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The Krinar Chronicles: Alien Infatuation (Kindle Worlds) (A Hot Alien SciFi Romance Book 1) by Josie Walker (10)



Hey, Vorek. It’s me, Sarah. I’ve been thinking about the other night and the . . . ah . . . the abrupt end to our evening. I’ve decided that I’m ready to remove that impediment, if you know what I mean.”

A loud pounding on the bathroom door halts my phone conversation.

“What do you want?” I shout as I walk over and open the door.

“Oh hi, B . . . whatever your name is. I’m on the phone. I’ll be out in a minute.”

I turn back to my phone call. Vorek sounds pissed. I wonder what his deal is. I thought he’d be thrilled I called. He’s insisting I stay put. He’s sounding bossy and overbearing, which are not qualities I appreciate in the man I’ve chosen to cash in my V-chip with. I close the phone and leave the bathroom. ‘B’ is waiting right outside and he hands me a drink. Isn’t that sweet, I think as we head back to the dance floor. Maybe ‘B’ is in the running after all.

Billy Joel’s ‘Only the Good Die Young’ is blasting from the speakers. The irony of the lyrics doesn’t escape me as he sings, “Come out. Come out. Virginia come out. The Catholic girls start much too late.” I laugh and twirl around as ‘B’ tries to get his hands around my waist again, and I decide to let him. He pulls me up close to him even though it’s not a slow dance. It’s weird. My head is spinning from the alcohol, but my heart is not. ‘B’ doesn’t turn me on. At all. Zero. Zip.

It might be logical to let ‘B’ take my virginity because there would be no complications with my heart, but I’m not going to do that. I’ll have to wait for my bossy alien. Vorek has dominated my thoughts and dreams from the moment he caught me trying to fish a program out from under the bleachers with my toes. I’m just about to tell ‘B’ that we’re through when an angry voice cuts through the music.

“Get your hands off of her!”

Everyone around us has stopped dancing, to stare at the spectacle. I need to diffuse the situation, fast.

“Vorek,” I say in a normal voice. Somehow I know I don’t need to shout. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

He looks at me, then glares savagely at ‘B’, who holds his hands up like he’s surrendering and backs away. Vorek grabs my hand and tugs me toward the exit. I see Tessa and twist away from Vorek’s grip before making my way over to her.”

“Tessa, I’m leaving. Will you be okay on your own?”

“Leaving? With a stranger?” she asks horrified at my lack of judgment. “Wait. I’ll take you home, she stumbles with us to the exit.

“You’re in no shape to drive,” Vorek says as he makes a quick call.

She gives him a look that says mind your own business, but I shake my head ‘no’, communicating that wouldn’t be smart. “Tessa, this is Vorek. We’re . . . kind of dating. Remember the vase of roses that’s been sitting in the hall by our door all week?”

“I did wonder about that.”

“Well I was mad at him, but I’ve decided I’m not angry anymore.”

“Well, if you’re sure.” She looks at the dreamy Vorek and I can tell she doesn’t blame me at all for ditching her.

“Here’s your ride,” Vorek says as a taxi pulls up. “Your car should be fine here overnight.” He hands Tessa enough cash to cover a return trip for her to get her car tomorrow and then some.

Before I know what hit me, we’re in his Porsche, and the speed he’s driving is doing bad things to my spinning head. Then we’re at the castle, only this time he pulls into the garage which is on the lowest level. He’s obviously not planning on going back out tonight. Fine by me. Looks like he’s ready to take me up on my offer. One penis coming right up.

We climb up a narrow staircase, which couldn’t be more different than the beautiful marble creation visible from the main story entrance. He unlocks a door at the top of the staircase which opens up into a mud room of sorts. He takes off my coat, which is really his, and puts it in the closet.

