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Always Been Mine by Elizabeth Reyes (14)




The next morning, Valerie met her dad for breakfast.

She usually met both her dad and Norma, but Norma had her final dress fitting for the wedding that morning, so she passed. Valerie was glad, though she had nothing against Norma. She’d actually been glad when her dad met her and fell in love.

It had always been just the two of them since her mom died of cancer when Valerie was six. She’d hardly known her mom, but her dad did his best to keep her memory alive. The pictures of her stayed up for years.

She remembered staring at the pictures of her mom when the memory of what she looked like began to fade.

As she got older and began to attend sleep overs with friends and summer camp, she worried about her dad being lonely. She encouraged him to go out, but he was a hopeless homebody.

Then when she was eleven, there was an accident. Her dad had left to run some errands, and Valerie insisted on staying home. She hated the Home Depot. She made herself a grilled cheese and accidentally set a dishrag on fire. She tried to put it out but it only got bigger.

Panicked, she ran to the neighbors who called 911. By the time it was all over, the kitchen was a flooded mess and she was at the police station. They fined her dad for child endangerment, and she was doomed to spend every visit to the Home Depot with her dad for the next few years.

The following week they sent a social worker to the house to interview her and her father and to inspect the living conditions. That social worker was Norma. Even as nervous as her dad had been before she got there, she saw the twinkle in his eye when he spoke with her. She was thrilled when he told her weeks later that he had a date with the social worker.

“Everything happens for a reason, pumpkin.” She remembered him saying even back then.

After so many incidents in her life proving his theory right, she believed it. For some reason, she couldn’t talk to him about Alex in front of Norma. She didn’t think Norma judged him or anything. Certain things she felt better about talking to her daddy alone and this was one of them.

In the beginning, her dad hadn’t liked Alex. Of course, Valerie was in high school then and still his baby girl. Here was this big “muscle head” picking her up and then making her cry. Her dad said Alex was one of those guys that was just full of himself and would never get his fill of women since there were probably so many throwing themselves at him.

Although a few times he’d surprised her saying he’d seen something in Alex’s eyes when he looked at her. He said it was something so genuine only another man could understand. Then there would be heartache again, and he’d be pissed as ever that Alex had broken his little girl’s heart. Again.

They met at the Pancake House by the mall. Her dad was having coffee and reading the paper when she got there. It didn’t surprise her that he’d already ordered for them. More than anyone else, he knew her appetite well. She made sure he hadn’t ordered anything bad for himself. After grudgingly filling her in on what he had ordered, she was satisfied.

As usual, her mood hadn’t gone unnoticed by her dad. She’d barely taken her first sip of juice when he asked, “You wanna talk about it?”

Valerie smiled weakly. “Alex is back.”
He nodded and set the paper aside. “I figured as much, what with the wedding and all.”
“No, it’s not just that, Daddy. Remember all those times I thought he was out with other women?”
Her dad frowned taking a sip of his coffee. “Yeah, I remember.”
Valerie eyed his cup. “That’s decaf right?”
He responded with an annoyed nod.

“Well,” she continued, “he showed up at my office last night. He’s never done that. He said he wanted to talk to me, so, I agreed.”

Her dad was already up to date about the tutor and all the other occurrences, so, she filled him in on everything else. From Alex kissing her at the shower and her lying about being involved with someone else, she even told him about her nightmare evening with Luke. Then she told him what Alex admitted to the night before. Her dad listened, sniggering and at times shaking his head, as he ate.

“So, what do you think? Isabel says I should keep up with the boyfriend thing for at least a while longer. Until I know for sure he’s not just saying all this because of my make-believe boyfriend.”

Her dad stopped and pondered her question for a few moments. “That’s a tough one, Pumpkin. We men are idiots when it comes to women. But I believe wholeheartedly that that boy did all he did because of his foolish pride. It all makes sense to me now. I never understood how a guy who could look at you the way he did could turn around and do half the crap he did to break your heart.”

Valerie’s heart swelled. She hated getting her hopes up like she had so many times in the past, but her dad always saw things she didn’t catch.

“I’ll tell you what,” he said, pointing his fork at her, “there’s one thing I’ve always liked about that boy. As much as I hate his body language screaming that he owns you, with him next to you ain’t no one gonna mess with my little girl. It may as well be written on his chest in neon lights.” He shrugged, sprinkling some raisins into his oatmeal. “I like knowing you’re in good hands.”

Valerie had a visual of Alex’s hands all over her and giggled.
“Stop that. You know what I mean, brat.”
Valerie laughed. “So, you really think he’s telling the truth?”
Her dad dabbed his mouth with a napkin. “It makes sense now, honey. I always knew he was crazy about you.”

