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Chasing Fire: (Fire and Fury Book One) by Avery Kingston (23)

The thick Miami heat smacked Tori in the face as they emerged from the air-conditioned terminal.

“So, where’s this buddy of yours?” Tori asked as they stopped at the curb.

“Almost here.” Scott let out a breath. “You sure you don’t want to get a hotel?”

“Are you kidding me? You, Scott Harris, have a best friend who’s a stoner that lives on a houseboat. This, I have to see to believe.” Tori’s mouth quirked up.

“If you could literally see the place, you’d think twice about staying there.”

They were waiting on a Blaze—a former SEAL buddy of Scott’s. Scott had told Tori he would be picking them up at the terminal. Apparently, he was a beach bum in his off time when not working for Scott. Blaze was obviously a nickname, and Tori could only speculate how he acquired such a ridiculous label.

Scott had some loose ends he needed to finish up in Miami. When he wasn’t overseas the rest of his job entailed training recruits in the Everglades. Tori insisted on changing her flight and coming a day early with him. She really wasn’t wanting to travel alone.

“Oh, God.” Scott laughed as screeching tires pulled to the curb.


“He still has that damn VW van.” Tori could practically hear his eyes roll. She laughed inwardly. What on earth could these two men have in common? “We should’ve taken a cab,” he grumbled.

"Harris! Dude! Long time no see, man!”

Blaze’s sandals smacked as he came toward them. She heard them embrace with a slap on the back. She imagined one of those manly, brotherly type hugs between the two of them.

It was quiet for a moment as Tori assumed he was looking at her. She opened her mouth to speak, but Blaze beat her to it.

“You brought me a hottie! You shouldn't have.” Blaze swept Tori off her feet. She squealed with unexpected amusement as his scent wafted through her nostrils. Blaze smelled like a mixture of coconut sunscreen, salt water, and hemp.

"Watch out for her. She’s trouble!” Scott hollered.

Tori couldn't help but giggle at Blaze’s silliness. "I wouldn't harm a fly,” she purred as he tossed her into the back of the van and slid the door shut. She listened to Scott jump in the front passenger seat, and they were off.

The windows were down, but the breeze didn’t do a thing to alleviate the heat of Miami. “You still haven’t sold this VW van?” Scott groaned over the wind. “Dude, could you be any more stereotypical?”

“You know she’s sentimental to me. Also, come on, it’s the perfect cover. Who would ever suspect a weed-smoking, beach bum, VW-driving hippie who lives on a houseboat was yours truly?”

Yours truly? Was this dude some celebrity or something?

“Cover, you say?” Scott roared with laughter.

Tori got the impression that Blaze’s lifestyle wasn’t much of a cover.

“Also, the ladies love it,” Blaze replied. “Don’t you, Blondie?”

“Very cozy,” she shouted over the wind. “I’m sure the ladies swoon when you invite them in the back of your van.” She sprawled herself across the mattress.

“Be careful, babe—you may catch something lying on that mattress,” Scott warned.

“Not cool, man.” Blaze laughed.

Tori grinned. She liked Blaze immediately. She closed her eyes and lay back on the bed, letting the warm air blow on her skin.



They arrived at the pier, and Scott opened the back door for her. Tori was a little green.

“You ok?” He grabbed her by the hand and made sure she didn’t bang her head on the exit.

She gave him a pained smile. “Not bad. A little carsick.” She pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head and pinched her nose. “Just need some fresh air.” She took a deep breath.

She looked more than slightly carsick. She looked like she was about to hurl. “Since when do you get carsick?”

Her nose curled. “Really?”

His brow went into a crease. “I should’ve let you ride up front.” What other side effects from the wreck did he not know about? “You gonna be ok?” Scott asked.

“I’m fine.” Her lips went into a tight line. That was his cue to let it go.

Scott grabbed their bags as Blaze came around to their side of the vehicle.

“Welcome to my humble abode, Blondie.” He stretched his arms out, motioning toward his older, green, two-story houseboat located on the pier. “She’s not much to look at but it’s home.” He glanced at Tori, who was pulling her cane out of her purse.

“Well, lucky for you, I couldn’t care less what she looks like.” With a smirk and a quick flick of the wrist, she popped her cane open and tapped it on the asphalt.

Blaze’s cheeks grew crimson as he stared daggers at him. She’s fucking blind? He lipped, pointed to his eyes, then threw his hands up. Scott stifled a snicker as Blaze flipped him the finger.

“Poor guy. Scott, you could’ve at least warned him he’d have a blind houseguest.” Tori picked up on their silent exchange. “Sorry, Blaze. I usually like to get that awkwardness out of the way first. I’m going to have to start wearing a tag: Hello my name is Tori, and I’m blind.”

