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Big Dad D: A Bad Boy Standalone Romance by Vanessa Kinney (11)


Leftovers & Phonegasm

“Sorry,” a soft, sorrowful voice greeted me the second I entered the apartment. Birdie sat on the couch, her eyes peeking out like a guilty puppy.

“For?” I threw my empty bag in her living room and dropped down next to her.

“Don’t make me say it,” she let out a heavy sigh. “Sorry for kicking you out and telling Sara and Bruce,” Birdie inched away from me to give me a little space in case I was mad

But I wasn’t. I really wasn’t the slightest bit angry with her — if anything I was annoyed that she didn’t tell me she wanted me out. Then again, Birdie wasn’t like that. I guess I should have known since I stayed with them for three months.

“It’s fine. I should have gotten out of your hair earlier,” I got up and headed toward the TV and grabbed my clothes from the three drawers under the TV cabinet I had been living out while I was there.

“Don’t be mad,” Birdie slouched even lower on the couch, like all of the bones in her body suddenly disappeared.

“Honestly, I’m not mad, Birdie. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn’t have had such a good time at my uncle's party. Plus, I think I should have told Bruce and Sara about my life.”

“WHOA … Whoa. Wait! Are we just going to ignore the fact that you had such a good time at your uncle's conservative boring-ass promotion party?” Birdie hopped off the couch and crawled toward me on all fours. She sat next to my bag and looked at me in awe. “Did you — did you really check something off the list, Mallory?” she whispered softly in apartment full of only two people.

I nodded.

“Holy shit. Which one? The guy who was staring at you? The intense one? Whoa — I didn’t think you would —” she froze up. “Fuck, I owe Klaudia fifty bucks,” Birdie whined.

I rolled my eyes at her and chuckled. This wasn’t the first time she lost a bet, especially one that involved my life. You would think as my oldest friend she would know me enough to win a bet once in a while.

“It kinda just happened like in a blink of an eye,” I said.

One second I didn't want to talk to him because he was the CEO and the other second he was calling me Kitten and calling out one of my many fantasies. My sexual fantasy. Once he called me by my full name, I went blank and the next thing I knew I was having an orgasm. A powerful, body ripping orgasm from a large cock. Such a very large cock

“But how? I know you and I thought for sure you would have backed out, especially after those panicked texts you were sending me,” Birdie started to pack my clothes for me, letting her organized personality take control. “I just — good for you — But I know you, you’re either shy or worse you get really bitchy toward new people.”

“True. But like I said, it just happened. It was a lot easier than I thought.” I kept the details to a minimum, afraid that I would spill something about losing the list and it turning into Leo’s List.

“So which one? Which one did you cross off?” Her eyes were wide and crazily happy.

“There are three ... Big Dad D, 15 years older and first orgasm,” I said shyly.

“Three different guys?” she tilted her head with a wide smile unfolding across her face.

I shook my head.

“Damn,” she organized my bag more tightly. “You got the full package then.”

“Which one should I cross off?” I asked her even though it didn't matter until Leo was done with me.

She hummed loudly, actually thinking about my question in a tactical way.

“How big?”

I spread my hands apart, showing Birdie the amount of inches that were inside of me. Birdie took the measurement with her hand and moved it to my stomach vertically to see exactly how much of him fit inside of me. Her hand on the ground, inside my crossed legs, and all the way up to my belly button. I didn’t hit me until now that Leo’s cock was more than just big: he was massive. And he had been inside of me.

“He was also thick ...” I felt a rush of lust fill my body as I thought of the first time I saw it.

“Big Dad D,” Birdie swallowed. “Definitely ... Big Dad D. I think you are going to have more orgasms then you can imagine when you're done with this list, but you will never, never, have another Big Dad D.”

I took a bite of my lip, craving to see, fuck, and worship Leo’s cock again. Birdie was right: I wasn't going to have another Big Dad D unless for some reason, all my luck in the universe was finally catching up with me.