When they finished eating, Valerie praised him again for his choice of healthy meal. He waved her praise away with a grunt. He left, but she strolled around the mall, shopping lost in thought for a couple of hours. She stopped at a market on the way home to pick up drinks for the ice chest.

Isabel wasn’t home yet. Valerie began to worry she wouldn’t make it home in time to go with her to the bonfire. No way was she showing up alone.

Isabel stormed in just before five. “Sorry Val, got caught up with my sister and mom. I won’t be too long to get ready. What time does this thing start again?”

“In about an hour.”

Isabel was ready in no time. They rushed out and talked about their mornings all the way to the beach.

There was a nice sized crowd when they got there. Mostly people Valerie knew, but a few new faces. Alex wasn’t there yet, so, she was somewhat relaxed. They sat around the unlit fire pit. Valerie poured herself a beer in a cup and poured Isabel a wine cooler. Angel and Eric were busy putting wood into the fire pit.

“So, how’d the date go last night?” Valerie asked, once she was comfortable in her chair, drink in her hand.
Isabel gave her a look. “Not here, I’ll tell you about it later.”
“Oh, right,” Valerie whispered.
“Not much to tell anyway.”
“Not much to tell about what?” Romero startled both of them from behind.

Valerie saw Isabel try to hide a horrified expression. She glanced back taking in Romero’s deadpan expression and wondered how much he had heard.

Eric was working on getting the fire started. Thinking fast, Valerie glanced toward Eric. “Girl talk, Romero. Go help out.” She gestured toward Eric. “I’ve heard legendary stories of your fires.”

“All lies.” He hesitated then leaned over and kissed Isabel sweetly before walking toward the guys.
Isabel took a big drink of her cooler. She leaned toward Valerie and whispered. “Oh… my… God.”
Valerie giggled. “Holy crap that was close. You don’t think he heard the first part, do you?”
“No, he would’ve definitely had something to say about it.”

Valerie sipped her beer glad she hadn’t been louder. She sat up a little straighter when she saw Alex’s truck pull up. He was with Sal. It didn’t surprise her that Sal was able to make all these functions even if he was attending school in Los Angeles. One thing she always knew even back when they were all kids in school is how close the three brothers were.

They got an ice chest out the back of the truck. Alex was in a tank top and kaki shorts, most of his hard muscles exposed for the entire world to see. Though Sal was older and had an impressive build himself, it was clear which of the two spent more time in the gym.

She tried not to stare as they walked toward the crowd. He smiled at someone and Valerie followed his gaze. Her stomach dropped when she saw he was smiling at one of the girls she hadn’t recognized earlier. She was standing with the crowd around a radio smiling back, her eyes all lit up.

The girl hurried over to them and gave Alex a big hearty hug and then Sal. Alex smiled a bit too much and Valerie was immediately glad she hadn’t fessed up about her fake boyfriend. Alex would never change.

She forced her eyes away from him and glared instead at the guys getting the fire going. Romero was pouring lighter fluid on the wood.

“That’s enough, Ramon.” Angel warned.
“You don’t know about this.” Romero protested.
“That’s what you always say.” Eric said. “Remember that one time?”
Romero looked up at him, exasperated. “We were in high school!” He touched his brow, “My eyebrow grew back.”

She finally glanced back at Alex, and he smiled at her. That same beautiful smile that usually melted her heart, but she was furious. She hated being so damned insecure. What was even more infuriating was that he’d made her this way. She took a deep breath and a swig of her beer.

The girl didn’t linger too long before going back to her original crowd. It bothered Valerie that she didn’t recognize her, yet Alex apparently knew her well enough to brighten up her smile and warrant a big hug.

Sarah took a seat next to her and leaned in. “So, I heard you and Alex went out last night?”

“Really, he told you?” That was a first, Valerie thought.

“No, I overheard him telling Sal at the restaurant today. He’d get all hushed when he saw me in the room, so. I only caught bits. But he said you guys talked and Sal told him to keep at it, whatever that means.”

Keep at it? Keep up the games? Geez, she had to stop thinking so negative. Sal was a nice guy with a good head on his shoulders. The whole world couldn’t possibly be plotting against her.

“We talked.” Valerie said. Eric walked toward them. “I’ll tell you about it another time.”

Sarah understood immediately and sat back in her seat.

Valerie glanced over at the crowd with the girl who Alex hugged. Sal was over there talking to them now. Maybe the girl’s bright smile was directed toward Sal. It would make sense since all three brothers were so damn good looking it was maddening.