Next he leads me into the kitchen where he directs me to sit down. I slide into a chair, my body feels like rubber. I slip off my boots under the table, and prop up my feet on the chair opposite me. I lean back my head to look at the pretty ceiling and watch the floral pattern swim above me. I wonder how the painter managed to make those flowers look like they’re spinning.


Sarah’s sitting there like she hasn’t a problem in the world. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so mellow. Her emotions are completely at odds with my own. Anger pulses through my system. What the hell was she doing drunk off her ass at a bar with another man? It’s just not like her.

She has a dopey smile on her face, and now that I’ve gotten her away from the grabby jerk I realize that it’s hard to stay mad at her. She’s here with me, which means she’s safe. I take a moment to really look at her and admire her new dress. The boots that actually fit her feet come off and when she puts her feet up it hikes up her bottom hem revealing several more inches of her creamy skin.

I remember her phone call, and her unexpected offer. And as much as I’d like to pounce on her, I know I’d never forgive myself if I took advantage of her in her present condition. I need to sober her up first. Then and only then will we discuss whether or not she still wants me to take her virginity. She slumps forward, causing one of the spaghetti straps of her dress to shift forward and I harden so fast that I experience physical pain.

After months of torture I feel like I might just explode if I don’t get some relief soon. I can make out the outline of her bra in this position. It’s one I haven’t seen before. She went shopping today. Before I can begin fantasizing about what color her underwear is I stride over to a cabinet to get a glass which I promptly fill with purified water.

“Here, take this,” I say as I hand her a small gold pill.

“What is it?” she asks sounding more curious than wary. She’s not acting like herself at all.

“Something to make you feel better.”

“Okay,” she slurs trustingly.

She’s making it very hard for me to hold to my scruples. I could get used to her being so agreeable. Forget sex, maybe I should take back the pill and take her shopping before she gets all obstinate again. But even as I think it I know I can’t take her anywhere like this. We need to talk.

I pick up her dainty little feet from the opposite chair and place them in my lap as I sit down to be sure she takes the pill. I massage her toes and watch her face as the wonders of Krinar medicine quickly take effect. In just a few moment’s she’s sober. I can read the emotions crossing her face as the night’s details are remembered through her now clear mind.

“I’m so embarrassed. How stupid am I? I’m sure you regret ever laying eyes on me. I’m such a mess.”

Her shoulders shake as she cries into her hands. She slips her feet off my lap and reaches for her boots, cueing me in to the fact that she’s going to try to bolt again. So I act fast. I put my hand under her chin and lift her face to look at me. Any residual anger I might have felt earlier melts away as I see how miserable she is.

“I’ve gotta get out of here,” she murmurs as she tries to stand.

“No, you don’t. Please stay with me so we can talk this through? If at any time tonight you still want to go back to your apartment I promise I’ll take you. Deal?”

“Deal,” she agrees reluctantly, still too embarrassed to meet my eyes.

“Are you hungry?”

“Just a little bit.”

I open the fridge and pull out a container of Mexican Layered Salad Dip, then go to the pantry for a bag of organic taco chips.

She digs right in, and exclaims, “Wow. This is awesome. Don’t tell me this isn’t real sour cream.”

“Actually it’s made with cashews,” I say as I scoop up a chip with beans, cashew cream, and chopped tomatoes.”

“This is amazing. I wouldn’t resent going vegan at all if I had food like this. Our menu at the restaurant is just terrible.”

“So I noticed. I’ll have to arrange some more meals with you.”

After she’s full she leans back in her chair we stare at each other across the table. I notice her water glass is empty, so I stand to refill each of our water glasses. I put a slice of lime on top. No more alcohol for her tonight. I hand her glass to her and she takes a sip.

“Mmm. The lime is a nice touch. I haven’t tried that before.

“Let’s go sit by the fire,” I offer. I hold out my hand and she takes it. She starts to get a little nervous as I lead her to the staircase. Of course she’s probably remembering my bedroom.