“By the way, you never complimented me on my amazing pun. Big Daddy. Big Dad D,” she batted her eyes trying so hard not to laugh at her own joke.

I gave her a stern face and blinked slowly. I would admit it, her pun was good, and it had me giggling a few times, but I knew better than to feed her ego.

“Come on. Can you just admit I am punny? Please!” she hugged my arm and begged me to admit the truth.

“Fine.” I caved into her lime-green eyes. “It was punny. You’re punny,” I rolled my eyes, feeling her death grip on my arm while she giggled hysterically.

She simmered down and coughed her way back to her down-to-earth voice. “Okay, thank you. As a reward, you can eat some leftover pizza and I will finish packing for you.”

I laughed knowing that it was more a reward for Birdie, who loved packing and hated eating leftovers.

* * *

I had been staring at a blank canvas in Illustrator for the past three hours since I got back from Birdie’s. I had little to no motivation on this project and I didn’t know why. I could’ve been because it was a Friday afternoon and my aunt and uncle were out at a party having fun, or maybe it was because I absolutely dreaded working on a logo for a children's t-shirt company that was so completely out of my comfort zone it caused me physical pain. Or maybe it was because of Leo.

I grabbed my phone and headed into my gallery to see Leo again. At this point I should have made his nudes as my wallpaper to save time. I already spent endless minutes, maybe even hours, drooling over his cock like I had been deprived of something I didn’t know I needed, and I hated myself for it. I had no self-control when it came to his equipment.

I mean, how could a man be so ... big?

I licked my lips, feeling my heartbeat increase with each dirty scene racing in my head. Oh my God, stop it, Mallory. I locked my phone, put it face down on the table and slid it across the far end of my desk where it was out of reach. Get back to work, Mallory.

I went back to my computer, looking at the blank canvas and forgetting I had nothing to get back to. The logo was supposed to be “colorful, bold and fun” and have a rhino in it. I grunted, sketching lines in my sketchbook until I came up with something that ended up being a stick man. I laughed at myself going a little bit insane from my lack of ideas. Was it too late to back out of this project?

I went to my website for inspiration but it wasn’t helping me, and why would it? I specialized in typography and worked with dark colors (mostly black) and thin fonts that were almost unreadable. It was honestly the opposite of Rhino Prints (clever name, right?).

I glanced at my phone like it was going to get me out of my rut. I wonder what Leo’s project was? I had been trying to figure it out since I last saw him on Wednesday, but I couldn’t figure it out. All I knew was that it was “very private” and “very dear” to him, which gives me no lead, apart from the fact that Leo wanted no one to find out about it.

I looked over at Leo’s business card I dug up from the wastebasket like a raccoon. I would bet my life that Leo didn’t want a new design for his business card, so what could it be? I could always call him and ask like a regular person.

I rolled my chair across my floor and faced my phone. I could just call and make sure it was a project within my comfort zone. It would only take a second, and one question. Nothing more, nothing less. But it was a Friday night and he was probably busy, probably at the same party my uncle was at right now. I scrolled into my camera roll and found my two favorite images in my gallery without a second to think, “What am I doing?”

My mouth watered while I brought my hand over to my breast. I licked my lips and trailed straight down to my slit, ignoring my shorts and panties. I would do anything right now to have a taste. No matter how many times I masturbated to Leo gripping his cock, I always seemed to be left unsatisfied and wanting more. So much more.

I watched my thumb click the call button without notifying the rest of my body and brought the phone to my ear.

“Mallory?” I heard his deep voice address me.

“Hi — Good evening, Leo.” Good evening? What the fuck, did I recently get hired by a telemarketer? “It’s Mallory.” Oh my God, what is wrong with you? He knows it’s you, Mal.

Leo laughed through his nose, “What’s up, Kitten?”

