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Irreversible: The Hitman & The Heiress by Alexx Andria (26)


For the first time ever, I woke before Dex but not before Travis.

I dressed and found him in the kitchen, making breakfast.

He slid a hot cup of coffee into my appreciative hands and continued his chef duties.

“How are you single?” I asked in wonder as he prepared an omelette for me. “What’s the deal? I mean, what deep, dark secret do you have that offsets your incredible looks and culinary skills?”

Travis chuckled, revealing a dimple hiding behind his scruff. “Well, there was that whole homeless thing back in the day,” he answered with self-deprecating humor. “But to be honest, just not very good at the whole relationship gig. I tried it a few times, failed spectacularly, and decided, it wasn’t for me.”

I laughed. “Well, when you decide to dip your toe in the dating waters, don’t be surprised if you get swamped by thirsty ladies.”

“Good to know.” Travis grinned and plopped my omelette on a plate with a few strips of bacon. “Bon Appetit,” he said.

I didn’t waste time and tucked in. I was ravenous. Maybe it was the adrenalin rush of running for my life or the epic sex but my belly seemed a never-satisfied hole.

“Well, you can cook for me anytime,” I declared between mouthfuls. “This is incredible.”

Travis accepted the compliment with a smile. “A man needs to know two essential skills in life — how to cook and how to fuck. I excel at both.”

I blushed and nearly choked on my bite. Was he flirting with me? I squirmed with discomfort, glancing behind me almost expecting to see Dex glowering at the both of us.

But thankfully, Dex was still sleeping.

I returned to Travis and said quietly, “I’m really flattered but...”

“But you love that big idiot in the other room,” he finished for me.

I nodded.

“It’s kinda obvious, sugar,” he said with a wink and I relaxed. Travis wasn’t trying to make a move on me.

“That was a test wasn’t it?” I teased with a relieved smile when Travis cocked his finger at me like a mock gun and clicked in an affirmative. “Thank God I passed,” I said, wondering how the conversation would’ve played out if I’d taken the bait.

“Gotta look out for my boy, especially when he’s putting his life on the line for you.”

I sobered. “I would never betray Dex.”

Travis’s expression dimmed inexplicably as he said, “I sense that. Too bad, Dex is too thick-headed to see what’s right in front of him.”

Maybe I was delusional but my heart said that Dex felt the same about me, even if he hadn’t come out and said the exact words, hey baby, I love you.

“Dex has feelings for me,” I said, not quite brave enough to use the ‘L’ word. “I know he does.”

“Yeah, he does,” Travis agreed but the grim set of his mouth made me uneasy. Before I could question, he jerked his head toward the bedroom, saying, “Speaking of the devil. Sleeping Beauty has finally decided to grace us with her presence.”

Dex looked adorably ruffled, his hair standing up on end before he scrubbed his head with his hand. “Coffee?”

God, Dex was the epitome of the most excellent male specimen.

Travis answered with a fresh mug thrust into Dex’s grasp.

“You must’ve been super tired,” I said, leaning over to kiss his shoulder. He nodded, acknowledging my show of affection with a noise that barely qualified as a grunt. Oh, ouch. I tried not to feel rejected. Dex probably didn’t like PDA. I wasn’t going to jump to conclusions.

But the nagging sense that I was missing a very big piece of a puzzle kept bugging me.

Dex was already in business mode with Travis.

I remained quiet as they talked strategy. I was out of my depth so there was no sense in me throwing in my two cents. Even so, it was hard to reconcile the feeling of being left out.

They inhaled their breakfast and then prepared to leave.

I followed Dex into the bedroom but he stopped me before I even managed to open my mouth.

“You aren’t coming.”

The firm tone brooked no argument. He had that look of cold steel in his eyes.

I bit my lip and tried not to glare. I understood why he wanted me to stay behind but why was he being so frosty with me?

“Are you mad at me?” I asked.

“Should I be?”

“That’s not an answer.”

He sighed as if annoyed but tried to placate me. “Not annoyed...yet. But you have a bad habit of stepping on my last nerve at the most inopportune time.”

“What do you mean?”

The irritation returned and he shook his head. “Not the time, Bree.”

Yeah, probably not. Didn’t change the fact that I wanted an answer anyway.

Instead, I said, “Be safe” because honestly, what else could I say that wouldn’t leave me dissatisfied and likely, broken-hearted?

I was safe here in Travis’s loft. Travis had obviously taken a page from Dex’s safe house playbook. Fort Knox wasn’t locked up as tight.

Maybe I could catch up on some shows I’d missed since my life disintegrated.

But when Dex didn’t even look back at me as he walked out the door, I fought tears.

Stupid man.

Sometimes Dex could be so cold.

Where was the man who made love to me like a demon possessed? As if he couldn’t touch me enough, feel me deep enough? The one who trembled as he held me close, as if afraid I would disappear if he let go?

Apparently, we’d left that man behind in another state.

The man with me now...was a lot like the man I’d first met when I opened my eyes after being kidnapped and drugged.

Well, there you go, Bree. He freaking kidnapped and drugged you. This was not a match made in heaven. How else was this supposed to end?

Certainly not with a ring and wedding bells.

God, had I really thought Dex might actually want a future with me?

My hand strayed to my stomach.

I could be pregnant right now.

A thrill chased the thought even as I lamented my stupidity.

I can’t wait to be a single mother, said no woman ever.

But to have a small piece of Dex...I couldn’t lie, the thought warmed my hurting heart.

It was crazy to hope for an unplanned pregnancy.

But when had my life ever made any sense?

Why start now?