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Decadence After Dark: The Complete Collection (Dark Romance box set) : Owned, Claimed, Ruined, Lie With Me, Elicit (Decadence After Dark ) by M Never (40)

I DON’T THINK ELLIE AND I have been laying down for more than five minutes when I hear my cell phone beep. Three distinct chimes that communicate a problem.

“Kayne? What is that?” Ellie stirs.

The chimes sound again as I grab my pants off the floor and fish my phone out of the pocket.

“Nothing. Go to back to sleep,” I say urgently, but when I turn to look at her, she’s sitting up, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Sleep doesn’t seem like much of an option at the moment.

I stand up and dial a secure number, waiting impatiently to be connected. “Sundial enterprises,” a woman’s robotic voice answers.

“Seven AM on the eastern shore,” I reply.

“Pin, please.”



“Havok with a K.”


I glance back at Ellie. “Elizabeth Ann.”

“Confirmed. Hold for patch.”

“Kayne?” Juice’s voice comes through.

“What’s up?”

“We have a security breach.”

“What kind?”

“Someone’s hacked Endeavor’s classified server.”

“What does that mean?”

“The identities of all operatives, handlers, informants, and analysts have been compromised.”


“Yeah. The bosses are on a rampage. They’re calling in everyone that they can. They want them secure, which means your fun in the sun is over.”

“Shit.” My heart beats riotously.

“Sorry, man.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“Be in the air within an hour. I’ll check back then.”


The call ends.

“Everything okay?” The voice that can cut through my darkest nightmares fills the room.

“No. Get up. We have to go.”

“Now?” She clutches the sheet to her chest.

“Yes. Grab only what you need. Everything else will be packed and shipped later.”

A moment later my phone rings again.

“Yeah,” I snap.

“I’ve called ahead. The plane will be ready,” Jett informs me. There are no formalities now, only protocol and procedure.

“We’ll meet you at the boat. Ten.”



I rush Ellie around the room. She changes into a sundress and comfortable shoes. I throw on shorts, a hat, and a t-shirt and set up a ride to the lobby with Matias.

Making sure we both have all the essentials, we vacate the bungalow and our private escape.

“Kayne?” Ellie asks worried as we walk outside. I know she’s scared and confused and wants answers, but I just can’t give her any at the moment.

“Not now, okay?” I squeeze her hand. “We’ll talk about everything later.”

She nods as we climb into the golf cart.

“Book it. We have a plane to catch,” I tell Matias, and he takes off, flooring the cart as fast as it can go. I think the thing only tops out at fifteen miles per hour.

Almost exactly ten minutes later to the second, we pull up to the lobby and the long dock housing multiple white boats. I spot Jett readying one near the end.

“I’m sorry your stay had to end so abruptly,” Matias says to us once we’re out of the cart.

“Yes. It is disappointing.” I quickly pull out a wad of cash. “Your service was impeccable.” I hand it to him.

“Thank you, Monsieur.”

“De rien.”

You’re welcome.

I glance around us as I lead Ellie to the boat. She hasn’t stopped crushing my hand since we left.

The speedboat looks to be a thirty-footer with a dark-blue canopy. It’s nothing flashy but will fit the four of us comfortably.

I help Ellie onto the boat then jump in after her, still keeping a sharp eye on our surroundings.

“Ready?” Jett turns on the ignition and the engine purrs.

“Yup.” I untie the two ropes anchoring us to the dock and push off.

“Hang on. This is going to be a quick ride,” Jett says as we get out into open water. Then he pulls the throttle and the boat speeds through the glassy water, throwing Ellie and London back in their chairs and jolting me on my feet.

I hear a groan and look over to see London with her head on Ellie’s lap.

“What’s wrong with you?” I ask as Ellie strokes her hair.

“She’s hung over. Hasn’t stopped puking all morning,” Jett informs me.

That sucks.

“There’s ginger ale on the plane,” I tell her, like that’s supposed to help.

She makes a face. “I don’t think I can even keep liquids down. I am never drinking again.”

“I think I’ve heard you say that three times on this trip.” Jett laughs behind the wheel. He’s wearing a baseball cap, mirrored sunglasses and looks like he’s a born captain in boat shoes and chino shorts.

“That’s because I’ve been sick almost every morning that I’ve been here. You’re trying to kill me,” she accuses him.

“Oh, that’s right, blame me.” Jett laughs. “I was the one pouring martinis down your throat.”

“I hate you sometimes.” She snuggles closer to Ellie.

“I love you all the time,” he replies.

Ellie and I smirk at each other during London and Jett’s little exchange. Of all the women I’ve seen Jett with—and it’s been a lot—he’s never had a rapport with any of them like he does with London.

We dock the boat and hurry the girls along.

“Ellie, this way,” I tug on her hand when she veers toward the main entrance of Motu Mute airport. We enter through a side service door in order to lay low, and then walk straight out onto the runway.

“Don’t we need tickets?” she asks confused.

“Not this time, baby.” Our private jet is already waiting with the doors open.

“This yours?”

“Mine and Jett’s. It’s smaller than our old one but it gets the job done.”

“Old one?” She raises her eyebrows.

I nod. “Liquidated.”

“Oh.” She then understands. We had to get rid of everything that tied us to our undercover op, including the G600 I loved.

“Mr. Andrews. Mr. Collins,” the captain greets us once were safely inside.

“Henry.” He’s an older man with gray hair and a crisp white uniform. He’s also an ex-fighter pilot and employed by Endeavor.

