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Take a Chance on Me (Baymoor Book 3) by D. A. Young (5)

Chapter Seventeen


“Happiness looks so freaking good on you, lady! Can I ask where you are?”

Annabelle touched the screen, wishing she could reach through and squeeze her bestie’s hand. “Kenny, please don’t think I don’t want to tell you. Believe me, you’re gonna trip out when you figure it out, but for now…it’s probably better if I don’t say…”

“Because of Davis.” Kenya finished in a disdainful voice. “I’ve been praying on it faithfully, you know. Asking God to find that bastard so that Graham can lay hands on him.”

“Kenny, I swear I’m crying real tears at your silly self!” Annabelle covered her mouth to stifle the laughter so as not to wake Edith and Rory. It was going on three in the morning and everyone was gone leaving the two friends to get reacquainted. “I don’t think God takes blood thirsty requests like yours into consideration.”

“You’re right. Let’s pray for you to make it back home instead.” The speculative look she gave Annabelle was accompanied by a sly grin. “The two of you seem very comfortable around each other.”

“Yeah…crazy as it seems…” Annabelle turned to look at Graham who was sleeping on the sofa in the living room. He’d let her have some privacy while she got reacquainted with everyone. At least that’s what happened after he gave Wade and Max the finger. She was still puzzled as to why the Baymoor duo along with his uncle Nate exploded with laughter when the men hadn’t exchanged a single word. “I didn’t think I could ever be open to a relationship after…”

“Satan’s favorite bitch?” Kenya suggested helpfully then quickly smacked her forehead. “Shit! I’m sorry! I just got you back and I keep shoving my feet into my mouth. It’s what drove a wedge between us to begin with. I miss you so much, Annabelle!” Kenya’s face softened with wistfulness and her eyes dropped as she pressed a hand to her mouth, letting Annabelle know she was refraining from being painfully honest.

“Kenny, speak your mind,” Annabelle encouraged her.

“I was your best friend and you couldn’t trust me!” Kenya cried and Annabelle shook her head sadly in the negative.

“Back then you weren’t my best friend anymore. You’d been replaced with denial,” Annabelle explained at Kenya’s hurt look. “Me and that bitch chilled together in our favorite place…darkness. That environment was so comfy, cozy, and everything looked good and felt safe. I never should have shut you guys out, but I was crippled by fear and too ashamed to admit what was going on,” Annabelle confessed sadly. “I wanted to tell you what was happening to me but I was terrified that something else would happen to the people that I love after his cousin Jessie roughed up my father in that jail cell in Baltimore.”

Annabelle glanced at Graham nervously again, but he appeared to still be sleeping.

“What’s that look for Annabelle?! Is everything alright?” Kenya exclaimed sharply, trying to peer around her. “Annabelle!”

She couldn’t blame Kenya for her rising hysteria. “Sssh! Everything is fine. I just haven’t told Graham any of that yet.”

“Sorry about the yelling. I can’t wait for you to meet my daughter, Regan. Her middle name is Annabelle after you. She’s such a joy but, girl, does she try me!”

Annabelle was overcome with guilt but felt it was best not to mention Rory right now. For now, just knowing everyone was doing well was good enough. “I bet she does. Thank you for thinking of me. I can’t wait to meet her.”

“I talk to her about you constantly so she’ll be ready.”

“How’s Bailey and your parents doing? I can’t believe she’s all grown up!” Annabelle had often seen Kenya’s younger sister in fashion magazines, all grown up and strutting her stuff. Once Bailey and a couple of other super models had vacationed here inFurla, and had shut the place down. People were going crazy following them around. It was the one and only time, Annabelle had called out of work and stayed around the house that weekend keeping a low profile.

“Mama and Daddy are good. They’re thinking of getting a time share in Key West and Bailey is great. She comes home between shoots. I think she’s finally over being dumped by NFL star and über douche canoe supreme, Hendrix Mason,” Kenya said victoriously.

