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Dirty It Up by Elizabeth Kelly, Amelia Bond, Elizabeth Brown, Aubrey Bondurant, Ramona Gray (70)

I stared at the whiteboard in my office before adding another note to myself at the bottom.  My cell phone rang and I snagged it from where I’d tossed it on my desk.  It was Thursday afternoon and I had spent most of the day in my office finishing up a file.  It was the last file on my desk and if I didn’t find something else, Friday and Monday morning were going to be ridiculously long.  I glanced at my phone screen and smiled.  The number was very familiar and I hit the answer button.

“Good afternoon, Elizabeth speaking.”

“Libby!”  Charles Emerson’s southern drawl washed over me.  “It’s Charles Emerson.  How the fuck are you?”

I ignored my urge to laugh.  Charles was a second-generation oil driller.  He was a big, tough Texan with permanently stained hands, a handlebar mustache that would make Sam Elliot jealous and a big booming voice.  He bred horses in his spare time, cursed like a sailor and went to church without fail every Sunday.  He also had a wife he very obviously adored and four children who were all involved in the family business.

His company, Etco Drilling Ltd., was my previous firm’s biggest client.  I was assigned to the Etco file in my first year.  I had a feeling that my old boss - a sexist pig of a man who only hired female lawyers because he was forced to - believed that Charles with his quick temper and hard and grizzled exterior would eat me alive.  Instead, we had forged an unlikely friendship over the next eight years.  When I told Charles that I was thinking of leaving my firm and pursuing a partnership opportunity, he hadn’t hesitated to let me know he would follow me.  I wasn’t naïve or stupid enough to think that having a multi-million-dollar drilling company as a loyal client wasn’t part of the reason that I got the partnership at Martin, Clarke and Bones.

“Hello, Charles.  I’m good.  How are you?”  I said.

“Can’t complain.  Well I could, but ain’t no one around who cares enough to listen.”

There was an outraged voice in the background and Charles gave a big booming laugh.  “Now I’m in trouble with my Mags.  She says hello and wants you to check your mailbox.  She sent your Christmas present to your new address last week.”

I felt a rush of love for Charles’ wife Maggie.  “She did?  That’s so sweet.  Please tell her I said thank you and ask her if she found that knitting pattern she was looking for online.”

He harrumphed irritably as his short temper got the best of him.  “Jesus Christ, I ain’t no messenger boy, Elizabeth.  Call her up once the holidays are over and ask her yourself.  She’s been pining for a good chinwag with ya anyway.”

I laughed.  “All right, I will.  Now, what can I help you with?”

“Nothing work related,” Charles said.  His voice softened a touch. “Just wanted to check in on ya, make sure the new job is going okay and to say Merry Christmas and shit like that.”

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sandra stick her head into my office.  I waved her in as I shifted my cell phone to my other ear.  “It’s going well.”

“Good,” he said.  “Real fuckin’ glad to hear it, Libby.  You have a good Christmas, okay?”

“You too.  Give my love to Maggie and tell her I’ll call her in the new year.”

“Will do.”

Like always, he hung up without saying goodbye and I grinned at Sandra as I hit the end button on my cell phone.  “Sorry, Sandra.  That was Charles from Etco Drilling.”

“I spoke to him this morning.  He called the office while you were meeting with Mario and got a little huffy when I wouldn’t interrupt you,” Sandra said.

I laughed.  “That sounds like Charles.”

“I was actually just coming in to talk to you about Etco,” Sandra said.

“All right.”  I walked back to my desk and sat down in my chair.  I thought I did a good job of hiding my flinch, but Sandra frowned at me immediately.

“Are you hurt, Libby?  This is the second time I’ve seen you wince when you sat down.”


“Uh, no.  I did a bit too much yoga this week and strained some muscles,” I lied.

Truthfully, my ass was covered in big purple bruises and it hurt like fire when I sat.  Not to mention how painful my damn nipples were.  Despite the pain, I didn’t feel any regret for what I’d done.  In fact, I was almost late for work because I kept admiring the way my bruised ass looked in the mirror.  There was a bruise in the shape of a handprint on my lower left cheek.  I had stared at it for over a minute, knowing that if Seth put his hand over the bruise it would be the perfect match.  That thought had made me shiver with lust and even now, I could feel fresh lust trickling through me.