“Please sit down and buckle up. The runway is clear, I plan to have us in the air in ten minutes.”

“Sounds good.” Jett and I both shake his hand.

“Also, comms are set up in the back.”

“Very good.” We take our seats. I strap Ellie in next to me. Jett does the same to a sickly looking London. I wonder idly if she’s going to throw up during takeoff.

I watch a curious Ellie inspect the interior of the plane decorated in a cool beige and glossy wooden accents.

Without delay, the jet roars to life and the interior lights flash.

“Stand by for taxi.” Henry’s voice comes on over the loudspeaker.

Ellie grabs my hand. “Are you afraid of flying?” I ask her.

“Only when under duress.”

“It’ll be fine.” I try to assure her. “The safest place is in the air.”

“If you say so.” The plane begins to roll.

After we are at thirty thousand feet, Jett and I leave the girls up front and head to the back of the plane where a laptop is all set up for use.

With one hit of a button, we’re connected to Juice.

“Yo.” His face pops up on the screen.

“Yo, yourself. Any updates?” Jett asks him.

“Nada. Endeavor is working to find out who the hacker is, but nothing yet.”

“Do you think this has any connection with our visitors on Oahu?” I question.

“There has been no identifiable connection.” He swivels in his chair, “But I don’t think they’re ruling anything out.”

“Fuckin’ great.” I run my hand through my hair. I glance up and see Ellie and London sitting together. London’s head resting on Ellie’s shoulder; it seems they’ve become quite comfortable with each other.

“I’ll check in if anything changes. For now, just sit back, relax, and enjoy the friendly skies,” Juice says, tossing a small basketball up over his head like he’s pretending to shoot.

“Roger that.” I snap the laptop closed and suck in a breath. Relax? Yeah, right. It feels like the universe is out to get me. Not one hiccup in twelve months, then BAM—this happens. Just when my life feels like it’s finally coming together.

“I’m going to check on London. I’ll send Ellie back.” Jett taps my shoulder as he stands.

I nod, sliding down a black hole of despair.

“Kayne?” I hear Ellie’s concerned voice and look up. “Where were you?”

I just shake my head. “Someplace you don’t need to worry about.” I put my hand out to her. She takes it and slips onto my lap, curling up like the kitten she is.

“You’re tense,” she says concerned.

“I call it more alert,” I clarify.

“Do you know what’s going on?”

“No, not entirely. Not yet.”

“Will you have to go away once you do?” She looks up at me with troubled green eyes.

I want to tell her no, that I’ll never leave her side, but I can’t guarantee that. At the moment, I can’t guarantee anything, and it sucks.

“I don’t know, Ellie.”

She hugs me securely. “All that time I was with you, do you know when I was most scared?”


“When Javier had that gun to your head. I just remember thinking this man is going to take you away and destroy me right on the spot.”

“Ellie, stop—”

“I know this is your job,” she keeps speaking despite my protest, “and that you’re proud of what you do. I just want you to know I’m proud of you, too. No matter what happens. I’m proud to love you.”

“Ellie,” my voice wavers, and my chest aches.

“I just wanted you to know.” She rubs her nose against my chin. “I wouldn’t change one second of our past. It helped shape who we are. And I really love us.”

“I really love us, too.” I bury my face in her neck and crush her against me.

I hold Ellie in my arms until her eyes close and she’s breathing heavily. It’s no wonder she crashed hard. The last forty-eight hours have been demanding, so to speak. Yet, in true Ellie fashion, she surprises me with her fearlessness, her resilience, and her buoyancy. Now more than ever, I’m convinced this woman was made specifically for me.

She’s my sanity, and my reason, and my glue. I’m seven broken pieces of a fucked up man, held together solely because of her.

“Sleep, baby.” I kiss her forehead, preparing for whatever danger may come my way.

“WHERE ARE WE GOING?” ELLIE asks as we drive down Kalakaua Avenue in Waikiki. The day, like always, is perfect. Tourists fill the streets, the beach is crowded with sunbathers, and the water active with surfers.

“Home. As soon as possible.” A disgusted—not to mention shirtless—Jett answers.

“I said I was sorry,” London grumbles in the fetal position next to him. “The landing was bumpy.”

“The landing wasn’t that bumpy. And I know you’re sorry. It’s not your fault.” Jett pets her head.

I feel sorry for London; she’s miserable. But I wish I had a camera when she threw up on Jett. His face was priceless. I would have blown it up and stuck it on a billboard.

“Where is home, anyway?” Ellie asks with a raised eyebrow.

I lean over her and point out the window to a high rise. “The tallest one.”

“Why does that not surprise me?” she quips.

I grin duplicitously. “Part appearance, part necessity, part selfish desire.”

Ellie rolls her eyes at me. “Is that your excuse for everything?”

“I find it covers all bases,” I reply as we pull onto a side road, and then into an underground garage.

“Good thing we live someplace tropical,” Jett comments as he helps London out of the limousine.

The air is cooler in the garage, but still comfortable enough to get away with limited clothing.

The four of us step into the marble elevator, and I hit the code for PH36. We’re then whooshed up thirty-six floors to the penthouse Jett and I share.

The doors open to a large foyer with colored orchids etched on the mirrors and a light wooden floor. Jett exits with London first and unlocks the front door.

Ellie and I follow close behind.

“Oh.” Ellie does a slow pirouette as we walk through the apartment. “This is . . .” she seems to be at a loss for words.