It was evident to Annabelle that Kenya still blamed the talented quarterback of the Miami Destroyer’s for breaking her baby sister’s heart when he graduated from high school with Annabelle and Kenya. Hendrix had left Baymoor and never looked back. Bailey who was a year behind them and a bit shy, had been devastated. Personally, Annabelle had liked Hendrix. He’d never struck her as a villain of any sorts, but it wasn’t like she had the best track record when it came to men or demons disguised as them.

“That’s great to hear everyone is happy.” Annabelle tried to stifle her yawn, but couldn’t. “I hate to say this but I have to go.” Rory would be up soon and she always went to mummy’s room after going potty. Annabelle didn’t want her to become worried if she didn’t see her. “Don’t worry, Kenny. I’ll be in touch soon. I love you, girly.”

Kenny immediately became emotional. “I love you so much, Annabelle! Promise me that you’ll keep in touch!”

“I promise, Kenny. I swear I will.”

When she logged off, Annabelle went to the sofa, bent down and pressed her lips to Graham’s. “Wake up, Mr. Carlton. It’s time for us to go to bed.”

“It’s wrong to send mixed signals like that, woman,” he replied without opening his eyes. He held open his arms for her. “Does something to a man’s libido. Come here.”

“Are you crazy? I’m way too heavy—”

“Doc, promise to God if you say something about your weight…” Graham left the sentence hanging as he fixed her in his sights with a disapproving frown. He grabbed her hand and tugged her down.

Annabelle allowed Graham to pull her on top of him. He wrapped her in his arms and buried his face in her neck. They fit perfectly like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Her eyelids began to droop as she curled into him, breathing in his fragrance. “Thank you for tonight. It was perfect.”

“I was just glad to see your pretty smile back in place.” Graham smiled to himself when he felt her smiling against his chest.

“You’re the reason it looks like that,” Annabelle mumbled into his arm pit, embarrassed to admit it aloud. “Don’t pat yourself on the back too hard, Captain Dimples.”

“Are you sure? I thought I was the reason you bared your teeth like a rabid animal.” He inhaled sharply when she bit his pec through the tank top. “Now that was on my list.”

“Sooo silly. When will you leave?” Annabelle turned to look up at Graham who tightened his arms around her but was staring up at the ceiling. Melancholy settled over her like a fog knowing it didn’t matter if he said tomorrow or a year from now. Both scenarios depressed her.

“In four days.” Knowing he had to go was killing Graham but it was better this way. The sooner he got back and went to work, the sooner they would be reunited.

“I’m going to miss you. Will you at least call me and let me know you made it back?”

“You ain’t getting rid of me that easily, doc. I’ll call, but we’ll Skype too on my laptop. I’m leaving it here with you. It’s not my main one and it’s untraceable.” Graham sat up and picked her up in his arms. “Now it’s time for bed. I’d say you’ve got about three hours before babygirl wakes up.”

Annabelle wrapped her arms around him and pressed her head to his chest. It was nice to be with a man who didn’t scream at her about her weight. They got to the top of the stairs and she pointed him to the door at the end of the hallway on the left. Despite the fact that he was carrying another person, Graham moved quietly but swiftly. He opened the door to her room and deposited her at the door.

She caught his hand as she opened the door. “Stay with me.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to confuse or upset Rory.”

“I just don’t want to let you out of my sight…stay with me, Mr. Carlton,” Annabelle pulled him into her room. And because he was on the same wavelength, Graham walked into her bedroom that was decorated in abstract black and white with gold accents. He allowed Annabelle to push him down on her queen-sized bed and caught her as she fell into his arms.

Exactly where they both wanted to be, Annabelle and Graham drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


The small pats on Annabelle’s cheek were Rory’s signature move of waking her up. “Mummy? Time to get up! We making breakfast! Come on, Mummy!”

Annabelle opened her eyes to see Rory kneeling next to her in the spot that Graham had lain in. Her hair was redone in the bun from the night before, which let Annabelle know Edith was also up. The alarm clock on her nightstand said eight-thirty. She sat up with a big yawn. “Give Mummy one second. Let me brush my teeth and I’ll be down.”