Blaze let out a laugh.

“Now what’s the sleeping situation? I’ve had three in a bed before, so I’m up for pretty much anything, boys,” she flirted.

Blaze rolled his eyes. “Harris may be a pretty man, but not that pretty.” A smile tugged at his lips. “You get the best room in the house—the upstairs cabin. I’ll take the hammock on the deck. Harris can sleep in the back of the van for all I care.” Blaze socked him in the chest.

Yeah, he probably had that coming.



“How about you keep my girl out of trouble while I go pack my gear?” Scott asked.

“You sure you’re ok with that?” Tori questioned. That was odd, him leaving her with this fool, away from his protective gaze.

“Do you want to drive an hour there and back and sit in a humid office while I pack? Because the frown on your face tells me that you’d be bitching the whole time.”

Yeah, that sounded pretty terrible, but that’s not what she meant.

“You want me to keep her out of trouble?” Blaze chuckled devilishly.

“Yeah, it’s like putting hell in charge of ice water,” Scott jibed.

Tori cleared her throat and squeezed Scott’s arm. Was this the best friend test he was putting her up against? Fine. She’d play along. “Blaze will keep me perfect company, and I’ll do my best to act like a lady.”

“Can I borrow the VW?” Scott asked.

Tori imagined him cringing as he said those words, knowing it was eating Scott alive to drive that ridiculous thing. Blaze laughed, and she heard him toss the keys. Scott gave Tori a quick goodbye kiss.

“Take care of my baby,” Blaze hollered as Scott walked away.

“And you take care of mine!” Scott shouted from the distance.

Blaze let out a breath. “So where do you want to go, Blondie?” He placed his hand on her back. “We have the whole South Beach in front of us.”

The salty breeze from the ocean hit her face and blew through her hair. “Let’s see where the wind takes us.” She pulled her sunglasses on and intertwined her arm with his.



“All packed up?” Blaze asked as Scott hopped over the deck of the houseboat.

“Yup. Boxes are on their way to DC.” Scott sat down. “Where’s Tori?”

“Napping.” Blaze took a hit of his joint.

“Please tell me you gave her clean sheets.”

“Of course. I didn’t want her to get the tattoo infected.” Blaze chuckled.

“I thought you were shitting me about the tattoo shop.” Blaze had sent him a text saying where they were headed. Scott thought Blaze was yanking his chain.

“Hell, I thought she was, too, when she mentioned a tattoo. She was dead serious. That took some balls.” Blaze slid his phone over to Scott to show him photographic proof of the event. Scott eyed the photo of Tori’s new ink: braille dots along her wrist with the words I survived scrolled across her surgical scar.

“That’s my girl.” Scott grinned proudly and handed the phone back to Blaze.

“I wondered if she tried to off herself after the lights went out. God knows I would.” Blaze seemed to chew on that for a moment. “I finally just asked.”

Blaze had never been one for tact. He also was a man who had never handled his demons well. “What’d she say?”

“Said it was from the car accident that blinded her.” Blaze frowned. “I felt like an ass. Then again, I’m a certified asshole.” Blaze chuckled. “She’s tenacious. Damn perfect for you. I’m just a little shocked you trusted me with her all day. I’m not the best judge of character.”

“Bullshit. You are a goddamn bastard, but I trust you with my life.” Blaze had saved it countless times. The things they went through together made them brothers.

“And your future wife?”

Scott looked down and scratched his brow.

“I know you wouldn’t just bring any woman down here. We both know you’ve had your fair share.”

“So?” Scott raised his palms.

“You know I don’t believe in the sanctity of marriage.”

Scott rolled his eyes. It was always the same bullshit with Blaze.

“I think Blondie will make a perfect ball and chain for you.” Blaze’s emerald eyes danced across the water. “Not to mention she’s way more fun than you are.”



Tori tried to nap, but the rocking of the boat as the tide rolled in only made her more seasick. The faint laughter of the men’s voices came from the deck below. She decided to join them for some sun since sleep wasn’t happening.

“You guys are having all the fun without me,” she chimed in as she approached the doorway of the deck, clinging to it for dear life. Both men stopped talking immediately.

“Well, then grab a seat, Blondie, and join us.” Blaze smacked the wooden bench. She took one step forward, dizzied, and nearly lost her balance as a wave hit the boat.

“I got ya,” Scott said as his strong hand steadied her.

“I haven’t got my sea legs yet,” she confessed as Scott helped her sit.

“What you need, Blondie, is booze.” The glass clanked as he poured from the bottle. “Here you go.” He placed the drink in her hand.

