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Double Doctors: An MFM Menage Romance by Candy Stone (33)

Chapter 33



I woke up first. Gazing at them both, it occurred to me how much I loved them. Brooke, with her way-sexy body and beautiful smile. And even Mark, although obviously in a different way. My best friend, the girl of my dreams, and me, all in the same bed. Weird, but not as weird as it had been the first few times. I almost felt happy for Mark, that he had gotten to experience the same seriously hot night that I’d experienced last time.

My tummy rumbling got me out of bed and looking for food. Although there was a lone sliver of pizza left in the box, I wasn’t really in the mood for cold pizza. So, I tiptoed back in the bedroom, pulled on my clothes, and left.

Walking outside in the fresh air, I felt even more confident in the choice I’d made. Agreeing to Brooke’s proposal really was the right thing. She was an incredible woman, and seeing the joy alone in her eyes last night when we’d broken the news to her, was reward enough. Not to mention that she was an actual freak in bed. I’d never had sex that wild with anyone before— and I really liked it.

Starbucks was brimming with busy people, as always. The cute ponytailed girl behind the counter was extra-nice as I picked up three lattés and a tiger brownie. I smiled right back at her, gave her a nice tip. Maybe everyone could smell my happiness on me. Or maybe the world was just a brighter place when you were in love.

Now outside again, I stopped at the curb and repeated the words in my head. Was I in love?

I thought of Brooke’s sweet upturned nose and pretty smile. It sure felt like I was in love. Whenever I thought of Brooke, whenever I was in the same room as her, it was hard to describe just how much she lit me up. Even now, walking back to her, excitement was rushing through me at the thought.

And seeing Mark with her last night? Again, it had been weird—but not in a detrimental way. The jealousy that had flickered through me when she’d sucked on him, had been more of a faded memory than anything. Really, seeing her that happy made me, well, that happy.

It was only once I’d reached Brooke’s front door that I realized my mistake. I didn’t have a key—or any way to get inside. I’d even left my phone inside, like a dodo.

Sighing, I knocked once, then twice. Finally, I set the holder of lattés down and hammered on the wooden door with all my strength.

Then, I waited. I heard the sound of footsteps, then the door opening. Brooke stared at me, wrapped in a bathrobe. Her dark hair was adorably mussed, while her eyes were widened with a surprised relief.

“For a second, we thought—”

Her lower lip pouted out, then she shook her head with a laugh.

“I’m glad you’re back!”

Grinning stupidly myself, I picked up and lifted the holder.

“Want one?”

Brooke beamed, kissing me on the cheek.

“Definitely, thanks!”

Sauntering out into the kitchen in bare feet and a feminine-looking purple bathrobe, Mark said, “More pizza?”

When he caught sight of the lattés, he grinned.

“Two lattés, for me? MVP—right here.”

Together, Brooke and I smacked him, as he laughed heartily. The three of us flopped back into bed. Mark lifted his cup.

“To the strange, exciting and wonderful throuple I am now a part of.”

“To our throuple,” Brooke and I chorused, clinking our lattés with his.

We all drank deeply, enjoying the creamy goodness.

“So, last night,” Brooke said.

“Was horrible,” Mark cut in vehemently, “Not at all like last time.”

Brooke and I turned to him in shock. He was able to maintain his narrowed eyes and tensed jaw for all of two seconds, before he started giggling.

“You two, it never gets old.”

I lifted a pillow, then glanced at Brooke.

“Should I?”

She nodded dourly.

“It’s the only way he’ll shut up.”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Mark said, scrambling off the bed, just as I slammed the pillow where his head had been.

I smiled sanguinely back, as he gingerly made his way back onto the bed, sitting on the far edge.

“Yeah, so is it some weird kind of coincidence, that the best sex of my life is with you two?” he wondered aloud, taking another sip of his latté.

“I was thinking that myself,” Brooke said, squeezing my arm with a little smile.

“Must be some kind of coincidence,” I said, smirking at Mark.

He waved his hand.

“Yeah, must be.”

“Can’t have anything to do with Brooke’s prolific dick-sucking prowess,” he said, shaking his head.

“Or her pinup model-sexy body,” I said, shaking my head myself, “Or how naturally and organically her body moves.”

“No, no way,” Mark said, smiling from ear to ear now.

“You two,” Brooke said, with a frown, “We’ll see if we ever have a hot threesome again.”

And just like that, the smile disappeared from Mark’s face.

“Uh, Brooke—you do know that we’re joking, right?”

“Sometimes it’s hard to tell with you two,” she said with a sniff.

“Seriously, though,” I added, “You’re amazing—you have to know that.”

When I saw the crack of a grin, I picked her up and kissed her.

“You mischievous evil little human.”

She grinned right into my face.

“Takes one to know one.”

“Fine, fine, you got us—this time,” Mark said.

He patted her bum as I set her down.

