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Take a Chance on Me (Baymoor Book 3) by D. A. Young (6)

Chapter Eighteen


Baymoor, Maryland

A month and a half later…

Graham was in a foul ass mood for two reasons as he checked the large subzero freezer of the Cashmere Inn’s kitchen for the third time. Reason one for his mood was because he was searching for the six pounds of smoked turkey wings he’d asked his sous chef Mario to order for him two days ago.  But they were nowhere to be found. Instead there was a bag containing six pounds of ham hocks. Ham. Hocks. His award-winning collard greens with smoked turkey that he’d just been interviewed for by the Baymoor Gazette could not be made with ham hocks. Clenching his teeth so as not to lose it, he shut the fridge door quietly and placed his forehead against the cool surface.

“You are a child of light. You are a child of light,” he reminded himself. The chant was the result of a Buddhism class he’d taken in the Marines to control his hot temper. At the time, he’d been researching various methods of finding inner peace. Unfortunately, the only peace he’d been able to find in that class was between the sexy instructor’s thighs. She had been more interested in him taking her to new heights of enlightenment than the other way around. 

He would talk to Mario tonight. Since coming back from Australia, this wasn’t the first time that Mario had gone against his directive and done what he thought was best. But for now, Graham had to make a call. One he really didn’t want to make in order to save his ass and tonight’s dinner. Sighing he pulled his phone out and dialed. It rang three times before a cranky voice answered.

“Oui?” The voice on the other end barked, causing Graham to grin.

“What’s got your panties in a bunch, old man?” There was a derisive snort on the other end.

“Boy, what in de hell you want? It be about dinner time ‘round here and folks get cranky when my etouffee ain’t done.” Raymond said with his thick-as-molasses accent.

“Listen, I was wondering if you could help a brotha out. I need a couple of pounds of smoked turkey wings. Any chance you have some laying around?” Graham asked bracing himself for the cantankerous chef’s snide comments. Raymond didn’t disappoint.

“A good chef always has a well-stocked kitchen, non?” He boasted condescendingly. “What dis smoked turkey be fo’ anyway?”

“Collard greens.” Graham answered shortly, and rolled his eyes, as Raymond sputtered in disbelief.

“Turkey in collard greens? Boy, the only way collard greens be made right is with ham hocks!” he shouted. “Poultry in greens instead of pork is downright blasphemous!”

“You sound just like my sous chef. Thankfully I know better. Collard greens taste better with smoked turkey, old man. Trust me, I’ve got the trophy to prove it.” Graham informed him smugly.

“You ought to listen to Mario. He know a thang or two about good food. He trained at the right hand of God, ya know.” Raymond snarked and Graham sighed in resignation. Of course, Mario had been trained by Raymond. It was exactly why the young man thought he knew everything.

“Listen here old man—”

“Old man?! Boy you ain’t too old to get your butt whupped Cajun style.” Raymond said threateningly.

“Time and place, old man.” Graham taunted him. “It ain’t nothin’ but a smoked turkey wang.”

“Which you ain’t got! Thanksgiving!” Raymond snapped. “Town Square, if you feelin’ froggy!”

“What it’ll be?” Graham asked menacingly.

They were finally going head-to-head. The rivalry had started last Thanksgiving when Graham made his chorizo cornbread stuffing. Guests raved about it and asked him for the recipe. Raymond had taken offense that people had even tasted another cook’s stuffing. He’d had Graham on his radar ever since.

“The whole damn meal, young ‘un.” Raymond bragged with supreme confidence.

“You barely survived the praise I got for my stuffing, and now, you want me to run you outta town with an entire dinner? With pleasure, old man,” Graham scoffed. “Can I get them wings, though?”


“Sho’ thang. I’ll have Mario pick them up on his way out there. Don’t be offended, but I am gonna have to say somethin’ about his not following direct orders. He knows better. Later.” Raymond finished and hung up before Graham could protest or thank him.

Reason two for his foul mood was because he’d yet to find Fowler. It was like the motherfucker dropped off the face of the earth. Graham had even enlisted the help of Darby and they’d turned up nothing. Too much of nothing. Both men were frustrated and the search was taking its toll on Graham as it kept him away from Annabelle and Rory. Skyping and Facetiming was challenging because of the different time zones but so far Annabelle hadn’t complained. She just graced him with that sweet smile, patiently waiting her turn while Rory chattered a mile a minute. Despite his raging hard-on and the way his eyes gobbled up her cleavage, he hadn’t brought up Skype sex, and had no intentions of doing so. Graham had spent enough time jacking off to Annabelle’s pic. He wouldn’t settle for less than the real damn thing.

