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Always Been Mine by Elizabeth Reyes (28)




Overwhelmed with a plethora of emotion, Valerie stepped quietly into her father’s hospital room. The doctors explained that the stroke wasn’t nearly as bad as they’d first feared. In fact, they weren’t even convinced it was a stroke.

Valerie took a deep breath. She’d completely expected to see her father looking as pathetic as he had months ago when he’d been in the hospital. Except for the IV drip in his arm, he wasn’t hooked up to all the machines she was so sure he’d be. He did look very pale and weaker than normal. The enormous fear of losing him was still there, but she refused to break down in front of him.

“Daddy.” Her voice squeaked as she picked up his hand and held it to her cheek.

Her dad’s sunken eyes followed hers but he didn’t speak. His fingers squeezed back weakly. She kissed his hand then fussed over his hair. All the while, she struggled not to break down. “I love you. Be strong for me… please.”

His hand squeezed hers again. Norma stood on the other side of the bed holding his other hand. “You’re gonna be just fine, my love. You have to be. Who else is going to rile up all my friends at bingo every week?”

Valerie smiled. Her dad always hated going to bingo with Norma. The only reason he did was because he’d questioned their rules several time, and spoke out about them quite belligerently according to Norma. All it took was for Norma to mention one time some of her bingo friends had requested she leave him home. He hadn’t missed a day since.

After her dad fell asleep, Valerie sat at his bedside still holding his hand. Thoughts of Alex having her followed and actually looking into her relationship with Luke came crashing back. She’d known all along that he’d been plagued with the need to know more about her and Luke. But she’d never imagined he’d take things this far. It was a complete lack of respect to her privacy. What else had he tapped into? She never would’ve believed it if he hadn’t told her himself.

She’d truly begun to believe she could be with him forever. That he was perfect in almost every way. Having gotten past her belief that he was a womanizer who could never commit, she could deal with all his other imperfections. Some people might consider his overbearing personality a flaw, but she embraced it. It was part of his charm and she was used to it. Most importantly, she knew how to deal with it…with him. Or at least she thought she could. She never thought it would happen, but he’d crossed the line from shielding and protective to controlling.




Valerie didn’t even remember falling asleep, but she woke up a little after one in the morning, her back feeling the effects of the chair she’d slept in. Her dad was sound asleep, and so was Norma—on the ottoman they’d provided her. She leaned over and kissed her dad on the forehead.

She walked out of the room a bit disoriented, but she still remembered from the last time her dad had been here the general direction to the cafeteria. She needed coffee. When she reached the ground floor, she couldn’t believe it. Alex was there in one of the seats along the hallway, asleep. She almost walked past him, not wanting to wake him, then decided she may as well tell him to go home.

Walking up to him, she couldn’t help but admire him. Even as he slept in that chair he barely fit in, he was so magnificently beautiful. As mad and hurt as she was with him still, she couldn’t help caressing his face before waking him. His eyes opened slowly. Then they were wide and he sat up straight. “What happened?”

“Nothing,” she whispered.
He was on his feet in an instant. Sloppy as he was, he was alert. “How’s your dad?”
“He’s better.”
Alex’s arms were around her in an instant. “Baby, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

As wonderful as it felt to have his arms around her, the thought of their exchange earlier was still too raw. She pushed away. “I don’t want to talk about that now, Alex.”

She started back toward the elevator, her appetite suddenly shot. Alex walked right along side her.

“We don’t have to. I’m just…Valerie, if I had known—”

“Forget about it.” She picked up her pace. The reality of what she’d found out earlier slammed back at her. She still couldn’t believe it. As if she’d ever given him any reason to not trust her. Even if she had, that still gave him no right. She’d always known Alex to be over the top and temperamental. She’d felt someone following her all along. The whole time she thought it’d been Bruce.

Alex’s main concern when he showed up at the hospital was Luke. He had far too many details about her and Luke. Like hell he was just looking out for her. How dare he.