“Right,” Sandra said.

Shit.  A topic change was sorely needed.  “So, what is your question about Etco?”

“No questions.  Emmett asked me to mention to you that Seth and Theo aren’t going to be available to help you with the file until after Christmas,” Sandra said.

“Oh really?”  I tried to sound casual.

“Yes.  We have a high-maintenance client in Georgia and,” Sandra paused and rolled her eyes, “they’ve had another self-proclaimed crisis and insisted that Seth and Theo fly out this afternoon.”

Dismay rippled through me and Sandra gave me an odd look.  “Libby?  Are you okay?  Is there a problem with the Etco file?”

“No, everything’s fine.”  I made myself smile cheerfully at her.  “When are they back.  Do you know?”

“I booked their return flight for late Monday morning.  The client wanted me to book them to come back on Wednesday.  Can you believe it?  Tuesday is Christmas for heaven’s sake!”  Sandra rolled her eyes again.  “I know Jeff and Mario have been urging Emmett to drop them as clients and I think this might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.  Anyway, they’re coming back Monday morning, but Jeff already told them not to come into the office and to start their Christmas holidays with their families.”

“Well, I’m sure it will be fine for the Etco file,” I said.

“Good,” Sandra said.  “Are you leaving tomorrow or Saturday?”

I gave her a blank look and she frowned at me.  “Aren’t you driving home this weekend for Christmas?”

I shook my head.  “No, I’m staying here.  It’s such a long drive, you know?”

“I guess,” Sandra said slowly.  “What are you doing for Christmas?”

“Oh, I, uh, I’m, um…”

“You’re not spending Christmas alone?”  Sandra asked in horror.

“I am,” I admitted.

“You can come to my house,” Sandra said.  “We’re eating dinner at two.”

“No, thank you,” I said.  “I’m not intruding on your family dinner and besides, I’m looking forward to having Christmas by myself this year.”

It wasn’t entirely true, but I couldn’t tell a woman I barely knew that I was looking forward to not spending Christmas with my overbearing and disapproving mother.

“Libby, no one should spend Christmas alone,” Sandra said.

I shrugged.  “Honestly, I need to be alone this year, Sandra.”

Sandra gave me a searching look before sighing.  “Okay, well if you change your mind, it’s an open invitation.  I’ll email you my address.  Come over at any time.”

“Thanks, Sandra.  That’s very nice of you and I appreciate it,” I said.

“Well, I mean it,” she replied. 

“I know,” I said and then to mollify her, I said, “I’ll think about it, okay?”

“Okay,” she said.  “Are you coming in Monday morning?”

“I was going to,” I replied.

“Don’t bother,” she said.  “No one is coming in.  It’s going to be dead in here and most of our clients are used to us having limited staff during the holiday break.  I know the other partners told you not to come in.  Take their advice and stay home and sleep in.”

I laughed.  “All right.  I won’t come in on Monday.”

“Good,” Sandra said with a satisfied smile.


* * *


Monday afternoon, I stepped out the shower and wrapped the towel around my wet body.  I wiped the steam from the mirror and stared at my reflection before running a comb through my hair.  There was a small pink box on the bathroom vanity and I flipped the lid off, staring at the butt plug sitting inside of it. 

I’d purchased it Thursday night, walking into the adult store with a vague sense of embarrassment.  I’d never been in a store like that before and I’d walked the entire store staring at the inventory with equal amounts of curiosity and shock.  I’d purchased a butt plug and lube, a small part of me wondering what the store employee was thinking as she placed it in the pink box.  Once I was home, I’d inserted the plug and worn it the entire evening as I ate my dinner of cold cereal, and used my laptop to watch a couple of shows on Hulu. 

Now, I sighed and put the lid back on the box.  I’d already worn it for a few hours this morning.  I’d worn it for a few hours each day on the weekend as well.  Although why I bothered, I didn’t know.  I hadn’t heard a single word from Seth or Theo since I’d left their bed Thursday morning.

