaving them alone. Again, Graham felt out of his element. He thought he didn’t do jealousy, but his unchecked, scattered emotions called bullshit.

“Well, I’m going to go now. We’re doing lunch at the farmhouse with the girls in an hour. Hopefully, you and I can get together later?” 

Annabelle opened the door, but Graham was right behind her. He placed his hand on hers and shut it; his other hand swept her curls to the side, exposing her nape. She shivered when his teeth grazed her neck before he nipped its slender column. Annabelle inhaled sharply as Graham growled, “We’re not quite done yet, Doc.”

So damn hot. There was no other way to put it. Annabelle knew she was playing with fire the minute she made her choice to come home. Yes, her man had been ecstatic to see her, but Annabelle knew Graham was angry at her impulsiveness as well. They were in the middle of their first disagreement, and she couldn’t help but marvel at the difference between him and Davis. She would never have been able to get away with voicing her opinion and standing up for herself without fearing a retaliation of some kind.

Graham was definitely displeased with her, but if the hardness at her ass was an indication, he clearly knew a better way to channel his emotions. So yeah, she was aroused and becoming increasingly so as she felt air touch her thighs when Graham lifted the full skirt of her black cashmere turtleneck dress. Annabelle smiled to herself, as this time, Graham was the one to sharply inhale at his discovery.

“You’re not wearing any panties, Doc.”

Feral was the only way to describe his voice that was low and thick with need. He wrapped an arm around her waist and jerked her back against him. With her stiletto boots on, Annabelle came to his chin, and in this new position, her head fell back comfortably to his shoulder as his hand moved around to stroke the thin landing strip of fine curls covering her sex.

“Since when do you leave the damn house with no panties on??”

Annabelle tried to control her whimpers as Graham inserted his thigh between hers, allowing his fingers more access to slip between her saturated folds and massage her sensitized clit before descending lower.

“Aaaahhhh!” she cried out as he sank two digits into her welcoming pussy. Annabelle swiveled her hips, savoring the feel of Graham’s fingers reacquainting themselves with the throbbing bundle of nerves of her g-spot. Goddamn pussy-whisperer was what he was, Annabelle thought, dazed by the way he made her entire body come alive as he effortlessly navigated it with minimal work.

Graham’s head fell to her shoulder, and he bit her neck again and breathed deeply, inhaling her spicy-floral perfume that melded beautifully with her arousal to create an even more alluring scent as his fingers were suctioned deeper into her tight core. Against her throat, Graham whispered, “That’s not really an answer, love. Try again.”

Annabelle turned her head flicking the seam of his lips with her tongue tantalizingly as his fingers curled deliciously inside of her then retreated only to add a third finger while his thumb rotated between massaging her clit and lightly flickering it. Sweet baby Jesus in a manger, what this man did to her!

Her voice was thick with desire and longing as she grinded against him. “Since I was coming to see my man, I thought I should dress appropriately. Now, I’m rethinking my choice since you’re trippin’. Should I go and put some on, Mr. Carlton?”

Graham withdrew his fingers slowly and pinched her clit firmly, causing Annabelle’s knees to buckle. She would have fallen against the door if he wasn’t still supporting her. Graham coated her lips with her own arousal and kissed Annabelle voraciously, sharing her taste while greedily sucking and licking her lips clean. He stepped away from her, and she heard a rustling sound behind her as Graham asked, “What do you think, Doc?”

Annabelle whirled around to find Graham, his face starkly etched in desire, unbuttoning his light blue denim shirt that he quickly tossed aside, revealing the glory of his chest and arms to her. Eyes drinking him in, Annabelle purred, “I thought you had to deal with something in the kitchen?”

Graham framed her face between his hands and backed her up against the door, kissing her thoroughly. “Fuck the kitchen. Get naked, Doc. Now.”

She grabbed the bottom of her dress and yanked it over her head, leaving her in a black lace bra and her boots. Annabelle bent to unzip them, but Graham caught her hand and shook his head no. “Them boots are staying on, woman.”

Annabelle straightened up, and Graham unsnapped her bra to reveal her luscious breasts. He was so fucking hard, he felt suffocated in his jeans but never had he enjoyed himself more. Annabelle continued to surprise him, and he’d take everything she threw at him because although Graham was still pissed, it was all about trust. If she didn’t feel it, then he wouldn’t be about to fuck the hell outta her right now. But Annabelle had her shit severely twisted if she thought Graham wasn’t going to do anything about it.

She made short work of unbuckling his belt, unsnapping his jeans, and easing his boxer briefs down until everything fell around his boots. Graham toed them off, including his socks as Annabelle wrapped her hand around his dick and pleasured him while her lips caught his nipple in her mouth and she drew circles around it with her tongue.

“Fuuuuck, Doc!” Graham hissed and smacked her ass firmly.

“Mmmm, yes, please,” she teased him as she switched to the other nipple, and her strokes became firmer as he pinched her turgid nipples. Annabelle’s booty stung deliciously as Graham smacked the other cheek, causing the desire in her to vibrate to another level. “I can’t wait any longer, Graham. It’s been tooo long.”

Suddenly, Graham remembered something. “Shit! I don’t have any condoms on me. Stay here! Don’t move or even think about putting your clothes back on! I’ll be right back!”