“I will for now, Valerie, but we really have to talk.”

She stopped just before they reached the elevator and faced him. “Talk about what, Alex? Don’t you already know everything? Didn’t you get them to dig up everything you just had to know about my private life?”

A nurse walked by, and Alex glanced at her then back at Valerie but said nothing. She didn’t want to make another scene so she pressed the button for the elevator. “Go home, Alex. I’m gonna be here all night.”

“I wanna be here for you, Valerie.”

“They only allow family in the ICU. I can’t be around you right now anyway.” The elevator door opened and she stepped in. Alex stared at her. “Go home.”

“I love you, baby. I’m sorry.”

The doors closed and Valerie felt her emotions switch gears again. She still couldn’t believe he’d do such a thing. How much did he know about her night with Luke? Did he honestly expect her to talk about it? The tears rolled down her cheeks as she walked slowly down the empty hallway. Still stinging from the betrayal, she took a deep breath, wiped away the tears, and entered her fathers’ room again.




Alarmed and not completely sure where he was, Alex sat up. The muffled ringing continued. It took him a moment to realize he’d knocked out on the sofa. Bright sunlight streamed in from the window. He stood still and waited for the phone to ring again. It came from under him. He reached in between the sofa cushion and pulled it out. It was Romero. He also noticed he had other missed calls.

“What happened?”

“Where’ve you been? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you.”

Alex stood up and ran his fingers through his hair. He started toward the bedroom. “Asleep. I was up most the night. What’s going on? Is Valerie okay?”

“She’s fine, but Mr. X may have picked up a lead on Bruce’s next move.”

Alex stopped. “When?”

“Soon. He hasn’t mentioned an exact date in the journal yet, but he keeps making reference to D-day fast approaching. So, he’s checking every few hours for updates.”

D-day? Alex started walking again. He had to take a shower and go talk to Valerie again. He needed to explain the whole thing to her. “Is Valerie still at the hospital?”

Romero was silent for a moment. “No… that’s why I called you earlier. She left about an hour ago. Luke picked her up.”

Alex stopped again, the drumming in his ear starting up. What was she doing? She knew he was watching her now. He gripped the phone. “Where’d they go?”

“To her office, then she jumped in her own car and went back to her apartment.”
“Her apartment?” For some reason hearing that felt worse than hearing she’d asked Luke to pick her up instead of calling him.
“Yeah, she’s been there for a while now. My guess is she’s getting ready and then going back to the hospital.”

Alex thought about her wanting to bail before when she’d been upset. He knew she was mad but… “Let me know where she goes next. I’ll be in the shower, so if it’s anytime in the next few minutes, just leave a message or a text.”

It really had begun to feel like he was watching now for other reasons than just her protection. He tossed his phone on his bed trying to get the visual of her and Luke out of his head, and then it hit him. He picked up his phone again. Maybe she did try to call him before calling Luke. Last night when he got home, he tried calling her, and again she hadn’t picked up.

He scrolled through his missed calls. Two were from Romero and one from Sal, none from Valerie.

Since she was back at her apartment, maybe she could talk now. Alex tried her cell phone. After the second ring he thought of the way things had been the entire time they’d been apart, her never answering or returning his calls. To hell if they were going back to that.

Never again.
To his relief she answered on the third ring. “Hey.” She sounded down.
“Hey, baby. You Okay?”
“Yeah, just tired.”
So, was he, but at the moment he didn’t think she’d sympathize so instead he asked, “Where are you?”

“I’m sure you already know, Alex. Or did they not check in with you yet?”

Well, this certainly wasn’t the best time to ask her why she had Luke pick her up instead of anyone else. He was quiet for a moment. “About that, Val. We really need to talk. I know you’re upset but—”

“Alex, I don’t want to talk about this. Not now. I have too much to deal with right now.”
Alex sighed sitting down on his bed. He wouldn’t press. Not yet. “Okay… how’s your dad?”
“Better. When I left, they were running some tests. If all goes well, he may be released today.”