“Nice?” I answer for her.


The condominium is a split-level with an open floor plan and one hundred, eighty-degree views of Diamond Head, Koolau Mountains, and the Pacific Ocean. Cherry wood frames the two-story French windows encasing the ultra-modern decor. Clean lines and dark accents make it a vast contradiction to the mansion we lived in on the East Coast.

“Come on. I’ll show you the rest of the house later. We need to check in first.” I take her hand and lead her through the kitchen.

“Bye, Ellie,” London croaks behind us.

“Feel better,” Ellie replies as Jett helps London climb miserably up the stairs.

“I’ll be right there,” Jett tells me.

“I really feel bad for her,” Ellie pouts. “Maybe she has food poisoning?”

“Maybe? I’m sure if she doesn’t start feeling better, Jett will take her to the doctor. He isn’t one to make a woman suffer. At least not in the sickly way.” I wink.

“Seriously, the two of you.”

“The two of us, what?” I ask defensively.

“Are terrible.”

“So terrible both you and London are madly in love with us?”

“Brainwashed is more like it.” She teases.

I shrug. “Whatever works.” I drop a kiss on her lips then place all five of my fingertips on a mirror hanging on the back wall of the condo. A moment later a pair of pocket doors slide open.

Ellie’s gasp is all I need to hear to know I’ve made an impression.

“You have an arsenal in your apartment,” she says as we walk into the secret room. Every wall is decorated with some kind of specialized firearm—submachine guns, assault rifles, breaching shotguns, sniper rifles.

“We like to call it the Toy Box.” Juice spins in his chair and stands up. “Welcome home,” he shakes my hand.

“Thanks. Wish it was under different circumstances.”

“You? I know you.” Ellie interrupts us, examining Juice closely.

“Ma’am,” he says with a smile, which sparks her recognition.

“The driver?” She looks up at me.

“Well, I couldn’t just send anyone to pick up my precious cargo.”

“You work for him?” she asks Juice.

He laughs boastfully. “I work with him,” he corrects her. “And I’m CJ, by the way.” He puts his hand out.

Ellie takes it graciously. “It’s nice to formally meet you.”

“You, too.”

A moment later the door opens and Jett appears. “Did I miss anything?” He walks in donning a new shirt.

“Just introductions,” I tell him.

“How is London feeling?” Ellie asks him.

“Still not great, but she’s resting.”


“Maybe you can go keep her company,” I suggest, glancing at Jett, “while we work.”

Ellie catches on immediately. “Oh. Yes. Of course. I need to charge my phone anyway. I have a bunch of calls to make.” She starts backing up.

“Who do you have to call?” I follow her, opening the door so she can get back into the apartment.

“My mom. My sister. Mark. Michael.”

“Michael?” I step out after her, possessiveness flaring.

“Yeah. I just picked up and left. I sort of owe him an explanation.”

“You don’t owe him jack shit, Ellie,” I snap.

“Kayne. Don’t be ridiculous. He’s my friend.”

“He’s a guy you were fucking,” I snarl.

“Keep your voice down!” she hisses, her stare glacial. “We had a relationship, yes. But that’s over now. I at least have to tell him why.”

“And what exactly are you going to tell him?” I ask warily.

“As much of the truth as possible.”

“Which is?”

“You want me to recite what I’m going to say?” she asks confounded.


“Fine. I haven’t really thought about it, but it will probably go something like this. I dated this guy. He was a total douchebag. I thought it was over, but apparently it’s not.”


“Does he know anything about said douchebag?” I ask irritably, my hand twitching. She’s going to get so punished for calling me that.

“No. I never said anything. I never even uttered your name. I was told I could land in jail if anyone found out about you or the operation,” she says bitterly.

As much as it kills me to hear her say that, I’m relieved.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go break up with my boy toy.” She starts to storm off and then stops. “Where the fuck am I going?” she huffs annoyed.

“My room is upstairs. Last door on the left.”

She doesn’t even turn to look at me, just stomps away.


I walk back into the Toy Box nearly pulling out my hair.

“Trouble in paradise?” Jett asks. I want to punch him in his sarcastic mouth.

“Just a hiccup.” I plop down in one of the black leather rolling chairs.

“Women, like cheap wine, can give you a headache,” Jett offers his two cents.

“They also, like cheap wine, can make you drunk and horny,” Juice adds.

I rub my temples. These two are not helping.

The thought of Ellie even talking to that guy has me wanting to put my fist through a window.

“Relax. Ellie isn’t doing anything to hurt you. If anything, she’s cutting ties so nothing is stopping the two of you from being together. She’s a very well brought up girl. She has morals and family values. You’re going to have to step up your game,” Jett says entertained. He’s eating this up; me and my domestic issues.

I just glare at him. “How would you feel if London was conversing with one of her exes?”

“Me? I’d gut him with a fishhook. But we’re not talking about me.”

“Five minutes in your presence and I’m reminded why I elect to stay single.” Juice laughs, tossing that stupid basketball in the air. I stand up and grab it, then squash it with my bare hands. It screams while it dies. I feel much better.

Juice gasps. “You just killed Wilson. He was my only friend.”

“You need to get out more.” I toss the flat basketball back at him.

He catches it. “I would, but the two of you keep me chained to this desk like a slave.”

I freeze, and Jett blanches. “Don’t ever fucking say that around Ellie,” I bark, about to rip his throat out. “Even if it is a joke.”

