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Book Boyfriends: A Steamy Romance Sampler by Roxy Sinclaire (9)



I was, in a way, trying to trick him. If anyone noticed what we were doing, no one cared, and Luke didn’t stumble again.

He was affected, I could tell and I was very pleased with myself, but I couldn’t remain unaffected, either. I could feel my nipples harden as I pressed into his chest, my body growing warm, desire building up.

My attraction to him was strong, too strong, and I wanted more of him.

I didn’t go for mediocre men, but it wasn’t a term I could associate with Luke. He was big and hard all over, and all I could think was having him over me, under me, pressing me into whatever flat surface was available and having his way with me.

He certainly had the looks. Not classically handsome, but the term certainly applied with his firm chin, angular jawline shadowed in dark fuzz, his dark brown eyes. Even when he was looking at me like he wanted to get me alone somewhere and tie me down so he could interrogate me, all I could think of were all the other things we could do with either one of us tied up.

I wasn’t particularly vain, though. Looks were okay, but looks were not all I looked for in a man. I never stuck to any one man for long anyway, so that was never a problem for me. I liked my men interesting. The kind of interesting that held my attention long after first impressions ruined whatever fantasy I built up in my head from just looking. And to determine if they were good for a fuck. I had to admit, I usually fell for dangerous men, with personalities that matched the world I'd immersed myself in because it allowed me to let go. I didn’t like suppressing myself for the sake of my partner.

At first glance, he looked more like a fantasy, but I could sense there was more to him than met the eye. I knew he was dangerous because he worked for Greco, but my tastes were not that simple. A man could be dangerous without being interesting to me at all, but Luke had both.

It was messing with my mind.

"Do I have to ask really nicely, first?"

His voice brought me out of my distraction, and I gave his fleshy earlobe another light suck, before releasing him and pulling back, just far enough so I could meet his eyes, but close enough that we were still breathing each other's air.

It took me a moment to realize he was flirting back, and a smile, wide and genuine, curved my mouth without my permission.

"I don’t know. I like the look of you, I might just let you off easy."

His eyebrow went up, eyes lowering to my lips. I licked them automatically, and his eyes grew hot.

"So, you're only with me for my looks?" he murmured.

"You caught me," I whispered back.

His eyes slid back to mine, and I could feel the blush rise in my cheeks, my lips parting as my breath came a little heavier. I knew he wanted me back, just as much as I wanted him. We were pressed too closely together for me to not feel the growing hardness against my lower abdomen, and I knew even without that, but feeling his obvious physical reaction that he couldn’t control had me throbbing in need, moving around fluidly was becoming difficult.

"Can I say something?"

"What?" I asked, curious, not in control of my thoughts enough to realize I was probably setting myself up for another interrogation.

He surprised me. "It was a lie when you said you were average."

My eyebrows shot up. "Yes, you established your opinion on the matter already."

His arm tightened around me, so tight I couldn’t breathe, and he had nearly all my weight against him as I went to the tips of my toes, my legs at this point just following his. It lasted for just a second, but I was extremely aware of his hard body pressing against mine, and the strength of it, that we didn’t break out of rhythm again and it was because of his effort.

"There is absolutely nothing about you that is even remotely average."

The heat in his eyes and the seriousness of the words clashed as he let me breathe again, and I knew he meant the words in every way possible. I admitted to feeling a little flattered, but only in my head.

But I caught the glint in his eye, in that moment when I was practically at his mercy I realized something more about Luke. He was absolutely my type, and he might just be more dangerous than I thought.

I'd assumed he was one of the low workers in Greco's empire, but what if his role was a lot bigger than that? Someone as smart, as strong as he seemed to be, wouldn’t just be doing grunt work. If he was just part of the security team, would he be allowed to dance with a guest?

I didn’t think so.

But Greco wasn’t a man that surrounded himself with many people that could come close to being his equal, not having them so near, unless it was an outside alliance. Of all I'd been able to find out, I was positive about that.

Was he Greco's hitman? That idea alone, that Greco would let his hitman appear at a wedding was almost ludicrous, but what did I know? He would be a man not many in the organization knew, one of the men Greco let get closest to him out of all the men in his ranks. No one could give me a basic idea of what he looked like, so few even knew of him, just that there was someone.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I realized it wasn’t entirely out of the question.

I didn’t have proof to verify it but considering the weight of the situation, I didn’t need to. The best way for me to get out of the wedding alive was to stay with Luke.

"Let's get out of here."

I felt my eyes grow wide in confusion as he pulled me out of my thoughts with his sudden declaration.


"I have a room here, it's upstairs and out of the way. We could go up, have some fun…" he smirked. "You won't even have to hold in your screams."

My body shivered, and for a second I wasn’t sure exactly what screams he meant—screams of pleasure or of horror?—but then he led us into another spin that let me feel his erection press firmly against me, and I remembered why I planned to stick to this man anyway.

"Let's go."

He grinned for a second, fiercely, before his face settled into a faint, pleasant expression, and he steered us toward the edge of the dance floor. When we were right at the edge of it, he stopped pretending we were still dancing and released me, taking my hand and pulling me behind him.