“’Kay but hurry! Sometimes you take too long!” Rory hopped down from the bed and ran out of the room.

“How long did it take for you to master potty training, missy-poo?” Annabelle called after her as she headed to the master bathroom. She smiled at Rory’s giggles. “Exactly, so yeah, you’d better run!”

As Annabelle left her bedroom, she could now smell bacon. There was also another aroma wafting through the air. Something sweet that was making her tummy rumble. When she entered the kitchen, Annabelle found Graham holding Rory and a stainless-steel bowl as she painstakingly whisked the bowl’s contents.

“Look at me, Mr. Ram! I’m doing a good job!” Rory beamed going faster and causing liquid to splatter on Graham’s arms. “Uh-oh! I got you, sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it, babygirl. Hold on, for a second. Just let me add a little salt and pepper.”

She looked up at Annabelle. “Mummy, I’m a wish king! Come look!”

For a man running on barely any sleep, Graham looked good in his black tee-shirt and dark gray sweat pants. He winked at Annabelle as she approached with a dish towel. “Hey, sleepyhead.”

“Good morning, everyone. What are you whisking, Rory?” Annabelle ran it under the faucet and wiped his arm clean, deliberately lingering to run her fingers over his damp skin as she pressed a kiss to his bicep.

Her daughter squinted at Graham. “Uhhhh…it’s called holy days? Did I get it right, Mr. Ram?”

“Close enough. It’s holl-an-daise sauce,” Graham explained to her patiently. “Breakfast is just about done. Can you please go and wake your Gigi?”

“Yes, I’m so hungry!”

Graham waited until Rory left the room to pull Annabelle into his arms and lift her on the counter. “I think I just bought us five minutes and plan to use them wisely.”

He kissed her softly and held her to him. Graham didn’t need to say a word to convey what he was feeling. Time was running out. Annabelle wrapped her arms around his middle and held on for dear life. “If Edith is asleep, then that means you did Rory’s hair.”

“I was leaving your room when she came out of hers. She was upset that her bun had to be taken down last night. So instead of her waking you, I grabbed the hair products from the bathroom and redid it. It wasn’t that hard. I’ve done my niece Camille’s hair in a similar style,” Graham pushed her braids back and kissed her neck. “Then she said she was hungry so we decided to make breakfast and let you and Edith sleep a little longer. Today you’re getting my specialty, Eggs Florentine Benedict, potatoes roasted in duck fat, and apple-cinnamon rolls.”

She was going to wife him so hard, Annabelle thought to herself as she reached up and kissed his jawline. “Thank you. What am I supposed to do when you leave me, Mr. Carlton? I’ll have to go crawl and beg for boxed cereal and crappy instant coffee to take me back.”

“If you do, I’m going to put you over my knee and spank you,” he warned her.

“I’ll make sure to send you pics then.” His chuckle against her neck made Annabelle’s toes curl. “You’re very big on eating well, aren’t you? I don’t mean health-wise, but good food. No quick breakfasts or processed foods.”

“I like good quality food and prefer making it to dining out. That challenge in the Marines really hooked me. There’s something about being in the kitchen that relaxes me. To know that the end result is going to be so satisfying makes the entire experience rewarding.”

Graham released her and began plating food while Annabelle set the table. He continued speaking as she grabbed the plates and brought them over while he made cappuccinos. “When I was growing up, drugs were a priority to have in the house instead of food. Hot dogs were a fancy meal until Eliza got a job. After that it was always fast food meals. Quick easy food that could be eaten on the go. We’d smuggle it into the bedroom we shared with Georgie and then toss the trash into the dumpster below our window. There wasn’t time to savor meals with Ingrid sniffing around looking for money. We were trying to save money to get out.”

Annabelle couldn’t fathom living like that. Yes, the Gaines struggled with finances but her grandparents had often invited them over to eat and sent them home, arms laden with leftovers. “What about the holidays?”