He smiled, finally some good news. With everything going on the last thing Valerie needed was the added stress of her dad in the hospital. “That’s good, sweetheart. I’m glad to hear it.” Almost afraid to ask but needing to, he took a deep breath. “So, you’ll be home tonight?”


“What do you mean no?” He didn’t mean for it to come out so coarse but this was ridiculous. She couldn’t just run back to her apartment every time she got mad. He stood up unable to sit anymore. “You’re going back—”

“I wanna stay with my dad for a few days. The doctor said his lack of discipline when it comes to taking all his medication and his diet is what landed him in the hospital. It wasn’t a stroke this time, but the doctor said next time he might not be so lucky. If I have to stay there and help Norma baby him then that’s just what I’ll have to do. I don’t…” She paused for a moment Alex heard her take a trembling deep breath. “I won’t let this happen again.” Her voice broke along with Alex’s heart.

He gripped the phone. Damn he wanted to be there, to hold her, tell her everything was going to be okay. He heard her clear her voice. “I have to finish getting ready. I wanna get back to the hospital as soon as possible.”

“I’ll meet you there.”

“No, Alex. There’s no point. You’ll just be sitting in the waiting room the whole time. You should be at the restaurant or at least getting some rest.”

Alex couldn’t believe it. Her father was in the hospital, she had a crazed lunatic stalking her, and she was worried about him getting rest?

“When will I see you?”

There was a brief silence then she spoke. “If they release him today, I’ll call you from his house. If he’s up for visitors, you can come by.”

Alex took an extra long shower, contemplating everything that he’d taken in in the last twenty four hours. There was no way he was going to argue with Valerie about staying with her dad. If that’s what made her feel better, he wanted nothing more. But it still didn’t change the fact that Valerie chose to go back to her apartment to get ready rather than come back to their place. He still had so many unanswered questions about her and Luke. He was trying to keep his cool, but his irritation levels were already climbing, and this day was just getting started.




Sal seemed surprised to see Alex when he arrived at the restaurant. Since Romero jumped in with Alex yesterday on the way to the hospital, he had Sal come pick him up. Alex didn’t want to leave the hospital. He had told Sal he probably wouldn’t be in today.

“How’s her dad doing?”
“Better.” Alex walked to the back office, and Sal followed. “He’ll probably go home today.”
“Really? Romero said it was a stroke.”

“Nah, it wasn’t after all. Look’s like he’s gonna be fine.” Alex took a seat in front of the computer and moved the mouse around.

After filling Sal in on Valerie’s dad, Sal went back to more interviewing. Alex felt a little guilty about leaving all the hiring to Sal, but his mind was too crowded to concentrate on much else. Only consolation was that Sal was damn anal, he relished on making sure they only hired qualified candidates. He liked being the one in charge of hiring.

Alex’s dark mood lingered. Everything seemed to annoy him all day, from the computer not being quite up to speed, to the bus boys laughing a bit too loud out back on their break. By the end of the afternoon, he still hadn’t heard from Valerie. Not even a text to check in on how everything was going.

He was beyond irritated and ready to snap when his phone rang and it was finally Valerie’s name on the caller I.D. Just like that, his mood shifted and some of the tension seemed to drain. “Hey Val, is he out?”

“Yeah, he’s home now.” Hearing her voice was even more mollifying.

“Good, I was getting ready to leave.”

“Alex, I don’t think it’s a good idea. He just got home, and he seems a little worn out from this whole ordeal. Maybe tomorrow would be a better.”

Alex pinched the rim of his nose and closed his eyes. “Baby, we really need to talk.”

“I know, and we will… Tomorrow.” She added firmly.

He had no choice but to accept. Alex had already alerted Romero of the need to have someone outside Valerie’s dad’s house through the night.