The fire was roaring now, and Angel glared at Romero. “You had to get stupid about it, didn’t you?”
“What? That’s a damn good fire.” Romero said. Isabel laughed, and Romero turned to her. “Tell me that’s not a fire.”
“That’s a fire,” she agreed.
Sofia walked over to them. “Anyone need to go to the ladies room?”
Sarah lifted her hand. “I do.” She turned to Valerie. “Do you?”

Valerie shook her head. She watched as they trotted off then turned her direction back to the fire. Romero took a seat on the ice chest next to Isabel.

“You guys done with the girl talk?”
“Over before it started,” Isabel said, taking a sip of her cooler.
Romero smiled. “You can take this off now.” He pulled her sunhat off.

The sun had gone down about twenty minutes earlier. He leaned over and kissed Isabel again, this time longer and deeper than the first time.

“I missed you last night.” He whispered staring deep into her eyes.

Valerie smiled almost jealous. She missed being kissed that way and actually enjoying it like Isabel seemed to be. Not like when Luke kissed her.

“Hey.” A hand on Valerie’s shoulder made her jump.

“I’m sorry, babe… I mean Val. I keep doing that to you.” Alex sat down next to her holding a bottle of water in his hand. “How long you been here?”

“Not long, half hour maybe.” She decided not to give into her insecurities and ruin the night. So, she smiled, forgetting about the girl with the big smile for the moment.

Alex looked up at the sky. “Beautiful night.”

“Yeah, it is.”

She gazed at the enormous fluorescent moon, against a nearly black sky. It was almost full. It brought back memories of lying on the beach with him holding her. When they used to just look out into the endless sky and talk freely about everything and anything. She loved their talks. The good times with him were always so wonderful. Too bad they never seemed to last very long.

Loud music and more voices and laughter brought her attention back to the bonfire. Sofia and Sarah were back. Sarah was snuggled next to Angel on the sand and Sofia stood near the fire. Eric was next to her holding her hand and sneaking a few kisses. Alex straightened out in his chair and frowned. It surprised her that even after all this time, Alex could still get uptight when he saw them getting too friendly.

Sal walked over to say hello to Valerie and hugged her a little tighter than usual. For some reason, Sal still made Valerie nervous. Maybe it was because he was hardly around and so much more serious than his younger brothers.

He was always incredibly nice to her. She just thought of him as so much older even though he was only two years her senior. Alex had always told her how smart Sal was. She was always afraid she would say something stupid and embarrass herself.

Isabel leaned over and asked if she was ready to make a run to the ladies room. She was. After checking with Sarah to see if she needed to go, Isabel and Valerie excused themselves.

When they were far enough away, Valerie clutched Isabel’s arm. “So, did Romero bring up what we were talking about again?”
“Actually, he did. I had a feeling he would. But he just asked if we were talking about him.”
“He didn’t hear the first part, did he?”
Isabel shook her head.
“Thank goodness.” She would’ve felt so bad if she had gotten Isabel in a snag because of her big mouth.
“So, the guy was a dud?”

Isabel frowned. “Not really, but obviously I’m not interested. When he asked for my number, I felt bad. I gave him the landline number, just so I wouldn’t have to totally reject him.”

Valerie tsked disapprovingly. “Isabel, you should’ve just told him the truth.”

“I know, I know, but I figured he’s going back to Germany tomorrow and won’t be back for months, so what did it matter? I didn’t want to chance him telling my brother-in-law and then having to explain to Pat.”

They reached the restrooms they waited in line. Isabel gave Valerie a look. “So, you telling him you’re done with Luke or not?”

Valerie bit the corner of her lip. “I don’t know… if it comes up maybe.”

She still wasn’t entirely sure, but after talking to her dad today she was leaning towards being honest. There was a time when she was younger that she engaged in head games like nobody’s business. Especially when Alex made her so confused. She wanted to confuse him right back. It was childish and sent mixed messages.

No more head games, she finally decided. If it came up, she’d just tell him the truth. On their way back, Valerie saw Alex eyeing them. When she reached her seat, he approached her. “They’re gonna start passing the bottle of the tequila around. I’m not really in a drinking mood tonight. You wanna go for a walk?”

Isabel sat down, and Romero was quick to sit down next to her. He was really throwing a wrench into the plans she made for all these events. She couldn’t use the, ‘I don’t want to leave Isabel alone,’ excuse she’d rehearsed so much. So, she nodded at Alex and grabbed her sweatshirt.
















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