I felt a little moan escape as he addressed me by that nickname I secretly adored. “Mmm-hmm, I was wondering if you weren’t busy if you can answer some questions.”

He let out a loud grunt like he just sat down. “Well, I just put my dinner in the oven so go ahead.”

“Oh, if you have company I can call another time. It’s not that important,” I nervously panted, trying to find a way out of this call without flat out hanging up.

“No. I have no company, just dinner for myself. What did you want to ask?”

Even though I couldn’t see Leo, I could tell he was smirking and it was killing me. Mostly because all I wanted was to be on my knees with his cock between my lips while he gave me that same exact smirk.

“Well, I know you talked to my uncle about me, for a job reference, and I know you're going to work with him, even though I said not to involve him —”

“You have nothing to worry about. I was told I needed a partner for a simple job, so I chose the only decent person in the building.”

He was told me needed a partner? Why was he being told what to do as CEO?

“Okay, let’s just say I believe you, so we can get back to my question. I wanted to know if this potential job was right for me. I am in a position where I have to design something out of my — never mind, it doesn’t matter. Is there anything you can tell me about the job?”

“You called because you wanted to find out if you are right for a job that haven’t been hired for?”

Well, shit. If he put it like that, yeah, it sounded like a bullshit reason to call, and I knew that. There was a moment of silence between us that didn’t feel wrong, but it didn't feel right.

“Yeah, hmmm — never mind, you’re right. I’m going to go now. Bye.” I was quick to separate my phone from my ear when I heard Leo moan. It was muffled, but it was definitely a pleasurable moan.

“Tell me something, have you deleted the images I sent you?” Leo let out another moan, this one louder and more intense. I didn’t say anything, hoping he would think I hung up, but obviously I hadn’t.

“Did you delete them? Yes or no?”

“No,” I said quickly, too quickly.

“What was the reason you really called, Mallory?” he inhaled sharply the same way he did when he fucked me.

It was then when I realized he was playing with himself. He was turned a casual conversation into number three on the list. Have phone sex. I would be lying if I said it hadn’t crossed my mind in the past few days or even before I called him when I stared at his cock with no shame.

“Don’t lie to me, Kitten,” his breaths were short and faint. Leo was playing with himself and I couldn’t control myself anymore. I moved my hand to my breast and grabbed it roughly while I bit my lip to keep myself quiet.

“I — I called because ...” I paused.

“Tell me exactly what’s on your mind,” he moaned, determined to get the information out of me at all costs.

I scooped my breasts over my tank top and exposed my aroused breasts that were eager for more attention.

“I can’t stop thinking about you ... your cock,” I purred as I ran my hand down to my pussy.

“Oh — is that so?” I was certain there was a devilish grin on the other line.

“Yes,” I purred, holding my phone with my shoulder and playing with my nipple and clit.

“That’s it. Moan for Daddy’s cock and what it can do for you. Moan because you know no other man but Daddy can give you what you need, Kitten.”

His voice was orgasmic as it got deeper and throatier. I moaned louder than before and he followed up with a small scoff.

“But now you have to stop.” His voice was cold and demanding.

I stopped like Daddy wanted me to and waited patiently for him to tell me what he wanted me to do.

“Good. Now, listen to me,” there was a pause. “Where are you right now?”

“My bedroom,” I panted, trying so hard not to play with myself.

“Good, go lock the door and get on your bed,” he gritted.

“Okay,” I nodded.

“No, for now on it’s ‘Yes, Daddy’ or ‘Yes, Big Daddy.’ Do you understand?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I swallowed. I hopped onto my bed and waited for my Big Daddy’s next command.

“Take off all your clothes,” he moaned.

I nodded, even though I knew very well he couldn’t hear me. I stripped naked on my bed and felt the soft covers against my skin.

“Are you home alone?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Put me on speaker. You’ll be needing both your hands.”

I put him on speaker like he wanted to and waited.