She lifted it to her nose. “Whiskey, huh?” She smiled and took a sip.

“Look at Blondie, sipping whiskey with the big boys.” Blaze seemed impressed.

“Of course, my girl drinks whiskey.” Scott put his arm around her and kissed her on the cheek. “Cute hat.” He tugged on the brim of it. “You look sexy as hell.”

“Went to like a thousand stores looking for that damn hat. You better like it,” Blaze groaned.

“But I got him a date for tonight.” Tori gave a bemused smile. “Apparently, I’m a kick-ass wing man.”

“Are you now?” Scott raised a brow.

“Yeah, Blondie tried to play matchmaker with me in the last store.”

“Since Scott stuck you on blind girl babysitting duty, I figured the least I could do is get you laid.”

“You say that as if I have trouble getting laid.”

Tori lifted her chin. “She said you were cute, but she could’ve been lying since I can’t see you. You could be a total troll with a hunchback for all I know.”

“You’re out of your mind.” Blaze laughed. “Let’s just say the ladies like what they see.” He groaned.

“Oh, come on, she was hot,” Tori defended.

“And how do you figure that, Blondie?”

Tori shrugged. “I highly doubt they employ someone at Beach Bunny Swimwear that’s larger than a size four and smaller than a D cup. It was a pretty safe bet she was hot.”

“Was she?” Scott asked.

“She was alright.” Blaze chuckled.

“Let me see the new ink.” Scott grabbed her wrist and pulled off the gauze pad. “Why does it say Blaze is badass?”

Tori’s jaw dropped for a moment as both the guys erupted in laughter.

Tori pursed her lips. “You both are going to hell.”

Scott wrapped his arms around her snugly and planted a kiss on the top of her head.

“Did I crash your party?” She took another sip.

“Nah, Blondie. Now that you’re here, the party is just getting started,” Blaze replied. “Harris and I are caught up.”

“So, I have to ask, how did you end up with an absurd nickname like Blaze? That can’t possibly be your real name.”

“I assume it’s because you think I’m a weed-smoking beach bum that lives on a houseboat.”

“Well, yes….” Tori tilted her head. “That was my first hunch.”

“Actually,” Scott chimed in, “it’s because one time on a mission, we got under heavy fire. Hodges,” Scott said his real last name, “took several rounds before I yanked his crazy, bleeding ass out of the sand.”

“I knew if I passed out, I was a goner. So, I started belting out Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi as they evacuated me out of there.”

“By the time we landed the chopper, the whole crew was singing it.”

Scott and Blaze both started belting out the chorus. That sound of that made Tori break out in a megawatt grin. Her heart warmed seeing this side of Scott, getting a glimpse into his world.

“From then on, Blondie, I was Blaze.”

“So, Bon Jovi literally saved your life.” Tori took another sip. “How did you go from military man to houseboat hippie?”

“I always had the hippie in me. I was in and out of foster homes my whole life. Graduated high school and had no plan, no future, no family. Was walking through the mall, stoned, one day, and a recruiter grabbed me. Said I’d get college paid for. I enlisted, cleaned up my act for a bit. Turned out, I was really fucking good at it.”

She chugged the last of her drink. That hit home for Tori. CPS had been called on them a few times. If it wasn’t for her covering for her mom, Jane and she would have ended split up in foster homes. The thought dawned on her that, eventually, Scott would meet her mother. Suddenly, she needed more to drink. “Looks like I need a refill.” Tori shook her glass.

“We’re tapped out. You have more?” Scott asked Blaze.

“Above the stove,” Blaze replied. Scott got up to go get another bottle. Tori heard some shifting and rustling from Blaze, then a click of the lighter. The pungent smell of the skunk weed hit her nostrils immediately.

“Puff, puff, give.” Tori held her hand out. He carefully placed the joint in her fingertips and she took a big hit followed by an even bigger cough.

Scott’s heavy steps came back on the deck. “I’m not seeing it…” Scott trailed off. “You’re fucking kidding me, right?” he grunted.

Tori took another hit and held it out. “Want some?” She knew full well he’d say no. “Just pretend we’re in Amsterdam again, where it’s legal.” She giggled.

“Dude, it’s in there. Just keep looking,” Blaze hollered.

Scott stomped back into the houseboat. Tori shrugged and held it back to Blaze.

“He looks fucking pissed, Blondie. I’d be careful.” Blaze sucked on the joint and coughed.

“Eh, he’ll get over it.” She waved her hand. He passed the joint back to her, and she took another huge hit. She hadn’t smoked weed in years. It was nice to relax after all the recent drama. All her muscles began to loosen.