The kitchen door opened and Forenzo walked in with a clipboard that he waved at Graham. “How goes the hunt for turkey wings? We’ve got a full house for dinner tonight.”

“You know I’m not surprised to hear that.” The trial run was a great success so far. Between searching for Fowler and preparing for Wade and Eliza’s upcoming nuptials, there was plenty to do. “Some wings are on the way, but it’s too late for my greens.”

Graham shoved his phone into his jean shirt pocket and opened the fridge to grab some ingredients. “That dish takes time, which I’m running out of. I’m just going to do smothered turkey wings, dirty orzo with collard greens and leeks, and an apple slab pie with a lattice crust and homemade vanilla custard ice cream.”

Graham slammed the containers on the table with unnecessary force causing Forenzo’s eyebrows to raise in surprise. “Dare I ask what’s wrong? Lately you’ve been in a bit of a mood. Yesterday a member of the Hilton bachelorette party was speaking to you and you just brushed her off.”

“Maybe, I wasn’t feeling the blowjob she’s continuously offered me since arriving. I’m tempted to refund their money and send them on their way,” was Graham’s surly response.  

“Are you lecturing him on the bad manners he’s showing our guest?” Georgina’s smile was bright and sunny as she breezed into the kitchen. “To be fair, I did see the hussy pushing up on him. He’s just lucky his woman wasn’t there to witness it.”

Just seeing her peace and serenity made Graham’s frown grow darker. He was ashamed of himself for being a selfish ass. “Correction. Ol’ girl is real lucky my woman didn’t see that disrespectful shit.”

The door opened again, revealing Annabelle to a stunned Graham. “And I better not see it either or I’ll have to act accordingly, and rip her spine out, Mr. Carlton.”



Three days earlier…

Furla, Australia


“Ms. Cleo, you are such a baddy!” Annabelle cooed as she smoothed the pouch under the six-foot-long green iguana’s neck. To her owner, Mr. Carlisle, Annabelle assured him, “She’s fine. I think her nerves were tested by your neighbor’s dog’s approach.” She pointed to the long tail she’d bandaged. “It’s a good thing Ms. Edgar’s dog is just a rambunctious terrier, so no real harm was done. When iguanas are cornered they tend to bristle and raise their head and swish their tail to appear threatening. Most likely, Mylo assumed that Ms. Cleo was trying to play with him. Our exotics doctor, Dr. Tipton will be in next week from the mainland. Just keep an eye on her, and if anything changes give us a call or bring her back in.”

“I think Myrna tried to sic Mylo on Ms. Cleo in revenge! She’s just mad that I turned her down for a date. Of course, she denied it, but that’s a bunch of bull dust if ever I heard it! She’s as cunning as a dunny rat and I’ve told her time and again to rack off but the darned sheila refuses to!”

The angry color receded from Robert Carlisle’s face as he snapped on Cleo’s leash and set her on the floor. “No worries. I’ll be moving to Sydney next month and I’ll never have to see her burrow-face again! Thank you, doctor!”

Mylo’s nipping Ms. Cleo was not earning his owner any brownie points in winning Robert’s heart. Annabelle prayed the shy, kind pet owner hadn’t shown him the sweater she’d knit for Mylo with the picture of the two pets playing together. “You’re welcome. Bye, Ms. Cleo!”

Annabelle watched them leave then washed her hands before checking her phone. Her heart grew heavy when she saw that there were no missed calls. After everything she’d been through, Annabelle should have been used to missing her loved ones. Graham was on a whole other level and she had no idea how to deal with it. In such a short amount of time he’d managed to percolate into Annabelle’s body, so that she now felt that he was missing from her, not just that she missed him.

She couldn’t function. The first week after he left, Annabelle would sneak out to the casita and lay in the bed where they’d loved each other fiercely. She could smell Graham’s scent everywhere and remembered in vivid detail how well he’d familiarized himself in and with her body. Brave-faced optimism sucked and she was tired of playing herself on that basis. Of keeping up a calm facade as search efforts resulted in nothing. She could see the frustration he tried to hide or how much he missed Rory as well. Her daughter was such a trooper and perhaps a little more mature than Annabelle. Rory had asked for a calendar after Graham left. She’d pulled it out on their first Skype session determined to pin down a date.

