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Taking Chances by Laura Farr (5)



After a four-hour train journey and a ten-hour flight, I landed in Austin. I couldn’t quite believe that I was here. Saying goodbye to my parents had been hard. They had been my rock for the past few months, and I was going to miss them like crazy. The flight that I had been dreading had actually been okay. It was long and tiring, but I had managed to read quite a bit, so that had been a bonus. I was glad it was over, though.

I switched my phone on as I waited for my luggage, sending my Mum a quick message to say that I had landed and that I would call her tomorrow. My phone chimed with a message. It was from my Aunt Claire.


Aunt Claire: Hi Libby, I’m waiting in arrivals can’t wait to see you xx


I sent her a quick reply back, telling her that I would be out as soon as I had my suitcase and that I couldn’t wait to see her either. If I was honest, I was a bit nervous. Although I’d spoken to Aunt Claire on the phone over the years, it had been four years since I’d actually seen her. They had planned to come and see us in the UK a couple of years ago, but Uncle Ryan’s Dad had passed away and left them the ranch, so they had been too busy working to come.

About ten minutes later I walked into arrivals, looking around for her. She squealed and waved when she saw me, throwing her arms around me when I’d made my way through the crowds to her.

“Libby! It’s so good to see you. How was your flight, honey?” She asked, grabbing my suitcase and leaving me with my hand luggage.

“Hi, my flight was good thanks. I’m glad it’s over.” I replied quietly.

“You must be exhausted, come on, we’ll get you in the car and back home.” She said, motioning for me to follow her. “Savannah is so excited to see you. She wanted to come with me to pick you up, but she wasn’t home from college in time. She’ll be home when we get back, though.”

“I’m looking forward to seeing her too.” I followed her through the airport. The humid air hit me as we went outside. “Wow, it’s warm.”

“This is nothing sweetie, it's cooling down a bit now, wait until tomorrow. You’re going to need all those summer clothes your Mum said you’d brought. It’s a bit different to April in the UK, isn’t it?” She said laughing.

“Just a bit! It's freezing at home. I’m looking forward to some sun.”

Claire came to a stop next to a large black pickup truck. She took my hand luggage case off me and put it, along with my suitcase, on the back seat.

“Climb in sweetie.” She said.

I took a deep breath and climbed into the passenger seat, quickly putting my seatbelt on.

“Thank you for having me come and stay with you, Aunt Claire. I didn’t realise how much I needed a break until my parents suggested that I come.”

She leaned across the console and squeezed my hand. “No need to thank me, Libby, you’re welcome anytime. We know what a tough few months you’ve had, and we’ll do anything we can to help. I’m a good listener if you ever feel that you want to talk about anything. No pressure, but the offer is there if you want it.” She said smiling at me.

I gave her a small smile in response. “I should probably warn you.” I paused, wringing my hands nervously. “I don’t always sleep very well, and sometimes I have nightmares. I can be quite loud. I know how early you have to get up, so I really hope that I don’t wake everyone.”

“Oh, sweetie. Your Mum has told me about your nightmares, and I don’t want you to worry about waking us up. If it happens it happens, please don’t feel bad about it. She also reminded me how you can sometimes struggle in the car, were about an hour from home so if you want me to pull over at any point, just let me know.”

I nodded in response, and Aunt Claire pulled out of the car park. I concentrated on my breathing and closed my eyes. I really wanted to look out of the window and see where we were going, but I didn’t want to have a panic attack on my first day here. I must have fallen asleep as the next thing I knew Aunt Claire was nudging me awake.

“Libby, honey, we’ve just gone through Marble Falls, were about five minutes from the ranch,” She said.

“I can’t believe I fell asleep, I’m normally a nervous wreck in the car!” I told her, looking around at where we were.

“It must be my excellent driving.” She said laughing. “It’s the middle of the night at home, though, you must be exhausted from the travelling. Your Mum said you were getting up at 5 am to catch the train, it’s been a long day for you.”

“It has been a pretty long day…” I paused. “The last time I fell asleep in the car…” I trailed off, looking out of the window at the fields flying past the window.

