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Decadence After Dark: The Complete Collection (Dark Romance box set) : Owned, Claimed, Ruined, Lie With Me, Elicit (Decadence After Dark ) by M Never (93)

I SIT IN KAYNE’S LARGE leather office chair and watch the wall of monitors. For now, everything is how it should be.

There’s not one trace left from the massacre the other night and Ellie is still locked away safely in the dungeon. For how long? Only time will tell. She seems to be a bit of a spitfire. Kayne didn’t think she would last a day down there, and here we are, going on number three. We’ve luckily slid under the radar with all the chances we’ve taken. We haven’t had this much excitement in I can’t tell you how long. Hopefully, yesterday was the last of it. I don’t need any more red flags waving while Javier is here.

My attention snags on a monitor broadcasting London and Jenna crawling into bed. Little minxes.

I swear, London is so attached to Jenna I wouldn’t be surprised if we end up in a triad relationship. Not that I would mind. If London wants Jenna, she can have her. And with what she’s doing with those cherries right now, it’s clear she wants her very badly. Lucky little piece of fruit.

I sit back and enjoy the show while keeping my eye on everything else. Fuck, I could watch London eat pussy all day. I’m going to be hard enough to hammer nails by the time those two are done with each other. I rub my cock over my jeans as I watch the pleasure on Jenna’s face. Observe as she grips London’s hair and drops her knees, spreading her legs wider and wider. I nearly combust as my little bird makes her come. Every limb of her naked body shaking with ecstasy. The two are so fucking hot together they could burn the entire house down. My cock has its own heartbeat by the time they switch positions.

I have to stop touching myself as I watch. It’s too easy to just pull on my shaft and share in their desire. I want to save it all for tonight. All for the woman who enraptures me.

My muscles tense beneath my clothes as she squirms. As she lifts her legs and massages her breasts and moans seductively. Not that I can hear her, but I can pretend. I know her sounds by heart.

She comes so freely with Jenna. So wild and untamed. She really is a thunderstorm, lightning striking with every move. I can feel her even now. As she rests with Jenna on her chest.

“Isn’t that a pretty picture?” Kayne comments from behind me. “Did you come in your skinny pants?”

“I’m sure just as hard as you did,” I sneer.

We both chuckle. What man in his right mind wouldn’t come after watching those two?

“How is she?” he asks about Ellie in all seriousness.

“The same. Think she’s finally ready to crack?”

“We’ll find out tonight when I visit her again.” He sighs.

“Are you going to be ready if she does?”

“I’ll have to be.” The leather creaks as he squeezes the edges of the chair.

“What are you going to call her?” I wonder aloud.

“Kitten, I think. She’s frisky.”

“Okay then.” I stand up. “When kitten is ready to come out and play, let me know. For now, I’m going to keep a close eye on Javier. He hasn’t mentioned anything about El Rey since he arrived, has he?”

“Nothing.” Kayne stands cross-armed like a Roman statue.

I raise an eyebrow. This guy had better not be taking us on a wild fucking goose chase.

“Hey.” Kayne grabs my arm as I pass by him. “You doing okay, after everything with Alistair?”

“I’m coming to terms. It feels like my own father betrayed me.” I grind my teeth. “I can’t dwell on it right now. I need to concentrate on London and everything else that’s going on.” I wave my hand dismissively.

“Do you want me to kill him?” Kayne asks. “I know you couldn’t do it, but I can.”

His sinister question actually makes me laugh, and it’s surprisingly cathartic. I know he’s as serious as cancer, but his blunt loyalty lifts my spirits.

“You think I’m being funny?” he asks affronted.

“No, I know you’re dead serious. It’s why I trust you with my life.”

“Then is that a yes?”

“It’s a thank you, but no. As much I want to kill the monster who tortured London, the man has many more layers . . . And people who love him . . . Like my mother . . . And Amber.” I exhale, mentally exhausted.

“And you,” Kayne tacks on.

I regard him regretfully. “And me.”

I find Javier helping himself to pancakes and bacon in the kitchen.

My skin crawls from just the simple fact he’s touching something London made.