Annabelle vigorously shook her head with a teasing smile and her love for him in her eyes. “Uh-uh, you ain’t goin’ nowhere. I bought some! They’re in my purse. Hurry, baby.”

Graham grabbed her large bag on the console next to them and opened it. He was stunned as he looked down at the bag’s contents, then back at her, then down at the bag again before laughing at her. “The fuck?! Were you preparing for the apocalypse? There’s easily twelve boxes in here!” He gave her roguish grin. “I do appreciate your faith in my abilities and stamina, though.”

Annabelle scowled at him as she crossed her arms defensively. “That’s the thanks I get for being thoughtful? I couldn’t remember what you used, so I just grabbed everything the store had, you ingrate!”

“Which I’ll gladly put to good use and you’ll thank me profusely.” Graham selected a box and tore it open. He grabbed a packet and ripped it open with his teeth before quickly sheathing himself expertly with one hand. He crooked his finger at her. “C’mere, Doc.”

Smile back in place, Annabelle followed Graham, drooling at the view and the way his muscles flexed with each step as he led her back to his office chair. It should be illegal to cover his fineness by wearing clothes. Then again, she’d have to spend the rest of their life together beating women off with a stick if he didn’t.

“Have a seat,” Graham gestured with a smile that was way too wicked for Annabelle resist. Once she was seated, he knelt before her and spread her legs wide by positioning them over the chair’s arms before diving between them.

Annabelle cried out as Graham covered her with his mouth and put his lips, tongue and teeth to work, like an ugly, peg-legged stripper trying to make rent. He eased two fingers into her slickness and thrummed on her g-spot as Annabelle bucked wildly against him. “Oh, gawd! Please don’t stop, baby! Yessss, just like that!”

His pussy-eating skills were thorough as fuck, Annabelle thought dazedly as she wrapped her legs around his head tighter than a Boy Scout knot and rode his face, feeling her orgasm tingling in her toes and slowly working its way up her body. She met and held Graham’s stare as he worked her over expertly. But her eyes crossed then fell to the back of her head when Graham switched it up to tongue fuck her as his fingers tweaked her swollen clit. Suddenly, he smacked it, setting off a trail of fireworks through her body. “Holly Shiiiiit!”

Annabelle came so hard that she couldn’t catch her breath as her orgasm spread like a wildfire through her convulsing body. On and on it went as Graham rotated his fingers and tongue again. By her third orgasm, Annabelle was depleted and trying to push him away, but Graham had other plans.

He could have stayed face-down in her pussy for the rest of his life. Annabelle tasted that good, but those damn boots were digging into his shoulders, reminding him of his plans for them. Graham licked his lips clean as he stood up and took her hand. Weak-kneed, she fell against him, but Graham turned her around and bent her over the chair so that Annabelle clutched at the arms. With the added height of the boots, Annabelle was at the perfect height for Graham to sink into her.

He literally plugged life into her. His dick was an electric charge that jolted Annabelle awake, sweeping away all previous exhaustion. Her fingers dug into the leather as Graham flexed his hips and surged deeply then quickly withdrew, setting a relentless pace, hitting all the right spots, causing her honey to overflow. Annabelle matched Graham’s smooth powerful rhythm, meeting him thrust for thrust as she threw her ass back to meet him until her legs were quaking.

“Mine, Doc?” Graham quizzed as he reached his hand around her and cupped her sopping pussy. Not once did he stop drilling into her as he urged her to answer. “Hmmmm?”

“Yooours! It’s all yours, love!” Annabelle moaned her confirmation, gyrating against him, and light-headed from every level of rapture he was taking her through. The blood rushed to her bent head the higher he drove her, and Annabelle could feel another orgasm blossoming on the horizon. Suddenly Graham pulled her up and maneuvered them into the chair with her sitting on top of him, facing away with her legs wide open and draped over his thighs.

Graham cupped her throat lightly and stole a kiss. “Then lemme see you work it for me.”

Annabelle fell back against him, clutched the chair arms again and rode him like her life depended on him. Her hips dipped and swiveled as she arched up, rising and falling on his dick as Graham filled his hands with her breasts and caressed her aching peaks. The scent of their lovemaking permeated the air and was punctuated by their labored breathing and the melodies of the intimate symphony that their bodies were performing.

“Mmmm, Graham!” Annabelle panted as she tilted her head back to him, working muscles she’d forgotten she had, but had never put to use in bed before him. “Don’t ever stop treating me like this, baby.”

“Never, Doc,” Graham promised as he bit her chin, moving her up and down on his shaft. “Fuck ordinary, right?”

“Yeeeah, baby.” She sank her teeth into his bottom lip, and Graham twisted her nipples in response then rubbed away the sting as she licked away his. “Fuck. Ordinary.”

They were so damn good together, and their chemistry was too damn much for it to last. Graham could feel the tingling in his balls, and he knew Annabelle was close as she worked her hips faster, spasming uncontrollably around his dick. Her head tossed in a frenzy, whipping her damp curls about his face. Graham released her breasts to slide his arm under one of hers and wrap it around her shoulder, pinning her in place as he licked her neck and his other hand played between her nether lips.

Yeah, too damn much. The sensory overload triggered Annabelle’s orgasm, and it tore through her so fast, she thought she’d pass out. In turn, it set off Graham’s release. He drove into her spent pliant form, holding onto Annabelle tightly as he buried his face in her curls and came, silently vowing to always make her feel loved and cherished.