“I know honey. That isn’t going to happen again. You’re safe.” She reached over and patted her hand on my knee. “Look we’re here now.” She said motioning with her hand for me to look.

I turned and saw a sign that read ‘Wild Oak Ranch and Retreat.' We turned off the main road and drove up a winding driveway that led to the house. Oak trees lined the way, and it was easy to see where the name for the ranch had come from.

We must have been driving up the dusty driveway for about half a mile before it opened out and I saw the huge ranch house where my Aunt and Uncle lived. Their house was incredible. It was two stories and had an amazing wraparound porch. I could see a porch swing off to the left of the steps that led to the front door. I was looking forward to sitting on that swing curled up with a book. There were flower beds on either side of the steps that were filled with colourful wildflowers, and a white picket fence that went all the way around the lawn.

I looked to my left and saw the barns and stables where they kept the horses. In the distance, I could see a smaller, but equally impressive house along with log cabins where guests holidaying at the ranch stayed. A group of about ten people were just coming out of the barn talking and laughing.

“They’ve just got back from horseback riding down by the river.” I heard Aunt Claire say. “It’s one of the activities we offer to guests. We haven’t got many guests staying at the moment, about fifteen or so. April is a quiet time for us, but numbers will pick up the closer we get to the summer months. Come on, let’s get you settled in your room and then I’ll show you around.”

She jumped out of the car and grabbed my suitcases from the back, suddenly the front door flung open, and Savannah flew down the steps towards me.

“Libby! You’re here” She screeched throwing her arms around me.

I hugged her back, laughing. “Hey Sav. It’s so good to see you.” I told her, squeezing her tight. After our visit to the ranch when I was fifteen, Savannah and I had regularly chatted via text, and occasionally on the phone, so although we hadn’t seen each other in four years, we’d remained close. After the accident, I’d shut nearly everyone out of my life, but she had never given up on me, regularly sending me messages, even if I didn’t reply for weeks.

“Come on, I’ll show you your room, you’re just across the hall from me. I can’t wait to show you around, and for you to meet everyone. A lot has changed since the last time you were here.” She gushed, pulling me along with her.

“Wait!” I said laughing. “I need to help your Mum with my bags.” I turned around to make my way back to Aunt Claire, but she shook her head at me.

“Don’t worry Libby, I’m fine. You go on in with Savannah, she’s been dying for you to get here. I’ll bring your bags up.”

“Thank you.”

I followed Savannah as she went into the house. I’d forgotten just how gorgeous this house was. The front door opened onto a huge hall, the walls lined with family pictures of Brody and Savannah, pictures from when they were babies right up to their proms. There were pictures of my Dad’s parents and what I’m guessing were Uncle Ryan’s parents. I even spotted one of Jack and me from the last time we visited.

Savannah grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs. The upstairs was just as stunning as the downstairs. There were five bedrooms, each with its own bathroom. I got a quick glimpse in each room as Savannah pulled me from one room to the next.

“This one is yours.” She told me, stopping in a room twice the size of my bedroom at home. “We went out and got you all new bedding when we knew you were coming.”

“It’s gorgeous,” I told her, looking around in awe. There was a king size bed against one wall, with a chest of drawers and a dressing table on the other wall. A door to the left led into a bathroom, and another door opened into a walk-in wardrobe. I walked over to the window and took in the view of the barn and stables, as well as what looked like hundreds of acres of land. “What a view! This room is amazing!”

“Here are your bags honey.” Aunt Claire said, coming into the room and dropping them on the bed. “Savannah why don’t you help Libby unpack, I’ll get dinner started. Dad and Brody will be back soon. I’m sure Libby will want an early night; it’s been a long day.” She smiled at me. “I’ll call you when dinner is ready.”

Twenty minutes later and I was all unpacked. My clothes nowhere near filled the huge walk in wardrobe in my room. I think even if I’d brought all of my clothes from home it still wouldn’t be full. I dropped down on the bed. I was shattered. Aunt Claire was right, it had been a long day.

“Come on Libby, lets go downstairs before you fall asleep,” Savannah said, pulling me up by my hand. “Mom’s making your favourite.”

“My favourite?” I asked looking at her confused.

