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Darren's Second Chance: MPREG Shifter Romance (Great Plains Shifters Book 2) by L.C. Davis (24)

Chapter 25


Zander hadn’t gotten the chance to be there the first time his mate had gone into labor, so he spent the two weeks prior to Darren’s due date obsessively fixating on every sign that the omega might be ready. He was pretty sure Darren was going to kill him if he didn’t give birth soon, but when the omega finally experienced his first contraction at the art festival in town, there was no doubting it. Darren’s grip on his hand was enough to snap a few bones, at least.

“We need to go,” the omega said with a sense of calm urgency.

“Now? This is it?” Zander asked, torn between excitement and panic. Bobby was still at school, and while Samantha and Christopher could pick him up, their overnight bag was still at the house all the way across the pack by the door.

“Yep,” Darren said, wincing as he held his round belly. “Definitely it.”

“I’ll call the doctor,” Zander said, dialing her number with one hand as he helped Darren over to a chair. “Remember what she said about the breathing.”

“Yeah, I got it,” Darren said through gritted teeth.

“Zander? Darren, what’s wrong?”

Zander could see Caleb coming towards them through the crowd with a worried look on his face.

“He’s in labor,” Zander said, wondering why it was taking the doctor so long to pick up before he realized he’d dialed the wrong number in his haste.

“Oh, wow,” Caleb said, turning to Darren. He took the other omega’s hand and looked him over. “How far apart are the contractions?”

“Not far… I didn’t think they were contractions at first, I just thought I ate something weird.”

Caleb cocked an eyebrow. “And this is your second time?”

“Bobby was an emergency C-section, I didn’t get to this po—ahh,” he cried.

Zander felt another wave of panic. “What do I do?”

“Call the doctor,” Darren gritted out.

“Right,” Zander said, dialing the right number this time. Once she promised she’d have a room ready, he hung up and looked around. “I should go get the car. Caleb, can you —?”

“I’ve got him, just go,” Caleb said, already coaching his friend through his breathing exercises. Somehow, he remembered them even though Zander had taken notes in the class they’d attended just that week.

The Alpha rushed across the parking lot, taking out a few directional signs on the way. By the time he pulled the car up, Caleb was helping Darren over to the curb. Zander was grateful to have their mutual friend along for the ride to the hospital, because as much as he’d longed for that day and planned studiously for it, now that it was actually happening, he didn’t have a damn clue what he was doing.

Dr. Sharan came to meet them at the curb and helped Darren into a wheelchair while Zander parked. Even though the small clinic lot was far from packed, it seemed to take all of eternity. Zander rushed down the hall and only realized he’d passed the right room when he heard Caleb calling.

“In here!”

Zander doubled back and rushed to his mate’s side, squeezing Darren’s hand. He looked over at Dr. Sharan as she came into the room. “Is he okay?”

“I just got here, but given that this is my hundredth delivery, give or take, I’d say he’s fine,” she said dryly. “How far apart are the contractions?”

“Four minutes,” Caleb said with a sigh.

The doctor blinked. “Okay, so baby’s in a hurry.” She eyed Zander. “Is he going to be a problem?”

“No, I want him in here,” Darren said, squeezing his hand tighter. Zander wasn’t sure he’d be able to use it once the labor was through, but he was glad he could do something to help, even if it was only being a human stress ball and giving Darren words of reassurance as he pushed through the next contraction.

As much of a hurry as their daughter seemed to be in at first, she took her time making her debut to the world. When she finally did arrive, wailing indignantly long after the nurses had cleaned her up and wrapped her in a soft pink blanket, Victoria seemed more of a fitting name than ever. She certainly had the voice of a queen.

“She’s beautiful,” Caleb said softly, touching Zander’s shoulder. “I’m so proud of you both.”

Zander smiled as their friend left the room along with the doctor and her nurses. He’d always wondered what he would feel the moment he held his daughter in his arms, but nothing had prepared him for the pure contentment he felt with one look in those eyes. Bobby had Darren’s eyes, and she had his. Neither of them could have been more perfect, but considering the omega who’d brought them into the world, Zander would have expected nothing less.

“Hey there, Tori,” he cooed, rocking her in his arms as he sat next to Darren on the bed. “Welcome to the world, baby girl.”

“Took her time getting here,” Darren teased, resting his head on Zander’s shoulder.

“She was fashionably late,” Zander laughed.

“She sounds like she’s gonna get along well with her grandma.”

“You’re amazing. You know that?” Zander asked, gazing down at his mate in adoration.

“Must be if you love me.” Darren’s eyes danced. He was drenched in sweat, red-faced and exhausted, but he was still the most beautiful sight Zander had ever seen.

“Always,” the Alpha said, leaning down to nuzzle his mate’s cheek. Loving Darren had never really been a choice. He’d tried to make the opposite choice enough times to know that, but through it all, the pain and the heartache, his heart had never given up. Now that he knew what it was like to have everything it had promised him and held onto so fiercely over the years, he knew why. Nothing and no one could ever give him the kind of peace that came with having the other half of his soul come home.