He drove home slowly, thinking. Always thinking. The more he thought about going another day away from Valerie, the more he was tempted to turn the car around and head to her dad’s. His feelings wouldn’t be hurt if her dad didn’t come out to visit with him. Hell, he didn’t even have to go inside. All he needed was to see her. Hold her, even if only for a moment. Most importantly he needed to explain himself, damn it. He couldn’t have her thinking for even one more night that he’d been spying on her.

Without giving it another thought, he turned the car around. She might be upset that he just showed up, might even ask him to leave. He would if that’s what she wanted, but not before she heard him out. Tonight. Not tomorrow.




Her dad was being stubborn again. Valerie and Norma wanted to settle him in his room and wait on him. The doctors had said he needed rest. But her dad wasn’t going down without a fight. Norma welcomed Valerie’s help. Over the years, they’d developed a buddy system. Valerie played the bad cop while Norma played good cop to try to appease her father when they ganged up on him. They had to. The man was impossible at times. Like tonight—they were in the living room because he refused to stay put in his bed.

“Look,” he said, lifting the handle on the side of his lazy-boy. His feet went up and he clicked the television on with the remote. “I did it all by myself. Now go get me a beer.”

Valerie crossed her arms in front of her and glared at him. “You’re not funny.”

Her dad chuckled. “Alright, make it coffee.”
“I’ll go brew some,” Norma said, motioning for Valerie to have a seat.
Valerie took a seat on the sofa closest to her dad’s chair. “Don’t make any for me and make sure it’s decaf, Norma.”
“Fun police,” her dad muttered.

“You better believe it. And the badge is staying on from here on.” She reached over and squeezed her dad’s hand. “I mean it, Mister. You’re in big trouble.”

He waved his other hand in the air. “You can’t stay here and bully me forever. That boy is probably going nuts already, with you not around.”

He must’ve seen it in her face, because he immediately brought his hand down and squeezed hers. “Things not going so well?”
She shook her head. “Everything’s fine.”
In an instant, the television was off. “I don’t know why you still think you can fool me. What’s troubling you, pumpkin?”

The last thing she needed was to burden her dad with her issues. She was staying with him to make sure he got better, not make things worse. “Nothing daddy, really. Everything’s okay.”

“What did he do?” Her dad dropped the remote on the table next to his chair with a frown.
“You see, you’re already getting upset.” She rubbed his hand.
“Is he still doing the same bullshit as before?”
“No.” She squeezed his hand.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice he hasn’t been around at all these last couple of days. I haven’t seen you on your phone much either.” He pushed the recliner down and sat up straight. “Did he disappear again?”

“No, no.” She patted his hand. “It’s nothing like that. Sit back, you’re getting yourself all worked up.”
Norma walked into the room. “Everything okay?”

“Yes.” Valerie gave him a look. He knew she didn’t like to talk about Alex in front of Norma. “He’s just being stubborn again. I can handle him.”

Norma smiled and shook her head. “Alfred, you best behave yourself.”
“I’m behaving just fine. She’s the one-”
The doorbell rang, interrupting them all. Norma walked to the door and opened it. “Alex, come on in.”
Alex said something Valerie couldn’t quite hear. “Don’t be silly. You’re not disturbing anyone. Please come in.”
“Yeah,” her dad agreed. “Get your ass in here.”
Valerie shot her dad another look—this time a dagger. “Dad!”

“Well, if you’re not gonna tell me what’s going on, he better.”

Alex nearly took up the entire doorframe. “How you doing Mr. Zuniga?”
“Boy, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Alfred?”
Alex smiled at her then at her dad. “How’s it going, Alfred? You feeling better?”

Valerie shifted in her seat. Somehow, she thought she’d be more annoyed seeing him here after she’d made it clear she didn’t want to see him tonight. Instead, her heart sped up at the sight of him. How was it possible that she’d been so irritated and hurt with him all day, then he waltzes in here and with one smile weakens her resolve so easily?

“I’m fine. I keep telling these two Florence Nightingales here that, but neither one seems to listen.” Her dad sat up at the edge of his seat. “Listen here, what’s going on with you two? You playing with my little girl again?”

