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Mountain Man's Secret Baby by Lauren Wood (149)

Chapter 4


She was still in a sexual fog, lying there splayed with her legs on top of the table and his head nestled in between. Her eyes were closed and then she felt weightless like that of a feather flying in the wind. It was as if she was flying and she had no idea how this was possible. She opened her eyes and through that dizzying state she was able to perceive something otherworldly. She should’ve been calling for help and using that one signal that would bring all of this to an end.

They landed on the balcony over 20 feet in the air from where they were. She saw his wings flapping and they were majestic and made her feel safe in his arms. He may have looked different, but he was still Marcel underneath it all. She never realized that those monsters that her mother claimed to be the scourge of mankind still had feelings. They still lived their lives, until her mother decided that their happiness meant nothing.

He made this ungodly shriek and flew through the open double doors to snatch a bit of pleasure from an otherwise gloomy existence. He inadvertently set the drapes on fire, but he never really paid much attention. It was only when he saw what he had done that he reverted back to a hybrid state between human and dragon.

Thinking quickly, he ripped the drape from the rod and then tossed it down onto the balcony where it would do no harm. “I know that I have some explaining to do, but maybe that can wait, until I finish what I started.” His wings had detracted and the only thing that was a stumbling block was his tendency to set things on fire at a moment’s notice. “The one thing that I want you to take from this is that I will never harm you. I may mistakenly burn you, but that is not something that can be helped.” He took great care of relieving her from her dress and then letting it lie there on the bed beside them. The white sheets were cool against his skin, but nothing seemed to abate the heat that was burning out of control.

“You are a beautiful man inside and out and I don’t want you to forget that.” The guilt was now raising its ugly head. She knew that eventually those that considered him a threat would come to take him into custody. She reached down and touched him, feeling his unyielding flesh and the way that it stretched through her fingertips like that of a divining rod seeking moisture between her legs. “I shouldn’t do this, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not going to. I have to know what it would be like to be with him. I don’t care about the consequences, but I am worried that this connection that I feel will only grow stronger. I don’t want to be the reason why my mother has to incarcerate me.” Natalie felt like it was 100°and the room had the waves of some kind a heat wave.

She was stroking his length. Her fingernail scratched and that was only a tease for more to come.

She slid further down, until she was eye to eye with the appendage that was now at its best. She looked at the eye of the storm and saw a droplet of moisture which was followed by a long swipe of her slippery tongue. She had no idea what she was getting herself into, but she was not going to back down, until she had delved into every part of debauchery known to man. “I feel like a dirty girl and I want him to treat me like a common whore. I’ve never wanted to be subjugated or treated like a piece of meat, but with him I only need to look into his eyes and that’s more than enough to make me wanna spread my legs. I know that it has to have something to do with his other half, but I don’t care.”

He watched her devour his piece of meat, until he turned his head and strained it backward with his eyes closed to the pleasure that he was receiving. He let loose with another stream of fire, but he quickly sucked it back into his mouth before he set the room ablaze. “I know that you’re not meaning to… Ahhh… Ahhhh… but I think that I need you… to stop.” He felt that moment approaching and it was an eye opening experience that he never wanted to end.

Natalie still had her hands wrapped around him and was cautiously aware that he was on the edge. One more move and that would call an end to a perfect union. She saw the flecks of red in his yellow eyes and they seemed to be moving like that of lightning striking over and over again.

“It’s time that you fuck me. I want you and that cock needs to be inside of me. You do want to feel what it’s like to be with me.” This was now her chance to lose herself to the moment and forget all of her responsibilities. “I know that this is only going to disappoint my mother, but this is far more important than the cold dead eyes staring across from me at the desk. Marcel is not some monster and now I’m beginning to think that the others have been gravely mistaken for being some kind of threat. I don’t know if I want to pull at that thread. That’s a road that I have never traveled

“I’ve never done this before. I know how stupid that might sound, but I’ve always been a little leery about what I was capable of.” He had the tip touching her sex and the hot hole was trying to pull him in on the gravity of her desire. “I can hardly breathe and you’ve got me where you want me.” That smile of hers had him wondering where she had been all of his life. The feel of her hand guiding him in had knocked him off his feet.

They were moving, as if they were one and he was trying his best not to open his mouth. He was concentrating with everything he could not to make things worse. He had already crossed that line and he had no idea how he could possibly justify that action. “I never knew that I could feel like this. I thought that I needed to stay away from women in general. I knew when I was old enough to know better that my emotions can get the best of me. I’m only halfway in and I need to make that final thrust.” He moaned, feeling her silky insides welcome him with her warm embrace.