“Are we actually going to have the lattés?” he asked me with a wry smile, “Or was that just a winning-boyfriend gesture?”

I responded by shoving him his latté, which he accepted with a shit-eating grin. Brooke and I grabbed ours, and we got to drinking.

After our latté fuel, it didn’t take us long to get dressed and out of there. We agreed to go to work in separate cars, although at the same time. We even got out of our cars at the same time.

“Fancy meeting you here,” Mark said, striding up to Brooke and throwing his arms around her.

“Mark,” she scolded, pulling away a bit.

She looked around the abandoned parking garage and, seeing no one, with a beleaguered sigh allowed herself to sink in the hug.

I joined them, wrapping my arms around the two. I nestled my head down onto Brooke’s shoulder and closed my eyes.

“Group hug!” Mark cried, “My fav!”

Laughing, we all separated and continued towards the elevator that took us into the building. As we made our way there, I heard a noise. I turned to see the pant leg of someone disappearing around the corner. I paused. A glance at Brooke and Mark found them chatting as happily as ever. I’d probably just seen a maintenance man—there was no need to worry them unnecessarily.

At the office, we ran through the usual appointments—a breast augmentation, a Botox appointment. And then, along came Harry.

Harry was a skinny little guy. He couldn’t have been more than 4’5” and 100 pounds. When he strode into the office, his voice was a determined squeak.

“Pec implants—I want ‘em.”

I eyed him dubiously. Harry looked like he’d just walked here from an office—with the thick glasses, starched white shirt and all. My glance went to Mark, who nodded. This was time for some diplomatic real-talk.

“We can do those,” he told Harry, “although we do have to inform you that you would be our first client for this particular surgery.”

Harry was nonplussed.

“You’re good surgeons. The both of you. I’ve heard all about you. Besides, someone had to be first.”

His beady-eyed gaze flew to Brooke.

“Chicks like muscles.”

Brooke kept her face frozen in a sort of half-smile, although I could tell she was biting her tongue.

“There’s a training session next week,” Mark continued, “So we’d have to get back to you then. As I’m sure you can understand that we can’t perform the surgery without proper training.”

Harry eyed Mark as if he didn’t understand all that much. I rose, walked over to the door and opened it.

“We’ll have Deidre call you later next week,” I told Harry.

Harry nodded, getting up.

“Many thanks. Gentlemen.”

Puffing his chest out, he strode out of the room.

Brooke and I exchanged at look. Slowly, Mark closed the door and we all started giggling.

That was our last appointment before lunch.

Brooke looked from one of us to another with irresistible puppy-dog eyes.

“What’s a girl to do for lunch plans?”

I slipped my arm around her waist.

“I think I know some guys who might want to treat her.”

Beside me, Mark did the same thing on her other side.

“After last night, I’d say she’s earned it.”

Brooke giggled.

“You two are bad. But take your hands off me for Deidre. I want to break this to her gradually, not shock her with a big fat group grope as we’re walking by.”

Smirking, Mark and I obliged. So, it was with an innocuous casualness that we walked through the waiting room. We gave the stressed-as-ever Deidre a wave before getting in the elevator.

Back downstairs and outside, we started our walk towards Tinsel Café, which Brooke claimed had the best chocolate croissants. Only once the building was far behind did Mark elbow me.

“Watch this,” he said, sweeping down to give Brooke a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Mark!” she cried in exasperation, pushing him back a bit.

“What?” he said, frowning, “Look, no one even noticed. That’s why it’s called a ninja-kiss.”

Sure enough, a quick look around revealed that pretty much no one had noticed. All the smartly dressed passersby were too busy looking at their phones or were completely lost in their thoughts.

“Oh yeah?” I told Mark, “Well, watch this.”

And with that, I swept a kiss onto Brooke’s one cheek than the other.

As Brooke let out an exasperated sigh, I triumphantly informed Mark, “Double ninja-kiss.”

Despite herself, Brooke giggled with us.

“I mean it though,” she said, afterwards, shooting us both a scalding look, “You guys are going to get us caught.”

“I’m just in love and I want the world to know it, show it,” Mark sung tunelessly.

“Mark!” Brooke groaned.

“Okay, okay,” he said, “Seriously though—look around us. Nobody cares.”

As Brooke scanned the surroundings, I did the same. When I turned around, a man ducked into a convenience store. I paused. That was weird—but it was probably just a coincidence. Brooke had me all paranoid.

“Jake?” she said, with fear in her voice.

“Oh nothing, I just thought I saw the café,” I said.

“No, no,” Brooke said, her whole face relieved, “It’s still another few minutes away.”

“Cool,” I said, and left it at that.

Because it probably had just been a coincidence, seeing that man ducking in the convenience store. There was no point in worrying Brooke—she’d been through enough these past few days already. And if it weren’t a coincidence? Well, if that man was who I’d been fearing, there was nothing we could do now anyway.