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Taking Chances by Laura Farr (10)



The next few days were quiet and laid-back. I spent hours sunbathing, reading and taking walks around the ranch. I needed a couple of chilled days as the nightmares had returned the night after Savannah and I rode to the river. I was exhausted. I had woken up screaming, the same nightmare invading my sleep. Savannah and Aunt Claire had come rushing into my room to check if I was okay. I was embarrassed that they had seen me like that but appreciated the hugs and support both of them gave me. Fortunately, I hadn’t woken Brody or Uncle Ryan so I hadn’t had to face them.

I’d spoken to my parents on the phone yesterday, excitedly telling them all about what I’d seen and done since I’d been here, and how much I was looking forward to the rodeo this weekend. They already knew that Jack was flying out at the end of the week, and were glad that we would be able to spend some time together. I’d decided not to tell them about the nightmares, and I’d made Aunt Claire promise she wouldn’t tell them either. I didn’t want them to worry when I was so far away from them. I must have sounded so enthusiastic on the phone that they never asked me about them anyway, I certainly wasn’t going to bring it up.

It was late morning on Thursday, and I was curled up on the porch swing trying to read. Savannah was at university, and Aunt Claire had gone to the shops in Marble Falls, she had asked me if I’d wanted to go, but I’d decided to stay at the ranch. I was wishing now that I had gone with her. I couldn’t concentrate on my book. I was reading one of the few paperbacks I’d brought with me, but I’d read the same page about five times! My stomach was fluttering with nervous butterflies. It was Mason’s day off, and I didn’t know if he would turn up like he’d said he might. Part of me was terrified that he would while the other part was terrified that he wouldn’t.

“Hey Lib.” I heard a voice shout from just outside the barn.

I looked up to see Mason making his way over to me. My heart began racing, and the butterflies were well and truly taking flight in my stomach. As usual, he looked gorgeous, he was only wearing jeans and a simple t-shirt, but he couldn’t have looked better.

“Hi.” I squeaked out as he climbed the stairs and sat down next to me on the swing.

“Good book?” He asked gesturing to the book in my hand.

Flustered I looked down. “Erm, I can’t really get into it at the moment.” I looked up to see him smiling at me.

“So, I’m not interrupting you then?”

“No…” I said slowly.

“Come on then.” He jumped up, the swing flying back. I grabbed onto the sides to stop myself from falling off. He stood in front of me, his hand stretched out for me to take. I looked at his hand, frowning. “Take a chance Libby, come with me.”

I dropped my head, my eyes on my lap. “Come where?” I whispered nervously.

He reached forward with the hand he’d wanted me to take and used his forefinger to lift my chin so that I was looking into his beautiful eyes. “It’s a surprise.” He paused. “A good one, I promise. Please?”

His eyes were pleading with me, and although I was nervous about being alone with him, I couldn’t deny that I wanted to go. I took a deep breath. It was decision time. I could do what both he and Savannah had said to me and take a chance, or tell him no and most likely regret it later. “Okay,” I told him making my decision. The smile spread across his face, and he grabbed my hand pulling me down the steps. “Mason! Wait I’ve got no shoes on.” I said laughing, pulling back on his hand.

“Oh, well put your cowboy boots on we’re taking the horses. I’ll wait here for you.”

I went back inside the house closing the door behind me. I slumped back against it and closed my eyes needing a minute to calm down. Take a deep breath, I told myself, nothing’s going to happen you’re just hanging out as friends. I must have been there freaking out longer than I thought as I heard a knock at the door and Mason shout. “You’re not standing me up are you, Libby?”

“No…I’ll be right out.” I quickly ran upstairs and pulled my boots on. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, my hair was a mess. I grabbed my hairbrush and threw my hair up in a ponytail. I wondered if I was dressed okay in my shorts and t-shirt, I had no idea where we were going. There wasn’t time to worry about it now. I went downstairs and left a note for Aunt Claire telling her that I had taken one of the horses for a ride. I left out that I was with Mason as I knew she thought he was too old for me.

I opened the door, and Mason was sat on the porch swing reading my book. I paused to look at him, there was nothing sexier than seeing a man reading. He looked up and caught me watching him. “This book is filthy!” He told me with a smirk.

