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Capture Me by Natalia Banks (52)

Chapter 16

“So we join together as a family,” Griffin went on, “and that’s only worth anything if we stay together as a family, if we hang together. We can only be a family if we can stay a family.”

Lorraine didn’t see the face of her former attacker, but she did see the familiar face of Mrs. B., pushing toward the stage. She also thought she saw Donal Roland also standing nearby, and Carmen was roughly in the center of the crowd.

Carmen’s snarl was clear enough for Lorraine to see even at that distance, even with so many people between them. But that amount was fast decreasing as Carmen approached the stage from the front, her hand dug deep into her purse.

“But I’ve said about all I can say,” Griffin said, “except that I would never have known about this crisis in the library system if it hadn’t been for a very brave and very beautiful young woman, my fiancée, your own hometown girl, Lorraine Devonshire.”

The crowd applauded, Griffin stepping away from the mic. Lorraine hesitated, glancing down at Ashe. The boy looked up and edged her forward, his little chin jutting toward the mic. Lorraine took a deep breath, her skin tingling, her palms sweating as she approached the mic stand and looked out over the crowd. Lorraine had looked away from the crowd, and it only occurred to her then that she’d lost track of Carmen, Donal, and Mrs. B., who’d all been slinking suspiciously toward the stage.

“I-I don’t know much about public speaking,” Lorraine said, her voice big and metallic coming out of those massive speakers. “I’m a librarian, so I generally do more shushing than speaking.” The crowd chuckled, and so did Griffin and Ashe. She went on, “But I know how proud you’ve all made me today, how glad I am to be with you here, and to know that the industry I worked for—the great pubic library system—will endure. The fact that I had anything at all to do with it will never fail to amaze me.”

Lorraine’s scanning eyes found Carmen causing a slight commotion in the crowd as she tried to get right up to the front row. Already there, Mrs. B. stood, her hands in the pockets of her big coat, ruby broach sparkling on her lapel. Her eyes were fixed on Lorraine, but that twinkle had been replaced with a murderous glisten.

Lorraine said, “I should thank my parents, who’ve been so loving,” Lorraine said. “I never would have taken any risk without their example. I never would have had the strength to face my own fears. My best friend, Jeremy, too, what a sweet and good man he is. He taught me to believe in myself. He was nudging me to jump out of the nest, to take wing and fly, and I’ll always love him for that.”

Lorraine heard Jeremy’s whooping voice and turned to see him in the back of the crowd, holding a sign reading, We love you, Lo’!

Carmen finally arrived at the foot of the stage. Like Carmen, Mrs. B. stood with her attention fixed on Lorraine. And while Lorraine tried to ignore them, she just couldn’t for any longer than a few seconds at a time.

Stop it, Lorraine, she urged herself, don’t get distracted with all that now, your imagination spinning you around. If anything, it’s that awful Tony Gardner who’s the real danger, but Griffin’s right; he won’t show up here. And what’s an old lady gonna do, reveal dynamite strapped to her belly and blow us all up? Keep your head in the game, Lorraine! This is your moment, don’t blow it!

She forced a smile and looked out over the crowd. “I guess if there’s anything to be learned from my experience, it’s that every accomplishment, great or small, is just part of a chain of events. We all rely on one another; we all help ourselves by helping each other. There is some risk to that, of course, professional risk…” Lorraine glanced at Albert, who looked away and cleared his throat. “Personal risk,” she added, glancing at Ashe. “But the rewards are worth it, no matter how great that chance is. It’s okay to be afraid, but we have to act despite our fear; that’s what real courage is. And I’m surrounded by examples of such courage. Our performers, entertainers, all of you, the library staff; this wasn’t easy. But it means you care, and that…that means everything in the world.”

The crowd clapped, Griffin smiling at Lorraine with increasing love and admiration.

“But I have to add one thing,” Lorraine said, “one thing that’s completely selfish of me, and maybe just a little bit childish, I dunno, but…the library wasn’t the only thing that was saved in all this. I-I’ve found the man of my dreams, the love of my life, and that’s something I’d given up on finding. I’ve found a family, a son…” Lorraine turned to Ashe, who threw himself into her, wrapping his arms around her, burying his face in her arm. “And I just want to express my gratitude, my…my happiness. I didn’t think I’d ever have that, but now I know I’ll never be without it, not for as long as I live.”

Lorraine caught sight of Carmen in the audience and noticed that her line of sight was shifting between Albert and Griffin, both on her left.

Her sinister side.

Griffin seemed to notice it too. Even Ashe was looking at his father, at Lorraine, his eyes off the crowd. But Ashe was the first one to see that handgun flash, pulled out in a single swift motion, raised up and pointing straight at the end of a rigid and determined arm.

Ashe screamed, his voice tearing out of his young throat, clenched and tender from years of silence. It sent a bolt of terror through Lorraine’s body, her senses suddenly on high alert.

But it was too late.