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Crazy Fast Love (Crazy Love Series Book 2) by MF Isaacs (30)



Cal was on the road back home long before the sun even came up; he wanted to get a full work day in before leaving for Vegas. I said goodbye to him without a single tear, being apart for one night was easy knowing that after this we’d be married. I spent the day double checking everything while Steve and Hannah finished up classes as much as they could.

Calvin met us at the airport Thursday morning. Our airport reunion was movie worthy; he was waiting for us right by the ticket counter when we arrived. He stood waiting with a small bouquet of gerbera daisies in varying shades of pink. At the sight of him, I abandoned my suitcase, knowing Steve or Hannah would grab it for me, and wove in between other travelers to get to him. As soon as I was close enough, I launched myself into his arms. The world around me disappeared as I held onto him with all the strength I had. Initially, it was Hannah’s cheering that pulled my attention away from him, but I quickly realized she was joined by a crowd of people. Embarrassed, I buried my face into Cal only to have him join in the cheers.

When we got checked in, we discovered that his parents had upgraded our tickets to first-class. I’d never flown first-class. Even after finding out about all the money we inherited, we picked general seating when we went to Florida over the summer. We took full advantage of the first-class privileges, Steve got us all coffees while Hannah and I had polish changes done. I don’t think I’ll be able to go back to general seating after this.

It was hard for the flight crew to ignore my beautiful flowers, not to mention Cal proudly declaring that we’re headed to Vegas to get married. Once they knew that, the crew went even further overboard with making our first-class experience amazing. Once in the air, they did the normal safety announcements and then made a big production about our upcoming wedding in Vegas. Each crew member took a turn giving us PG marital advice, the pilot’s was good, “I think he already knows this, but I’ll say it just in case: flowers, lots and lots of flowers. Flowers to celebrate, flowers to apologize, flowers to tell her you love her, flowers just because.”

I was surprised when we found Luke and Amy waiting for us at the airport. The first-class treatment was extended further with the limo ride to Planet Hollywood. As soon as we checked in, we had the bell hop take our luggage to the rooms so we could make Amy happy and head straight to the convention where Hannah was meeting up with Mary. The guys decided to stay and play poker while we went.

Amy was hilarious as she discovered her “ALL TIME FAVORITE” author a half dozen times. Hannah eventually ditched Amy when she was taking too long. It was fun seeing Mary and getting to meet the author that wanted to use Hannah on her cover. Her name was Della and she was part of a writing team that went by the pen name Della Michael.

I don’t know if it was the group of woman we were hanging out with or if it was just the Vegas vibe, but it was seriously so much fun. Not once did I worry about the baby or any of the other things that I constantly worry about. Several authors asked for business cards from Hannah and me. It wasn’t surprising they asked Hannah, since she is drop dead gorgeous; but I was shocked to the point of laughing my ass off at the thought of them wanting my picture on the cover of their books. Mary took over whenever someone asked, which worked for me.

Hannah and I had to pretty much drag Amy from the convention. She wasn’t my mom so I thought it was funny. Hannah however, wasn’t impressed with her drunk mom. We met up with the guys just as they finished playing poker. Luke lost, Steve won and Cal broke even. I knew Hannah had plans to meet up with Mary for the first photo shoot, so I wasn’t surprised when she suggested to Luke that he take Cal and me out to dinner. I was shocked, however, when he agreed to sushi at the Blue Ribbon Sushi Bar and Grill, he didn’t strike me as a big sushi person.

Dinner was amazing, thankfully Cal ordered a combo plate of vegetable and California rolls for us to share. After dinner, the four of us wandered down the strip, taking in the sights and sounds of the Las Vegas strip. We wandered in and out of the casinos along the way, each one nicer than the last. Every once in a while, Luke, Amy, or Cal would stop at a slot machine and put some money in but for the most part we just explored. By the time we got back to our own hotel, Amy was officially drunk. I still thought it was the funniest thing ever. Apparently, Hannah was the only one who didn’t find her funny because Cal and Luke were entertained and laughed at her drunken tactics.

Amy chanted “One more, just one more.” as she flopped down at the bank of slots right by the elevators that would take us to our rooms. Her one more, turned into lights and sirens as she won a little over $8,000. She then put more money into the same slot because, according to her, you never walk away from a winning machine. Sure as shit, she continued to win and refused to head to bed despite Luke trying to entice her with his bedroom voice, or what I assumed was his bedroom voice. Cal used his hand to put a little pressure on my lower back, sort of nudging me to abandon his parents. I was almost ready when Hannah and Steve appeared, Hannah flashing a beautiful diamond ring my brother gave her. It was exactly what was needed to get Amy to abandon the slot machine. She insisted that the six of us head to their room to toast their engagement.

After Luke’s toast, Steve and Cal took us back to our room before kissing us good night. Cal pulled me into a hug that took my breath away, mostly because he was squeezing me so tight. “One last sleep and you will be my wife. Tomorrow starts our journey and I couldn’t be more ready. I love you Babe!”

