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After All This Time: Love or Money by Brown, Brittainy (15)

Overlooking The Guilt

They both laughed as they walked down the passageway of the hotel room.

“So, that’s why ever since I clocked ten, I never believed a word my sister said, I mean, taking me to the moon , I must have been pretty stupid to have believed her.”

Emily laughed some more. “She was trying to make you feel better.”

Tom shrugged. “Well, here we are,” he said, stopping at the front of a room. “This is your room while mine is that one,” he said, pointing to the door next to hers.

“Okay. Thank you, Tom.”

“Again, I am so sorry for everything. I know I must have ruined a lot of time for you back home.”

Emily smiled. “It was worth it. I attended the conference and went on that tour with you, believe me, I enjoy every moment.”

Tom nodded with a smile. “I’m happy that you’re happy. Joe is a wonderful person. He actually likes you, he said he thinks of you as a daughter and since he saw that you are willing to fly, that is why he is giving you these wings...” He handed her a key, which she took and inserted into the keyhole before turning around to face him again.

“Your boyfriend might be very angry with you tonight. What are you going to tell him?” Tom asked.

Emily swallowed and shrugged. That was one thing she had been dreading all day, “Well, Liam understands. He is a wonderful man.”

He looked surprised. “Wow! Lucky you then. You should get in, Emily. I already stressed you too much today and now I’m still stressing you.”

She smiled. She enjoyed every moment of his company. “Thanks so much for everything, Tom.”

“Have a great night, Emily,” he said, kissing her on the cheek before turning around towards his room.

* * *

Emily closed the door behind her and dropped her shopping bags on the table. Quickly, she collapsed into the king bed. She had just had one of the most wonderful days of her life, second to the ball of fame of course. She closed her eyes as she remembered how they had walked in and out of different stores before finally they went to dinner. She could still smell Tom’s cologne all over her. He was such a perfect man. Other men would have probably gotten a single room for both of them for their own selfish interest, but not Tom. Well, he was a super-rich man too, so, that decision must have been so easy for him, she thought, smiling.

She sat up to survey the room. Everything in the room looked expensive. Glass doors led to the balcony where she could see the traffic below her even from where she was lying. Marble floor, an extremely large TV screen, a king-sized bed and… she gasped. It was really beautiful.

Some minutes later, she was in the bathroom, thinking about the next step in dealing with Liam and getting home. She had already sent him a message that she wouldn’t be coming to his place tonight. She just couldn’t bear the guilt just yet, she was still enjoying herself.

Minutes later, she was lying in bed, contemplating whether she had done the right thing by just sending a message to him. Was she not piling on trouble for herself? Emily dialed his phone yet again, but the operator announced that his line was still busy. Who could he be talking to at that time of the night? She wondered. She put the phone on the stool next to her and drew the blanket over her. well, she was glad she actually had an excuse. With this, he wouldn’t be angry that she hadn’t called him. He couldn’t be.

She’d had so many chances to call him but there was every possibility of him asking where she was. She couldn’t call him when they were at the three different stores that Tom had taken her to. She smiled as she remembered each moment. She loved the way everyone had treated Tom with courtesy. Going out with a rich man was so much fun. Tom was, after all the head of Human Resources, he was rich and also respected by all. She loved the way people had shown her the same courtesy. She couldn’t stop smiling, especially when he had removed his jacket and put it around her. She liked him… but her happiness lasted only for a while as she remembered she was going home back to her boyfriend.

She would actually need a huge explanation to tell him about why she’d had to spend the night in Detroit without mentioning Tom.

Now there was another problem. How sure was she that her picture hadn’t been taken while at the conference or while entering the hotel with Tom?

She inhaled sharply. Everything would have been really easier if she had been single. Hold on, did she just think about being single? But of course, she was right. She could do anything she wanted to do, hang out as long as she wanted and even sleep and go home anytime she wanted without having to think about who might be having a sleepless night or who she would have to report to once she got home. This was really exhausting.