As I’d been doing all weekend, I tried to console myself.  They were working, we weren’t dating – hell, we weren’t even friends – so why would they contact me?  It didn’t hurt my feelings that they hadn’t texted me even once.  Why would they? 

Why are you still wearing that damn plug?  Inner me whispered.

“Once the holidays are over, I’m sure we’ll pick up where we left off.  I still haven’t had sex with both of them at once.” I said to my reflection.

Are you sure about that?  They haven’t contacted you once since they left.  Yeah, you’re not dating them, but wouldn’t it be at least polite of them to send you one text?

Fuck, inner me just didn’t know when to shut the hell up.

Maybe they’re tired of you.  You told them what Wayne said to you – maybe they realized they don’t want to be those men with the fat girlfriend either.  Maybe they –

Shut up! I snarled at my inner self.  Just shut up!  We’re not dating and I don’t care if they don’t call or text me.  I want one thing from them and that’s it, so shut the fuck up for once!

Mercifully, my inner self lapsed into silence.  I rubbed at my forehead before leaving the bathroom and walking to my bedroom.  I dressed in yoga pants and a t-shirt, not bothering with a bra or underwear, and stared at my pathetic air mattress for a moment. 

I was lying to myself and didn’t want to admit it.  I missed Theo and Seth.  More than I should have if I was only using them for sex.  I sighed and stared out the window at the falling snow.  The last four days had passed agonizingly slow and I was already going a little stir crazy.  I missed my stuff, I missed my friends and there was a part of me that wanted to jump in my car and drive home.  If I left now, I could be home before midnight.  Mom would be happy to have me home. Then, at least, I wouldn’t spend the next week roaming a nearly empty apartment, eating cold cereal and wishing I was doing something inappropriate like fucking my funny, sweet and stupidly hot coworkers.

I could tell myself repeatedly that it wasn’t over and that we would simply pick up where we left off when the craziness of the holidays was over, but not hearing from them had rattled me badly.  Thinking they would text or call just to say hello was ridiculous so why was I hurt that they hadn’t?

I needed to stop thinking about them, needed to stop wondering if they would –

My cell phone rang and I snatched it up from the floor next to the air mattress.  It was my mother.  For the first time in forever, I was eager to talk to her.  It would take my mind off Theo and Seth and maybe I would let her talk me into driving home.  I hit the answer button as I walked to the kitchen.

“Hey, Mom!”  I said cheerfully.  “How are you?”

There was a pause and then my mother said suspiciously, “Libby?  Why are you so happy?”

“Why shouldn’t I be?” I asked.

She snorted.  “Maybe because you’ve left your mother all alone at Christmas?  Do you even feel bad at all, Elizabeth?”

Guilt flooded through me immediately.  “Mom, of course I do.  I was even thinking that maybe I would - ”

“I don’t think you do, Libby.”  My mother steamrolled right over me.  “I think you’re doing this as some kind of punishment, because I was honest about my disappointment over the way you treated Wayne.”

“The way I treated Wayne?”  I could hear the irritation in my voice and I tried to rein it in.  It was Christmas and I didn’t want to fight with my mother, no matter how difficult our relationship was.  “Mom, Wayne cheated on me.”

“Oh for God’s sake, Elizabeth,” my mother retorted, “when are you going to let that go?”

My jaw dropped.  “Let that go?  You’re kidding me, right?”

“Libby, honey, I think you need to give Wayne another chance.  You refuse to lose the weight and because of that, he’s as good as you’re going to get.  Men are visual creatures, they don’t want a fat girl.”

My stomach clenched and I said, “Do you hear yourself, Mom?  You just called your own kid fat.  Does that seem like something a mother would do?”

“If she’s a mother who has her child’s best interest at heart, then yes.”

Anger flooded through me and I welcomed it.  Embraced it and let it flourish.  “No, Mom.  That’s isn’t true and I won’t let you keep treating me this way.”

My doorbell rang and I stalked to the front door and yanked it open without even bothering to look at who it was.

“Treating you what way?”  My mother said with that tone of fake hurt that made my skin crawl.  “I love you, Libby and I only want what’s best for you.”