“Good morning.” He hits me with a loathsome smile.

“Morning. How did you sleep?” I ask, feigning politeness.

“Wonderfully. You have a very inviting home.” Every polite word that leaves his lips oozes like slime.

“Thank you. We try.” I hide my disdain.

I want to ask him if he enjoyed abusing Jenna last night. If he liked hearing all the pained sounds from the torture he inflicted.

But I already know the answer. Yes.

“You look troubled my friend,” Javier comments intuitively.

“It’s just been a very long weekend.”

“Is there always so much excitement?” He sits at the island, eager to dig in to breakfast.

I pause, wondering exactly which excitement he’s referring to.

“Not always, but sometimes there’s fireworks,” I confide.

Javier smiles deviously. “I love fireworks. They’re so . . . spectacular.” The dark look in his black eyes is nefarious. I inwardly shudder. Javier has convinced me he was born without a soul by just this conversation alone.

“I’ll let you enjoy your breakfast. I’ll be in my office if you need anything.”

He nods solicitously. “For now, I’m fine. I would like the pleasure of some company later.”

I inwardly cringe. Of course he would.

“I’ll send someone to your room.” My forced response burns my tongue like acid.

“The young lady I indulged in the past few nights?” he requests as he indulges in a piece of syrup-smothered pancake.

I swallow the millions of razor blades my saliva has become.

“Spice is unfortunately preoccupied today. But I have six other girls who are at your beck and call.”

His gaze morphs into something blacker than midnight. “An orgy. How fun.”

“If that’s what you fancy.” I fight to keep my facial expression stoic.

“I fancy many, many things.” Filth drips from his words.

“I’ll set it up.” I turn on my heel with my stomach churning. This is going to be so much harder than I ever anticipated.

I retreat to my office and prolong disturbing the girls for as long as possible. It’s Sunday. Their day to unwind and regroup. I hate asking them to work, but it has to be done. He has to trust us. And if this is the way, so be it.

As the sun sets through the windows, I finally force myself up and out of my office. With dread, I round up all six girls and send them off to Javier’s room. Not one with a complaint. In their mind, he’s just another client to satisfy, no matter the day.

I text Kayne, knowing he’s holed up in his study watching Ellie like a hawk.

Me: Six girls in J’s room. Keep an eye out.

Kayne: Fortuitous bastard. Will do.

I can’t help but laugh when Kayne uses vocabulary words.

I shove my phone into my back pocket and make my way to London’s room. Needing an escape, I know I’ll find it with her. London and Jenna are cuddled up on the bed under the covers with a bucket of popcorn, a bowl of cherries, and the air smelling heavenly of sex.

“Mind if I join the party?” I kick off my shoes and shrug out of my clothes.

“Never.” They separate as I crawl onto the mattress. I settle against the headboard, sandwiched between two beautiful, naked women.

“What are we watching?” I grab a handful of popcorn.

“Sex and the City marathon.” Jenna munches contently on her popcorn.

“You two would binge on a show with a character called Mr. Big.”

They both smile.

“Intimidated?” Jenna flirts.

“Please. You two can enjoy Mr. Big. I’ll just lay here and binge on popcorn and cherries.” I crunch.

“London and I have two cherries you can binge on.” Jenna reaches over, steals a cherry, and then slips it between my lips. I suck on the sweet little piece of fruit for a moment before chewing it up and swallowing it down.

“You do both have cherries I love to binge on,” I agree lasciviously.

“Then what are you waiting for?” London purrs, rubbing my chest and pulling at my nipple ring.

“Not a damn thing.” I slide down the mattress to make myself more comfortable. My two little sexy sirens prowl all over me, Jenna running her tongue down my torso, London running hers up my neck. My cock strains and twinges with want. My body clamoring for both women.

I gladly hand over total control as London traps my head between her thighs and Jenna swallows my throbbing cock. My insides tear apart as I’m swathed and trussed and muzzled by pleasure. I suck and lick and swirl my tongue savagely around London’s ripe little cherry. She smells like sex and tastes deliciously like come. Locking my arms around her thighs, I eat her out like a food-addicted man while pumping my cock insistently in and out of Jenna’s hot mouth. She jerks me off as her saliva coats my shaft, her hand slipping over the taught, veiny skin. My moans resonate, vibrating against London’s soaked, delectable pussy. I forget who I am, where I am, and about all the strife that surrounds me, and just live in the moment with these two amorous women who spoil and serve and satisfy me.