“Yep. Wait and see.” She replied cryptically.

As we made our way downstairs the most amazing smell reached my nose. My stomach rumbled in response. “Frito pie!” I screeched rushing into the kitchen. “You remembered,” I said in amazement.

Aunt Claire turned to me laughing. “Of course I remembered. How could I forget? You made me make this six times the last time you were here.”

Aunt Claire’s Frito pie was incredible. It was basically chili con carne, Fritos, which were corn chips, and cheese and she put salsa and sour cream on top. I loved it. My Mum had tried to make it at home, we’d even taken a load of Frito’s home with us, but it somehow was never the same. “Thank you for making my favourite meal,” I said walking over and kissing her on the cheek.

“No problem honey. I made sure I was stocked up on Fritos when I knew you were coming.” She laughed, winking at me. “It’s not quite ready yet, won’t be long. Are you all unpacked?”

“Yep. She’s all done.” Savannah answered for me. “I’ll take Libby and show her the new horses while we wait.”

“Okay, don’t be long; Dad and Brody will be back soon.”

As we made our way outside Uncle Ryan and Brody were heading up the path towards the house. “Hi, Uncle Ryan. Hi, Brody.” I said to them quietly. It had been a while since I’d spoken to my Uncle and cousin and I felt a bit shy. I needn’t have worried, though, Uncle Ryan scooped me up into a hug as soon as he saw me.

“Hey Lib. Great to see you.” He said swinging me round.

I laughed. “Great to see you too. Thanks for having me.”

“Our pleasure sweetheart.” He responded in his southern drawl.

“Hi, Libby. Long-time no see. How are you?” Brody asked.

I turned to look at Brody. He was even more well-built than the last time I’d seen him. I guess working on a ranch will do that to you. He was tall with dark hair and brown eyes. His white t-shirt was smeared with dirt, but you could clearly see his muscles through it. Even though he was my cousin, I could see that he was incredibly good looking. I’m sure he had all the girls falling over him. Mia would have been drooling if she’d been here. “It has been a while, hasn’t it? I’m okay thanks, looking forward to spending some time on the ranch. I love it here. Savannah is just taking me to the stables to see the horses.”

“Okay, well we’re heading in to shower, we’ll see you at dinner.” Uncle Ryan said, walking past us and pushing the front door open. Brody smiled and followed him.

I heard Aunt Claire shouting at them both to remember to take off their boots. I smiled at Savannah before she skipped through the garden and out towards the stables.

“We’ve got twenty horses now; the ranch is getting busier with guests, so we needed more horses.”

Savannah loved the horses. The last time I was here we rode nearly every day. She’d had her own horse that wasn’t used by the people holidaying here, but he stayed in the stables with all the working horses. “Do you still have Marley?” I asked her as she pulled open the stable door.

“Yeah he’s in here, I’ll show you.”

I loved the stables, the smells, well most of them, the sounds and the calmness I always felt when I was in there. As I walked in now the sweet smell of the hay hit me, and I inhaled deeply. There were rows of stalls on either side, each with a horse inside. Savannah walked past me and down to the other end of the stable, stopping at the last but one stall.

“Hello boy.” She said to Marley, scratching his nose. “You remember Libby, don’t you?” She asked the horse. “She’s back to stay with us for a while.”

Marley seemed to respond to Savannah by snorting and rubbing his nose into her hand. She laughed and reached into her pocket pulling out a couple of sugar cubes which she offered to him. I patted Marley on the neck as he ate his treat. Savannah walked me up and down the stable telling me the names of all the horses and which were the new ones.

“We can go riding tomorrow if you like?” She asked me.

It had been four years since I’d been on a horse, but I was eager to get back on one. “I’d love that, if you’re sure you’ve got time,” I told her. I didn’t want to take up her time if she wanted to see her friends. I was pretty sure she didn’t have a boyfriend. She didn’t the last time we spoke properly, but that would have been before the accident. “If you want to see your friends, or your boyfriend, I can find something to do on my own. I don’t mind.”

“I can see my friends anytime Lib, and there is no boyfriend.” She paused, then I heard her mutter. “Not for want of trying!”