Alex glanced at her. Norma seemed to sense the need to leave them alone. “I’ll go get the coffee.” She started toward the kitchen. “Would you like a cup of coffee or anything to drink Alex?”

“No, ma’am. Thank you.”

Alex waited until Norma left the room to respond to her dad. Before he could, Valerie spoke up. “Dad, I told you. Everything’s fine.” Valerie stood up. She took a few steps toward Alex with pleading eyes. He had to know she wouldn’t want her dad worrying about them right now. But she especially didn’t want Alex trying to explain his reason for snooping. That’s the last thing she wanted her dad to have to think about right now.

Alex reached for Valerie’s hand pulling her gently to him. “Things couldn’t be better. In fact,” he placed her in front of him placing his arms around her waist. “I’m not sure if she’s told you yet, but I have every intention of marrying her.” He kissed her lightly on her temple. “Just as soon as she says yes.”

Valerie felt her insides warm. Alex was manipulating the situation. He knew she’d have no choice but to play along with the happy little couple act.

Her dad eyed Alex suspiciously. “Is that so?”

“Absolutely.” Alex hugged her a little tighter, pressing his hard body against hers. Her body reacted as it always did to him, trembling ever so slightly.

Alfred sat back in his seat, but he didn’t seem quite satisfied. “She told me you asked her to marry her. But are you sure nothing else is going on? She’s been moping around all day.” His eyes went from Valerie to Alex. “I know when something is bothering my daughter.”

Valerie stroked Alex’s forearm just so. Willing him to understand he shouldn’t give in no matter how much her dad probed.

“Probably just worried about you, sir. She was pretty shaken up.”

Norma walked in with her father’s cup of coffee. The moment her dad’s attention was averted from them, she loosened Alex’s hold on her.

“Well, she can stop worrying. I’m just fine.” Her dad reached for the cup of coffee and asked Alex to take a seat. He sat down on the sofa, bringing Valerie with him. Alex had always been comfortable around her dad. Even when she first met him, and her dad made Alex come in and talk before leaving with Valerie on a date. Alex seemed to enjoy her father’s spunk.

Norma’s phone rang, and she excused herself to take the call.
Once seated, Alex took her hand in his, resting them both on his thick thigh.
“So, you think you’re good enough to marry my little girl, uh?”

“I’m not sure anyone will ever be good enough for Valerie.” Alex smiled. “But I’ll certainly do my best to try and make her happy.”

This was the last conversation Valerie thought she’d be having today. Thankfully, her dad asked Alex about how the restaurant was doing. Alex filled him in on it and told him about Sal’s plans to turn it into a franchise just as soon as he finished school.

“What about you? Do you plan on finishing school?”
Valerie felt Alex tense up. She knew what a chip on his shoulder he had about not having finished college.
“The restaurant is doing so good, Dad. Alex barely gets any time off as it is.”

Alex squeezed her hand. “I’m hiring more help. As soon as we get them all trained and we have enough staff to handle the restaurant a few days out of the week without me, I plan on going back.”

Her dad seemed pleased. That was news to Valerie. She wondered how much else he hadn’t been sharing with her lately. Thoughts of him spying on her and snooping into her past with Luke rang in her head like a clamoring bell. She tried unclasping her hand from his but he only held it tighter.

After a half hour more of talking, Norma came back. “I’m sorry about that. My sister keeps me on the phone so long.” She turned to Alfred, phone still in her hand. “Luna wanted me to wish you a speedy recovery.”

“Speaking of…” Valerie stood up and Alex stood with her. “You need to get to bed, dad. No late nights for you, doctor’s orders.”

Both she and Norma tried to help him up. He waved them both away. “I got this.”

Her father excused himself, insisting he didn’t need either of them fussing over him. He could get himself in bed just fine. But Valerie insisted on walking with him to his room.

“I’ll be back, Alex.”

She turned to her father who was still shaking his head at her and held his elbow. “Let’s go, Mister.”








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