“Jett,” London vocalizes in ruin as she rides my face, sprinting closer and closer to that jagged, self-indulgent edge. Every muscle below my waist rips and throbs and pulsates as the heady sensations resonate. As they quicken my pulse and pound in my ears.

Make me come, make me come I chant in my head as Jenna’s mouth and hands work harder.

“Oh fuck!” London pulls on my hair and jerks her hips as she spasms and then erupts, a flash flood of dewy arousal drowning me on the spot. It spills out hotter than lava, scorching my lips and overflowing from my mouth. Her orgasm is so fucking fiery I spontaneously combust into flames.

With a pained grunt I chew on London’s clit as I shoot rockets down Jenna’s throat. She sucks every pulsating stream until I have nothing left. Until I’m depleted and numb and sublimely sated.

The girls shift above my fatigued body, repositioning themselves for round two. Jenna mounts my semi-hard cock while London reverses directions on my face.

I was hankering for an escape, and I knew these two wouldn’t disappoint.

“Don’t worry. You just lay there. We’ll do all the work . . .” London teases me. “This time.” She and Jenna lean across my outstretched body kissing and fondling and grinding their wet pussies against my hypersensitive spots. I stiffen my tongue, letting London use it as she pleases, feeling her hand run along my thickening cock as she tickles Jenna’s damp crease.

I’m reduced to putty as they use me as their playground, giggling like school girls wild and free.

“You said you wanted to binge on our cherries.” London grinds her insatiable pussy against my willing mouth.

“I’ll binge all night.” I plunge my tongue into her slippery entrance as the sound of a foil wrapper crinkles. London emits an illicit moan as Jenna rolls on the condom.

When Jenna sinks down onto my stiff cock, I twitch in pulverizing ecstasy. Two bewitching women. A penstock of pleasure. And a coursing flow of promiscuity has me elevating to the heights I need. Has me delirious and manic and walking a fine line of lunacy as together they ride me unrelentingly.

“Good,” London pants. “Because we both need you, all night.”

“Jett,” London whispers my name in the darkness.

“Hmm?” I stir in my sleepy state.

“Your phone. It’s vibrating.” She pokes me in the ribs with the blunt corner.

I rub my heavy eyes and take the phone. “Were you up?”

“I’ve been dozing.” She cuddles up next to me.

“You need to sleep, baby.” I kiss her head waiting for my vision to clear.

“I’m trying.” She sighs, and Jenna stirs on the opposite side of me.

London reaches over to caress Jenna’s back, delicately coaxing her back to sleep. “I’m worried about her,” she confesses.

“She has you. She’ll be fine,” I reassure her. “And me too.”

“I don’t want this life for her,” London frets.

“It’s her choice.”

“I know. But she has other choices, too.” She hides her face against my side. “I never had a choice.”

“You have a choice now,” I encourage, as a spiky lump forms in my throat. A choice to leave.

“I just don’t want to see her end up like me.”

“What’s so bad about where you ended up?” I toy with her, attempting to veer her off the haunted path she’s headed down. London’s past will always plague her; I have no doubt. But when she slips into the darkness, I vowed to be her North Star. To lead her out of the shadows and into the light.

“You saw the burns he left on her wrists. She was scared.” She avoids my question spectacularly.

“I’ll never let anything bad happen to her. I promise. I’ll never let anything bad happen to any of my girls. Especially this girl.” I squeeze London securely.

London breathes heavily before she speaks. “Where I ended up isn’t bad at all. But I got extremely lucky.”

“Luck had nothing to do with it. Fate brought you to me.”

She lifts her face, and I kiss her before she can say another word. I don’t want a verbal response. I want physical affirmation.

London doesn’t disappoint. She falls head first into the embrace, confirming the one thing I want to know. That she’s all mine, no matter the tribulations of the past, the challenges of the present, or the uncertainty of the future.

