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Love Conquer by Hart, Cary (14)


“Rise and shine!” I run into Niki’s room. “It’s Saturday!” I yell, jumping up onto the bed with one of Niki’s non-spill stainless steel mugs in hand.

“For fuck’s sake.” She pulls the cover over her head. “Why does everyone feel the need to pounce on me this morning?”

“Wha…” I stop jumping and fall into the bed.

Throwing back the covers, she says, “First Gav…” She nods over to where I landed, giving me a little wink. “And now you.”

“Ew!” I scramble to get off the bed, but not before Niki snags the mug from my hands, downing the contents like it’s a cold bottle of water.

“I’m kidding.” She stretches out, blindly searching for the nightstand to set her cup down. “Gav stayed after closing to work with Jake on the quarterly inventory.”

Crawling across the bed, I grab her mug and set it down.

“Thanks.” She stretches out. “So, what has you up and going on your day off?” Niki reaches for Gavin’s pillow, hugging it tight as she buries her nose in his scent.

“Well, I was wondering if you wanted to have a girl’s day?” I wiggle my toes. “They are in desperate need of a pedicure.”

“Oh hell no!”


“Pedicures mean shaven legs and shaven legs equals swinging chandelier sex.”

“Niki!” I fall back on the bed. “You’re unbelievable.” I roll over, now facing her. “It means a touch of colors on my toes during flip-flop season.”

“Which leads to sex.”

“I’m twenty-three years old. If I want to have sex on the first date I will, but honestly, it’s just dinner.”

“Said no woman ever.” She sits up, scooting back against the headboard. “We are programmed to have feelings, make mountains out of molehills. So, please.” She folds her hands together, begging. “For the love of all things holy, please tell me, you did not let his snake, near your hole.” Unclasping her hands, she reaches for the mug, shaking out the leftover droplets into her mouth.

“Did you seriously just beg for my celibacy?”

“Dear sister, I just prayed.” She points to the heavens. “I got me some God on my side. Tempt that! I dare you.”

“Cheese-N-Rice! You’re unbelievable.” I reach behind me, feeling around for my revenge.

“Nina…come here.” She holds out her arms. “Come give your sister a hug.”

Stretching out, I lean over, bringing the pillow with me…just in case.

Wrapping me in her arms, she whispers, “Don’t think I didn’t see that pillow.”


And before I know what’s happening, her hands are on my shorts, yanking them up, giving me the biggest wedgie.

“Niki!” I reach around, doing a little dance trying to save my lady bits.

Jumping out of bed, she grabs the pillow from my hand and hits me once. “Don’t try to out dick the dickster.”


“Prankster, but it sounds so much better saying, dick. Don’t you think?” She hits me again.

“That is absurd and if you hit me again—” The feather pillow slams against my head. “That hurt!” I’m out of the bed in a flash and grab a throw pillow from the corner chaise. “This…it’s sooooo firm.”

“If you throw that and it breaks my chandelier…” She eyes the ceiling and my eyes follow.

“You don’t?”

Opening the drawer, she begins pelting me with Gavin’s rolled socks, one at a time. “Of course not.”

A round of socks.

“That would take a special anchor.”

More socks.

“You are unbelievable.” I back away to the door. I’m raising the throw pillow above my head when it disappears. “Hey!” I swing around and see Gavin standing there looking exhausted, yet amused.

“I thought you two were going to have a girl’s day.” He walks past me, throwing the pillow back in the corner. When he gets to Niki, he wraps her up in his arms, inhaling her scent as if he needed a fix.

For a moment, their world stops moving. It’s just the two of them, in a universe they created.

I want that.

I should turn away, but seeing my sister this happy gives me hope and right now, it’s exactly what I need to hold on to.

After a tender kiss to her lips, Gavin face plants into the bed.

“Your kiss killed him,” I joked.

Mumbling into the sheets, Gavin rolls over, propping himself up on his forearm. “What time is your appointment?”

“Eleven,” Niki replies.

“Good. That gives you both time to pick up your mess before—”

“That was all her.” Hands on hips, I interrupt.

“Figured as much.” He looks down at his watch. “Yep, you…” He points his finger at Niki, turning it in a come-hither motion. “Come here. We have just enough time to cuddle before your girl’s day.”

Picking up the socks as she comes over to me, she says, “Looks like I’m being beckoned.” She pushes me out the door. “Two hours. Me and you. Pedicures.”

“Hey! I thought—”

With a gleam in her eye she says as if it was no big deal, “What? It’s flip-flop season. Gotta look good!”

Then the door shuts in my face while I’m left standing wondering what in the hell happened. Oh, well. I’m getting my toes all cute.

Padding to the bathroom to take a shower, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I’m smiling.



Walking up to the house, I can hear that it’s pure chaos inside, but it’s music to my ears. Especially after the phone call I just had.

