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Chasing Fire: (Fire and Fury Book One) by Avery Kingston (13)

“Well, look who came to town.” Keith walked into the lobby of the Hirshhorn and placed his hand on his hip. “When they told me I had a handsome male visitor, I wasn’t expecting it to be you.” Keith’s blue eyes gleamed. 

Scott shrugged with his hands still in his coat pockets. “Sorry to disappoint.” 

“Are you kidding? I’m ecstatic to see you!” He opened his arms for a hug, and Scott embraced him. “How long you in town for?” Keith looped his arm with Scott’s and walked him over toward the orchids on the wall. 

“Just a few days.” Scott scratched his brow and looked down at his feet. “You almost out of here? Wanna grab a drink?” 

Keith’s brow furrowed. “I’m assuming you want to talk about Vic?” 

“What, I can’t just come see an old friend?” Scott gave him a hearty laugh and nudged Keith in the side. 

Keith released the hold on Scott’s arm, pursed his lips, and looked at his watch. “Sure. Come with me and let me fetch my things.” Keith motioned toward the elevator, and Scott followed him up to the fourth floor. He glanced at the nameplates on the doors as he walked by them. He’d never been to Tori’s office before. She’d just landed the promotion a few months prior to everything that transpired. “They haven’t replaced her yet?” Scott nodded to Victoria Johnson still on the door placard as they passed.

Keith shook his head. “She still has a job. Technically, she’s on medical leave right now.” Keith lowered his voice to a whisper. “They can’t legally fire her. They have to attempt to make reasonable accommodations.” They walked into Keith’s office, and he shut the door behind him. 

“Yes, but the caveat is that she must be able to perform the job.” Scott had a hard time proving he could do his job, and the reality was he was barely disabled compared to Tori.

“Yeah, that’s the big office argument. It’s all very hush-hush and touch-and-go right now until we see what she’s capable of. Our director, Natalie, has always liked Vic, and she’s willing to try and make it work.”

“What do you think?” Scott slumped down into the chair across Keith’s desk. “Honestly.”

“I think Vic can do anything she sets her mind to. It just depends if she wants it bad enough. She fought and clawed her way to the top. That made her a lot of enemies along the way that aren’t happy about the prospect of her coming back. Vicky developed somewhat of a reputation.” Keith snickered, and Scott knew exactly what that meant. 

“I’m sure the scandal with Donaghue hasn’t helped that rep.” Scott frowned. “What was the deal with the two of them anyway?” 

“Oh no you don’t, mister. I’m not even going there with you.” Keith slung his messenger bag over his shoulder. “You’ll have to get that one straight from the horse’s mouth.” 

They walked to a nearby pub and were seated. Scott ordered a whiskey, and Keith opted for a martini. “You and your dark liquor.” Keith made a vomiting face. “You know you got Vic hooked on the stuff, right? It was always vodka tonic on the rocks with a twist before she met you.”

Scott chuckled. “How is she?” 

“You’ve been talking to her. You tell me your take on it.” Keith lifted his glass to his lips.

“She won’t see me.”

“Well, that’s kinda obvious.” Keith snickered as he plucked the olive out of his drink and ate it. Scott frowned at his off-color remark. Keith reached over and pushed Scott’s shoulder. “Come on, we have to have a sense of humor about it. It’s just too damn sad if we don’t.”

Scott rolled his eyes, and a smirk tugged at his lips. “You know what I mean, Keith. How is she, really? No bullshit.” Scott knew damn well that, in all his conversations with Tori over the past four months, she’d been putting on a brave front.

Keith sucked in a deep breath. “At first, I was worried. She was drinking a lot to numb the pain. Kept saying she wished she would’ve died. I feared she may do something drastic.” Keith raised his brow, not needing to elaborate on what that meant. “That reminds me.” Keith pulled out his phone and started typing feverishly on it. “I have to send her my daily text.” 

“Your what?” 

“I make her find one thing every day she finds beautiful, and she has to text it to me.” Keith smiled warmly at Scott. “Wanna see what she writes?” 