I started to ask her what she meant, but Brody suddenly appeared at the stable door.

“Dinner’s ready you two, come on.”

I looked over to Savannah, and she quickly shook her head, her eyes pleading with me to not say anything in front of Brody. I gave her a reassuring smile, and linked my arm through hers as we followed Brody back to the house. I would speak to her about it when we were alone, maybe tomorrow if we took the horses out.

Aunt Claire’s Fritos pie was as incredible as I remembered. I didn’t realise how hungry I was until I started eating. Sitting at the dining table with everyone brought back memories of the last time I was here, and how much fun I’d had with Jack, Savannah, and Brody. We’d spent hours swimming in the lake, and exploring every inch of the ranch on horseback. I’d barely seen my parents during that holiday, as soon as the sun was up we were out and didn’t return until we were hungry. Being away for a few years the memories had faded, but they were flooding back now, and I could only hope that I could enjoy this visit as much as the last one.

We all chatted easily over dinner with Aunt Claire and Uncle Ryan asking after my parents and Jack. I mentioned that Jack was looking into getting a flight to Austin to meet up with me, but I was waiting to hear back from him. Everyone seemed excited that he was going to be visiting.

“So girls, what are the plans for tomorrow?” Uncle Ryan asked, smiling at Savannah and me.

“We're going to go riding in the morning. I thought I’d take Lib down to the river and show her around the new log cabins.” Savannah replied excitedly. “Then tomorrow night we’re going out with the girls.”

This was news to me. I looked at Savannah. “I don’t have to come, Savannah, if you want to go out with your friends,” I said repeating my comments from earlier.

“I want you to come. Some of those dresses you’ve brought with you are perfect for the bars in town. We just need to get you some cowboy boots tomorrow afternoon, and you’ll be all set for a night of dancing.” She smiled at me.

I frowned. I hadn’t been out dancing since the night of the accident. “I’m not sure Savannah, it’s been a while…” I hesitated.

She reached across the table and took my hand. “Even more of a reason for you to come.” She said quietly. “I know you’ve been through a really tough time, but this is a fresh start. Please come Lib everyone is dying to meet you.”

I took a deep breath. I did want this to be a fresh start, I wanted to start living again, be happy again. I closed my eyes “Okay.” I whispered. “I don’t drink though, so please don’t make me,” I begged. I hadn’t wanted to drink since Mia had died. It didn’t hold the same appeal as it did before.

“You’re not old enough to drink here honey, neither is Savannah. Isn’t that right Savannah?” Aunt Claire said, raising her eyebrows at Savannah.

“No, no drinking,” Savannah smirked at her Mum. “They check your ID at the door Libby, if you’re under 21 you get your hand stamped then they know at the bar not to serve you alcohol.” She paused. “So, you’ll come?”

“Yes, I’ll come...but I’m not sure about cowboy boots,” I replied with a smile. “What’s wrong with my flip flops?”

“You’re in Texas now Lib, you have to have cowboy boots, isn’t that right Daddy?” I looked over to Uncle Ryan who rolled his eyes at Savannah.

“Well you would know sweetheart; you have about twenty pairs.” He told her laughing.

Brody burst out laughing, along with Aunt Claire.

“I do not have twenty pairs; I’ve got like, six.” She pouted. “And what are you laughing at Brody! You have more pairs than me!”

“Mine are working boots Sav. I actually wear them to work in, they aren’t a fashion accessory.” Brody replied.

Savannah stuck her tongue out at Brody across the table. I laughed “Okay, okay, I’ll get some cowboy boots.” I turned to Aunt Claire. “I’m going to turn in. I’m whacked. Thanks for dinner, it was amazing.” I gushed.

“No problem. I’ll make it again next week, maybe when Jack gets here.” She suggested. “Sleep well, honey. If you need anything, you know where we are.” She smiled reassuringly at me.

“Thank you. Night everyone.” I made my way upstairs as everyone said goodnight. I hoped that my nightmares wouldn’t make an appearance tonight, I was too tired to deal with them.

I had a quick shower before crawling into bed, falling asleep almost immediately, my head barely hitting the pillow.