“Before Eliza got her job, we went to a local shelter for a meal and then spent time taking Georgie to the park. Most people do ‘Black Friday’ and shopping, but it’s actually ‘Family Day’ so we emphasized that aspect instead. After Eliza got her job we upgraded to buffets with our downstairs neighbor Paula and her kids, then we’d go to the movies, bowling, or Circus Circus. We just wanted to give Georgie as much normalcy as possible with what we had. I like to think it paid off. We’ve come a long way from those times, but ‘Family Day’ is what we still emphasize with Camille.”

Graham was such an enigma. Like Annabelle, he had been molded from his experiences. Instead of being anything like his parents, he was a loving family man that championed those not in a position to do it for themselves. Yet he had a ruthless side. One he planned to unleash wholly on Davis. Annabelle could see the icy violence in his eyes last night at dinner, but it didn’t frighten her. Nothing about Graham frightened her because she knew his heart and loved him all the more for it.

“Taste this.” Graham held out a perfectly browned potato bite for her and Annabelle swooned as the rich taste of the duck, garlic, and rosemary danced on her taste buds. “Thought you’d like that. Stick with me, Doc. I’ll take you places.”

Rory re-entered the kitchen holding Edith’s hand. “Now can we eat? I’m hungry!”


They spent the remainder of the morning on a glass bottom boat Graham rented. Rory sat with Graham to watch stingrays, eels, sea turtles, assorted schools of fish, and a pod of dolphin swimming. While Annabelle and Edith lounged and listened to them discuss their findings in great detail. They even spotted a few whales before returning to shore where they decided to go to the beach that was crowded as usual on the weekend.

“Why do I have to wear the vest, Mummy?” Rory pouted as Annabelle slipped it on her and secured it. “I’m a good swimmer!”

“You know the rules, baby. If you want to get in the water, you have to wear the vest. Now let’s put some more sunscreen on because everyone is waiting for us to have fun!”

It was a perfect afternoon and Graham, Rory, and Annabelle spent most of the time in the clear water. They only emerged to eat the pizza Edith bought then rest. Rory played with a beach ball with some other children while Annabelle watched as Graham and Edith played spades and talked smack to each other. Soon Rory stumbled tiredly into Annabelle’s lap for a cuddle and story. Her eyes drifted closed before Annabelle reached the end of the book and soon her light snores filled the air.

Carefully Annabelle removed the swim cap and wiped the sand from Rory’s little body before cuddling her daughter, breathing in her special fragrance. Her skin was sun-kissed and warm and she smelled like baby and sunshine. Annabelle smoothed Rory’s curly lashes which tended to clump together and traced the curves of her plump cheeks. She leaned back in her chair with Rory and took a nap as well, unaware of Graham stopping the fast-paced card game to pick his phone up and take pictures of them.


He was all packed. Tonight, Annabelle let him put Rory to bed. She’d listened from the doorway as Graham explained that he was leaving in the morning.

“Where are you going, Mr. Ram? You coming back?” Rory asked sleepily.

“I have to take care of some things, but yes, I’m coming back, babygirl. I promise.” Life was funny in the way it tested you. He was leaving to kill her father in order to keep her mother safe.

“’Kay you gotta keep it. Mummy says promises are important,” she muttered. Suddenly her eyes popped open and her words were crystal clear. “I love you, Mr. Ram. You love me?”

Graham was fucking undone. He was trying to man up and hold it in, but crashed and burned severely with those sparkling eyes looking up at him hopefully. He opened his arms and Rory scrambled into them. As a kid, he’d perfected the art of crying in silence. The need to be strong for his sisters surpassed his own hurt. But he had no defenses against this slip of a girl. The tears gathered in his eyes and his shoulders shook as she settled her head on his shoulder. “I do love you, Rory. Be good for your mummy and Gigi.”

“I will. What do you call a fake noodle?”

“I don’t know, babygirl, what?”

“An impasta!” Rory giggled, pointing a finger at Annabelle. “Mummy’s zoozles are impastas’!”