Very much so. Scott nodded, and Keith slid the phone over to Scott. He scrolled back as far as he could, back to the first days the thread started. The first few were snarky bullshit that he could tell Tori didn’t really mean. Stupid stuff like the fact I didn’t vomit today, and I made it to the bathroom without bumping into a wall. Nothing that was legitimately beautiful. When he got to day twenty, his heart stopped. Scott’s laugh. 

Scott blinked, fighting stupid, damn, emotional tears that welled up and kept scrolling through their texts so he could keep his head down. 

“Anyhow, I’d say over the past month, she’s turned a corner. She sounds kinda like the old Vic again. I went and saw her last weekend, and she’s really doing good. They’ve taught her a lot at that school. I think she’s ready to get home and reclaim her life.” Keith chattered away as Scott continued to read their messages.

Some of them were funny, some were sweet. Char’s squishy hugs. They feel like a sweet mamma just wrapping me up. The longer he scrolled, the more he could see the change in Tori and how she was perceiving the world around her. Chase’s accent. It’s so sexy. A twinge of jealously crept up when he read that one. Tori’s message popped up on the screen from today.

The soft texture of dog fur under my fingertips. Maybe someday, I’ll get one. 

Scott smiled and handed the phone over to Keith. 

“You should go see her. Surprise her,” Keith urged.

Scott took a sip of his drink and shook his head. “I don’t want to push her.” Scott traced the rim of his glass with his fingertip. “When she’s ready, she’ll let me in. I know her.” 

“When are you two going to stop doing this thing?” Keith rolled his eyes.

“What thing?”

“This thing where you both pretend you don’t mean as much to each other as you know you do.” Keith rested his chin on his hands. “Scott, Vicky has had plenty of opportunities to settle down. Lots of decent catches that she’s let slip through her fingers. Why do you think that is?” Keith cocked his head to the side and blinked innocently. 

“Because I fuck better than any of the other douchebags she sleeps with.” Scott grinned proudly. 

“I won’t deny that. I shared a wall with her for years. None of them made her holler like you do. I swear, sometimes I thought you were splitting her in two in that room.”

“She’s so damn hot when she screams like that.” A sheepish smile tugged at Scott’s lips as he sipped his drink. His mind flashed to Tori, naked, in bed, her head tilted back, moaning in the heat of the moment, and how insanely beautiful she was. “So, out of curiosity, how does she look now? How much reconstruction did they have to do?” 

Keith cackled. “You know, you’re lucky I know you so well. I’m the only damn person in the world you could ask that question to and not think you were a selfish prick.” Keith raised his brow to Scott. 

“Well?” Scott lifted his palms. Whatever it was, he wanted to at least be prepared for it. 

Keith rolled his eyes. “At first, it wasn’t pretty, but the doc did good.” Keith sipped his beer. “She fractured both her brow bones, cheek bone, and broke her nose. When the bandages first came off, and the doc lifted the right lid, she had this one crazy eye. The muscle was all fucked up, and it was crooked into the corner. She looked like freaking Quasi Moto.” Keith shivered. 

She was so beautiful, that pained him to hear that. Scott’s eyes widened, and he gulped his drink. “Fuck.”

“She’s rocking her new look now, I’ll give her that. Only Vicky could pull off a white cane and make it look like a fashion statement instead of an eyesore.” 

Scott envisioned Tori in one of her long, flowing dresses with the plunging neckline, big, floppy hat, dark glasses, and those soft, delicate hands adorned with rings wrapped around the handle of a cane. If she still looked as good as he pictured, the cane wouldn’t detract from her beauty one bit. Tori could make anything look hot, and he desperately wanted to see her, hold her, and kiss those pouty lips.

Scott frowned as something gnawed at him inside. “Keith, why didn’t you call me? Why the hell did I have to read her name in the Washington Post before I found out?”

Keith cocked his head to the side. “Oh, you mean like how she heard about your injury from Shauna, who just so happened to be your surgical nurse, before you worked up the nerve to call her?” 