“Now, I want you to tell me a little story while you play with yourself. I want to know exactly what you think when you look at my cock, Kitten. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes, Daddy. I can do that.”

“Good. Start playing with only your tits, both of your tits. Your pussy is forbidden as of right now.”

I looked down at my healing nipple that had a metal barbell through it. There was no way in hell I was going to play with both of my nipples since one was going to bring me only pain.

“I can’t play with both, just one,” the truth blurted out of me, and I obviously didn't have to tell him, but I did.


“It might cause pain, irritation and-or infection,” I quoted the woman who pierced my nipple.

“Why?” Leo’s voice was curiously happy.

“My nipple is healing from being pierced.”

Leo sounded like he was about to say something, but he stopped. He was in a position I don't think he expected when he asked me to play with my tits.

“Then play with one and make it good, Kitten. Like I said before, your pussy is forbidden as of right now.”

Tweaking my nipple between my thumb and index, I felt the sensation all over as Daddy was on the other end playing with himself and breathing heavily.

“You can start the story whenever you want, Kitten.”

“I want to taste you, Daddy. I-I want to feel you between my lips. I want to have your cock fill my mouth as I struggle to swallow you —” my nipple became more sensitive as my pussy yearned for attention. “When you see me struggling, I feel your hand on the back of my head as you push me further into your cock, thrusting into me until I choke and gag. Until I am addicted to you. Addicted to your cock, to your smell, to your taste, and to the way it makes me feel.” I hand ran along my inner thighs, carefully hovering around my slit.

Daddy grunted fuck under his breath like he was hearing exactly what he wanted to hear and more.

“Oh, Mallory baby, you are in for a long run.” he managed to speak even with his heavy breathing. “I think your pussy deserves some attention. Don’t you, Kitten?”

“Yes, Daddy —” I whimpered, diving into my wet pussy. One hand abused my nipple the other my pussy.

“I want you to cum for Daddy. I want you to cum with me. Do you think you can do that for me?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Another fuck grazed his lips.

“Can you imagine me grabbing the back of your hair and shoving my cock down your throat? Can you imagine looking up at me with tears in your eyes as you are choking? As you worship? Can you feel the lack of air in your lungs as you beg me to be inside of your tight throat for a little bit longer?”

“Yes, Daddy!” I rubbed my clit faster and felt the heat build up in my body. I arched my back and curled my toes, ready for my orgasm to steal me away.

“I want to see those beautiful blue eyes looking up at me as you lick me, Kitten. I want you to feel my cock throb inside that tight small throat while your moans vibrate —”

“Can I cum? Please?”

“Not yet,” he exhaled and inhaled ferociously. He too was at his breaking point.

“Please, Daddy. Please, can I cum Big Daddy?” I pleaded as if my life was on the line.

“Fuck Mallory, yes!”

His orgasm was powerful and booming through the speakers of my phone. I connected with Daddy, my clit vibrated under my touch, my orgasm rippling through my tense body. His last words rang in my head while my body started to return from its trip.

“Oh my God,” I purred, the last shock of my orgasm filling me up. “Oh ... My ... God.”

I looked above at the gathered fabric of my canopy with nothing but a huge smile on my face. My chest rose and fell on the bed, taking in Leo’s hulking breaths.

He inhaled sharply. “Now, send me proof?”

I took Leo off the speaker not saying a word.

If you need ideas I would love to see you spread that tight pussy for me,” Leo quoted himself.

I swallowed loudly and looked at my fingers glazed in my wetness.

“We just crossed of number three, so let’s cross off number one too. I would prefer two images, so it’s only fair. The second image can be of your choice, Kitten.”

Before I got to say anything, I heard the call end.

I looked over at Leo’s images, admiring them but mostly wishing I could have a taste to quench my thirst. Like I said before, no matter how many times I played with myself, I couldn’t fight my desire for the real thing. I went into my camera, turned it toward me and witnessed what Leo had done to me with only one phone call.





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