Graham stayed with her, listening and laughing as she told joke after joke. They sat in the rocking chair until she finally fell asleep. 

There was a knock at the door before Annabelle opened it and entered the casita. She wore a strapless bronze maxi dress, sympathetic grin and was carrying a small picnic basket, bottle of wine and two glasses. “I come bearing gifts. How are you doing, babe?”

Graham scowled at her as he rubbed his chest. Annabelle bit her lips in an effort to suppress her amusement as he accused her, “You should have warned me, Doc! I’m feeling like I can’t breathe right now.”

Her laughter warmed his bruised heart. “My poor baby! I promise it doesn’t get easier. The first time I left her was for a convention in Melbourne three weeks ago. For two days, I felt like my heart had been ripped out.”

Annabelle held the bottle up. “I found a bottle of wine Edith bought last week. It’s a perfectly chilled sauvignon blanc. She gave us her blessings to enjoy and told me I better not show my face in the house again tonight.” She produced a wine opener and poured the wine into the glasses. Graham came up behind her, his lips trailing along her bare back and shoulders as he took a glass. Annabelle was so on the edge and about to teeter off, her body was vibrating uncontrollably for his attention. She leaned into him, warning, “Don’t start something you can’t finish, sir.”

“Challenge accepted, Doc.” Graham set the glass back down, then took Annabelle’s as well and set it aside. He cupped her throat and tilted her head back to mold his lips to hers.

Annabelle absorbed his clean minty taste, loving the way his tongue danced with hers. They were lost in the taste of each other, but it was nowhere near enough and there was nothing stopping them tonight. Against her lips Graham rasped, “You have no idea what you do to me, Doc. I need you so bad…”

“I think I have a clue,” Annabelle’s voice was rife with her desire for him. “Don’t make me wait any longer, Mr. Carlton…”

His head dropped to her shoulder and his hands wrapped tightly around her waist, fingers reaching up to brush against her rigid nipples causing an intense ripple of desire to wind through Annabelle. “Are you sure, baby? I need you to be sure because right now I’m fucking delirious with wanting you. I need you to be on the same page.”

Annabelle broke away from him to walk to stand by the side of the bed. She tugged her dress down her body and it floated around her legs to the floor, then removed her skimpy thong and strapless bra. She stood still and proud, allowing Graham to look his fill of her body.

His mouth was bone dry as he drank in her abundant curves. Annabelle’s large breasts were topped by onyx nipples that were tightly puckered and begging for his attention. The soft curve of her belly and the stretchmarks crisscrossing across the lower part, flared hips, and thick full thighs that Graham knew would cushion him perfectly as he rode her body. She was exquisite.

“Sex ain’t for looking pretty. It’s messy, dirty, fun and can get a little kinky with me, but I promise you’ll have a good time if you trust me. If you still want to do this, get on the bed.”  Annabelle spun around, rushing to do his bidding and Graham muttered, “Jesus Christ!”

Her ass was flawless but it was no less than Graham expected, and the bountiful globes were giving him all kinds of kinky ideas. He hurriedly stripped out of his clothes as Annabelle lay in the middle of the bed.

Words failed her as she took in Graham Carlton in his full glory. Magnificent. That was the only word to describe him. His body was lean with muscle evenly distributed on his tall frame. The black ink of his tribal tattoos in no way detracted from his form or gorgeous face. Her eyes dipped from his bold stare to the work of art proudly jutting from a short nest of curls between his powerful thighs. “WOW.”

The praise and appreciation in her eyes and the way her mouth dropped open made a normally confident Graham flush. “Right back ‘atcha, Doc.”

He grabbed his toiletry case on the dresser and opened it, grabbing a couple of condoms and tossing them on the nightstand before coming to the bed. It dipped as he put his knee on it and Annabelle spread her legs to make room for him to nestle between her thighs. Graham braced himself on his elbows to look down at her and they smiled at each other in mutual agreement that it felt so right for him to be there. But Annabelle could still see the briefest flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. That she might have doubt that it was too soon.