Scott curled his nose. Keith had a point.  

Keith flagged down the bartender, and they ordered a second round. “In all honestly, that’s a really fucked up way for you to find out, and I’d be pissed as hell, too. I just assumed she called you once she could.” Keith looked a bit disgusted. “I should’ve known, though. This is Vicky, after all.” 

Scott nodded and took a swig of his drink. “So, she really found out about my injury from my nurse?” Scott chuckled. He assumed Tori found out when he called her. “I never knew that. I mean, I figured it out that they were roommates, but I didn’t know that Shauna spilled the beans to Tori.” 

“We kinda made her.” Keith sipped his drink and rehashed the entire story to Scott. 

“Damn. How did Tori handle it?” 

“Oh, you know Vic. Tried to blow it off like she wasn’t all worried sick about you. She ordered another round of shots quickly, though.” Keith started cackling. “I’ll never forget what she said.”

“And what was that?” He wanted nothing more than to hear what came out of Tori’s mouth. 

“She said, and I quote, ‘his cock still works, right?’ Then she gave us all that devilish grin of hers. I swear that Shauna turned green as she nodded slowly at Vic. Then Vicky says, ‘well, I fucked him with two legs, I’ll fuck him with one,’ lifted her shot glass, and we all toasted to you.” 

Scott threw his head back and laughed so loud it drew stares from the table nearby. Of course, that’s what Tori would say. “God, she’s a filthy mess.” Scott wiped his eyes that were welling up with tears of laughter. “I hope that never changes.” 

“I told her she needs to write a blog of her new sexual adventures. She can call it Dirty Little Blind Ho. It would be fabulous. Smash hit, I tell ya.”

“Don’t you go giving her any ideas.” Scott chuckled as he downed the last of his drink. “Did you know she sold a painting of us fucking to some stranger? That’s bad enough. I don’t want to be a part of her crazy blog stories.”

A smirked tugged at Keith’s lips. “Then don’t give her the chance to write it.”


“Get the girl, Scott. It’s time for you and Vic to have a happily ever after. This little fuck-buddy game of yours has been going on far too long.” Keith rested his chin in his hand and blinked at him several times. “Stuff down that Texas-sized ego of yours and tell her how you really feel.” 

Scott let out a heavy breath. “If I do it now, she’s only going to think I’m offering to take care of her. She needs to get back to life, figure things out on her own, before I go there.” If Tori had offered the same thing right after his injury, that’s exactly how he’d have felt. The timing was absolute shit. It’s how things had always been with the two of them. “I’m just going to be there for her in whatever way she needs me to. Trust me, Keith, I’m speaking from experience.” 

Keith curled his nose, but his expression told Scott he understood more than anyone else possibly could. “Yeah, I suppose you have a point there, stumpy.” Keith gave him a playful kick under the table, knocking his prosthetic a bit backwards. “Someday, though, I’m hoping the two of you will get hitched and make pretty babies.”

“Babies?” Scott exclaimed. “I thought you hated kids?”

“Not if they were yours and Vic’s.” Keith grinned warmly. “I’d spoil them rotten.”

Scott took a swig of his drink and scratched his beard, allowing himself to imagine that scenario. He saw himself standing behind Tori, wrapping his arms around her large belly as their child grew inside her. His heart ached for that.

Keith sipped his drink. “You keep waiting for the perfect moment, and you’re going to miss your shot. I mean, hell…she almost just died.”

Scott’s jaw clenched as Keith’s words cut him to the core. They could’ve had that by now, and he could’ve saved her from this. That thought settled like a brick in his stomach. He’d waited years for the stars to align, biding his time for the perfect moment, and where did that get them? She ended up in a car with a man who nearly killed her. He’d be damned if he ever let that happen again.

Mine, his inner bear growled. 

“Damn, what just came over you?” Keith put his hand on his chest. “You look like you’re about eat someone alive.” 

Scott stood, threw some cash on the table, and put on his jacket. “I’ve gotta go.” 

“Go where?”

“I’ve got a meeting.”