Without a doubt, I am definitely all hers.

“Go to sleep, little bird.” My contentment peeks through.

“I’ll try.” She exhales unsettled.

“There’s nothing to worry about,” I lull her. “I’ll be here to love you in the morning.”

I feel her eyelashes sweep over my skin as I finally open the message from Kayne:

The kitten is out of her cage.

Well shit.

Kayne and I didn’t exactly have time to devise a solid plan for Ellie. We glazed over a few options, but didn’t set anything in stone.

One thing was definitely agreed on, and blindly apparent. The importance of her safety.

And in order to achieve that, we need to deceive everyone involved. With the perilous nature of the operation, the high stakes, and Javier’s depraved inclinations, it didn’t leave us much choice. Ellie needs to believe she is owned. Javier needs to believe she’s claimed. And Kayne and I need to pull those two things off seamlessly. To beat a ruthless monster, sometimes you must become a ruthless monster. I just hope it doesn’t destroy the three of us in the process.

There are more than our lives at stake. There are people in this house and across borders who are innocent and need to be saved.

Moral sacrifice for the greater good? We shall see.

Kayne said when he left Ellie in her new room last night she was pretty shook up, so this morning should be fun.

She’s alone, she’s scared, and tangled in a mess she was never meant to be a part of.

On top of that, when I enter her room, she’s going to embark on a whole new journey. One of dominance and submission and sexual discovery.

I open the door, and she jumps frightfully on the bed, withdrawing into a naked little ball.

“Ah, you’re up.” I saunter toward her, and she recoils. “There, there,” I coo, pulling on the chain attached to her collar fastened to the vining iron part of the headboard. I will admit, Kayne’s lecherous fantasy translates well into real life. Ellie is absolutely appetizing completely bare, collared, and chained helplessly to the bed. “Aren’t you a pretty thing?” I muse. “No wonder Kayne wanted you. Come here.”

“No. Who are you?” She fights me. Kayne was right; she is frisky.

“Jett.” I yank harder, forcing her closer to me. “I’m your keeper.”

“I don’t need a keeper. I need to go home!” she screams.

Oh no. We can’t have outbursts like this. I grab her face, inspecting her features closely. “Sweetheart, the only place you’re going is into the shower.”

“I took a shower last night,” she snaps bitterly.

“It’s time for another. You also need to be groomed.” That bush needs to go.

“Groomed! I’m not an animal!” she flails outraged.

I clutch her face more tightly. “Technically you’re owned, so you’re the equivalent.”

Infuriated tears threaten.

“Ellie. I will tell you this once. Cooperate with me, or I will tie you down and spank you until you do.”

“Is that my life now? Beating after beating?”

“It doesn’t have to be. But you have to listen, and do as Kayne and I say.”

“Do I belong to both of you?” Her words are sharper than a butcher knife.

She should be so lucky. If she belonged to me, the word spoiled would take on a whole new meaning in her vocabulary. But alas, Kayne ordered hands off. Which totally bites considering I share women with him all the time. Even ones who mean more to me than the sun.

“No. You’re just Kayne’s,” I clarify. “But I do have the authority to punish you if you don’t behave. So, what’s it going to be sweet thing? We can be friends, or we can be enemies. It’s up to you. Personally, I’d like to be friends. It will make things easier for everyone involved.”

She only stares up at me. Deliberating maybe? After a few drawn out moments I nod, then pull out a set of keys from my pocket and unlock the padlock linking the chain to the collar. She just sits until I tell her to move. “Bathroom?” I point.

Ellie gets up and walks into the adjoining room, attempting to cover up as much of her nakedness as she can. I smirk behind her. Silly little kitten.

“Good girl,” I praise in a condescending tone. I shouldn’t be enjoying this as much as I am. Once in the bathroom, I turn the shower on. “We’ll groom you first, then breakfast.”

“Groom?” she repeats curiously. Those big green eyes are a damn killer. I’ve spent five minutes with the girl, and I already know why Kayne is infatuated with her. She’s adorable, sexy, feisty, and has the spirit of a strong-willed submissive in the making.