Natalie had that one word on her lips and that one word would activate the receiver in her ear. When she did that, then all hell would break loose. “It feels so good. I have no idea what this can mean. I know that I crave that cock and my body yearns to have you inside me. I’m soaking wet and that’s all due to you and this wonderful surprise that you have sprung on me. Fuck me…that’s it…make me really feel it and for gods sake let me know what kind of man you are.” “I want to say yes and scream his name for all to hear. I’ve always been indecisive, but this is the only time that I have felt confident in my body and I don’t want that to change. I could argue this point until I was blue in the face, but ultimately I know that this is wrong.”

“I feel like I’m going to lose it if I even move an inch. I want to bask in your loveliness and to know that you are here by your own free will. I look at your skin covered in a sheen of perspiration and I see you as something of an equal.” He had his hand underneath her ass and he made sure to give her long hard and determined strokes. The feeling was sublime and going about it at a slow pace was like turning a faucet slowly, until it was running at full stream.

“I know that you’re trying to hold back…but I don’t think….I don’t think… that you have to… do THATTTTTTT.” She didn’t even feel it coming and it slipped through her defenses like that of a ninja at night. Her orgasm strangled her and this was by far the strongest of all of them yet. His cock was long and strong. The heat emanating through her body was more than she could take. She flailed her limbs like that of a marionette controlling her by grabbing her strings and making her dance to a different tune. She had screamed like that of a banshee and she lost track of time where nothing mattered other than being with him. “He can make a girl turn into a puddle and have no idea how it happened. I feel him and I know that I want more. I want so much more that I ache inside to continue what we are doing. I would die happy with a smile on my face.

“You have no idea what kind of…risk I’m taking by… being in my…natural form." He was moving a little quicker and that feeling down below was making it hurt for him to go very much longer. He worked tirelessly with steam trailing from his nose. If he opened his mouth, it would’ve been disastrous, but through his nose he was able to control the fire into steam. His skin was changing to that color of deep red. It was a wonder that she wasn’t a cardboard cutout trying to get away. “I need to finish this. I know that I’m shining bright and I just hope that I can stop myself from going beyond that threshold… YESSSSSS.” He buried himself with that feeling enveloping him like that of a warm blanket.

Natalie heard what sounded like a growl and then that was followed by an onrush of sticky syrup. She wrapped her hands around and held his firm ass against her. He made a few more bucking motions, but they finally subsided enough that he slid out on the wetness that he had supplied her with. She looked down and saw that she was bubbling like that of something that was boiling on top of the stove. Amazingly, it did not hurt and was very pleasing. Having the bubbles popping was almost too hard to endure.

There was nothing left to say and the complete silence after letting themselves go was a welcome reprieve. They lie in each other’s arms with the thin sheet strewn across them, leaving part of their body slightly exposed to those that were fortunate enough to witness such an escapade.

“I usually don’t go for girls like you.” He knew that he had made a mistake. “I didn’t mean about your weight and I meant that I usually find myself with an attraction to those that have long hair. I actually like having more to hold onto and those breasts should be considered lethal weapons. I felt something at that party in my honor, but I never knew that it was going to turn out like this.” He trailed his fingernails down over her breasts, taking a moment to flick at her nipples. “I have to admit to checking out your body and I’m sure that I wasn’t the only one in the room doing that.”

“You are a bit of a flatterer. Girls must be powerless to resist your natural charm. I seem to recall you saying something about being a virgin. You have to be in your forties. You could get it from any one with just a few words of encouragement. You said that you were afraid of what you would do, but as you can see, I’m still breathing. I think that you’ve been afraid of who you really are and you should never try to hide from what makes you the man that you are.” “I can see the angst on his face and I just hope that he doesn’t regret anything of what we’ve done. My skin is still sizzling and all the hairs are burned off. I realize now that I have been playing on the wrong side. My mother was wrong and I was foolish to think that she had all the answers.

The drapes began to flutter into the room and then three lines came from the sky with these black clad men carrying automatic weapons. They were landing right in front of those doors. She turned to see that Marcel was hit with three very distinctive marks on his chest. He looked at her and they both shared a look that said more than enough.

He tried to get out of bed, but was now being subjected to high voltage and also some kind of very powerful sedative that was mixed into the needle. They were puncturing his skin in three different locales. He was waiting for Benjamin to arrive to save the day, but he had already been incapacitated downstairs. The rest were also taken care of. There was no doubt that they were professionals.

Natalie held the sheet to her naked form, as these guys dragged him out of the bed and over to the window. He was strapped in and was lifted in an unconscious state to the black helicopter hovering above. It was over within seconds and she was left with this pang of guilt. She had mistakenly thought that she was the one that was going to give the signal. That was only what her mother wanted her to think.

It was a little humiliating for those guys to see her like that. It wasn’t like she was enjoying being the center of attentions. They probably thought she was a slut.