Reaching the door, I raise my hand to knock, but the door flies open, catching me off guard.

“Kyle!” Andie and Reece jump into my arms and I have no choice but to catch them or tumble to the ground.

“Hey girls.” I set them both down, rubbing their little heads. Waiting for their crazy-ass dog to attack or at the very least snag my bag, but he doesn’t come. “Where’s Putter?”

“Aubrey said he had to go back to Doug’s house since the baby was coming, but we aren’t supposed to talk about it because Reeses gets upset. Right Reece?” Andie glares. “Did you get it?” Holding out her hand.

“Yeah... Mom said we had to wait until we got to Dad’s, but…” Reece chimes in. “Is it in the bag?” Reece’s eyes light up while Andie opens it.

“Score!” Andie throws the sleeve of Andes mints to Reece and grabs the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups for herself. “What about the other?”

“I don’t know why you need this…”

“It’s for Clark.” Reece grabs it from my hands and throws it to Andie to put it in a basket on the table.

“They think they need to buy a candy bar for their brother every time they get one.” Drew walks up. “Lewis, I’m so glad you are here.

“My daddy says we can have a party when he comes home.” Andie tears into her candy first.

“Mommy says he can’t have them until he is…” Reece squints her eyes, counting on her fingers. “Mommy!” she shouts.

“Yes, baby girl?” Aubrey comes out of the kitchen, very pregnant and looking more tired than yesterday.

“When can Clark have candy again?” She unwraps a mint, stuffing it in her mouth.

“Not till he is old enough to chew.” Aubrey tries to cross her arms, but her protruding belly gets in the way, so she puts her hands on her hips instead. “Baby girl are you eating candy?”

Reece chews and swallows quickly. “Noooo,” she draws out as she throws Andie another mint.

Andie turns her back, hiding her face while she finishes her pack.

“Mmm-hmm.” Aubrey waggles her finger at both of them, then directs her attention to me. “Consider yourself lucky they are going to Doug’s. Girls, go wash your hands if you want to make tacos.”

“I really don’t know what I’m going to do with them.” Drew shakes his head back and forth as he watches the events unfold.

“Well, at least they share.” I clap him on the back and take a seat.

“True, man.” He nods in agreement. “Hey, don’t get comfortable. I need to show you something out in the garage.”

“Is it our surprise?” Reece comes in first, drying her hands on her shirt.

“Shhh!” Andie holds a finger up to her lips. “Reeses, remember we aren’t supposed to know about it. Right Daddy?”

“Right munchkin,” Drew agrees, turning to me. “They may be on to us.” He lets out a laugh.

“Come on.” He slides on his shoes and grabs the keys.

“I thought you said we were going out to the garage.” I stand and follow.

“We are. I have to keep it locked so the girls or Aubrey don’t come in.” We head out the back.

Unlocking the door, he flips on the light and right in front of me is an organized disaster. Three projects going on at once.

“I may have over-extended myself this time.” Drew walks around the playhouse. “This one is done.” He shows me each section explaining we just have to carry the pieces out and secure them to each other.

“Seems easy enough.” I step over to what looks like a cradle. “What’s this?”

“Exactly what it looks like. It just needs a couple coats of stain and then sealed.”

Then I examine the pile of wood pieces. “Please tell me you aren’t about to ask me to build something?” I look over, pleading. “I have to meet Nina.”

“Man, I know.” He walks over to me. “But I’m running out of time.” He takes the neck of his shirt and wipes his forehead. “We can knock this out before your date.”

“Can’t we do this tomorrow?”

“I promised Aubrey I would spend the day pampering her.” He’s practically begging now. “Man, we are used to having every other weekend together and now, with Clark coming, we’ll have no alone time. At least, not for a while.”

“The baby isn’t due for—”

“What if he comes early? Do you see how big she is?” He puffs out his belly, jumping when the Alexa announces a Drop In from in the house.

“Drew, Doug is running late.”

“How late?” He looks over to me, worried.

“Between four and five.”

“Shit,” he exclaims, frustrated.

“Mommy? Did Drew just say shit?” Reece whispers.

“Reeses, my daddy wouldn’t say shit. Would you Daddy?” Andie speaks up.

“Girls, fix the drinks!” Aubrey ignores their questions. Her voice is now muffled, closer to the speaker. “Tomorrow, Mr. Williams.”

“It’s a promise, Mrs. Williams.” He smiles at the speaker waiting for the light to go off.

“Man…” I can tell panic is beginning to set in. “When you have a family, you will totally understand.”


“Shit. I didn’t mean…I’m a dick. I meant with having a blended family like ours…”

“It’s cool. I would be lucky if I had a family like yours.” I bend down, looking at his organized piles. “Let’s get started.”

“I owe you one.” He hands me the plans. “It’s a simple design.”

“Yes, one day you will.”