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Darren's Second Chance: MPREG Shifter Romance (Great Plains Shifters Book 2) by L.C. Davis (13)

Chapter 14


The church was filled with flowers the day of the ceremony, and whether it was the floral scent filling the chapel or his nerves, the omega found it hard to breathe at the front of the aisle. Having Christopher at his side was more calming than he’d imagined. The Alpha patted his hand, his arm linked with Darren’s, and gave him a reassuring smile as the music started.

Mating traditions in Sawyers were far more familiar to human sensibilities than most packs, even if the final result resulted in a physical as well as a legal bond. At least this time, the butterflies in Darren’s stomach were due to the fear that Zander would come to his senses and not show up rather than the cold feet that had sent him running six years earlier.

The aisles were filled with shifters who’d gathered to celebrate their union, even though Darren doubted many of them knew the truth of the sacrifice Zander was making. When he saw the Alpha at the end of the aisle, breath came a little easier.

Once he got close enough to see the surprise in Zander’s gaze, he was wracked with guilt. Of course Zander was shocked he’d actually shown up. The Alpha had every reason to think that Darren would bail on him again the way he already had once. He’d given so little thought then to how the end of his obligation would be just the beginning of Zander’s. All the questions, all the cancelled arrangements, all the pitying glances that had been Zander’s to deal with.

He regretted it all so much, but there wasn’t anything he could do to change it. The damage was done and he had to live with the possibility that there would never be any repairing it. Certainly no undoing it.

Christopher squeezed Darren’s hand before releasing him at the end of the aisle. The omega took his place in front of Zander and the minister as the music ceased. When Zander took his hands, the Alpha’s touch sent an immediate calm throughout his body.

“Dearly beloved,” the minister began. After that, Darren spaced out. He couldn’t look away from Zander and he didn’t want to. In that moment, it was easy to forget all the years that had elapsed in separation. It was easy to pretend they’d always been together, that he finally had the opportunity to relive that moment the way it should have been. To appreciate it.

“I do,” Zander murmured, calling him back to reality.

“And Darren, do you take this man to be yours? To have and to hold, for the rest of your days, in sickness and in health?”

“I do,” Darren said softly, surprised the right words came out. He’d been afraid that somehow he would mangle it the way he always did. The way he always sabotaged the things he wanted most and executed the worst possible outcome with ease.

“Then by the power invested in me by the Spirit and by the Council, I now pronounce you a mated pair. Zander, you may claim your omega.”

Darren’s heart was beating too fast to hear anything else. He knew the pack tradition was for them to share a kiss before Zander placed his mating bite, but for a moment, it seemed like he was going to skip that part. When his lips found Darren’s at the last moment, the omega’s heart ached with the sweetness of that long-forgotten kiss. It ended all too soon, but Darren knew to cherish it because it might very well be the last. He turned his head in submission as Zander’s fingers brushed the hair away from his neck. The Alpha’s arm wrapped around his waist as he leaned down and bit gently.

Darren gasped as he relaxed in Zander’s embrace. It was the moment he’d feared for most of his life. Being claimed by an Alpha meant being vulnerable, putting his happiness forevermore in the hands of another person. It had been enough to send him running years earlier, but even though Greg hadn’t marked him, he’d stripped him of his freedom and joy all the same. Darren knew Zander was different. That he wouldn’t take advantage of the bond, even if he had reason to, but he couldn’t help but let old apprehensions resurface.

Zander’s sturdy arms held the omega up easily, but it was the ecstasy rather than the pain that took him by surprise. He’d always imagined that a mating mark would be as painful to place as it was to break, but he found himself clinging to Zander, a desperate response to the closeness that formed between them as their link as destined mates was sealed.

It, too, was over much too soon. When Zander pulled away, his tongue sweeping over the droplet of his mate’s blood left on his lips, his eyes were dark with need. The same need that burned deep inside of Darren. Maybe it was a marriage of practicality, but someone needed to break the news to his hormones.

The cheers from the guests seemed to remind them both at the same moment that they weren’t alone. Zander smiled sheepishly, taking Darren’s hand as he led his new mate down the aisle.

Moments later, they were surrounded by loved ones at the reception even though all Darren wanted was to be alone with the Alpha. Dustin and Caleb found them and the Alpha nearly tackled his friend to the ground.

“Watch it, this is a new suit,” Zander grumbled, trying in vain to get out from under the other Alpha’s headlock.