“What! No, it isn’t!” I reached over and plucked the book from his hands feeling my face flush. “It’s just a romance book.”

“Why are you blushing if it’s just a romance book Libby.” He teased. “I’ve only flicked through it for a few minutes, and there is sex on every other page.”

I felt my face flush, even more, when he started talking about the steamy scenes. Yes, there was sex in the book, but it was just part of the story. I didn’t read it because of those scenes. I read it for the romance. “Whatever Mason, you seemed to be enjoying it when I came out anyway. Maybe you want to borrow it when I’m done?” It was my turn to give him a cocky smile.

Laughing, he said to me. “I might just take you up on that offer sweetheart. Come on let’s go.”

I followed him down the path and over to the barn. I was going to be riding Cookie again, and Mason was on a bigger horse named Titan. The name suited him, he was huge with a glossy midnight black coat. He was absolutely stunning. Mason helped me mount Cookie, his hands gripping my waist. He let his hands linger on my waist a fraction longer than needed and I shivered under his touch.

“You cold Lib?” He asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement knowing full well that I wasn’t cold.

“I’m fine.” I brushed him off. “Where are we going anyway?” I asked changing the subject.

“I’ve told you it’s a surprise. Let’s go, it’s about a fifteen-minute ride.”

I pouted at him. “Fine.” I watched his eyes focus on my pouting lips. He shook his head.

“You might want to stop poking those lips at me darlin’, unless you want me to come on over there and poke them back.”

My eyes widened in surprise, and he laughed at my reaction. We headed away from the barn and over the fields in the opposite direction to the way Savannah and I had ridden a few days ago. “It’s so beautiful here, I can’t get over just how stunning it is,” I commented.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. I’m having the same problem.” I heard him mutter. I turned to look at him only to find him staring at me. He couldn’t possibly be talking about me, could he? “How long are you staying at the ranch for Lib?” He asked me, changing the subject as we rode side by side.

“A few weeks I think, I haven’t got a return flight booked yet, so it’s pretty open-ended.”

He nodded and gestured down to Cookie. “You’re pretty good on a horse for someone who doesn’t ride very often.”

“Thanks. I was fifteen the last time I was here, and we rode every day, I loved it. I don’t get the chance at home, but I seem to have picked it up again pretty quickly.” I leaned forward and patted Cookie on the neck.

“You’re nineteen then?” Mason asked me, his eyes finding mine as I looked over to him.

“How do you know that?” I was curious to see if he’d been asking Brody or Savannah about me.

“When we met at the lake the other day you said you hadn’t ridden in four years, if you were fifteen when you last came that would make you nineteen now.” He smiled. “I listen to what you say, sweetheart.”

“I’m twenty soon, you’re twenty-six right?”

“Yep, you’ve been asking Savannah about me?” He teased, his eyes dancing with amusement. “I like that you’re asking about me Lib.” He said quietly. My face heated and I heard him chuckle.

We fell silent heading further away from the barn and house. We rode across what felt like acres of land, the sun beating down on us. There was no sound other than the constant chirping of crickets, and the occasional snort from the horses. I chanced a look over at Mason. His strong thighs were gripping Titan, and one of his tanned arms rested on his leg while the other held the reins. He wore a cowboy hat that covered most of his dark, messy hair, but I could still see some of it poking out. He looked gorgeous, like he should be on the cover of a magazine or something. He turned and caught me looking at him, and I quickly looked away.

“We’re here.” I heard him say.

I turned to look, and due to my gawking, I had completely missed that the field we were in had quite a few big trees and a small lake. “Wow, this is beautiful. I never knew this was here.” I’m sure I would have remembered if Savannah had shown me this the last time I was here. Mason had jumped off Titan and was at my side waiting to help me down. “I can manage,” I told him, secretly wishing I couldn’t so he could help me down like he’d helped me up. I swung my leg over not realising that he hadn’t moved out of the way, I felt my boot crash into him.

“Ooomph,” I heard him moan.

“Oh my god Mason! I’m so sorry! I thought you’d moved! Are you okay?” I jumped down spinning around to see him bent double and groaning. “Let me see where you’re hurt?”

“I don’t think you want to see sweetheart.” He squeaked out. “This is our first date after all.”