“Okay.” Juice puts his hands up. “I think we need to take a step back. Everyone’s tensions are running a little high.”

I take a deep breath. I haven’t kicked the crap out of anything or anyone in nearly two weeks. I thought sex would sate me, but apparently that’s not the case. I need to make someone bleed.

I didn’t realize how difficult it was going to be sharing Ellie with the people in her life. I think I might be totally screwed.

Like I’ve said before, I’ve never really been good at sharing.

“Why don’t you brief us on any updates,” Jett suggests.

Juice shakes his head. “There aren’t any. It’s been nothing but radio silence. We just have to lay low and wait for word.”


“I’m going to check on Ellie then.” I push out my chair.

“Go smooth things over?” Juice digs.

“Shut up or I’m going to smooth cement over your face while you’re still breathing.”

“So hostile.” He heckles me.

“Isn’t he?” Jett agrees.

“Fuck you both.” I storm out of the room. I need to either fuck, run, or slam the shit out of a punching bag real soon.

I climb the stairs quickly and quietly, silently making my way down the hall. The door to my room is slightly ajar and when I peek in, I see Ellie sitting on the floor, looking out the wall of windows with the phone to her ear.

“The Starbucks on the corner in an hour? . . . Yes, I’ll explain everything. That’s why I want to see you . . . I know, I’m sorry I up and left like that, but I needed to . . . Okay . . . yeah, okay, bye.”

I watch her for several long seconds before I push the door open. “Going somewhere?” My voice vibrates and Ellie jumps.

“Were you listening to my conversation?” she asks annoyed.

“Yes.” I lean against the doorframe and cross my arms.

“That’s rude.”

“I was never taught manners.”

“I find that hard to believe.” She stands up. “You just pick and choose when to use them.”

I try, but fail miserably, to stop an evil smile from spreading across my lips. ”You’re mad at me.”

“You’re acting like a jealous asshole.”

“I am a jealous asshole.” I walk into the room.

“There’s nothing to be jealous of,” she responds steadfastly as she watches me approach her. “You’re the one I want. You’re the one I’m marrying.” She holds up her hand and shows me the ring.

“I know.” I take her hand in mine. “That doesn’t mean I don’t feel threatened. It doesn’t mean I won’t always worry about some guy trying to steal you away. Or you getting tired or frustrated or fed up with me. I told you I wasn’t perfect, that I’d make mistakes. I always knew I’d have to share you at some point, I just wasn’t prepared for it to happen so fast.”

“You don’t have to share me. I’m yours.”

“That’s not true. You have a life and friends and goals and dreams. I have four walls, a dangerous job, and you. That’s it. That’s my entire world. Three entities.”

“What about Jett? He’s part of your life.”

“For how long? He has London. He wants to get out. I can’t lean on him forever.”

“You don’t have to, you have me.” She grabs my shirt and looks up at me.

“Prove that’s true and don’t go. Blow him off.”

She shakes her head. “I have to go. I have to do this. For my peace of mind. I won’t be able to live with the guilt. Michael has been a good friend to me. He was there when I needed someone.”

“I would have been there for you.”

“I know. But I was so mad at you, it wouldn’t have helped.”

“I could always lock you in my room and force you to stay.”

“You could, but I don’t think that would be very healthy for our new relationship, do you?”

“No. But it would be fun.” I slide my hands down her back and grab both of her butt cheeks. “Mine.”

“Yes, yours, and nothing’s going to change that. I’m ruined.”

I snap my head back and look at her. “Ruined?”

“Yes. You ruined me.”

“Ruined you how?” I ask in a panic.

“You ruined me for all other men. So you can scratch someone stealing me away off your list.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. I’ve always worried that Ellie’s time as my captive did ruin her somehow. That I ruined her somehow. But if the worst side effect was ruining her for other men, I can definitely live with that.

“Don’t go,” I press her again.

“I’ll be two blocks away and gone for an hour.”

I bite my tongue and refrain from demanding her to stay. Refrain from tying her up and gagging her while she’s locked up tight behind closed doors.

“You know I have other ways to persuade you to stay.” I press her up against the window and slip my hand under her dress.

“Yes.” She goes up on her toes as I caress her clit over her soft cotton underwear. “Kayne.”

“What?” I rasp.

“Don’t.” She grabs my wrist.

“Are you saying no to me, Ellie?”

I slide my middle finger under the fabric and straight into her pussy.

“Yes,” she moans, “I’m saying no.”

“You can’t.”

“What?” she gasps as I finger her.

“As long as that necklace is wrapped around your throat, I own you. Wherever, whenever. You’re mine. And I want you right here, right now.”


“Are you disobeying me, Ellie?”


“Do I have to show you what happens to bad kittens who disobey?”

“Yes.” Her eyes smolder with defiance.

“Tell me to stop,” I dare her.

“Stop,” she says sternly.

As soon as the word leaves her lips I pull her across the room and slam her on top of the red wooden dresser.

“Beg me. Beg me to stop.”

She squirms beneath me, trying to kick and punch, but I force her legs open and grind my erection right between her thighs. “That’s going to be inside of you in two seconds whether you want it or not,” I snarl in her ear as all the pent-up aggression of the morning brews like a hurricane inside me.

“No!” she screams, but I can smell her arousal like perfume in the air. She wants it.