“Mmmm hmmm.” I pull out a table from the linen closet and open it up.

“What’s that for?” she asks untrustingly.

“You’ll see.” I pull the key ring out of my pocket again and unlock the wide collar, removing it from her neck. She immediately rubs her sore throat. Thick training collars like this one take a while to get used to. “In you go.”

She steps into the stone shower and allows the water to continuously cascade over her skin. She’s stalling.

“Wash,” I strictly instruct. Ellie sticks her tongue out at me as she turns for the soap. Seriously? “I saw that.” I can’t hide my amusement. If I wasn’t about to inflict pain in an ulterior way, I would bend her over and spank the spunk out of her right there in the shower. Kayne is going to have his hands full with this one, I can see it already. And I can’t wait to watch the show, as fucked up as it is.

“Done,” I announce, opening the door and turning the water off. “Hey!” She immediately jumps and covers herself. Please. I pull her arms away from her chest. “Get over the modesty. And get used to being naked,” I state bluntly. Clothes are a thing of the past.


“Because that’s how Kayne wants you.” I wrap her in a towel and dry her off with a bit of a massage. See? I’m not all bad.

“Why me?” she asks forlornly.

“He has his reasons.” I work the towel up to dry her long golden hair.

“I wish someone would share them with me.”

“You don’t need to worry about his reasons. All you need to do is what you’re told.”

“What if I can’t be submissive? Then what?” she challenges.

“I don’t think you want to know,” I divulge. Kayne may care about her, but he’ll do what he has to do to make her submit. He wants her obedient for her own good, and he knows there may be lines he’ll have to cross to reach his desired outcome.

Ellie’s lip quivers. “He’s going to hurt me, isn’t he?”

“Not if you listen,” I try to hint.

“What does he want from me?” she demands with her emotions bubbling over.

I shoot her an I think you know look. “Don’t be naïve, Ellie. It doesn’t become you. You know exactly what he wants.” Your obedience, your submission, your body. “You’ve been acquired as a sex slave.”

“Don’t use that word!” she screams with her head in her hands, tears bursting from her eyes. “I can’t do this. You have to let me go!” she sobs.

“Shhh, Ellie.” I wrap her in my arms and calm her. This is the part that’s going to kill me. Seeing her suffer. It’s a necessary evil. But I solemnly swear, I’ll never let her hurt alone. She’s one of my girls now. “You can and you will.”

“Why?” She cries into my shoulder.

“Because—” I pull away and look down at her with compassionate eyes. “Listen to me, Ellie. You need to trust Kayne. I know that might be hard, but he’s doing this for a reason.”

“How can I trust him?” she asks in turmoil. “He puts a collar on me and forces me to walk around naked. And soon . . .” She wipes her watery eyes. “Soon . . . I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

“The only thing I can tell you is things aren’t always as they seem.” It’s the only thing I say without giving anything away.

Ellie searches my eyes. “What does that mean?”

I merely shake my head. “Trust Kayne.”

I know. Easy for me to say.

“Enough talk, Ellie. It’s time to be strong. Lay on the table.” We need to get things moving.

“What are you going to do?” She sniffs.

I glare with a pseudo-annoyed expression. She can’t think I’m a total pushover. “Here’s your first lesson in submission. Don’t ask questions, don’t talk back, and do as you’re told.”

She frowns.

“Now go, or I’ll force you down and tie you to it.”

Her wide eyes tell me all I need to know. She’s buying my bullshit. Ellie lays on the table, naked with her hair still damp, clearly

beside herself. I’ll try to do this as quickly as possible. For both our sakes. “Pull your knees up and spread your legs. Put your hands over your head,” I order. She does as I instruct, panting nervously.

“Breathe, Ellie.”

“What are you going to do?” she asks again.

“Wax you.” I smear the warm, sticky wax all over her pubic hair, and she flinches. I haven’t done this in a long time, so I hope it’s just like riding a bike. For her sake. “Don’t move.” I continue to cover the applied wax with strips of cloth.

“Have you ever had a Brazilian before?” I attempt to distract her as I rip off the first strip.