“Uh, I don’t think …”

“I have a cozy den upstairs. The fireplace really warms it up quickly. The furniture is not as ostentatious, so we’ll be more comfortable while we talk.”

“Oh, okay,” she concedes.

I open the door next to the master suite and she sees that it is just a living room, complete with comfy couch, fireplace, and a big screen TV. She sinks into the couch and sets her glass on a coaster on the coffee table. I turn on the fireplace and sit next to her on the couch.

“Now, that’s better, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” she says, relaxed again.

I brush her hair behind her ear and then let my fingers trail down her delicate throat. “Now, would you mind explaining what you meant when you called me tonight? Were you really interested in making love, or was that purely the alcohol talking?”

I can see the wheels spinning as she considers how to answer.

“I probably would have never had the nerve to call you if it weren’t for the alcohol.”

“So, you’re saying you’ve changed your mind?” My heart hitches painfully in my chest as I wait for her response.

Once again trying to look down and avoid eye contact. I lift her chin gently, and she stares unwaveringly into my eyes. What is it about her? It’s as if she’s peering deep into my soul, searching into the deepest part of me with those guileless eyes. It kills me to say it, but I ask her if she wants me to take her home.


Her answer surprises me, and it fills me with instant need for her. It’s all the invitation I need to kiss her. My lips brush hers, teasing at first, then urgent. Her mouth parts and my tongue strokes intimately against hers. I feel as if I am taking in the very essence of her, or perhaps it’s the other way around, and she’s drinking mine.

I feel her hands glide up my chest and encircle my neck. My heart hammers in my chest, as if it may explode. Suddenly we’re both horizontal and I’m on top of her. I consider angling my hips to the side so I don’t frighten her with the rigid evidence of my blazing desire, but I don’t. It’s all for her. Her legs part instinctively, and I grind against her. Even though we are fully clothed, it feels incredible. She shudders against me, and I can tell she’s just as aroused as I am.

My hands cup her face and I gaze again into her eyes as I give her one last chance to change her mind. “Are you sure?”

She nods her head briefly.

“Say it. I have to hear you say it.”

“Yes. I’m saying, yes.”

“Yes what?” I ask as I plant feathery kisses along her jaw.

“Yes . . . I want to have sex with you,” she says breathily against my ear.

In one motion I lift myself up, roll over onto my back and flip her on top of me. I smile up at her, and she grins back winsomely. “That makes me very happy.”

“I can see that,” she teases.

She giggles as I tease one of the spaghetti straps down her arm. I can see the strapless black lace bra peeking out from underneath and I don’t know how it’s even possible, but my erection swells even more.

“You are so beautiful.”

She gulps when she sees the reverence in my eyes. I pull her in for another kiss to celebrate her decision. One of my hands holds the back of her head, guiding it to my waiting lips. At the same time, I run a hand down her back. The silk of her dress can’t compare to the feel of her soft skin, and as I trace each vertebrae down her spine all I can think about is taking it off of her.

When I reach the end, I cup her tight ass in both hands and sit up. Standing easily with her slight weight, I walk into the bedroom with her legs wrapped snugly around my waist. I want to unwrap my present, so I slide her down my body until she lands on her feet. I hurry to remove my shirt as I stand before her. Her hands slide sensually down my chest I hold my breath when her fingers drop lower to my belly. She tugs once on my waistband and I understand that to mean she wants them gone, so I unhook my pants, letting them drop to the floor.

She backs up, sitting on the edge of the bed and stares at my aroused body. I don’t want to give her enough time to be frightened, so I pull back the duvet and gently push her onto the bed then climb in with her. I let the curtains fall in place, and it’s like we’re enclosed in a sensual cocoon. I can still see her perfectly. She may be a little nervous, but she’s not changing her mind.

I pull the dress up a few more inches and when I see the tiny excuse for underwear that she’s wearing, I moan. I tug the dress over her head, and then she’s lying there in nothing but the skimpy black undergarments. Her hands are on my biceps, and I fight to slow myself down. I need to slow down. I want her so badly, but this is her first time. I must make it perfect for her.

