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The Doctor's Nanny by Emerson Rose (42)

Chapter 15


It’s three in the morning. Jayden has texted me every hour checking on me. I answer him every time and assure him that I am fine and hanging with my friend Katie at her house. Every time I feel guiltier, but Drake’s touch and the promise of yet another new experience with him draw me back into his bed.

He isn’t pressuring me to stay, he’s asked me more than once if I want to go but I can’t bring myself to leave him. Sex with Drake is like being a freshman in high school. You leave junior high thinking you’re the shit and that you know everything. But on your first day of high school, you realize you’re clueless.

I mean, I’m not inexperienced. I’ve had a few boyfriends and a couple of hookups in college before I made my no-hookup rule. Technically, Drake could be considered a hookup since we aren’t dating per se and we’re having sex, but I feel something for him. It’s not just the sex, he’s complicated and kind and dominant and I like being in his company, even when he’s driving me crazy.

I understand him a little better now. His bossy ways and his authoritative aura are Marine qualities, but they’re also qualities of a dominant man who knows what he wants. I don’t like being told what to do outside the bedroom, but here within these four walls I think I’d do anything he asked me to do, and more.

It’s like a switch is flipped and all my aggression and defiance toward him are gone. I happily hand him the reins and let him lead me into paradise as he says. And I do it repeatedly.

My muscles feel like jelly and I don’t think there is another orgasm in my body to be had. Although, I’m sure Drake would try to conjure one up. I need to go and put Jayden’s mind at ease, but we’ve just finished a bath and shower. I have no makeup left on my face and my hair is wet. There’s no way I can walk into the house like this without him suspecting something.

“I can dry your hair for you if you want.”

He knows I’m worried.

“No offense, but I don’t think you have the tools here to put me back the way I was when I left the house tonight.”

“Hmm, why don’t you just tell him you’re staying with your friend and in the morning when you go home tell him you showered at her house?”

That’s an option and I’ve thought of it but it wouldn’t relieve Jayden’s mind. He won’t sleep until I’m safe in my bed and I know it.

“I could but…”

“But your brother won’t sleep until he lays eyes on you,” Drake says, perceptively.


Wrapped in his arms under the comforter, I am so content. I should be diagnosed clinically insane for even considering leaving his bed. I’m not at all sure I can walk across the lawn on my wobbly legs anyway.

“Can you hand me my phone? I’m going to see how he reacts.” Drake passes me my phone from the night table. I’ve had it on his charger so it doesn’t die. That’s all I need is for Jayden to call the police because he can’t get ahold of me.

I can just see it now; Drake and I are lying in his bed and suddenly red and blue lights start flashing through the window. When we look out cop cars are filling my driveway to form a search party with their giant flashlights cutting wide swaths through the night.

I text him that I’m tired and Katie has invited me to stay with her rather than drive home at this hour. He texts me back immediately that he will come and get me if I want.

I groan, “He wants to come and get me. He’s probably going nuts.”

“You could say, no thank you, I’m already comfortable and that you’ll call him in the morning. It’s not a lie.”

Why not? I type out Drake’s suggestion and Jayden reluctantly accepts my plan. There isn’t much he can do anyway other than to demand to pick me up or threaten to come looking for me. I wouldn’t put it past him to do either.

“He says he doesn’t like it, but okay.”

Drake flops his head against the padded headboard and blows out a long breath.

“Good, great, perfect. I get to keep you all night.”

I look over at the clock on his bedside table, “It’s almost morning already. I’m usually getting up two hours from now.”

“I can do a lot in two hours.”

“You’ve already proven that.”

“And I’m going to prove it some more, come here.” I shriek when he pulls me on top of him and presses his long hard cock against my sex. He is insatiable. I didn’t even know men could keep getting hard as often as he does. I didn’t know a lot of things before tonight, including that I like it when Drake is in charge.

The last time I glanced at the clock it was six a.m. Drake is usually up at five and I have a new job to start at ten. It’s going to be a rough day.

I roll onto my back and wait for my foggy sleep-deprived mind to remember where I am. I toss my arm over my eyes to block out the sun that’s streaming in through the window.

I turn my head both ways looking for Drake but the tangled sheets are empty. I look at the time, it’s nine a.m. Shit, I need to go to work. I should call Jayden. God, please let him be at the base so I can slip in and get ready in peace.