“This is not a date Mason,” I told him, taken aback by what he’d said. “And why wouldn’t I want to see?”

Mason attempted a laugh, but it came out like a strangled cry. “You’ve kicked me in the balls Libby, so unless you want to kiss them better, I think I can manage.”

“Oh,” I replied my face flushing for about the fifth time today. I don’t know what it was about him, but he managed to make me blush nearly every time he opened his mouth. “I’m sorry.”

“I’ll be okay in a minute.” He reassured me, standing up straight and taking a deep breath.

After a few minutes, he seemed to have recovered. He led the horses over to a shaded area where he left them to graze. He grabbed my hand again, which I had to admit I was beginning to like and pulled me towards a large oak tree. He sat me down in the shade of the tree and went off in the opposite direction. He returned a few seconds later with a picnic basket and a blanket.

“You hungry?” He asked, spreading the blanket on the ground and motioning for me to sit on it. I scooted over so that I was on the blanket and he sat down next to me.

“Starving.” My eyes met his. “Mason this is amazing, when did you set all his up?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Just before I came to get you. I didn’t know what you liked so I brought a few different things. I hope you like it.”

He looked nervous, not at all like the cocky Mason I’d met at the bar the other night. I kneeled up and leaned over, kissing him on the cheek. “I’m sure I’ll love it. Thank you.” I told him. No man had ever done anything like this for me. I was genuinely shocked by how much trouble he’d gone to. He looked up at me obviously surprised that I’d kissed him, albeit only on the cheek. I think I’d surprised myself a bit as well. “Mason, what would you have done if I’d said no to coming with you? Or if I’d gone out?” Thinking how Aunt Claire had asked me to go to Marble Falls with her.

“I wasn’t going to take no for an answer. I saw Claire leave and I knew you weren’t in the car with her. I figured you must be somewhere on the ranch. I must admit I didn’t expect to find you exactly where you’d said I’d find you. You looked terrified the other day at the river when I said I was going to come and steal you away from your book. I was sure you’d have been somewhere else hiding.” He grinned at me. “Maybe you wanted me to find you?” He raised his eyebrows at me in question.

“Maybe,” I whispered.

“I like you, Libby. I like you a lot. There’s this thing between us. I can’t explain it. I know you feel it too. I’ve seen how your body reacts to me. What are you so afraid of?”

I couldn’t tell him the truth, so I went for the obvious reason instead. “Mason I live in England. I’m only here on holiday. What would be the point of starting something? One or both of us would only get hurt.” I sighed. “I do like you Mason, and I feel the connection too, but it wouldn’t work.”

His face lit up with a smile. “Why are you smiling? Did you not hear, what I just said?” I looked at him confused.

“I heard you. You like me; you feel what I feel. That’s all that matters right now.” He was still grinning from ear to ear.

I shook my head. “You’re not listening though Mason.”

He cut me off. “Let’s eat before the food gets spoiled in the heat.”

He completely ignored what I’d said and began to empty out the picnic basket. Despite being annoyed with him for not listening to me I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw how much food he had brought, and he was still getting more out. There were pulled pork sandwiches, pieces of breaded chicken, two different sorts of coleslaw, potato salad, a pasta salad, crisps, fresh strawberries and a fresh fruit salad. “Are you expecting more people? We’re never going to be able to eat all this.” I told him giggling.

“Nope. Just us. I can pack away a fair amount. Being a ranch hand is hungry work.” He pulled up his t-shirt and patted his flat, toned stomach.

My eyes were immediately drawn to his tanned stomach, and I couldn’t seem to tear them away. It was an impressive sight. He easily had a six pack, and there was a trail of dark hair starting below his belly button and disappearing down into his jeans. He dropped his t-shirt and cleared his throat. My eyes snapped up to meet his, and he smiled. Heat once again flooded my face.

“I love seeing you blush. It makes you look even more beautiful than you normally do.” He said quietly, reaching up and brushing my cheek with the back of his hand.

My face tingled where he’d touched me, and my stomach fluttered with nervous excitement. Had Savannah been wrong about him when she’d said he was a player or was he playing me? I couldn’t decide. He seemed to have gone to a lot of trouble setting all this up when he didn’t even know if I’d go with him.

