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Bad Santa (Santa Land Book 1) by Kacey Hamford (6)


December 9th

Oh my god, my head,” I mumbled. As I rolled over I squealed and jumped out of the bed when I felt someone laying next to me.

“Will you be quiet.” Ruby hissed at me.

“What are you doing in my bed?” I asked as I stumbled to the bathroom that was connected to my room. After I relieved my bladder, I loaded my toothbrush up with toothpaste and began scrubbing my mouth clean.

“I was too tired to leave after the orgy we had in your living room last night.”

“What?” I screamed spraying toothpaste everywhere.

“Calm down, I’m joking.” She sat up in my bed and leant back against the headboard. She still had her dress on and I was still in mine.

“Did we really drink that much last night?” I can’t remember much of the night at all.

“Well, we did get lots of drinks bought for us. Especially when you pulled out some of your stripper moves.”

“I didn’t?” She nodded her head. “Shit.” I turned and went back into the bathroom to rinse my mouth out. I stripped out of my dress and underwear and threw my towelling robe on. I tied my hair up in a messy bun on top of my head.

“Then you started looking under every man’s shirt that had stubble to see if you could find Cupid.”

“I was looking for the tattoo?” She nodded her head again at me as she climbed out of my bed and tore her dress over her head. She started searching through my drawers until she found a t-shirt and leggings to wear.

As I headed into the kitchen there was a knock at my front door. I glanced at the clock to see that it was only eight in the morning. What were we doing up so early? I stumbled over to the door and pulled it open. No one was there, as I went to shut it something caught my eye. I pulled the door back open and on my welcome mat there were two cups and a bag with the name of our favourite coffee shop on the front. I grabbed it up and kicked my door shut with my foot.

“This was left outside.” I mumbled as I sat next to Ruby on the sofa and placed the contents on the coffee table. She leant forward and pulled the lids off.

“Yum, two black coffees.” She took a sip of one and smiled. “It’s got sugar in it too.” I opened the bag up to find two croissants and two chocolate croissants, along with a note.


I thought you could use this coffee and breakfast to start your day. Hope you had a fun night last night x

“Who is it from?” Ruby asked as she bit into a croissant.

“No idea. There is no name. But they knew we were out last night.”

“That’s not surprising,” she mumbled. “We saw a lot of people last night.”

“But who would it be that knew we were here?”

“Oh, we got a taxi back with Connor.” She said as she dug in the bag for another croissant. “These are so good.”

“We did?”

“Yep. He was waiting for a taxi as we stumbled down the road. He said he wanted to make sure we got home safely.”

“That’s really sweet of him.” I picked up my coffee and brought it to my nose, the smell was amazing.

“What’s that look?” Ruby asked as she angled her body towards mine.

“I just love the smell of coffee.”

“No, before that. When you said, ‘that’s really sweet of him’. You had a look. Oh my god, do you like him?”

“Yeah, he seems nice. But you know I’m not interested in anyone apart from Cupid. I want to be with a man that gets my blood pumping, my heart thumping and butterflies to fly all around in my tummy. I want to be in love.”

“Aren’t you scared?”

“Of what?”

“Getting your heart broken?”

“Rubes, you can’t keep going through life scared of that. I know Dom really hurt you, but that was ten years ago. You’re older and wiser now.” I grabbed hold of her hand. “You need to put your trust into someone.”

“Ok, I will. I’ll ask Connor out.” She drained the last of her coffee before placing it back on the coffee table.

“Connor?” I asked as my stomach fell.

“See, I knew you liked him.” She giggled.

“I don’t like him like that, I don’t think. I’m just not sure I like the idea of you dating him either.”


“Yeah, a little bit. I think. God, what’s wrong with me?”

“He reminds you of Cupid?” I nodded.

“There’s something about him. That dark hair and stubble across his jaw.” I then told Ruby all about the night that Cupid blindfolded me so he could take his hat and beard off to pleasure me without any barriers.