I scramble off the bed but when my feet hit the floor I hesitate before standing. I’m light headed and weak. I need to hurry but I feel like I just completed a triathlon.

My phone is propped up against the lamp on Drake’s bedside table and there is a protein bar and a bottle of water next to it. He’s left me a breakfast of sorts.

I pick up my phone and tap the screen to bring it to life. It opens directly into the photo app and a picture of me sleeping peacefully in Drake’s bed fills the screen. I smile at the thought of him watching me sleep.

No time to sit around being sappy. I have some lies to tell my big brother and a diner to get to. I exit the photo app and open the text app. I’m not surprised to find two messages from Jayden.

--Are you running today?

--Call me when you wake up.

Run? I may never run again. Walking very slowly sounds about right for now.

I eat the protein bar and gag a little, I hate the things but they serve a purpose and I really need the energy. An alarm goes off on my phone. It’s 9:15 a.m., I don’t have an alarm set for this time. I shut it off. Drake must have set it for me so I wouldn’t be late to work.

My clothes have been folded and set on a chair and my shoes are on the floor directly under it. A place for everything and everything in its place, that’s a Marine for you.

I dress and peek out the window looking for Jayden’s car. It’s gone, thank you, Lord. My phone vibrates in my hand and I jump. This sneaking around has only just started and I’m a bumbling mess.

It’s a text from Drake.

--Good morning, beautiful girl. I had to go for a run and leave for work. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you woke up. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. Leave the bed like it is. I want to smell you on my sheets tonight. Jayden left for the base at seven, you should be fine to go home and get ready for work. Have a great first day. –D

This man is damn near perfect, how on earth is he still single at his age? I look around to make sure I have everything and eye the bed. It’s begging to be made but he said to leave it, so I’ll leave it.

My hand is on the doorknob when I hear a door open downstairs. Shit, who would be coming into Drake’s house when he’s not home? My heart starts to pound and panic floods my veins. Is it Jayden? Did he figure out what’s going on and decide to confront me and drag me home?

I tip-toe across the floor and look out the window. Jayden’s car isn’t in our driveway and I can’t see Drake’s from here. What if it’s the wacko who’s threatening me? Oh my God, I need to get out of here.

I hear someone coming up the stairs and consider jumping out the window until I look at the twenty-five-foot drop.

“Yoo-hoo, Drake. I told you I’m not a woman to be ignored. If you don’t start calling me back, I’m going to…” The door opens and a beautiful, immaculately dressed middle-aged woman gasps when she sees me.

“Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know my Drake had company, he never has anyone…” Her voice trails off and her eyes drift to the torn-up bed and then back to me. Her face brightens like a kid about to blow the candles out on their birthday cake.

She clasps her hands together and clicks across the floor on stilettos that even I can’t imagine walking in.

“You’re seeing my son? Oh, thank you, baby Jesus!”

When she reaches me, she places her hands on my shoulders and then my cheeks.

“And you’re so beautiful!” She pulls me into a bear hug and I lift my hands to return the gesture with much less enthusiasm.

“Um, thank you.” This is rather uncomfortable for me but she seems to have no problem hugging a strange woman in the middle of her son’s bedroom where it’s obvious that we’ve recently had sex.

“What is your name, darling? I’m Drake’s mother, Giselle. You have no idea how happy I am to meet you.”

I’m stunned by her forward energy but she gives off a wonderful vibe, I like her already.

“Tiana, it’s nice to meet you,” I respond, stunned.

She smiles even wider if that’s possible and glances around the room.

“Is my son here, sugar?”

“No, ma’am, he’s gone to the base. I was just leaving for work.”

“Well go on now then, bless your heart. Don’t let me hold you up. Tell that son of mine to call his mama or I’ll keep stopping by unexpectedly willy-nilly whenever I please.”

“Yes, ma’am, will do.”

She looks me straight in the eyes just long enough to make me shift my weight from one foot to another. I need to go and she’s holding me up but I can’t be rude.

“Two souls,” she says tilting her head to the side.

“Pardon me?”

“Your eyes, sweetheart. When you have different colored eyes, it means you have two souls.”

I’ve heard that before, but the way she says it with such reverence and deep thought makes me wonder about it. What does it really mean?

No time to ask now, I’ve got to go.