“You and Harris went to Amsterdam? Now that’s a story I want to hear.”

“We don’t talk about Amsterdam.” Tori flashed a wicked grin.

A few moments later, Scott came back out and plopped next to her.

The bottle clanked on the edge of the glass as Scott poured, placing the drink in her hand.

“So, do you see anything at all?” Blaze asked.

Tori shook her head. “Nothing.” Her entire injury had the doctors scratching their brows at how rare it was—like a one-in-a-billion chance.

“Do you still remember what stuff looks like?” Scott asked and cleared his throat, almost as if he was fearful to ask. “What I look like?”

Her mind pulled up Scott’s image. It was still strong as ever. “Absolutely.” There was a silence for a moment, so she elaborated. “My mind paints a picture of what I think is around me. The table, the chairs, the houseboat, the water beyond, what Blaze may look like.”

“Oh, and what’s that, pray tell me?” Blaze laughed.

“Blonde hair, blue eyes, muscular.”

“You got the muscular right. Keep guessing, Blondie.”



That night, they went to the local dive bar and had a few drinks. Scott insisted she pee before they go because she would most likely contract an STD if she was to use the bathroom at Mac’s.

The girl they met shopping that afternoon showed, and her and Blaze disappeared about an hour before Tori and Scott decided to leave. When they got back to the houseboat, Blaze wasn’t on it, but his van was parked outside.

“That’s strange,” Scott said, sitting on the deck with Tori.


“He’s not here, but his van is.”

“You don’t think he passed out somewhere along the pier, do you?” Tori grimaced.

“Nah, he’s probably fine.” Scott placed his arm around Tori.

“So…did I pass the best friend test?” Tori asked slyly.

“What?” Scott feigned shock.

“Please. I know what this whole thing was.” Tori waved her hand along the deck of the boat. “You wanted this guy to meet me. For some reason, this crazy son of a bitch is important to you, and his opinion matters.”

“Blaze isn’t all that he seems.” Scott’s voice grew protective. “There’s a lot more to him than what he puts out there.”

“I gathered that much.” Tori nodded. “He’s a bit like me.”

Scott chuckled. Yeah, he kinda was in a strange, twisted way.

They sat there, quiet, for several moments, listening to the waves lap against the side of the boat. Scott’s eyelids grew heavy, and he almost started to doze off until the side of the van sliding open caught his attention.

“What the hell?” Scott marveled as he watched Blaze pop out of the van stark naked.


“It’s Blaze…he’s naked, running from his van,” was all Scott could mutter as he watched his idiotic friend dash across the pier, his junk flapping in the breeze.

Blaze hopped the side of the boat. “Hey, guys.” He walked right past them into the kitchen.

Scott buried his face in his hands, laughing. “What the fuck man?”

“Out of lube!” Blaze rummaged through his cabinets. “Ah ha! That will do the trick!” He walked past them, tossing a bottle of olive oil in his hands.

“Olive oil? Are you serious?” Scott doubled over laughing.

“It’s organic. Jeesh. Chill out, man,” Blaze huffed. He hopped back over the side of the boat, whistling as he walked back to the van and climbed in.



Scott stood on the deck waiting for their cab to arrive the next morning.

“What’s all the shouting for?” Tori asked, hearing the angry screams coming from the parking lot.

“You’re just in time for the show,” Scott said.

Blaze popped out of the van as Scott watched it all unfold.

“You sick motherfucker!” The girl screamed, standing there in her bra and panties, scrambling to put her shoes on. Her clothing fell out of her arms onto the asphalt.

“I’m sorry, honey. I thought you’d like that,” Blaze said only with a hint of apology, also in his underwear. “Lots of girls are into that shit.”

Her eyes narrowed, and she fumed. “Not this girl. You can go to hell, you sick bastard!” The chick grabbed her clothes and stomped off across the parking lot.

Blaze whistled as he hopped onto the boat. “Morning guys.” He smirked strolling past them as if nothing just happened and grabbed a beer out of the fridge. He cracked it open and took a large swig as he walked back onto the deck of the boat. “You all taking off?” He glanced at the bags next to Scott’s leg.

“Yeah, our cab is almost here,” Tori said, putting her hand over her mouth, suppressing laughter.

“Well, I won’t keep you then.” Blaze came over and gave Scott a pat on the back then turned to Tori. “Blondie, it’s been fun. If Harris ever decides to let you go, I’ve programmed my number in your phone. I promise I’m better looking than he is.”

“Long, sandy hair, emerald eyes, devilish grin?”

“Now you nailed it.” Blaze gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek.

Scott threw up his hands in protest. “What the fuck, dude?”

Blaze laughed. “Take care, Harris.”




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