“I love you too Cal.” I could feel the nervous energy working its way into my voice. Instead of letting the energy work its way out in the form of tears, I kissed him quickly before ushering him out.

Hannah spent the next hour easing my nerves. A week ago, shoot even two days ago, I would have been plagued with uncontrollable worry. Instead, I was dealing with normal pre-wedding nerves. Instead of losing sleep, I was out before Hannah. But from the sounds of it, she was still riding her high from the exhibitionist photo shoot and the proposal.

The happiness I felt knowing it’s my wedding day, wasn’t dimmed by the fact that I woke up with barely enough time to make it to the bathroom where I promptly puked up everything I had in my stomach. My mind briefly flashed to words I had heard once before, morning sickness was a sign of a strong pregnancy. I have no clue if it’s true, but in my heart I was choosing to believe it was. It gave me just enough to carry on with my mission of not worrying about things I couldn’t control.

Hannah knocked just as I finished brushing my teeth. She didn’t question my explanation of it being the nerves that made me puke. I did her hair and makeup for her second photoshoot that was schedule to start in less than 30 minutes. Curtis, Callie, and Will arrived right before Steve did. Steve was taking Hannah to her photo shoot while Callie was taking me to have the bridal package done at the fancy ass spa in the hotel.

I sent Calvin a text before heading out with Callie.

Me: No more sleeps. Today is the day I get to become Mrs. Calvin McMann

Cal: Today I get to call you my wife. Love you

Me: Love you too. Off to the spa with Callie. See you soon

The bridal package was beyond amazing. I have never felt more pampered in my life nor have I been this relaxed without having had an orgasm.

By the time Callie and I made our way back to the room, Mary and Hannah were already there. Mary worked lightning fast at getting a book printed with all the images from my boudoir photo shoot, which I asked Hannah to deliver to him.

She returned about 20 minutes later carrying a gift that Cal sent over for me. Before I could open my present, my phone was buzzing.

Cal: Damn Babe

Cal: Ur f*cking beautiful

Cal: I can’t believe you’re going to be my wife

Cal: Can’t leave my room. Already jacked off once still hard AF

Me: Love you. Getting ready to open my present

I couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of him jacking off and still being hard. I swear that Mary was psychic because she asked, “He thanking you for having to choke the chicken? No way he’d be able to walk after looking at the book.” Of course, that just made me laugh harder since she was spot on.

Hannah reminded me to open my gift. I pulled the card out of the gift bag, it was a small blank greeting card with “To My Bride” written on the outside. Inside his message said:



I love you so much. Today we begin our journey together as husband and wife. This is just a small token of my love for you. As our family grows so will this gift.
Thank you for choosing me.



I set the card down and opened the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen. I normally didn’t wear jewelry, simply because I didn’t have any. From the sounds of his card he was changing that.




I arranged a limo for the girls to make their way to the chapel. Mom and Dad rode with us guys in a second limo, which arrived before the girls did.

I knew Sierra and Mom had already made all the arrangements for the ceremony. I told her to pick what she wanted which meant I was a surprised when I arrived to find the chapel wasn’t a typical tacky Vegas style chapel. This chapel had a beautiful garden which I knew right away I wanted pictures taken in.

Mary arrived in her own car and had me stand near a small man made pond. She took a few pictures of me with my parents then some of me with the guys. When the limo pulled up, she asked me to turn my back while allowing the girls to exit the limo. She told me she would let me know when she was ready for me to turn and see my bride.

I was suddenly overcome with nervousness that I had escaped until that point. I knew she would be beautiful, I knew she was the one I wanted. One little speck of fear that she might have changed her mind is why I was nervous. As soon as I heard Mary tell me, “Okay Calvin you can turn around.” my nerves disappeared. She was here, she was agreeing in the loudest, non-verbal way that she was choosing me.

The second she came into my line of sight, I lost all the breath I was holding. I lost all movement of my body. I was beyond speechless. She had to walk to me, because I was frozen. She moved in slow motion and if felt like a dream. As soon as she was within reach I managed to get my body in motion as I swept her into my arms. Overcome with love, I dipped her back like a Hollywood star as I kissed as much of her exposed skin up her neck to her mouth.

We stood face to face, forehead to forehead in silence. We could have stood there for longer if it weren’t for Mary asking if we were ready to get the pictures taken before the ceremony. She did an amazing job organizing us in groups for all the traditional wedding photos.

When it was our turn for the chapel, the official came to get us from the garden. My parents, Kyler’s friend Cole, and Will all made their way to the front row. Steve, Kyler, and I stood at the front of the chapel waiting for the girls. Callie walked in first, it was easy to see the love Will had for her as he watched her walk in. Next was Hannah, there wasn’t a single person in the room who didn’t light up at the sight of her. She had truly blossomed in the last four months, mostly thanks to Steve. The music changed as Sierra and Curtis appeared at the end of the isle. I had already seen her, already kissed her, but my heart stopped. This was it, there was still time for her to change her mind. As soon as she started walking down the aisle, the smile took over my entire face. Nothing could have made me happier than having her as my wife.