Not bothering to unclasp the bra I tug it down and free first one breast and then the other. I run my tongue along the rosy circle of an areola, and when I blow on it her flesh responds beautifully. Her nipple hardens and the areola ripples and tightens as her breasts seize with need. I take my time working one side with my hand and the other with my mouth, and then I switch and do it all over again.

I lower my mouth to her navel and circle it with my tongue. She doesn’t know what to expect, and I hear her breathing growing labored. I slip my hand between her legs and feel how much she wants me. Her wetness makes my fingers slick. I lift her hips up off of the bed as I strip the tiny thong from her body. When I slide my head between her legs she gasps and tries to slam her legs shut, half sitting up in bed.

“What are you doing?” she demands.

My voice is muffled because when she slammed her legs shut she trapped my head at the same time. I tell her that I’m tasting her, but I don’t think she hears me. I glide my tongue along her slit and she’s like candy and I’ll never get enough. I know I have her when she sighs and lays back down on the bed. I slip a finger inside her, rotating, stretching because I know this will be difficult for her. I force myself to be patient, but she might be the death of me.

There’s no avoiding the pain of the first time, but I plan to have her body so distracted that she hardly notices the tear. Her legs tighten around my head and I add a second finger and she grabs me so tightly that I’m starting to wonder if we’re even anatomically compatible. She’s so small. I pick up the pace, sucking and laving the swollen nub at the apex of her thighs. I feel the exact moment her orgasm slams through her and I shift positions and enter her with one decisive thrust. I feel her barrier shred and I wince at the gasp of pain, feeling guilty at the necessary evil.

I hold still, allowing her body to stretch and become accustomed to the feel of me inside her. All the while kissing her sweetly and caressing her enticing body everywhere I can reach. When she awkwardly tries to raise her hips up to mine I begin to inch back and forth slowly.

She begins to moan in pleasure, and I have to move faster. I can’t hold back any longer. I push up onto my elbows and begin to pick up the pace and I am so thrilled that her legs are opening and her hips rising to meet me. She is responding perfectly, meeting me push for push. I can feel her core tightening again. I increase my speed to a merciless, relentless rhythm.

“Come for me, Sarah. Come for me again,” I whisper in her ear, and she does. She screams my name and her muscles clench and quiver holding me in tight as I spill into her, emptying myself completely. I collapse on top of her, breathing raggedly and I can feel her pulse racing just as fast.

I am utterly undone, unable to move. I’ve had good sex before, but what I just experienced with Sarah is in a league of its own. I will never get enough of her. I’m afraid I’m crushing her, so I roll onto my back and bring her with me, letting her head rest on my shoulder. We lay like this for a time in each other’s arms, both of us reveling in the afterglow of what has just happened. After a bit, I kiss the top of her head.

“Let’s take a bath.”

“I don’t know,” she says shyly.

“Believe me, it’s just the thing to keep you from getting too sore. I’ll start the water.” I get out of bed, and open the door to the adjoining master bath. The huge jacuzzi tub was part of my master bath remodel after I bought the place. After a few minutes Sarah joins me in the bathroom with one of the sheets wrapped around her.

“I hope it’s okay, I borrowed this off the bed.”

“Of course! I’ll get some clean sheets for the bed and give you some privacy so you can get settled in the tub.

I leave her in the bathroom and go to strip the bed. The red stains attest to her loss of virginity, and the sight has a profound effect on me. Does she even understand the precious gift she’s given me? I quickly strip down the bed and make it up with clean sheets. I venture down to the kitchen to make us each a hot chai tea latte because I want to give her a few moments alone and because I’m certain she’ll appreciate a nice warm beverage.