“No!” she shrieks as the scalding pain burns her skin and tears run out of her eyes.

“First time for everything.” I rip off strip after strip, until she’s completely bare. Mm, I steal glances of her little pink clit peeking out of her smooth, puffy folds, restricting myself from soothing the irritated skin with my tongue.

Ellie would be a fun doll to play with, but I know Kayne would kill me if I broke the lock to that toy box.

I’ll behave.

For now.

“Aloe.” I show her the green blob on my fingers before I apply it to her sensitive skin. She’s so incredibly soft now. Kayne is going to lose his fucking mind.

“Up you go.” I take one of her hands and help her to stand. She’s a little wobbly on her feet.

But we’re not done yet.

“Turn around and rest your hands on the table,” I continue. “Are you on any birth control?” I ask clinically.

“No, why?” She looks over her shoulder as I pick up the syringe. “Good.” I stab her in the ass.

“What is that?” She tenses and grits her teeth as the needle penetrates her skin.

“Depo-Provera,” I inform her, and the realization as to why she needs birth control hits home. She starts to hyperventilate.

“Ellie, calm down.” I rub her back. Jesus. I want to tell her that it’s more dangerous for her out there than it is in here, but instead I just continue to comfort her. “You need to eat.” She’s barely had a full meal in days. She’s dehydrated, traumatized, and things are only going to get worse before they get better. I lead her back into the bedroom and urge her weary body onto the bed. “Lie down. I’ll be right back. Is there anything you’re allergic to?”

“No.” She cries into the pillow, distraught. Seeing her like this breaks my heart. Knowing I’m partly responsible breaks my spirit.

Speedily, I head down to the kitchen where I know Donovan, the chef I employ, is cooking away.

“The redhead has been in my kitchen again.” The French chef is a bit territorial about his space. Donovan has been with Mansion for years, preparing lunches and dinners for me, Kayne, and the girls. He’s a godsend when he’s not in a snooty mood. Which he seems to be at the moment.

“Yes. She likes to cook. It’s therapeutic for her. Get over it,” I dismiss his gripe. “Can you whip me up something light?”

“Right now?” He’s holding a large, silver mixing bowl filled with batter.

“Yes, right now,” I forcefully request.

Donovan drops the bowl on the counter. “I work for you, so I guess the answer is yes.” He puts up his nose, affronted.

I roll my eyes. I am surrounded by challenging personalities. I lean against the island as Donovan floats around the kitchen.

“Are you just going to watch?” he asks rudely as he cracks an egg into a bowl.

“Yes.” I glare threateningly at the patronizing Frenchman.

He frowns apprehensively as he cracks another egg. That’s right, man, I’m not in the mood for your attitude today.

All of ten minutes later I have a beautiful plate of scrambled eggs and a side of toast.

“Thank you.” I cover the serving platter with a silver dome lid.

“You’re welcome. Tell the redhead to stay out of my kitchen!” His accent flares behind me as I power walk out of the room.

“Never gonna happen!”

In no time, I’m back in Ellie’s room. She’s in the exact place I left her. A pile of troubled bones on the bed. I drop the tray on the table situated under the large wagon wheel window before I force her to get up and eat.

“Time for breakfast.” I lift the lid to reveal the scrambled eggs and buttered toast. “Eat it. All of it. It will make you feel better.”

Ellie stares at the food with puffy eyes, and her stomach rumbles loudly. Standing over her, I watch her finish every single thing on the plate. Once I’m satisfied, I cover the dish then lift the platter off the table. I unfortunately can’t spend too much more time with her. I have a business to run and other girls to look after. Luckily, with Ellie finally out of her cage, Kayne can split his attention a little more evenly between her and Javier. Maybe now that all the dust is settling, we can finally set up the critical meeting with El Rey like we’ve been promised.

“I’ll be back later to get you ready.”

“Ready?” she repeats anxiously.

“Try to relax, Ellie. You’ll need your strength for Kayne tonight.”

She looks up at me callously.

“Retain that frame of mind, Ellie. Remember what I told you. Strong.”

I leave her with that bit of advice before locking her in the room.




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