“Were they always like that?” Caleb asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Always,” Darren sighed.

“The ceremony was beautiful,” Caleb said, smiling. “I’m happy for you both.”

“Thanks,” Darren said, still surprised the other omega was treating him civilly. Caleb actually seemed to want to be friends. Darren had always been “one of the Alphas,” not so much because he preferred them to omegas but because he’d never fit in with his own kind. They all saw him as trouble, and looking back, he could understand why. As he’d matured and found himself longing for other omegas to share experiences with and ask for guidance, Greg had kept him so isolated, viewing everyone else as a threat to their relationship while he spent most of his free time with his drinking buddies. The older beta they lived down the street from was the closest Darren had had to a friend in years, and he found himself wondering if he still knew how to manage that kind of relationship.

“Is Bobby staying with your parents tonight?”

“Tonight?” Darren asked, confused.

“Well, you’re starting your honeymoon tonight, right?”

Darren hesitated. “I don’t —” He cut himself off when he saw all the color leave Caleb’s face.

“Oh, shit,” Caleb muttered. “I’m sorry, forget I said anything.”

Darren laughed. “I don’t think we’re really doing anything. I mean, Zander’s just doing this to help me.”

Caleb gave him a doubtful look. “And here Dustin told me you were clever. You know Zander is still head over heels for you, right?”

“Even if that were true, things aren’t the same as they were.”

Caleb sighed. “He stopped dating other omegas at all because he didn’t think it was fair, Darren. Because he realized he was never going to love anyone the way he loved you.”

“He said that?”

“He didn’t have to. It’s obvious. And he’d probably kill me for telling you, but I care enough about him to not want him to sabotage himself by keeping everything close to the vest like a typical Alpha. I can’t speak for what’s in your heart, but for Zander? This is as real as you let it be.”

Darren listened intently. He could see Zander and Dustin walking back toward them. “Thank you,” he murmured.

“Any time,” Caleb said, reaching for his mate’s hand. He looked up at Dustin and grinned. “Are you gonna ask your mate to dance, or what?”

“You know I’m always ready to cut a rug, baby,” Dustin said, giving Caleb a quick spin before whisking him out onto the floor.

“I know he’s a rancher, but the way they act at these things, you’d think they farmed corn,” said Zander, watching the couple ham it up on the dance floor.

Darren snickered. “I think it’s cute. They act like they’re still on their honeymoon.”

“Speaking of which,” Zander said, clearing his throat. “I know going on a trip or anything isn’t practical right now, but there’s something I’d like to show you later.”

Darren pursed his lips, unable to keep his mind from going straight into the gutter. “If I’m not mistaken, isn’t that what you said to me the first time we had sex?”

The Alpha’s face turned red and he looked away, snorting a laugh. “That is not what I meant.”

“Too bad.” The words slipped out before he could stop himself. Now Darren was the one blushing. “But um, you can show me whenever.”

“We still have to complete the mark so we could go now. No one’s gonna expect us to stick around. Unless you need to check on Bobby.”

Darren looked across the reception hall where Bobby and Stephanie were playing with the other kids under his mother’s supervision. “No, mom and Christopher are taking him out to a movie later, so he’s all set for the night.”

He’d made arrangements just in case Zander wanted to be alone, as doubtful as that prospect had seemed when the ceremony began. Now, he wasn’t sure.

Zander nodded, taking Darren’s hand to lead him out of the building. The rest of the guests knew better than to question the disappearance of a newly mated pair at their own ceremony. They were all used to the Alpha and omega cutting out early.

By the time they made it outside, the sun was already setting over the distant hills. The sight took Darren’s breath away, even though he’d once taken it for granted. “I can’t believe how beautiful this place is sometimes,” he murmured.

“Yeah. No matter where I go, I guess that’s why I always end up coming back here.”

“You still travel a lot, huh?” Darren asked as they walked away from the cluster of buildings in town to a more remote area.

“Yeah. But I don’t have to. I’ve been thinking of scaling back.”

Darren listened, growing worried. “It’s not because of us, is it?”

Zander hesitated. “Well, yeah. It’s not really practical to be on the road as much as I am with a family.”

It took Darren a moment to realize what Zander was saying. Greg had never passed up a chance to remind Darren of how much he contributed by working at the factory whenever the omega asked him to show up at a school event or to spend less time at the bar and more with his family. The fact that Zander actually wanted to spend time with them and was willing to sacrifice to do it was almost unfathomable.