“At seven on a Thursday night?” Keith raised his brow and stood. 

Scott leaned over and gave Keith a hug. “Take care of her for me, promise? Keep her safe,” he whispered in Keith’s ear. He needed just a little more time. He prayed it wasn’t too long.

Keith pulled back and looked at him quizzically. “I’ll try, but you know Vic.” Keith frowned.

“Some dude at ten o’ clock has been checking you out.” Scott leaned in and planted a quick kiss on Keith’s cheek. “I think he’s jealous now. Go get him.” Scott patted Keith on the shoulder and walked away.



The taxi pulled next to the sprawling home in Great Falls where Jack Riley, CEO of his company, lived. This home had to cost several million. The gate opened, and the taxi pulled into a cobblestone driveway that encircled a large fountain. Scott thanked the driver and got out, walking up the steps to the magnificent front porch with the tall pillars.

The door opened and a staff member greeted Scott before he could even knock. He led Scott into a foyer with twenty-foot ceilings and a marble entryway. The man offered to take Scott’s coat, which he obliged. Two sprawling staircases stood in front of him, one curved to the right, the other to the left, meeting at the top.

Damn, this place was insane. Even if he got to this point in his career, he could never see himself living in someplace this lavish. It was over the top.

“Mr. Riley is expecting you.” The staff member said as he came back from wherever he put Scott’s coat and motioned him to the left, down a hallway to a large mahogany door. The man knocked. Riley shouted from behind the door to come in.

Scott was shown into the large office. Wall-to-wall cherry bookshelves lined the room, and in the center was a large, ornate desk where Jack sat. Behind him was a window that extended from floor to vaulted ceiling. The curtains were drawn open, overlooking his lush, manicured lawn. On the opposite side of the room was a pool table and a wet bar. The office screamed masculinity.

“Harris!” Jack smiled, stood from his desk, and walked around to greet Scott. Jack’s normal suit and power tie were gone, and he wore simple khaki’s and a polo. Scott still felt vastly underdressed in his jeans, boots, and grey henley. “Please, have a seat.”

“Thanks for seeing me on short notice.” Scott sat in the leather chair across Jack’s desk that probably cost more than his monthly loft payment.

“Well, you said it was important and couldn’t wait till the morning. What gives?” Jack raised his bushy brows. “You aren’t leaving me, are you? I need my best guy out there.”

Scott chuckled and shook his head. “Well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” Scott scratched the back of his neck. 

Jack frowned. “Uh oh. I don’t like the sound of that.” He leaned forward on his elbows.

“I want out of the field,” Scott said plainly, “but I want to stay with the firm. I was wondering if there was a possibility of me moving into the corporate office.”

Jack leaned back, folding his arms across his large chest, mulling that over for a few moments. Jack stood, silently crossing the room to the bar, the sound of glass clanking the only noise in the room. He walked back over and handed Scott a drink. “Bourbon?” Jack offered.

Scott nodded and took the cup. “Thank you.” He sipped the dark liquor.

Jack heaved a big sigh, and rather than sitting back at his desk, he took the chair next to Scott. “Office work isn’t you. I know you. You’re a man who craves the action. So, this request of yours leaves me a bit perplexed.” 

Scott nodded and took another sip. Damn, it was good bourbon. “Certain circumstances have come to light. I won’t be able to travel much anymore.”

“Engaged?” Jack seemed to scoff at that prospect. Yeah, Scott had a bit of a reputation around the office.

“No, not yet.” Scott shook his head and frowned. Scott knew he had to play this carefully with Tori. If Tori got even the slightest sensation that Scott was leaving the field to act as some sort of caretaker for her, she’d resent him. If Scott came at her too quickly, she’d run. His steps needed to be calculated and planned perfectly, leaving nothing to chance. She could see him staying put for some time first, and Scott gradually could work his way behind all her walls. Scott sipped his drink as Jack evaluated his silence. 

“But it’s a girl?” Jack laughed.

Scott grinned sheepishly. “Yeah.” His forehead went into a crease. “I want to know, if I leave the field, can you see a future for me with the firm elsewhere?” 