“Hey,” Annabelle said shyly as her foot trailed up the back of his leg. She wrapped her arms around Graham’s neck and pulled him down to her. Her nails raked over his smooth bald head, and goosebumps spread over his body. “Do me a favor, alright?”

Graham’s lips swept over hers lightly, his tongue dipping between her lips to stroke hers. “Anything for you, Doc.”

Annabelle wrapped both legs around his muscular thighs and captured his lips. “Make me holla, Mr. Carlton.”

“With pleasure, Doc.”

Graham cupped her breasts, cherishing the weight of them in his hands. He pushed them together and paid homage to Annabelle’s swollen, achy nipples. He alternated between each one licking, suctioning, and biting them as Annabelle thrashed frantically underneath him, rubbing her hot core against his shaft, coating him with her arousal. Her nails raked down his muscled back as she clutched him tighter to her and mewled her pleasure.

Reluctantly Graham slid down her body, paying homage to her stretch marks by kissing the marks that crisscrossed against her abdomen before sliding down further to hook Annabelle’s legs over his arms, opening her up.

Annabelle braced herself on her elbows to look down at Graham. She loved watching his reaction to seeing her treasure for the first time. She could feel his breath teasing her and Annabelle’s sex pulsated as Graham’s eyes turned obsidian with desire and he licked his lips hungrily at the sight. To know he wanted her so, gave her a heady sense of power.

She slid her one hand between her nether lips to stroke her tender clit. Her breath caught and her hips jerked at how sensitive she was everywhere, but particularly her tender nub. Feeling like the briefest touch could trigger her orgasm, Annabelle jerked her hand back, and the movement spurred Graham to action. With hooded eyes, he released her breasts and caught her hand, guiding it back to her pussy.

“Uh-uh, Doc. Don’t stop now, keep going. You have my undivided attention.” Annabelle was a visual feast for Graham’s eyes. The striking contrast of her gorgeous sable skin and her sweet pink treasure on display left Graham in awe and stimulated by the masterpiece in front of him. “Lemme see what you like before I take over.”

The directive caused her overheated flesh to sizzle as Annabelle readily obliged him. Her hand dipped between her legs and she pleasured herself under his voracious gaze. Graham’s face was a tight mask of stark concentration as he stroked the insides of her thighs. Annabelle’s heavy panting and the sloshing signs of her excitement melded into a masterpiece for their ears alone as she put on a show for him. Thrusting her pussy in his face as her fingers plunged and slid, daring him to take action.

Graham watched her fingers tunneling in and out of her sex, disappearing for longer periods of time, and emerging shinier each time they appeared. His dick was pleading that he resolve their problem but Graham refused to rush this. The wild abandonment on Annabelle’s lovely face spoke volumes to how close she was to cumming. With her skin glowing, eyes half-mast, lips parted in passion, and body undulating in ecstasy, Annabelle left him speechless.

“Mmmm…shit…Graham! I need…you, please…” Annabelle was officially begging for him. Her body was throbbing from her ministrations of self-love and her thighs were shaking. She didn’t know how much more she could take.

Graham caught her hand and raised it to his lips, sucking all of Annabelle’s cream from his fingers as he drew each digit into his mouth to savor one at a time. He flipped her around, and slapped her ass teasingly, then positioned it in the air for him. Annabelle tossed her braids to the side to peer over her shoulder at him, wiggling for Graham to hurry.

He gripped her ass in place, slowly licking and nibbling his way up the inside of her thigh until he reached her saturated core. His hands wrapped around her thighs and he lifted her up while his tongue laved her drenched nether lips before plunging in and eating her sweetness ravenously. His fingers found her clit and teased it while he ate. God bless the multitasker. Annabelle’s arms buckled and her head fell to the bed in bliss as molten pleasure spread through her body. She cupped her breasts and tugged at her nipples, pressing her center closer to Graham’s face encouragingly.