“So,” I began, eager to take the attention away from me. “Savannah tells me you’ve been at the ranch about three months, do you like it here?”

“I love it. Ryan and Claire gave me a chance when no one else would, and I owe them a lot for that.” He said mysteriously. “They are great people, but I don’t have to tell you that.”

“No, they’re the best.”

“Libby, I’m guessing Savannah’s told you that I’ve been in prison.” He looked up at me with a frown. “I understand if that’s the reason you’re being cautious with me.”

“It’s not.” And it really wasn’t. I admit I was a little taken aback when Savannah had first told me, but I figured if Uncle Ryan had given him a job and a place to live then he must trust him. “Savannah doesn’t know the reasons why and I’m not asking you to tell me,” I added quickly. I didn’t want him to feel he had to tell me. I had my own demons and would hate to feel forced to talk about them. For reasons, I couldn’t explain, as I hardly knew him, I was sure that I wasn’t in any danger of being physically hurt by him. I just wasn’t sure I could say the same for my heart.

“I will tell you what happened, just not today. What I will say is that you’re not in any danger with me. I would never hurt you, Libby.” His eyes shone with sincerity. “Come on let’s eat. I’ve got plans for you after lunch.”

My mouth dropped open, and my eyebrows shot up in surprise. I heard Mason laugh out loud.

“Not those sorts of plans! God, you’ve got a dirty mind. That’s twice you’ve jumped to that conclusion. I blame those dirty books of yours.” He shook his head still laughing.

“I… I…” I stammered not knowing what to say. “My books aren’t dirty, and I do not have a dirty mind. I just thought…”

“I know exactly what you thought. I’m a gentleman I’ll have you know.” He raised his eyebrows at me, and I laughed.

“That’s not what Savannah tells me.” I joked. I watched as the smile fell from his face.

“What has Savannah been telling you?” He asked me quietly.

“Just that you like the ladies,” I told him not meeting his eyes. I paused. “She told me that she’d seen some women leaving your place early in the morning.” I heard him sigh deeply.

“So, that’s the reason you’ve been wary of me.” He nodded his head as if it all made sense to him now.

“Mason…” I trailed off, not wanting to tell him about Mia but needing to tell him part of why I’d been pushing him away. “I was my best friend’s shoulder to cry on more times than I can count when boys hurt her, she always chose the cocky, self-assured guys who had an eye for anything female. I swore that I’d never let myself get hurt like that. I’m sorry.”

“You haven’t even given me a chance though Libby.” His eyes bore into mine. “Yes, I’ve been with a lot of women in the past few months, but I’m single. When I make someone mine, I’m committed to that person one hundred percent, and I would show that person every day how much I loved them. They would be the most important person in my life.”

The idea that I could be the most important person in Mason’s life caused my stomach to flutter with the familiar feeling of butterflies that seemed to be ever-present when I was around him. “You’re right, I haven’t given you a chance, and I’m sorry for judging you on what Savannah told me. That was wrong of me. Who you choose to date is none of my business, but as I said before I’m only here on holiday, and I know if I were to allow myself to fall for you I would fall hard Mason. I don’t think my heart could take that right now.” I gave him a small smile.

“Has someone hurt you, Libby?” He asked concern etched on his face.

“You could say that,” I told him dropping my eyes from his. “I can’t talk about it, I’m sorry. I can offer you friendship, though? I could certainly do with one more friend right now.” I asked him, wishing things could be different between us.

“Ahh, the friend zone.” He said with a small smile. “Of course, Lib, if that’s all your offering at the moment then I’ll take it. I hope we’ll be good enough friends soon for you to be able open up to me.” He paused. “Just so you know, though, I can’t promise that I won’t try and change your mind.” He winked at me lightening the mood, and I couldn’t help giving him a smile.

He passed me a sandwich, and I bit into it hungrily. “Mmmm Mason this is amazing; did you make it yourself?”

He looked at me sheepishly. “I wish I could tell you I did, but no, I’m no cook. I drove into Marble Falls first thing and bought everything.”