I barely heard her.  I was staring wide-eyed at Theo and Seth standing on my doorstep.  Without saying anything, I stepped aside so they could brush past me.  “Mom, I have to go.”

“Of course you do,” my mother snapped.  “You always have to go.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” I said and ended the call as Seth closed the door.

The three of us stood silently in the front hall before I stuttered, “W-what are you doing here?”

“What are you doing here?”  Seth countered.  “We thought you would be driving home to your family for Christmas.”

I shrugged.  “I’m not.  If you thought I was gone, why did you stop by?”

“We stopped at the office after our flight landed,” Theo said.  “We overheard Sandra telling Allison that you would be alone at Christmas.  Why aren’t you going home?”

“It’s a long story but let’s just say that it’s preferable to spending Christmas with my mother,” I said. 

There was another moment of awkward silence and I shifted from foot to foot before saying, “Well, thanks for stopping by.  Merry Christmas.”

Seth scowled at me.  “You’re not spending Christmas alone, Libby.  You’re spending it with us.”

I blinked at him.  “I’m not spending Christmas with yours or Theo’s family.  I don’t even know them and how would you even explain who I was?  Oh hey, fam, this is my pathetic boss who doesn’t have anywhere to go for Christmas.”

“Theo’s parents are in Europe for Christmas and mine are in Montana at my grandparents,” Seth replied.  “It’s just the two of us for Christmas this year.”

I ignored the excitement brewing in my belly.  “Oh, well, I appreciate the offer but I’m looking forward to my alone time.”

Theo rolled his eyes.  “Eating cold cereal and sleeping on an air mattress?”

“I don’t need your pity invite to spend Christmas with you!”  I suddenly hissed at them.

“It’s not a pity invite,” Theo replied.

“Yeah, right,” I muttered.

Seth gave me a thoughtful look.  “We’re sorry we didn’t call you while we were in Georgia, Libby.  We didn’t mean to upset you.”

I was surprised by his intuitiveness to my emotional reaction.  I chewed at my bottom lip before saying, “Why would you?  I didn’t expect you to call me and I’m not upset that you didn’t.”

Seth glanced at Theo.  “Do you think she’s lying to us because she wants a spanking or because she thinks we want to hear that she isn’t upset.”

I backed away, my hands dropping to cover my ass automatically.  “I’m not lying.”

Seth grinned and stepped toward me before hauling me into his embrace.  He nuzzled my neck and pressed a kiss against my cheek.  “You are lying and you should be upset with us.  We were dicks not to text or call but we were busy with an absolute bastard of a client and,” he paused and glanced at Theo.

“We weren’t sure if you wanted us to contact you,” Theo finished.  “All we have is your work cell phone number and…”

He trailed off and I found myself feeling grateful for their discretion.  Work phones were the property of the office and any texts could be monitored.  I didn’t want anyone at work knowing what I was doing with them and they were trying to respect that.

“I’m sorry.  I’m being a total bitch and I had no right to be upset that I didn’t hear from you.  I just missed you both,” I admitted.

“We’re glad you’re upset,” Seth said and winced when Theo punched him in the arm.  “That didn’t come out right.  What I mean is that we’re glad you missed us because holy fuck, did we miss you.”

He squeezed my ass and I smiled at him even though a pang of disappointment went through me.  It was fine that they had missed me because of the sex.  I didn’t want more from them.

Seth stepped away and Theo took his place.  He cupped my breast and circled my hardening nipple with his thumb.  “Pack a bag and come spend Christmas with us, Libby.  Please.”

“I – okay,” I whispered.

“Good,” Theo said.  He pressed a kiss against my mouth.  “Come on, love.  I’ll help you pack.”


* * *

“What’s this?”  I stared at the wrapped package that Seth placed in my lap.  It was later that evening.  After arriving at their home, I’d helped Seth cook dinner and the three of us had enjoyed the meal with a couple glasses of wine.  I thought we’d go to the bedroom and have sex but instead, they’d led me into the living room.  The lights in the tree gleamed as Theo turned on the TV.  Explaining it was a Christmas Eve tradition, we had watched two movies – Elf and A Christmas Story – both men laughing like little kids and quoting lines as we watched.

“It’s a gift for you,” Seth said.

