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After All This Time: Love or Money by Brown, Brittainy (4)

Handling It

As Liam got to his office, he found that his friends were already waiting for him.

“Hello, big man,” Danny shouted upon seeing him. He was sitting on his desk while Sam was sitting on one of the seats, with a magazine sprawled on his laps.

Liam slapped Sam on the back playfully before squeezing his shoulder.

“You bastard! That hurt, get off of me!” Sam shouted, pushing him away. Liam walked to his seat.

“What are you two idiots doing in my office, no case to file?” he asked, collapsing into his seat.

“We came to congratulate you about your girlfriend of course, why else would we be here?” Danny replied.

Liam looked surprised. “Wow! Well, yea, so that happened.”

“Man, how do you feel? Knowing you’ve been clamoring for that nomination ever since you started working here?” Danny asked.

Liam shrugged while arranging his desk. “What do you mean, how do I feel?”

The two men exchanged glances and Sam said, “Come on, your girlfriend just got your dream nomination within, how many months of starting here? Something you’ve wanted for such a long time, don’t you feel bad? Jealous?”

Liam thought for a while and shook his head. “Nope. I’m happy for her actually.”

The men exchanged glances again. “Happy? Dude, you can’t possibly be happy. There must be a part of you that envies her, it doesn’t mean that you don’t love her...”

Liam shook his head. “Look, guys. I have no idea where you’re driving at but I am happy that my girlfriend is an achiever even though I might have wanted that position. I’m happy she got it okay? I am happy for her.”

Sam nodded. “Alright. But watch out.”

“Watch out?”

“Yes. Because now is when she’ll start feeling big and get too busy for you,” Danny replied.

“Well, that’s what this requires, right? She needs to prove that she deserves this.”

The men shook their heads regretfully. “You will see the signs when they start.”

“What signs are you talking about? Whatever you’re thinking, I have known my babe before she came to work here. Even at law school and her former company, people knew her for being a success so this is no different.”

“Well...” Sam started, rising. “We’ll be here to pick up the pieces and spend late nights and offer companionship when she gets too busy for you.”

Liam watched as the two left his office. He stayed seated.

This was so uncalled for. He couldn’t believe he had spent all his precious time listening to those assholes. He wasn’t going to think about it, he said to himself. Quickly, he brought out a document and began to go through it.

Even while he was trying to be completely engrossed, he couldn’t stop thinking about their words, “she’ll start feeling big and too busy for you.”

He shook his head, no, Emily might be busy but their jobs had always been hectic, so it doesn’t mean anything. Besides, they would come up with ways to spend time together, just as they have done for the past one year and a few months of their relationship. They’d moved in together after they had clocked one year, and things had been great between them. Emily still kept some of her stuff in her appartment. He was sure that this new development would bring only better things for them. He was going to support her in every way he could, so far as she did her best too.

Liam was a little comforted by the thought, and soon he stopped worrying himself. He was about to stand up when a light knock sounded on his door. He grimaced and hoped it wouldn’t be his friends again.


The door opened and a woman stepped in. He raised a brow as he recognized her.

“Hi, Charlotte,” he said with a smile. They had attended the same law school, dated for some months before she relocated and now she was an attorney at another firm but dating someone in his firm. Lawyers dated their own!

“Hi, you. I thought I saw the other two musketeers leaving your office so I guessed you were around and wanted to check on you,” she said, coming in and taking a seat.

Liam smiled, adjusting his tie, Charlotte was still as pretty as she had always been, right from their first day of law school, a blonde with a beautiful pair of green eyes.

“So, what’s up?”

“Congrats on your girlfriend’s nomination, you should celebrate.”

He laughed. “Oh! I guess word spreads like wildfire huh?”

She chuckled, “you bet.”

“So, how is Adam?”

“Oh, we broke up.”

“Wow! I’m so sorry Charlotte.”

“It’s okay, he’s a son of a bitch so no need to feel sorry for me, I broke it off. I just came here to drop some of his things off in his office.”