“Don’t worry. The new house is big enough, you won’t be tripping over me or anything,” Zander said with an awkward laugh.

“No, it’s not that. I just… I’m surprised you want to be around, that’s all. I don’t want you to have to give up anything important because of me.”

Zander stopped walking and turned to face Darren. He frowned and seemed to be struggling to come up with a reply for a few seconds. “You know why I’m doing this, right?”

“Of course. To protect us from —“

“No.” It was only when Zander held his hand tighter that Darren realized he’d never let go of it. “That’s part of it. That’s why we’re doing it now, but I’ve always wanted to be your mate. That’s never changed, even when I wanted it to. I’m trying to proceed with caution here, because I don’t want you to feel pressured again.”

“I don’t,” Darren said eagerly. “I’m worried you do. I’m afraid to see this as what I want it to be because I know that’s not fair to you.”

“What do you want it to be?” There was doubt in the Alpha’s tone, as if he was afraid of the answer.

At one point, playing it cool would have been at the top of Darren’s priority list, but not anymore. Zander was too important and if there was even a chance they could reclaim a fraction of what they’d once had, he was willing to lay it all out on the table and risk humiliation and disappointment to take it. “I want this to be my chance to put things right between us, if that’s even possible,” he admitted. “I always thought it was too late. That I’d missed out on the best thing that ever happened to me, and surely someone else would have come along and jumped at the chance to take what I threw away. I know I have no right to do things over, but if you gave me the chance anyway, Zander, I swear on my life I’d do it right this time.”

As he spoke, tears spilled down his cheeks and he couldn’t bring himself to look up at the Alpha when he was finished. Zander touched his cheek and tilted his head up, forcing Darren to meet his gaze. The omega was beyond shocked to find in those eyes all the things he’d been sure had eroded with the years and pain. The love, the acceptance, the hope.

“I forgave you a long time ago, Darren. You’re the one who’s holding on,” he said gently, stroking Darren’s cheek. “Maybe it’s time we both let go of the pain and tried to hold onto each other instead?”

Darren nodded shakily. More tears came, but Zander kissed him and they started flowing for a different reason. He was breathless by the time his Alpha pulled away, but when Zander stepped back to take off his jacket, his protest suffocated in his throat.

“Are you ready to do this?” The determination in his voice was the sexiest thing Darren had ever heard. His hands trembled as he slipped out of his own clothes at the edge of the woods. His wolf was already clawing and whining to break free, even though his human nature was vying for dominance at the sight of Zander’s bare torso. His muscle flexed invitingly as he peeled off his shirt and stepped out of his jeans. Every part of the man was pure perfection and Darren hungered to taste him the way he once had, but the mark had to be completed first.

He had once feared giving himself wholly to another person, but the longer that control remained his own, the more incomplete he felt.

Zander shifted first. His gray wolf was even larger than Darren remembered, and it had bulked up even before the Alpha had gone through his second growth spurt. The wolf’s golden eyes shone with invitation as they met his mate’s, and Darren took a deep breath as he felt the grass beneath his feet. He rarely shifted in the city, but it felt good to take the form he’d run in so often with the others as a youth. Most omegas couldn’t shift until they met their mate or reached a certain age, but the iron will Darren had once possessed had always made the shift easier for him to access.

As he ran with Zander, he started to feel like he was that person he’d lost so long ago. He knew the tradition was for an omega to run from his Alpha, but he’d already done enough of that for one lifetime. Running at Zander’s side had always been his favorite thing in the world, and as the night air ruffled his fur, the ground firm yet welcoming beneath his feet, it was the first time he’d felt like he had actually come home.

It was well past dark when they finally started running and the full moon was high overhead. Darren could hear its call like a soothing voice in the wind. They came to a stop on a hillside that felt close to the pack, even though they’d been running for hours. Zander had probably kept them in a loop around the territory so they wouldn’t go too far.

When Darren turned to face the larger wolf, Zander was already watching him. A wolf’s eyes were capable of expressing as much as a human’s words, sometimes more. In that instance, there was no doubting that the love that had bloomed between them so easily in their youth hadn’t faded despite all Darren had put it through.

The smaller black wolf nudged his mate and licked his cheek before lying down to expose his neck. Zander curled up beside him, warm and comforting. He nuzzled Darren’s neck in return before placing the second mating bite and dropped his head over Darren’s when it was done to keep him close.

The second bite hurt much more than the first, but as Darren felt their bond solidify, it seemed a small price to pay.