Her screams were muffled by the comforter as she wantonly grinded back into his face. Between his mouth, fingers, and the pressure on her breasts the orgasm was peaking too fast and she was unsure if she could handle its imminent arrival. She tried to back away and control it but Graham tightened his hold, alternating between nibbling and sucking on her clit and plunging his tongue deep into her pussy as his fingers caressed her booty and teased her forbidden hole.

“Aaaaaaahhh!” She exploded, soaring higher and higher no sign of falling in sight as Graham lapped up her release and strummed her clit with his fingers. Only when Annabelle was spent, did he release his hold and she collapsed on the bed, her body still twitching as she tried to form a coherent sentence. “Wha-who-how…”

Graham licked the perspiration trickling down her spine as he reached for one of the condoms and tore it open. Expertly he rolled it down his dick then rolled Annabelle over. Her eyes were glazed over and she wore a smile of contentment. He kissed her, tongue delving deeply as he gathered her wrists in one hand and held them above her head. With the other hand, Graham guided his shaft into her slowly, allowing her time to adjust to his length and girth. She was so damn tight.

“Still with me, Doc?” The low intensity of his growl, vibrated through Annabelle’s body and she clenched her muscles around him in response to his steady penetration, causing sweat to break out on Graham’s forehead.

“I ache for you,” She breathed against his mouth looking directly into his eyes. She could taste her essence on his tongue as Graham sank into her body, filling and stretching her beyond capacity. The line of pleasure-pain was being danced on as Annabelle eagerly succumbed to him. “You and only you, Graham Carlton. I love you so much.” 

“Jesus, Doc. I love you too.” Her tender vows broke Graham’s restraint and he withdrew then surged back into Annabelle until he bottomed out inside of her. Her eyes closed as she accepted all of him. He set a powerful pace with thrusts that caused Annabelle’s breasts to dance as he mastered her g-spot. Graham was mesmerized at the sight of the heavy globes bouncing rhythmically as she drenched him with her juices. His name fell from her lips in a worshipping chant that grew louder with each thrust he gave. Still she didn’t open her eyes.

“Graham! Graham! Graaaham!”

He’d known since he was little that drugs were bad. Not because they taught it in school, but because his mother was the worst addict that Graham had ever encountered. He couldn’t even be in the same room with an addict without his skin crawling, but the tables had turned on him. Annabelle was the ultimate drug and Graham was hopelessly addicted to her. He craved her mind, soul, heart, and this body. Her pussy was insanely perfect in every way. Her rich creamy taste, velvety texture, and a fit so constricted around his dick that it blew his mind. Forever with this woman wouldn’t be enough.

“Are you okay, baby?”

“More than okay, Graham. I’m perfect and you’re so very perfect.”

Annabelle wrapped her legs around his muscular thighs and clutched at Graham’s back as he pistoned in and out of her. He lowered his head and drew a succulent nipple into his mouth and bit down, causing Annabelle to arch into him, eyes still closed. He drove her back down with his plunges, released her arms, and threw her legs over his shoulders. Hands spanning her waist, Graham surged harder. Annabelle’s senses were overloaded as Graham slid his hand between them and plucked her clit while switching his lips to her other breast. She came in a white-hot haze, her muscles clamping down so hard on Graham’s dick that he had no choice but to follow her over the ledge, as his orgasm was ripped from him and he emptied himself deep in her silken heat.


“Gimme a second…” Annabelle finished the last bite of smoked gouda cheese and chewed methodically as she arranged her thoughts. Suddenly she snapped her fingers triumphantly. “I think I have it now! Zay is your cousin, Casey is the oldest, then Darby and Jack is the baby and your best friend! Alexei and Vivienne are Kat’s children and Max and Wade are a couple!”

“Noooo, woman!” Graham groaned good-naturedly, biting into the Honey Crisp apple he’d found in the picnic basket. He could feel Annabelle’s muffled laugh against his stomach where she lay her head and Graham handed her the half-eaten fruit. “I knew you weren’t paying attention.”