“I didn’t get you guys anything,” I replied.

“You weren’t supposed to,” Theo said.  “Open it, love.”

I ripped off the packaging and opened the lid of the box.  Nestled in pink tissue paper was a heart-shaped jewelled anal plug.  I stared at it for a moment before bursting into giggles.

“Do you like it, sweetheart?”  Seth asked with a grin.

“It’s the most unique Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten,” I laughed.

“And most romantic, right?”  Theo said.

I laughed even harder.  “Oh, definitely.”

“Theo wanted to go with the kitty cat tail one, but I talked him out of it,” Seth said.

I poked Theo in the stomach.  “Don’t be a brat.”

“What do you say we go to the bedroom and try out your new Christmas gift?”  Theo said before kissing me.  “If we use it for a few more days, you should be stretched enough.”

“I’ve, uh, been using a butt plug every day since Thursday,” I said.  My cheeks reddened and I wished I didn’t feel embarrassed by my admission.

Seth gave me a look of glee.  “Seriously?”

“Yes,” I said.  “I bought one and have been using it daily.”

“Fuck, you are the perfect fucking woman,” Seth said before leaning in and kissing me hard on the mouth.  “Theo, get our perfect woman to the bedroom right now while I shut off the lights.

Theo tossed the box with the plug on the couch and pulled me to my feet.  I followed him to the bedroom and he undressed me and himself in record time before pushing me onto my back on the bed.

“Theo, what – oh my god!”

Theo was lying between my legs with his face buried in my pussy before I could even blink.  “Theo!” I moaned when he sucked on my clit.

He raised his head.  “Yes, love?”

“Wh-what are you doing?”

“It’s called foreplay,” he said with a teasing grin.

“Shouldn’t we wait for Seth?”  I whispered.  My hands were already tangling in his hair and I whimpered with pleasure when Theo nipped my inner thigh.

“He’ll be here soon.  I’ve spent the last four days dreaming about your cunt and how sweet it tastes.  Don’t even think of denying me, Libby.”

“I’m not,” I said quickly.

“Good.  Let’s see how wet I can make your pussy before Seth shows up.”  He dove back into my pussy and I closed my eyes and arched my back when he licked my clit with warm strokes of his tongue.  He teased and licked and nipped until I was digging my feet into the small of his back and grinding my pussy against his mouth.

My eyes popped open the moment I felt a warm mouth cover my aching nipple.  Seth was lying on the bed beside me and he licked and sucked at my nipple almost lazily as Theo ate my pussy with undisguised enthusiasm.

“Are your nipples still sore, sweetheart?”  Seth asked.

“No,” I panted as I rocked my hips against Theo’s face.  “No, they – they’re fine.”

“I’m glad.  If you’re our good girl, we won’t use the clamps tonight.”

I didn’t reply and Seth gave my nipple a hard pinch.  “Libby?  Are you paying attention to me?”

“Fuck, no I’m not paying attention to you!”  I retorted.  I glared at him and he laughed and pinched my other nipple until I cried out.

“Theo, stop for a minute,” Seth said.

“No!  Theo, do not stop!”  I shouted.

Theo lifted his head and smiled at Seth.  “What’s up?”

“Goddammit!”  I shouted and tried to shove Theo’s head back between my thighs.

Seth grabbed my wrists and yanked them above my head, pinning them to the bed.  I cried out when Theo gave my pussy two hard slaps.  It stung like hell so why was I spreading my legs in a silent plea for more?

Instead of slapping me, Theo pressed a kiss against the swollen lips of my pussy as Seth nipped my collarbone.  “Be our good girl, Libby.”

“I am, Sir” I said desperately.

“Say it.”

“I’ll be your good girl, Sir,” I said frantically.

“What do good girls do?”

I stared at him for a moment before hit with inspiration.  “They suck cock, Sir.”

Seth smiled and I felt an absurd tingle of pride when he said, “That’s right.  Open up, good girl.”

I opened my mouth as Seth shifted until he was kneeling next to me.  He slipped a hand under my neck and lifted my head, supporting me as I sucked his cock into my mouth.

“Fuck, that’s good,” he muttered as he thrust in and out of my mouth.  “Suck my cock like my good girl.”