“Fight me all you want. I’m still going to fuck you.” I wrap one hand around her neck and pin her against the large square mirror behind her. A small, scared whimper escapes from her, doing nothing but urging me on. I swiftly pull down my shorts, springing my throbbing erection free with Ellie still flailing, but her fight is diminishing. She wants me. Wants this. Wants me to take her, possess her, rule over her. I can see the carnal desire flashing in her bright green eyes. With my free hand, I slide her panties over and thrust into her in one rapid blow. She nearly climbs the wall as she cries out.

“I know that’s good, baby. I know you love it.” I push her skirt up and pull the top of her dress down so she’s as exposed as possible. “Watch me fuck you. Watch me fuck you so you never forget who owns this pussy,” I slam into her again, jerking her back, “or this mouth,” I swipe my thumb across her lower lip then place it back over her jugular. “Or this body.” I grab her breast until she moans in pain.

“Watch.” I clasp her neck a little tighter. Gasping, she lowers her eyes as I feed my cock into her starving little cunt, over and over.

“I know you like that. I know you love to watch. I remember how wet it makes you.”

She whimpers as I relentlessly slide in and out of her, making sure she feels the entire length of my erection. From this angle, I can see how much bigger I truly am compared to her. From my height to my muscle mass to the way my cock stretches her to the max. She has to strain just to take me all in.

“Kayne,” she mewls as her pussy tightens, begging for it. I have her exactly where I want her. Legs high and wide, upper body subdued, airway compressed. She’s fundamentally the twisted little sex toy she agreed to be.

Ellie’s breathing quickens and her knuckles turn white from gripping the edge of the dresser as she frenziedly saturates my cock with her arousal.

“Please,” she fights to speak.

“Please what?” I continue my assault on her body, the dresser shaking violently.

“Please may I come?”

“Why the fuck are you asking me? You clearly do whatever you want.”

I thrust into her again, finally shattering her to pieces. She expels a strangled scream as she comes, my cock glistening, greased by her arousal.

“Fuck,” I grind out as my dick swells to the point the buildup is almost unbearable. Right before I blow a load, I lean over and hiss in her ear, “I may not have you locked away, but you’re still my slave, still my possession, and one thing will never change. Everywhere I touch you, inside and out, will always be mine.” I pound into her one last time still clutching her neck and fucking explode, a river of ecstasy flowing over my bones.

The moments after are fuzzy as I float down from the ceiling like a piece of burning ember. I open my eyes to find Ellie limp and wheezing beneath me.

I have no words or explanation for what just happened. So I just haul her up and take her into my arms. Languidly, she hugs me back.

“Ellie?” I whisper worriedly.

“Yup,” she answers drily. “Definitely ruined.”

I actually chuckle and then steal a glance at her face. Her eyes are closed and her cheek is resting on my shoulder.

“You okay?” My heart is beating uncontrollably in my chest from a mix of physical exertion and fear. I’ll never stop worrying that one day I’ll take it too far. Push her over the edge and drive her away.

She nods. “Yes. And I’m still going.”

Now I full-out laugh. “I know.”

“Good. That was fucking amazing,” she says lethargically.

“I was worried I was pushing too hard.”

“No such thing,” she giggles.

“I love you.” I can’t help but say the words.

“I love you, too.” She squeezes me. “Too much for my own good.”

“No such thing,” I repeat.

She nestles herself against me. “I need a shower.”

“Not a chance in hell. You’re going with my scent and sweat and cum inside of you.”

“Fine,” she relents. I really just think she’s too spent to argue. “See, we can compromise.”

“I have a feeling we’re going to be doing a lot of compromising.” I shift so I can look down at her.

Ellie nods eagerly in agreement. “And I can’t wait.”

“You’re a little minx, you know that?” I kiss her nose.

“I’d be boring if I wasn’t.”

“True. I also have a feeling you’re going to make me go prematurely gray.”

“Ooo. I love older men.”

I pick her up and whack her ass as she wraps her legs around my waist. “I’m not that much older.”

“Says you. You’re in your late twenties.”

“Ugh.” I groan as I lay us on the bed and cuddle Ellie in my arms. “I’m going to spank the shit out of you later for saying that. And for calling me a douchebag.”

“I’ll make sure to be extra bad, then,” she purrs.

I have created a monster.

“When I get back, I think we should go shopping online,” she says.

“For what?”

“Ears and a tail.” She looks up at me with just her eyes like she’s a little embarrassed and a lot excited by the idea. “So I can prove to you how much I love you and how much you own me.”

“Fuck, baby, you better be careful about what you say.” I grab my now rapidly growing cock. “There might be round two.”

The picture of Ellie naked, wearing ears, a tail, and a collar has just relaunched my arousal.

“Save it for later.”

“Are you telling me what to do?” I challenge her.

“No, Kayne,” she hums.

“I didn’t think so.” I smack her ass.

ELLIE AND I DON’T GET much downtime. Before I know it, she’s out of bed, fixing her clothes and re-braiding her hair.

“Do you have a toothbrush I can use?” she asks.

“Why? Plan on kissing someone?” I ask petulantly.

“Eventually,” she taunts. I know she’s talking about me, but still, she’s spending the next hour with another man. It’s bothering me. “I’m going out in public. I care about my personal hygiene.”

“Bathroom.” I point behind me to the door.

Ellie skips past me and my annoyance grows. Does she have to be so damn cheerful?

I drag myself out of bed and change my clothes as Ellie attends to her personal hygiene concerns. At least she agreed not to shower. I’ll bathe her later, and spank her, and fuck her, all over again.