“You go on now, scoot off to work. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you soon.” She gestures toward the bedroom door and I lead us out.

At the bottom of the stairs, I hesitate. I don’t want to exit through the front door where the neighbors might see me, but taking the back door is going to look weird to Giselle.

I also feel the urge to apologize for something, what I’m not sure. Sleeping with her son out of wedlock, ha, doubtful. Messing up his bed, no. Being in his house when he isn’t home? No, that’s not it either.

Maybe it’s because she was looking for Drake and found me instead? Possibly.

“Don’t worry about us meeting the way we did. I’m just thrilled to know my baby is with such a gorgeous creature,” she says as if she were reading my worried mind.

“It was a little awkward I’ll admit, but I’m glad you weren’t upset.”

“Oh no, sugar, never.” She leans over and surprises me with a kiss on my cheek. Then she whirls on her heel and leaves through the front door with a whoosh. I hear the hum of her car start a second later and when I’m sure she’s gone, I lock the front door.

I feel like a criminal looking both ways off Drake’s deck to be sure no neighbors are out doing any watering or lawn work. The coast is clear, so I walk as casually as I can across our yards and skip up the stairs to my room.

I run a flat iron through my hair at lightning speed and toss it up in a bun. I apply minimal makeup and put on a pair of khaki shorts and a pink peasant top with a pair of comfy tennis shoes. It’s 9:45 a.m., perfect. I’ll make it on time if I leave right now.

I rush out the door and run straight into my six foot two brick house of a brother.

“Oh! Gosh, Jay, you scared the shit out of me!”

“Where are ya goin’ in such a hurry?” He looks irritated. No, he looks downright angry.

“What’s the matter?”

“What’s the matter? Seriously, T? You have video threats sent to you one day and the next you’re staying out all night with your girlfriends. And now I come home and find you flying out of the house like you’re late for something!” He tosses his arms up in the air. He’s frustrated and I feel bad because it’s my fault but he’s right, I’m late for something and I must go.

“I’m really sorry, Jayden, I didn’t mean to worry you and I am late for something. I got a job yesterday at the diner waitressing. I’m supposed to be there at ten. Why are you home right now, anyway?”

“I hadn’t heard from you so I came home to see if you were okay. Damn, Tiana, you need to keep me in the loop if you want me to help you.”

“I’m sorry, really I am, but can we talk about this later. I need to go.”

“Yeah, sure, the diner?”

“Yes, Donna is running the place all by herself.”

“Alright, I mean, that’s great. Have a good day, what time are you off? I can come and pick you up or walk you home. Wait, do you want a ride right now?” He looks at his watch, “Because you’re going to be late, it’s 9:55.”

“Yes, please, that would be great thank you, Jayden.”

He smiles and I realize that giving him physical ways to help me seems to ease his worrying. I’ll have to remember that in the future.

Inside his truck, he waits for me to put my seatbelt on before pulling into the street. “So, you missed your run this morning.”

“Yeah, guess so.”

“That’s not like you.”

“I’ll run tomorrow morning, it’s one day, no big deal. I was having fun. I haven’t had actual fun, that I remember, in forever. I won’t make a habit of it, promise.” Most of that’s true, I was having fun, lots of it, and I haven’t had fun in a while. The not making a habit of it part is going to be a problem, however. He’s making way too big a deal out of this.

At the diner, he drops me at the door right on time. I turn and kiss his cheek. “I’ll text you when I’m off so you can come get me.”

“Okay, I’ll keep an eye on my phone. Have a good day, I love you, sis.”

“Love you too, later.”


I watch his big silver GMC Sierra glide down Main Street and breathe a sigh of relief that everything turned out okay this morning. The whole meeting Drake’s mama thing was a little stressful and unexpected and hopefully, she won’t mention it to the wrong person today and blow our cover, but other than that things went smoothly.

I open the door and breathe in the smell of eggs, toast, and grease along with a fine hint of Pine Sol in the air. Someone’s been cleaning. Surely, Donna doesn’t have to do that on top of everything else.

She answers my question when she exits the restroom with a mop and a bucket full of water.

“Oh, good mornin’, sweetheart! I’m so glad you were serious. It’s gonna be a busy day around here.”

I put on my best suck-it-up-smile and cringe inside. That’s just what I don’t need after a night full of intense sex with Drake.

A busy day.




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