“Harris, you’re damn smart—a fucking genius. I think, no matter what you do, you’ll excel at it, even if you hate it.” Jack took a sip. “I fear that I put you in the office, you’ll feel cooped up, miserable.”

Not if I have Tori, I won’t. “She’s worth it. I just gotta lure her first.”

Jack raised his brow. “Must be some girl if you’re leaving the field and you haven’t even hooked her yet.” 

“She’s been nibbling on the line for years. It’s time for me to cast out the big bait.”

Jack laughed loudly. “Ah, so she’s a wild one. I can’t say that doesn’t suit you.” Jack stood and let out a breath. “You play?” He nodded to the pool table.

“A bit.” Scott grinned as he finished off the last of his bourbon. 

“You rack, I’ll get us another drink.” Jack took Scott’s empty glass.

Scott walked over to the pool table and set up the balls. Jack may be wealthy now, but he came from humble roots like Scott did. All in all, he was a really down-to-earth guy who’d taken a liking to him.

“So, what’s her name?” Jack handed Scott a fresh drink. 

“Tori…” Scott cleared his throat. Jack would find out all of it soon enough. Tori would undergo a full background check if they ever were to get married. May as well tell him. “Victoria. Victoria Johnson.” 

Jack scratched his chin as he mulled that over. He grabbed the cue, leaned over the table, and broke. “Why does that sound familiar?” The balls scattered.

“Um, well…” Scott gazed down into his drink and looked back to Jack. Honesty was always the best policy. “Nathaniel Donaghue ring a bell?” 

Jacks brows went far up onto his forehead as recognition washed over his face. “Well, damn.” Jack nodded to the table. It was Scott’s move. “How is she?”

Scott sat his drink on the bar and grabbed a stick from the rack on the wall. He bent over and pulled back the stick. “Blind.” Scott hit the cue ball and knocked his solid into the corner pocket. He walked around the table and lined up his next shot.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Jack took a sip of his drink and looked at Scott. “How do you fit into this whole equation?” 

“Tori and I have been playing a song and dance for years.” Scott looked up at Jack. “She’s my best friend, Jack. After I lost my leg, she was there for me in a way nobody else could have been. We never got serious because of our careers. Maybe, if I’d done this sooner…” Scott took a large gulp then went back to the game. He missed the next shot.

“You can’t blame yourself for that, Harris,” Jack said wisely. “Life is a fucking bitch.” Jack took his shot and landed it.

From what Scott knew of Jack, he was a family man—good marriage with his wife, great kids. Scott hoped he understood. “I almost lost her. I’m not going to do that again. I’m going after her, and to do that, I need to stay put.” Tori deserved the security of knowing she wasn’t going to lose someone or something important ever again. “I want to stay with the firm, but if you can’t do that for me, then you can consider this my resignation.” Scott needed a life. He wanted a soft bed to come home to at night and a warm body to lie next to. He wanted kids, a family. It was time to slow down.

Jack didn’t say anything while he landed his next two moves. He sucked in a deep breath. “Harris, you are a top-notch man, ya know that?” He stopped, looked at Scott, and leaned his weight into the pool stick. “From the moment I met you, I liked you. I knew you would be a great addition to our firm. The more I learn, the more impressed I am with you.”

“Thank you.” Scott nodded.

“There’s a couple more contracts I need you to finish out for me. Can you give me six months?” Jack reached out his hand to Scott. “I’d like you to go far. Hell, someday, I could see you taking over my job. I need a good successor, and my kids want nothing to do with my line of work.”

Scott was taken aback. He knew Jack liked him, but hell, CEO someday? Scott grabbed Jack’s hand and shook it. “Deal.”

“Now, tell me how you first met Victoria.” 

“She kicked my ass in a game of pool ten years ago and then drank me under the table.” Scott grinned.

Jack laughed and leaned over, lining up his next shot. “Just like I’m about to do. Now don’t go falling for me, Harris.” Jack gave him a wink as the ball sank into the corner pocket.




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