I walk out of my closet to find Ellie checking herself in the mirror one last time. I step behind her and put one hand on her hip. In the reflection, we look like any ordinary, run of the mill couple. She, dressed casually in a light-blue sundress and sneakers, me in my favorite pair of worn jeans and black t-shirt. But appearances can be deceiving. I know that better than anyone.

We aren’t ordinary, and we aren’t run of the mill. We’re . . . us. Just like Ellie said. I never thought I’d be part of an us. I now understand why I was so easily provoked. The thought of losing us strangles me with fear.

Ellie and I walk hand in hand down the stairs. I don’t know if it’s my paranoia or my possessive side, but something in me just doesn’t want her to go.

I try to ignore it. I tell myself I’m being overprotective and irrational. Ellie is a big girl, and big girls do what they want. Unfortunately for me.

“Can you give me the key to your apartment? I want to start having some of your things brought over,” I ask her as we reach the last stair.


“Yeah, things. Like clothes and whatever.”

“Am I moving in?” she asks.



“Yes, Ellie. You’re my fiancée, and I’m not going to spend another night without you for as long as I live.” I put my hand out for the key.

“Don’t you think you should ask Jett if it’s okay? He lives here, too, right?” She digs through her purse and pulls out a key ring.

I look at her like don’t be ridiculous. “Jett would never say no. He’ll probably want to have a pajama party tonight.”

Ellie laughs. “You mean there’d actually be pajamas?”

“Yes, and I’m sure they’d be highly inappropriate.” Ellie hands me the key. “Is there anything in particular you want?” I place it in my pocket.

“My toothbrush.” She smiles.

“I’ll buy you a case so you never run out.”

“You spoil me.” She lifts onto her toes to kiss me.

“You have no idea.” I back her up against the wall. I really don’t want her to go.

“I’ll be back in an hour,” she breathes heavily.

“Exactly sixty minutes,” I stipulate, “or I’m coming down there and dragging you home myself.”

“I might like that.”

“Ellie.” I bite her lip. “Behave.”

“Yes, Kayne.”

The way she says that sends tingles down my spine and blood pumping straight to my cock. I once dreamed of hearing Ellie say that of her own free will. Of belonging to me—not because she was forced, but because she wanted me. It was the first time I ever let myself wish for anything. She was the first thing I ever wanted in my entire life, and I finally have her. I imagine this feeling is similar to winning the lottery. Amazement, bewilderment, joy. Joy. Such a foreign concept for me, yet so easily accepted when I’m with her.

“I’ll see you in an hour.” She kisses me one last time, but before she turns the knob, I stop her.

“Wait,” I put my hand on the door. “Just wait right here.”

I leave her standing in the foyer and head back into the Toy Box where Jett and Juice are still hanging out.

“Do we have any Jimmies?” I ask Juice. “Like really small ones?”

“In the cabinet,” he points to the right, “second drawer.”

“What do you need that for?” Jett asks as I pull out what looks like a dark slate business card.

“You’ll see.” I hand it to Juice. “Activate it. I’ll tell you when to turn it on.”

Juice takes the card, punches a few numbers and letters into his computer, and hands it back. I pop out the tiny little chip from the cardboard and peel off the paper from the back. It’s so small you can barely decipher what it is on the tip of my finger.

I walk back out to Ellie, who is pacing the foyer. “Is everything okay?” she asks restlessly.

“As okay as it can be.” I tickle the heart dangling from her throat.

“Did I hurt you upstairs?”

“No. It was intense. A little scary. But fucking amazing. I know you’d never intentionally hurt me.” She smiles coyly. “No matter how mad I make you.”

“I warned you I was going to fuck you hard. But baby, I meant it when I said I would love you harder.” I trap her face with one hand.

“I know.” She melts against me as I lean down and kiss her. Her lips are warm and her breath is minty.

“Now go.” I land a hard blow on her behind. “When you get back, I’m chaining you to the bed and eating you for dinner.”

“Oh God,” she says, flustered with desire. “I’m going.”

“Just give the doorman your name when you get back,” I tell Ellie as she steps on the elevator. “You’ll be on the list.”

She grins and does a little sexy wave to acknowledge me just as the doors close. Then she’s gone.

And I’m completely miserable.

I head back into the Toy Box and plop down into a seat. Both Jett and Juice stare at me.

“What?” I ask defensively.

“Whatcha doing?” Jett asks.

“What does it look like I’m doing? Sitting down.”

“Where’s Ellie?”

“She went out.”

“To do what?” His eyebrows crease.

“Break up with her boy toy.”

“And you let her?” His tone elevates.

“Yeah. What do you think the jimmy was for?”

“You bugged your fiancée?”

“Well, I had to keep an eye, or ear, in this case, on her somehow. I know I couldn’t force her to stay.” Unfortunately.

“Don’t you think that’s a little . . . stalkerish?” Juice asks.

I glare at both of them. “There is an unidentified threat out there, and although it doesn’t seem to involve Ellie, I decided to play it safe anyway.”

“Translation,” Jett arbitrates, “I am insecure about my fiancée hanging out with another man, so I took it upon myself to eavesdrop.”

“Fuck you,” I spit. “If the two of you have such a problem with my moral turpitude, you can leave.”

Jett and Juice glance at each other decisively.

“I’ll get the popcorn.” Juice jumps up.

That’s what I thought.

Once gone, Jett swivels his chair so he’s looking directly at me. “You’ve come far, Grasshopper.”