Theo sucked on my clit again and I moaned around Seth’s cock.  The vibration made Seth groan and he thrust even harder into my mouth.  I barely noticed my inability to breathe or the spit that was running down my chin as Seth pushed in and out.  Theo was teasing my clit with small flicks of his tongue and I was on the verge of climaxing. 

Theo nipped my clit and I screamed, the sound muffled by Seth’s thick cock, as I came in a violent rush of dizzying pleasure.  Theo held my lower body still with hard hands on my hips and licked and sucked at my clit as my climax rolled through me.

I screamed again and Seth’s hand tightened around my neck before he abruptly pulled out.  I sucked in a lungful of air and let it out in a loud moan as Theo rubbed my oversensitive clit with the pad of his thumb.  I jerked away and waited for the spank, but Theo simply pressed a kiss against my quivering thigh before standing up and opening the nightstand drawer.  He pulled out a bottle of lube and condoms and handed a condom and the lube to Seth.  Both men rolled on their condoms as I panted and moaned and twitched on the bed.

The bed dipped as Theo reclined on his back.  “Climb on, Libby.”

My legs were still shaking but I sat up and straddled him.  I realized I wasn’t worrying one bit about hurting him and scored myself a mental victory as Theo cupped both my breasts.  “You’re so beautiful, Libby.”

“Thank you,” I whispered.  “So are you.  Both of you.”

Theo cupped my face and tenderly stroked my cheekbone with his thumb.  “If it hurts too much or you want to stop at any time, say your safe word, okay?  We won’t be upset.”

I glanced at Seth who was opening the bottle of lube.  He smiled and leaned forward to kiss me.  “We won’t be, sweetheart.  I promise.”

“Okay,” I said.  “So, uh what do we do first?”

“First you put my cock in that soaking wet cunt of yours,” Theo said.

I blushed a little but grasped Theo’s cock at the base and guided it to my opening.  He was right about being soaking wet and I sank down on his cock with ease despite his size.  Theo released his breath in a low groan before urging me to lean over him.

I braced my hands on the bed on either side of his head and we kissed with slow, deep strokes of our tongues as Seth kneeled between Theo’s spread legs.  Theo made a few lazy thrusts into my pussy as we kissed and I moaned into his mouth.  God, it felt so good to have his cock again.

Feeling a little drunk on pleasure, I whispered, “I love your cock, Theo.”

He nuzzled my neck before sucking on my earlobe.  “I love your hot little pussy, Libby.  You’re an amazing woman and fucking you is all I can think about.”

I moaned when he cupped my breasts and tugged on my nipples.  Behind me, Seth was rubbing lube into my anus and I took a deep breath and pushed against his fingers when he pushed them deep into my ass.  He made a scissoring motion with his fingers to stretch me.  I pushed my breast against Theo’s mouth and he sucked obligingly on my nipple as he made gentle little thrusts with his hips.

“Are you ready, sweetheart?”  Seth asked.


“I’ll go slow, I promise.  Remember to breathe and to push back against me, okay?”

I looked over my shoulder at him.  “Yes.”

“You’re sure?”

“Positive.  Fuck my ass, Seth,” I said.

He groaned and a look of almost feral need crossed his face before he moved a little closer.  “Theo, stop moving.”

Theo held still and gave me a reassuring look as Seth pressed the head of his dick against my anus.  I took a deep breath and pushed back against the steady pressure.  I groaned and bit at my lip.  Fuck, even with the plugs, it was hurting more than I thought it would. 

I was about to say stop and ask for more time when Theo’s hand slipped between my legs and rubbed at my swollen clit.

“Oh!”  I squeaked as pleasure immediately mixed with the pain.  “Oh, that helps!”

“Good,” Theo said.  “Concentrate on my fingers touching you, love.  Your little clit is so swollen and hard.  You want to come again, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I moaned.  “I really do.”

“Soon,” Theo said soothingly.

There was a sudden flare of pain and I groaned.  Seth rubbed my ass and Theo rubbed my clit as I hung my head and took deep breaths.  The pain subsided rather quickly, leaving a feeling of dull pressure that was actually a little pleasurable.