“Oh! Wow!”

She smiled. “Thanks. So how is the birthday planning coming up.?”

Liam gasped and laughed. “You remembered?”

“Of course, you forgot that your birthday has always been a day before mine?”

He chuckled as he remembered how they had always taken each other out when they were still together.

“No. I remember.”

“So, any plans?”

“No plan yet.”

‘Well, I’m sure your girlfriend is planning something spectacular,” she said with a smile.

“I hope so,” he replied, and that was when Danny came in again, he was holding a file and was surprised at seeing Charlotte.

“Oh, hi.” He said while extending his hand. “Charlotte, right? From Dane and Doyle’s Law firm?”

She smiled, taking his hand. “Good memory.”

“I heard about you and Adam, sorry about that.”

Charlotte looked surprised. ‘Wow! Word does spread like wildfire here. Anyway” she stood up. “I’ll leave you to work, have a great day Liam, and you too...”

“Daniel. You can call me Danny,” Daniel said with a grin.

Charlotte smile at his response before walking out of the room. Liam watched as she left.

“Wow! That is one pretty woman Liam. You said you two dated once?” Danny asked, sitting down.

“Yea, many years ago, at college,” he replied.

“So what happened? Why did you break up?”

“Well, we both decided to, her parents got divorced and she went with her mother back to Georgia. So we had to break up.”

“Wow! That’s so sad.”

“It was like, ten years ago. We met again earlier this year at the meeting we hosted in January, remember?”

“Oh, yeah, you told me. That was where you got to know that she was dating Adam?”

Liam nodded. “What is it that you wanted, Daniel? I’m sure you didn’t come because you want to talk about Charlotte.”

Daniel smiled. “She is a pretty woman. What if I had come to talk about her?”

Liam shook his head. “Then I would tell you that you’re wasting my time and that I have work to do.”

“That is not a good way to treat a brother, Liam. Hey, I came to apologize about whatever me and Sammy must have said that might have infuriated you. What you and Emily have is a good thing and I know that you both love each other. It is none of our business.”

Liam smiled with primed lips. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For admitting that it is none of your business, now can you please leave me alone? I have work to do.”

“Okay, sure, no problem,” Daniel said, before leaving the office.

Liam shook his head as his friend left. They were unbelievable sometimes.

* * *

“Wow! The movie was super interesting,” Emily said as she lay cuddled beside Liam. They had just finished watching a movie together.

“Yea, I told you you’d would love it,” Liam, replied, kissing her earlobe. “Shall I put the second one?”

Emily checked the time and realized it was some minutes to eight. She stood up.

“Not now Liam, I need to go through some files.”

He looked surprised. “Really? But it’s our movie night, you know?”

“Yea, baby, I’m sorry but I promise no more extra work after this. I just needed to check out some things, it’ll take just a few minutes. Besides, we can have extra fun at the weekend.”

“Really? You promise?”

“Sure. I’ll make it up to you.”

Liam smiled. “Alright. So, I can continue my movie alone, right?”

She nodded, kissed him and was about to stand up when she stopped. She looked somehow uncertain.

‘What is it?” he asked.

“What if I don’t win? I don’t want to get my hopes too high.”

Liam straightened up and wrapped an arm around her.

“Stop thinking negatively. You deserve to win just like everyone else.

“I don’t want to get my hopes high, though. They’ll probably not choose me anyway. I made a fool of myself this morning at the meeting. I told everyone I slept in, you can imagine the embarrassment.”

“Stop thinking like that, baby. There is always a chance,” he replied, looking at her with pride. “I am so proud of you baby and I am really impressed by all the hard work you are putting into this.”

She sighed and kissed him lightly. “You are the best, Liam.”

“This will help your career a lot and you deserve nothing but success.”

“Yes, and that is why I am going to do everything possible to prove myself,” she said, standing up.

“So what plans do we have for the weekend?”

“Baby, we can talk about that when we get there, I’ve got to work now.” She blew him a kiss and walked out of the room.