I looked at him, impressed with the efforts he’d gone too. “Well homemade or not it’s delicious.” We chatted comfortably while we ate, I asked questions about his job and what it entailed, and he asked me what England was like as he’d never been. We both avoided any personal questions, sensing that today wasn’t the time to be asking. After we’d finished eating, I flopped down on my back not able to move after all the wonderful food. “I’m stuffed,” I told him. “Everything was lovely. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome darlin’.” He lay down next to me, our shoulders touching. I turned my head towards him and saw that he was looking straight at me.

“You’ve got the most gorgeous eyes Lib; I could stare into them for hours.” Our hands were resting on the blanket between us, and I could feel his fingers brush mine.

I closed my eyes embarrassed by his compliment, my fingers tingling where he had touched. “Friends remember,” I whispered. God, I wanted him to kiss me. I was so confused by my feelings for him. I shook my head. “Maybe we should head back. I bet Aunt Claire is home by now.”

“Not yet Lib. I did say I couldn’t promise not to try and change your mind.” He winked again at me. “I haven’t shown you your other surprise yet. Wait here and I’ll get it.” He jumped up before I had a chance to respond. I had a feeling resisting Mason was going to be harder than I thought. We’d only agreed twenty minutes ago to be friends, and he was already pushing the boundaries. I was just worried that he wouldn’t have to push all that hard for me to fall.

He disappeared off to where he’d gotten the picnic basket from and came back with two fishing rods. “Oh, god Mason, we’re not fishing, are we?” I asked horrified.

He burst out laughing. “Well, you did say you’d never done it.”

“I also said I didn’t want to do it and couldn’t think of anything worse!”

“I promise you won’t have to touch any maggots or fish, I’ll do all the things you don’t like. Just give it a try okay?”

“Okay,” I told him reluctantly. He reached his hand out to me and pulled me up off the blanket. He kept my hand firmly entwined with his and led me the short distance down to the lake. “We’re not actually going into the lake, are we? In those wader things?” I asked him scrunching my nose up.

“We only use the waders for fly fishing, we’re just doing regular fishing. We don’t have to go into the lake, but it might be nice just to go in a few feet to keep us cool.”

It was a baking hot day again, and Mason was right it would be nice to cool off a bit by getting our feet wet. I pulled my hand free from his and reached down to pull off my cowboy boots. “Come on then let’s get this over with.” I took off, running ahead of him and straight into the lake. The water was freezing, and I squealed in shock. “Argh, it's freezing.” I hopped around trying to get used to the chilly water. Mason came and stood beside me chuckling.

“Having fun there Lib.” He asked me.

“Yeah, can’t you tell?” I rolled my eyes sarcastically at him. “Go on then show me how amazing fishing is.”

Mason stuck to his word, and I didn’t have to touch anything slimy or wriggling. I must admit every time I got a tug on my line I got a little bit excited to see what I’d caught. Mason found my excitement amusing after I’d protested so much about doing it. After about an hour we decided to head back. I didn’t want Aunt Claire to worry. “How will you get the fishing stuff back?” I asked him as we packed everything away.

“I’ll head back up later with the truck, the sunset from this spot is amazing. Maybe I can bring you back sometime to watch it?” He turned to look at me with a hopeful expression on his face. “As friends, obviously.” He added sheepishly.

“I’d like that,” I told him truthfully. “Thank you for today, I’ve had a really great time.”

“Me too Lib.”

We made our way back to the stables chatting occasionally. We had no idea how long we’d been out, neither of us had taken a watch, but I guessed that we’d been gone a few hours at least. Mason put the horses away, and I watched him, feeling apprehensive on how we’d say goodbye. Although Mason had agreed to be friends, I had a feeling he was going to keep pushing the boundaries of that friendship. “Thanks again for today,” I told him as he headed over to me, the horses safely back in their stalls.

“You’re welcome.” He bent down and kissed my cheek. “See you tomorrow sweetheart.”

We’d arranged on the ride back that we’d head to the airport around eleven to meet Jack off his flight. “See you tomorrow Mason.”

I made my way back to the house to find Savannah stood on the porch grinning at me.

“Had a good day?” She asked excitedly.

“The best,” I said grinning back at her. She clapped her hands in delight.

“Come on. I want to hear every detail.” She dragged me into the house and I followed her laughing.