“Is it in?” I panted.

“The head is,” Seth replied.

I groaned and swivelled my head to stare at him.  “Just the head?”

I already felt stuffed to the brim and couldn’t imagine taking any more of Seth’s cock.  “I don’t think I can take any more.”

“Yes, you can,” Seth said.  “Take my cock up your ass like a good girl or I’ll give you a spanking.”

That made me clench around both men’s dicks and Theo groaned.  “Jesus, Seth, stop threatening to spank her!”

“Rub her clit again,” Seth ordered.

Theo rubbed my clit and I moaned and rubbed my pussy against his fingers as Seth pushed and retreated slowly until I felt his pelvis pressing against my ass and he made a satisfied grunt.

“Good girl,” he said.

“Oh God,” I moaned.  “It’s too much.  I can’t take it.”

Seth ignored me and made a few gentle thrusts that sent lightning coursing up and down my nerve endings.

“Fuck!”  I squealed.  “Oh God, that’s – that’s good.”

Both men laughed and I blushed but gave Theo a pleading look.  “Please touch my clit again.”

He shook his head.  “No, we’re going to make you come with just our dicks this time, love.”

I gave him another pleading look, but he ignored it and cupped my breasts as Seth held my hips.  They began a slow rhythm of one man pushing in while the other withdrew.  It made my toes curl and I panted and moaned as they both fucked me.

“Feel good, little Libby?”  Seth pressed on my lower back.

“Oh God, fuck, yes,” I groaned.  “I think – harder, please.”

They moved faster and harder.  My body was buzzing and twitching with pleasure and I wasn’t sure if I should be happy or ashamed at how much pleasure I was deriving from a dick in my ass.  Having Seth’s cock in my ass made Theo’s cock feel even thicker in my pussy.  I squeezed around both of them experimentally and both men immediately did hard and out-of-control thrusts that made me squeal.

“Fuck!  Don’t squeeze like that, love,” Theo begged below me as Seth panted harshly behind me.

I squeezed again and Seth slapped my ass hard.  I squealed a second time and turned my head to pout at him.

“Behave,” he said but there was a pleading tone to it that I’d never heard in his voice before.

I grinned and rocked my body a little.  “What’s wrong, Seth?  Going to blow your load before you make me come?”

I received another glorious slap to the ass for my impertinence.  I flushed with happiness and didn’t object when both men pounded roughly into me.  In fact, their roughness ratcheted up my excitement and I clutched at Theo’s shoulders and made soft cries for more.

“She’s so fucking tight,” Theo suddenly moaned.  “Seth, I can’t…”

“Make her come first,” Seth demanded but he sounded as frantic as Theo.

“Fuck, I’m trying,” Theo panted. 

To my surprise and delight, he reached beneath me and rubbed my clit in hard, rough circles.  I cried out happily and rocked against his fingers.  I was coming against his fingers in less than thirty seconds, my pussy and ass tightening around their cocks helplessly as I climaxed.  Seth made a hoarse roar of need and then both men were pounding into me.  I clung to Theo as a new and unrecognizable pleasure grew in my body.

“Oh, oh, God,” I moaned.  “What is that?  What – oh fuck!”  I was gasping and sobbing with need as both men moved harder and faster.  I couldn’t stop clenching around both dicks.  The motion heightened my pleasure and I heard Theo groan loudly.

He arched beneath me.  I barely registered that he was coming as Seth shoved his dick in and out of my ass.  The only thing mattered was the orgasm that was agonizingly close.  I squeezed my eyes shut and ground my pussy against Theo’s dick as I reached for my climax.  As Seth made a low roar and his hands dug into my hips, I shrieked with pleasure and came wildly.  My body shook and I screamed again before collapsing on top of Theo.

I could feel Theo’s heart beating like a drum beneath my cheek and I told myself to roll off of him before I crushed him.  I made a half-hearted attempt to move before collapsing on him again.  He rubbed my back and I was only vaguely aware of Seth moving away to the other side of the bed.

After a few minutes, Theo kissed the top of my head. “Okay?”  He asked hoarsely.

“Yes,” I mumbled.  “Sorry, I’ll move.”