“Mr. Ram, what day are you coming back? I wanna put it on the calendar Mummy bought me.” Rory held up the Hello Kitty planner for Graham to see. “Look! It’s got lots of glitter. Mr. Ram, you miss me? ‘Cause I miss you lots.”

Last night while lying awake for the umpteenth night, Annabelle made a crucial decision. Today when she came home from work, she planned to discuss it with Edith and hope she’d provide her support once more. She just had to clear her work schedule first. Annabelle left the exam room and headed to Linda’s office. Today was a rare sighting. This morning she’d insisted Annabelle walk the facilities with her and driven her crazy grilling her extensively and demanding to know Annabelle’s reasoning for any procedures she’d changed or implemented in her absence.

Just as she was about to knock the door opened. “Annabelle! I was just coming to see you. I suppose you wanted to talk to me? Come in! Come in!”

Linda moved around to sit at her desk while Annabelle took the one across from her. “I’m sorry that I came off like I had a bug up my ass earlier, but you handled everything very well under the pressure. How are things going with you? Rory and Edith are well?”

“Yes, everything is well. How are you?” It was a rhetorical question. Everyone in the building could see that Linda was glowing and happy. Her new relationship obviously agreed with her.

“I can’t keep it a secret any longer,” Linda reached into her lab jacket and pulled out a large diamond solitaire. “I’m engaged!”

“Congratulations, Linda! I’m very happy for you.”

“Thank you. Nadal has been asking for weeks but I wasn’t sure I wanted to remarry after disaster of my last marriage.” Linda stared at the ring for a moment before slipping it on her finger. She smiled at Annabelle as she leaned forward with a purposeful look. “The reason I was so hard on you is because I’d like for you to run the clinic. I’d sit on the board but you would be solely in charge of everything. You would get a generous salary increase as well.”

It was the opportunity of a lifetime, one that Annabelle hadn’t thought would be possible. “What about my identity?”

When Annabelle had approached Linda for a job, she’d confessed her situation and the veterinarian had still taken a chance on her. She’d forever be indebted to Linda, but she just wasn’t sure if her dream was still her dream job. Or Furla her dream location.

“I know it’s a lot to take in, but let’s be honest; it’s not like you haven’t been doing my job for the last couple of months anyway. I trust you to do an excellent job, Annabelle. Does this sound like something you’d be interested in doing?”

“I need some time to think about it, Linda,” Annabelle replied honestly.

“Absolutely! Why don’t you take some time off? You’ve accumulated quite a bit of vacation time. How about using it now? Nadal is in Paris then the Orient for the next three weeks. I can man the fort and torture Dotty for teaching Toussaint my lovely nickname,” she added dryly.

After their meeting, Annabelle went to her office, closed the door and pulled Graham’s laptop out of her workbag. She set it up and mulled over her options before finally reaching out to Georgina.

Hi Georgie, can you talk?

Yeah! Give me fifteen minutes. Just finishing up a meeting with one of my favorite clients. I’ll reach out to you shortly!


“Hey, Annabelle! How’s everything going?” Georgie was munching on some chips and Annabelle could see mannequins wrapped in satin and lace fabric rolls behind her.

“Sorry to bother you, but I was just thinking about my situation and your brother, I’d like to help out.” Annabelle could feel the heat creeping up her face at Georgina’s understanding look.

“One, you’re not bothering me. I can tell you’ve got it just as bad as my brother does. He’s been the biggest pain to be around since coming home. I can tell he misses you a lot.”

“The feeling is sooo mutual, G,” Annabelle moaned and covered her heated face. “Sorry about that. I was wondering if you could possibly help me to arrange transportation in flying under the radar? I’ve got the money but discretion is what’s really needed. I don’t know where Davis is or who he’s been in contact with, but I do know the Fowlers have friends in lofty positions.”

Georgina munched on her potato chips thoughtfully as she took in how flustered Annabelle was. “I think I can help you, but I need a favor as well. The vets here are driving Max crazy! He complains that no one here has your magic touch when it comes to dealing with all of his babies. Can you help him out?”