We agreed that we would exchange traditional vows for the sake of making things easier on us leading up to the ceremony. I wasn’t sorry for that, the non-traditional words I wanted to share with her weren’t family friendly. Let’s face it, she looked beautiful in her dress but all I could really think about was getting her naked and fucking her senseless. I couldn’t get the images of her from that book out of my mind.

I may have exchanged all my vows without hearing a word that was said. Because seriously, there were pictures in that book of her completely naked. We did the opposite of most people and let everyone leave the chapel first, it allowed them to be outside blowing bubbles as we walked out and made our way straight into the waiting limo. My dad gave the driver strict instructions not to let us out at a hotel, we were to be taken straight to the restaurant where they would all be meeting us. As soon as we pulled away from the crowd, the driver announced over his shoulder that he knew the long way and we had approximately 20 minutes; after which he promptly closed the privacy glass for us without asking.

I had her straddling my lap before we even got out of the parking lot. “Hello there Mrs. McMann.”

She responded with her hips slowly rotating as she said, “Hello to you Mr. McMann. Can you believe we are officially married?”

“So fucking happy Babe. I love you. You good with riding me as we make our way to the restaurant? I think I might die if I am not buried inside you right now.” I bunched her dress up as best as I could before pulling her itty bitty g-string off to the side, exposing her perfect pink pussy lips to my exploring fingers. Rather than answering me with words, she scooted back on my thighs enough to have room to free my cock from my dress pants. Hard as fuck, I burst out of my boxers as soon as she had the zipper down.

She took over and slid her tight pussy up and down on my shaft until she could take the whole thing inside her. As soon as I was balls deep, her hips moved at record speed and within minutes she was coming with her head thrown back and her neck exposed. I took full advantage of her exposed neck as I licked and sucked in all the right places. By the time my mouth was next to her ear, I couldn’t contain myself, “So fucking perfect. You are mine now. Nothing can come between us. Ride me Babe, make me cum.”

She rode me, up and down, up and down. But before I could release inside her, she whispered words that every man loves to hear, “I want to suck your cock. I want to taste you. I want to swallow your cum. Please.”

“Fuck yeah Babe. You don’t have to beg me.” Just like that, I helped her to her knees where she proceeded to do just what she wanted. She had officially replaced every single spank bank image I’d ever had. The site of her on her knees, in her wedding dress, with my cock down her throat will forever be etched in my memory. I am the luckiest bastard I know and I will never apologize for that.

The driver had perfect timing, we pulled in at the same time as the others. Dinner was amazing, I loved that we officially made our two families into one. Watching Mom interact with not just Curtis, but Will and Callie too was all the confirmation I needed that we’d become one family.

My dad discretely handed me a new room key and told me they had upgraded us to the honeymoon suite. All our stuff was already moved. As we left the restaurant, I announced for the whole group to hear that I was taking my wife back to our honeymoon suite, we would have our phones off for the remainder of the trip. If we decided to be social we’d call them, if not we’d meet them in the lobby at check-out time.




As I lay beside my husband after our third round of love making, I reflect on the fact that my wedding day was perfect. It wasn’t what I had envisioned as a little girl, that vision disappeared when I lost my parents and Sophia. There wasn’t a single second throughout the day that I didn’t feel their presence. It may have been Curtis instead of my dad who walked me down the aisle, it may have been Hannah who helped me with my dress, and it may have been Amy who helped me with my jewelry; but each one of them acknowledged the one I envisioned helping me. I don’t know who orchestrated all the little things, but put together they turned into big things.

It started with Hannah, who exchanged the ribbon cinching up the back of my corset with a light blue satin material. She told me it was originally from Sophia’s junior prom dress, now to be known as my something blue.

When Mary asked Amy to help me with my jewelry so she could take pictures of us together, I was shocked when Amy presented me with a simple gold bracelet which looked older than anyone in the room. Amy informed me that it was the bracelet my mom wore the day she married my dad. It had been her old item and now was mine.

Standing right outside the chapel Curtis presented me with my borrowed item; a perfectly pressed white handkerchief that I knew instantly had come from my dad’s endless supply. I think he expected to see tears as I appreciated the gift, instead I looked him in the eyes as I gave him the words that would always be true, “I wouldn’t be here without you. I can’t thank you enough for all you have given and done for me. I love you.”

“You sure you want to do this? I can help you skip town if you want?” He chuckled as he kissed the side of my head before turning to the doors leading us to my future. So, with my old bracelet from my mom, my new necklace from Calvin, my borrowed handkerchief from my dad, and blue ribbon from my sister, he walked me down the aisle.

Calvin and I didn’t leave our room until it was time to check out and head to the airport. I lost count of how many times we made love, I didn’t however, lose track of how many times I puked. Never in my life did I think I would ever be happy about puking, but each time I hugged the bowl, my hope that everything was going to be okay grew.




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