I raise my eyebrows at him. Condescending cocksucker. “You do know I’m going to throw knives at your head while you’re sleeping tonight, right?”

“Good.” He runs his hand through his blond hair. “Take a little off the top. I’m due for a trim.”

“Ass—” Loud popping noises like gunshots suddenly echo from inside the apartment.

“Juice!?” We both yell as we jump up and grab the closest firearm in reaching distance. We hear more pops and then the smell of popcorn fills the air.

We glance at each other hesitantly, waiting a few moments before Juice reappears with a big bowl in one hand a bottle of soda in the other.

“Should I put my hands up?” he asks as he stares down the barrel of two semi-automatic handguns.

Jett and I both exhale.

“When you said popcorn, I thought you meant you were going to rip open a bag.”

“No way.” He sits back down in his captain’s chair. “This is first-class entertainment. It warrants the real stuff.” He pops a kernel into his mouth.

“Just turn the fucking thing on.” I uncock the gun, and then grab a handful of popcorn for myself.

A few seconds later, the sound of cars passing and Ellie humming plays through the room.

“Good acoustics,” Juice mouths.

I roll my eyes; idiot loves his gadgets.

She has to be close to the coffee house by now, if not there already.

There’s a low ringing noise, and then a muffled voice I recognize.

“You’ve reached Mark at Expo Shipping and Receiving. I’m sorry I missed your call but please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”


“Mark, you going to be really sorry you missed this call! I’ll only forgive you if you’re doing something really important, like Pretty Pete. Call me! I have to ask you something. Bye.”

Ask him something?

“Pretty Pete?” Juice asks with wide brown eyes.

I shrug. “He’s gay. It’s her old boss.”

“Ah.” He acknowledges, then goes back to munching on his popcorn.

A few moments after she hangs up, tires screech, there’s a sharp intake of breath, and then what sounds like a scuffle. I fly out of my seat when I hear Ellie scream ‘no!’ and a car door slam.


The sound of tires peeling out tears through the room, and then there’s just silence.

I barely remember making it down to the street—there’s just a faint recollection of Jett ordering me into the elevator because the stairs would take too long. We retrace Ellie’s steps with my mind in a panic. Someone took her. Someone took her again. I can’t think, I can’t see, as pedestrians and tourists knock me around. I feel like I’m caught in a wind tunnel.

“Kayne!” Jett calls a few yards away from me. He’s crouching by the curb on the corner. I walk over to him dazed. He stands up, holding Ellie’s necklace. “They grabbed her here.”

Those words slice through me like I’ve just been cut with a burning blade.

“And look.” He points to several spots. “Traffic cameras and ATM machines. Maybe they caught something.”

“They better fucking have.”

I’m shaking with rage by the time we get back to the Toy Box. Juice’s fingers are already flying as he hacks into every camera in the area.

“Anything?” I growl.

“Not yet. Give me a second.”

“Juice, fucking find something,” I snap.

“You yelling at me isn’t going to make the process go faster, so back the fuck off.” He concentrates on the screen.

“Kayne.” Jett pulls me back and I begin pacing like a lunatic. Who am I kidding, I am a lunatic. SOMEONE TOOK ELLIE! This is all my fault. I knew I shouldn’t have let her leave. I should have listened to my fucking gut. It’s the one thing that’s kept me alive the past twenty-eight years. I just gambled with, and lost, the most important thing in my life and these two want me stay fucking calm.

“Okay.” There are lots of different things popping up on Juice’s screen. “Look there,” he points to a few mismatched images lined up in a row. “Here she’s walking.” He points to her back. “Then here.” A car pulls up right in front of her just as she reaches the corner. It only takes a second, the picture is blurry, but there’s definitely two of them—one driving an old model sedan and the one who grabbed her. It literally took a split second to get her in the car and drive away.

My brain feels like it’s expanding in my skull from stress.

“Can we get a better picture of the car? Maybe a shot of the license plate?” Jett asks.

“Yup, found that.” Juice bangs on the keys. “It’s only a partial, but you can see the make, too. That’s huge.”

The letters FHK and MALIBU display across the big screen on the wall.

“I’m cross-referencing both identifiers in the DMV database and searching to see if there are any police reports about a stolen Malibu.”

The whole process feels like it takes forever. I know every second that ticks by is one more second our chance of finding Ellie diminishes.

“Okay,” Juice finally announces. “There are three potential hits on the car with that make and license plate letters. No reports of stolen vehicles.”


“Yeah, two in Honolulu and one in Ma’ili. I would try that one first.” He scribbles on a piece of paper and hands it to Jett.

“Why do you say that?” he asks.

“Ms. Kalani has a brother who was released from prison three months ago. Drug trafficking.” He cocks an eyebrow. “Her address is listed as his last known.”

I look at Jett. “Let’s go.”

THE ADDRESS JUICE GAVE US is a small farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. I think you can literally only fit a couch and a television in the rundown structure.

There are chickens and goats roaming the property, and the grounds are completely overgrown. If I was a douchebag drug smuggler, this is exactly where I would live.

I yank on the black leather gloves covering my hands, the ones with the brass knuckles sewn right into them.

“Ready?” Jett asks as he opens the car door.

“To break someone’s face? Hell yeah.”

“Hey,” he puts a hand on my chest. “Don’t kill him before he talks.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“We’re going to get her back.” I know what Jett is trying to do. He’s trying to appease me so I can focus, but I’ve never been more focused in my life.