They lay naked in bed, recuperating from round three in the shower. When Graham mentioned Wade and Eliza’s upcoming wedding, the conversation turned into a conversation of all of his friends and where they lived. Annabelle’s head was spinning as she tried to keep up with everyone to which Graham replied was okay because she’d get to meet everyone soon enough. Which was pretty much the equivalent to challenging her. So, they made a bet.

The bet was that Annabelle would be able to name all of his friends and who exactly they were to him. She got two chances. If she lost, she had to impress him with her oral skills. If Annabelle won, she’d still get to impress him with her oral skills. Annabelle took the apple from him and bit into it. Sex with snacks was where it was at. She’d have to thank Edith when she saw her in the morning for the thoughtful gesture.

“Why do you keep your eyes closed when we’re making love?” Graham asked as he played with her braids. She stiffened against him and his hand fell to her arm which he slowly rubbed, until the new found tension ebbed from her body. “You can tell me anything, Doc. I’m not judging you.”

Annabelle caught his hand. She held it to her face noting that it could cover her face easily. That one hit from a man of Graham’s size could easily lay someone out. She imagined the power he’d put behind a blow with minimal effort then the power he’d unleash if he did exert himself. None of those facts about him frightened her. She opened his hand and kissed the center of his palm. “Before you, I’ve never closed my eyes during sex. I feel safe enough with you to let my guard down and live in the moment.”

They both knew that like her admission at dinner yesterday, Graham was getting the sugarcoated version of what she’d went through. He was humbled and honored that she trusted him so completely. He wanted to discuss this further, but not tonight. Tonight, belonged exclusively to them. No ghosts allowed. He held his hand out. “You lost a bet. Time to pay up, Doc.”

“It’s not my fault! You have too many friends to keep track of,” she whined handing the apple back to him. The twinkle in her eyes as she rolled to her knees and crawled over him, kneeling between his thighs, let him know she was toying with him. Her hand slid down to cup his balls, and she fondled them gently, loving the way his shaft surged to life. “I just knew I was going to get everything right this time! Oh, well, a bet’s a bet! Never let it be said that I’m a sore loser.”

Her hand stroked his length while her tongue curled around the large mushroomed head and swiped up the precum that appeared. The apple fell out of Graham’s hand as his fists curled up, heated stare fixated on her. Annabelle winked at him before closing her eyes, and savoring his sticky salty-clean taste. “Mmmm. Now that’s good, Mr. Carlton.”

She was going to be the death of him, Graham mused as Annabelle opened her eyes and rewarded him with a sultry smile. But what a way to go. Doc was insatiable and so responsive and loving that she melted under his touch, loving everything he did to her. Which was good, because he planned on doing everything to her. His eyes dropped to the body that he worshipped. Curves on curves and he loved how she wasn’t shy about her body. Proudly she’d pointed to her stretchmarks and called them badges of honor since she was proud to be Rory’s mother. Graham wasn’t sure what he’d done right to deserve her, but he’d kill anyone suicidal enough to get between them.

His attention span vanished as Annabelle sucked him into the hot, wet cavern of her mouth. Graham’s toes cracked and his hoarse exclamation filled the air as his woman pleasured her man mercilessly.

It was a win-win for everybody.


The next afternoon, Warrick and Vechers met Graham at the airport bar, unable to look him in the eye, like two shamefaced little boys.

“Gentlemen,” he greeted them mockingly. “How goes it?”

“Name your price, Carlton,” Warrick stated wearily hating how cool and collected the bastard was. He’d spent the last couple of days stressing about what the photos could do to his marriage and career. His wife Marjory, was already a major shrew, Julian dreaded her turning into a vengeful one out for blood and his bank accounts. “Name it and get the hell out of our country.”

“I concur,” Vechers added. “Although it was Warrick’s idea…”

“No, it was that fat fuck’s brainchild!”

“Do we need another timeout?” Graham finished the last of his gin and tonic while waiting for an answer. “I’m here to offer you a rather painless deal. All you have to do is accept my simple terms.”

“Signed with our blood?” Warrick scoffed.

“The only blood that will be spilled is yours if you fuck this up,” Graham responded mildly. “Now listen closely…”





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