“Of course! I’ve missed them all so much and it would be my pleasure. Especially George Jefferson and Gus. I still remember how adamant Farmer Walter was against an imported bull, but when he arrived, that man was a goner and loved that bull. I can only imagine how big he is now!”

Georgie could only stare at her in dismay. Annabelle’s innocent expression was an indication that she had no idea what happened to Gus. Why hadn’t Graham told her?

“Georgie, what’s wrong? You’re making me nervous?” Annabelle quizzed anxiously. Squinting, she leaned closer to the screen. “What’s that look for? What aren’t you telling me?”

“Annabelle, I’m so sorry you have to hear this from me. Gus is dead. Davis killed him, then cut off his head a couple of months ago. I’m sorry.”

Gus had been her baby. Unused to the strange pastures, it was Annabelle who’d stayed with him and got him familiarized with his new home. She’d shown Max and Farmer Walter how to put the Brangus bull at ease. During mating season, bulls were extremely feisty and aggressive, but Gus always had a good disposition and made Annabelle’s job easier. Now he was dead and Annabelle was going to make sure Davis paid. By her hand and no one else’s.

“Please let me know what you can do to make it happen. The sooner the better.”

After they hung up, Georgina made another call.

“Did you change your mind on when I can expect my order?” was how Vivienne Romankov greeted her. “If so, I’d be forever in your debt, Georgie. My husband can’t keep his hands to himself when he sees me in one of your designs and everything gets destroyed. Soon I’ll start having to go commando, not that Lex would mind.”

“One of the best compliments I’ve ever heard,” Georgina laughed. “When are you leaving England?”

“The day after tomorrow. We’re just finishing Tariq’s clothing line promotions. What’s up?”

“I have a proposition for you, Viv.”

“I’m listening…”


“Are we riding the airplane, Mummy?” Rory squealed with delight and clapped her hands together when Annabelle nodded her confirmation.

“Yes, lovey. This is your first airplane ride! We’ll take lots of pictures of the sky and put them in your scrapbook.”

The three of them waited on the tarmac as the door to the private plane opened and a petite black woman dressed in jeans, a white tee-shirt and black blazer descended the stairs. Her eyes were hidden behind silver aviators. She wore divot sized diamonds in her ears, a heart shaped platinum locket around her neck, and a huge diamond on her left hand.

She greeted them with a smile as she slid her aviators atop her head and surveyed them with large molasses colored eyes that reflected her directness. “Hello, Ladies. I’m Vivienne Romankov, a good friend of Georgie’s family.”

Annabelle stepped forward to shake her hand, liking Vivienne already. “Hello, Vivienne. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Annabelle, this is Edith, and this little one is my daughter Aurora, but we call her Rory for short. Thank you for doing this.”

“Pretty lady!” Rory pronounced before burying her face in Annabelle’s neck when Vivienne winked at her.

“Thank you, Rory! You’re very pretty as well.” To Annabelle she asked, “Are we ready to go?”

“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Edith asked Annabelle. “You know I have your back, but I just want you to be sure. Have you weighed the pros and cons? Remember what happened last time, Annabelle…”

Vivienne watched the conflicting emotions. Fear, sadness, and worry on Edith’s face, and firm resolution in Annabelle’s. “Rory, did you know I have a granddaughter who is a little younger than you? Her name is Ruby and you’ll get to meet her soon. I think you’ll be very good friends.” Vivienne pulled her phone from her back pocket and opened it to reveal a screensaver of three children, two boys and a girl. “Would you like to see pictures of my grandbabies?”

“Yes, can I see, Mummy?” Rory was already leaning toward Vivienne who was waiting for Annabelle’s permission.

“Of course you can, Rory,” Annabelle handed her to Vivienne who gave her the phone and allowed the little girl to swipe through the pictures and ask questions as they walked away to give the two women some privacy.

“I have to do this, Edith. I want my life back. I want to be with everyone I love, no limitations! Isn’t that why you told Graham where to find me?” Annabelle slid her arm through Edith’s. “Please trust me. I know what I’m doing.”

“But last time you barely got away. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you! Then there’s Rory!”

“Everything will be fine. This isn’t like last time. Now let’s go.”

Edith allowed Annabelle to lead her to where Vivienne and Rory waited and then they were boarding the plane that would bring them back to America. As they buckled in, Annabelle felt the adrenaline coursing through her body.

Like Graham, failure wasn’t an option for Annabelle.

This would not be like last time…