“In what condition?” I mutter rhetorically. I’ve run through every horrific scenario possible. Beaten, raped, drugged, sold, killed. There isn’t one thing I’ve left out.

“You knock on the front door. I’ll go around back. Maybe we can snuff him out.”

“I know the drill.”

“Glad to hear. Now get the fuck out of the car.”

I walk up the front path overgrown with weeds as Jett makes his way to the side of the house. He clucks to get my attention right before I knock on the door.

“Car,” he mouths. It must be hidden in the back.

I nod, then bang on the door. “Anyone home?” I yell. “I seem to be lost. And my GPS isn’t working out here.” I try to sound like a tourist. “Hello?” I bang again.

A second later the door jerks open to a very large Hawaiian woman in a Muu Muu dress and flower in her hair. She takes one look at me in my skintight black shirt, cargo pants, and gun holster and knows I’m no tourist. She tries to slam the door in my face, but I stop her with my hand.

“Where’s Pilipo?”

“Never heard of him.”


“Kayne!” I hear Jett yell. “Coming around!”

I turn my head just in time to see someone disappearing into the woods. Perfect, a chase. It’s exactly what I need. My heart starts to punch through my chest as I book it across the front lawn and into the thick greenery. I can see his shaved head and tattooed arms fighting against the dense branches as I track him like an animal. I’m going to tear you apart is all I can think as adrenaline courses through my veins.

Just as I come up behind Pilipo, Jett barrels into him from the left side. They both hit the ground hard, rolling down a small hill. The medium-sized man ends up on top giving him the upper hand. He lands a hard blow across Jett’s face, causing him to spit blood.

A second later, I yank the piece of shit up and return the favor, smashing his nose.

“Where is she?” I bark.

“Who?” he screams back wiping blood from his face.

“The girl you took this morning.” I knee him in the stomach.

He keels over. “I don’t know nothing about any girl.” He looks up at me, and I immediately know he’s lying.

“Wanna try that answer again?” I kick him in the face, and he hits the ground hard.

“I don’t know shit.” He splutters, his mouth foaming with saliva and blood.

I glance at Jett. He’s standing on the opposite side of Pilipo. “I think he needs some incentive to talk.”

He looks up at me with blood stained teeth. “I couldn’t agree more.” Jett hauls Pilipo up and locks him in a full nelson. Arms subdued over his head.

Pilipo is sucking in air, and although he isn’t acting scared, I’m about to make him shit.

“I’m going to make this easy. I ask, you answer. Nod if you understand.”

He spits on me. I wipe my shirt. This job is so glamorous sometimes. “Okay, then. I’ll take that as a yes.” I pull a picture out of the side pocket on my leg. “Recognize her?”

Pilipo turns white as a ghost.

“That’s your daughter, yeah?”

He doesn’t say a word.

“She’s cute. Just turned four?” I taunt him.

He glares at me.

“Want someone to take her away?” I ask waving the picture of the little dark-haired girl blowing out her birthday candles.

His breathing becomes more erratic and his stare hostile.

“Tell me where you took her,” I lean in closer, “or I’m going to take her. We know a lot of the same people, brother, and what they’re capable of.”

He doesn’t utter a word, just snarls at me. I wait him out, but he doesn’t budge.

“Fine. Let him go,” I instruct Jett. “You just signed your daughter’s death sentence.” Jett drops him to the ground. “And I’ll make sure you never find her body.”

“Wait!” Pilipo punches the dirt. “Fuck. Swear you won’t touch her!”

“Give me the information I want and I’ll think about it,” I sneer.

He glowers at me on all fours. “An estate. In Kailua.”

“Who hired you to take her?” I grab his face.

“I don’t know his name! All I know is he calls himself Protégé and is trying to take over the cartel I used to run for.”

“Who’s cartel?” I demand.

“El Rey’s.”

I look at Jett.


WE LEFT PILIPO LYING IN a pool of his own blood.

I’m just ripping off my bloody glove when my phone rings. It’s Juice.

I put it on speaker as Jett drives down a muddy road back to the highway.

“What’s up?”

“Got news. We know who hacked Endeavor.”

“Who?” we ask.


“Simon? Like the Gatekeeper, Simon?” Jett questions.

“One and the same.” Juice confirms.

“Isn’t he supposed be the one protecting our classified information?”

“Yes, but he also doubles as a hacker. Turns out he’s been working an undercover mission of his own.”

“And no one knew about it?”

“Adams did.”

“Of course, he did,” I state aggravated. Commander Adams knows everything that goes on with Endeavor, he’s the fucking man behind the curtain. “He didn’t think to clue anyone else in?”

“Too dangerous. They wanted this guy. Bad.”

“Bad enough to let him think he was hacking one of the most powerful security agencies in the world?” Jett asks.

“So it seems. Simon had to lay low until all the information was transferred. Well, all the wrong information anyway.”

“So, no identities have been compromised?” I ask.

“None but the guy who hired Simon to hack us.”

“And that would be who exactly?” I inquire on the edge of my seat.

“That’s what I’m calling about. Kayne, you’re not going to like this. I’m sending a pic.”

A new message pops up on my screen.

“His name is Eduardo Sanchez or, as he’s known on the street, Protégé.”

“Protégé?” Jett and I repeat in unison as I open the text.

“Holy fucking shit.”

“What?” Jett glances tensely between me and the road as he drives. “What is it?”

I hold up my phone so he can see, all the blood draining from my body.

“It’s Michael.”




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