“You’re fine,” he said as his arms tightened around my waist.  “Give it a minute.”

I snuggled against him and it wasn’t until his heart was beating a normal rhythm again that I eased off of him and lay weakly between the two men.

Seth had already removed his condom and as Theo removed his and tossed it in the trash, I stared at Seth.  He was lying on his back, staring at the ceiling and I touched his chest tentatively.

“Seth?  Was it okay for you?”

“Okay?”  He rasped.  “Libby, I nearly fucking passed out when I came.”

I laughed and leaned against Theo when he spooned me and kissed the back of my shoulder.  I squeezed his hand.  “Theo?  You, um, enjoyed it, right?”

“Do you really have to ask?”  He said before patting my ass.  “How are you?  Are you sore?  Do you want me to run you a hot bath?”

“I’m good,” I said.  I wasn’t lying.  My ass was a little sore, but the rest of my body felt incredible.  I’d never had orgasms like that before.  Hell, the last one was so good, I thought my head was going to blow off.

“It was amazing,” I said suddenly.  “Thank you so much.  It was incredible.”

“Good, we’re glad,” Seth said.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to ever have sex with just one man again,” I said without thinking.

There was silence and I cleared my throat.  “Uh, I didn’t mean – that is, I know this is it for us.  I wasn’t trying to imply that the two of you had to keep fucking me.”

“What if we want to keep fucking you?”  Theo asked.

I stiffened and Theo sighed.  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

I licked my lips.  “Did you want to keep having sex with me?”

“No,” Seth said bluntly and my sudden hope deflated like a balloon.

“I should go,” I whispered.  I didn’t regret what I had done with them but the knowledge that they didn’t want to continue hurt way more than it should have considering we had agreed on a casual sex agreement.

Before I could squirm away from them, Theo’s arm was tightening around my waist and Seth was cupping my face.  “Sweetheart, we don’t want to just have sex with you.  We want to see if it could be something more.”

I stared in shock at him.  “You – you’re kidding, right?”

“No,” Theo said solemnly.  “We’re not.”

“We’re good together, Libs,” Seth said.  “You know we are.  I know it’s not a conventional relationship, but you said yourself that you couldn’t sleep with only one man anymore.  You don’t have to.  You have two men right here very willing to kiss, lick, suck and spank this delicious little body of yours.  Let us.”

“I’m your boss,” I said in a low voice.  “If the other partners found out…”

“We can find new jobs,” Theo said.

“Are you – you can’t quit your job because we enjoy fucking each other,” I said.  “Have you lost your minds?”

Seth laughed.  “No, I don’t think so.  Neither of us thought we’d be at Martin, Clarke and Bones forever anyway.”

“You can’t quit your job for me,” I whispered.  “We don’t even know if this dating thing would work out.”

“No, I suppose we don’t,” Seth said thoughtfully.  “Tell you what, we’ll give it a couple of months.  We can keep it a secret from our coworkers if we’re very careful.  If we can convince you at the end of two months that this could be something more than just sex, we’ll start looking for new jobs.  What do you think?”

They waited patiently as I thought it over.  What they were suggesting was madness, but it was incredibly tempting.  I liked both of them, and getting to know them better was dangerously appealing. 

“What if it doesn’t work out between us?”  I asked. 

“We won’t say anything to the other partners about what happened between us if it doesn’t,” Theo assured me.

I blinked at him.  That thought hadn’t even crossed my mind.  I knew instinctively that they wouldn’t use a failed relationship to blackmail me, just like they weren’t using what we were doing now to blackmail me.  They were good men – possibly the best men I’d ever met - and I would be a fool not to see where this would lead.

“I only meant that it will be incredibly awkward at work,” I said.

“Possibly,” Seth agreed.  “But that’s only if it didn’t work out.  Do you believe that it won’t?”

I studied him before shaking my head. “No, I don’t think that.”

Theo nuzzled my neck.  “So, is that a yes to dating us?”

“This is crazy as hell but yes.  Let’s see where this goes,” I replied.

A huge smile crossed Seth’s face and he pressed a kiss against my mouth as Theo kissed my neck.

“You won’t regret it, sweetheart.  We promise.”





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