She’s already in the tub by the time I enter bearing two steaming mugs. She looks a little nervous when I walk in. Her hair is twisted up on top of her head so that it won’t get wet. I grin at her ingenuity when I realize that she’s used one of my pens from the nightstand to do so.

“How’s the water?” I ask.

“Nice,” she replies. She blushes when she sees that I plan on joining her. I put our cups on the edge of the tub, and set two fresh towels on the warming bar. She turns her head and I understand that my nakedness is unsettling to her. I’m going to savor every moment of her innocence until it wears off. After I get settled in the water, she finally turns back to look at my face as she takes a sip of her drink.

“Mmm. That’s good.”

“It’s one of my favorites,” I agree as I turn on the jets. Her eyes widen briefly in surprise, and then she leans back into the relaxing pressure of the jets’ massage.

“What time is it anyway?” she asks.

“It’s late. Are you tired?”

“No. Just thinking I should get back home.”

“Sarah, stay with me tonight. There’s no reason for you to go home.”

“But Tessa …”

“Is safely back at the apartment, remember?”

“I suppose.”

“Come here,” I say.

She turns around, and I slide her back between my legs and lay her head back to rest on my chest.

“Better?” I ask.


I pick up a sponge and pour some scented oil on it. Pushing her forward, I slide the sponge over her back.

“So lovely,” I murmur, then let my arm slide the sponge over her shoulder and between her breasts, then over the tip of each nipple. Her nipples instantly pebble at my touch, and I drop the sponge. It is impossible to hide my erection, even with all the bubbles she has to be able to feel it by now.

“I’m a beast for wanting you again so soon . . .,” I murmur, feeling guilty.

“But I thought you couldn’t do it again so quickly,” she says breathily.

“What would you know about that?” I tease.

“Well, I’m not totally ignorant. I read a lot.”

Her answer strikes me as outrageously funny, and I can’t contain my laughter. She joins in, and says. “I’m so glad you find me amusing.”

“Sarah. You are a delight.”

And because I simply can’t wait any longer, I help guide her body into a new position, bending her knees so that she straddles me in the water, facing away and resting her weight on her palms. I have a perfect view of her ass, and I can’t resist bending forward and kissing it. Then I’m pulling her down as I grip my shaft. I line up the tip up with her entrance.

“Sit back,” I tell her huskily. “You have all the control in this position.”

She does as I bid, impaling herself inch by inch on my rod and it’s all I can do to resist bucking against her to seat myself to the hilt. I’m counting on the warm water to ease any remaining discomfort for her. I can’t help but grab her breasts, pulling on her taut nipples as she sets an excruciatingly slow pace, rocking back and forth as she savors the stretching sensation of my thick shaft filling her to the brim.

“Say my name,” I insist.


“Say my name,”

“Vorek,” she says breathily.

She instinctively sits down lower, forcing me deeper inside of her. Not knowing how much more I can take, I guide her hips, slamming her onto me faster, and faster.

“Vorek.” she moans my name.

I reach my finger between her spread thighs, easily gaining access to her clit. I circle my finger around the swollen nub, teasing her flesh mercilessly as I caress her. I increase the pace, syncing the tempo as I slam into her. She screams my name as she shatters around me then I lose control, utterly and completely, jetting inside her in hot wet bursts that rival the temperature of the water.

I shift her again, cradling her back against me and kiss her. When I feel I’ve regained enough strength to move, I press the button to turn off the jets and drain the tub, then stand and pull her to her feet. I step out of the tub, and taking a fluffy white towel off of the warmer, I towel off her back, then help her step out of the tub onto the rug. After drying myself off, I hand her a terry cloth robe, and slip one on myself. Then I take her by the hand and lead her back to the bedroom.

We climb into the bed and snuggle into each other’s arms. After I’m sure she’s warm and dry we take off our robes, and I pull the covers over us. Within moments she is asleep in my arms. I hold her close and nuzzle my face into the top of her head as I also drift off to sleep feeling more content than I ever have in my life.




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