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Face the Music (Replay Book 1) by K.M. Neuhold (19)

Track 22: Side A

Bathroom Blowjobs are the Handshakes of Our Generation



It takes me a few seconds to figure out what roused me from such a peaceful sleep. I had been dreaming of Jace—nothing new there—but waking up to find him sprawled out beside me makes my heart swell almost painfully. How is it possible to love someone this much?

I reach out and brush a strand of dark hair off Jace’s forehead, and he sighs happily in his sleep. That’s when I hear the sound of a car door slamming shut just outside.

“Mother fucker,” I mutter, rolling out of bed and tugging on the jeans I left crumpled beside the bed last night.

“What’s wrong?” Jace asks in a sleepy voice.

“I think I’ve been found.”

“Found by who?” He sits up and cocks his head to one side, his hair sticking up in a million odd angles, his eyes still squinting from the assault of the sun through the bedroom window.

“Paparazzi, gossip rags, anyone who wants to sell a picture and a story about what a fucking loser I am for a million dollars. Get dressed, I wouldn’t put it past them to start peeking through the windows.”

Still looking confused and half-asleep, Jace stumbles about, trying to get dressed.

“I’m going to have to create a diversion, so you can sneak out the back without them seeing you.” I pull back the curtain and glance outside to find four vans and a dozen people with cameras milling about outside.

“What about you? Are you just going to be stuck here with cameras in your face for god knows how long? You’re supposed to be here taking some time away to recover mentally; this can’t be helping.” He waves at the window, and I could kiss him for the concern etched on his face.

“Don’t worry about me.”

“I am worried about you. As much as I would love to not worry about you, I don’t think that’s ever been an option. How about this—I don’t have anything here that I need back home, do you?”

“I only need my guitar and you need the songs I wrote for you. Why?”

“How about I create a diversion and you take my car out the hidden back driveway? I can walk to town and meet you in a few minutes, and then we can go back to my place in Seattle to hide out.”

“You want me to come to your place in Seattle to stay?” I ask in surprise.

“If you want,” he says, less sure of his proposal now that I’m questioning it.

“I definitely want,” I agree.

“Here are my keys. Meet me outside the coffee shop.”

“Be careful, those assholes out there are brutal,” I warn before grabbing Jace around the waist and hauling him against me to claim his lips. If I live a thousand years, there’s no way I’ll ever have kissed Jace enough. “See you soon.”

For a second, a look of uncertainty passes behind his eyes before he hands me the keys. My heart breaks a little knowing I put that distrust there and not sure if there’s any way I’ll ever be able to fix what I broke between us.




Linc grabs his guitar, gathers the music he wrote for me, and shoves his phone into his pocket. Then, he gives me one more kiss before slipping quietly out the back door. I go to the front door, ready to distract the vultures so they don’t notice Linc. I fling the door open, and a dozen cameras swarm me instantly.

“Is Lincoln Miller here?”

“Is it true he tried to kill himself again?”

“Did the tour get canceled because the band is breaking up?”

“Is it true Lincoln is checking into a mental health facility?”

Questions are hurled at me left and right as flashes nearly blind me.

“Lincoln isn’t here,” I shout over the ruckus.

“Where is he?”

“Is he in rehab?”

“Is he in the hospital?”

“Lincoln is fine; he’s just taking a much-deserved vacation. And seeing that it’s the day after Christmas, you should all be taking a vacation too,” I admonish. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

I step outside and lock the cabin door behind me, and then stride through the horde of reporters and cameramen without further comment. I only stop to place the keys to Linc’s rental car inside.

As promised, Lincoln is waiting downtown in my rental car.

“You lost them?” he checks when I hop in.

“I think so.” I glance behind me to make sure no one is on our tail. “I’m sure they’ll find you if we hang around too long though.”

“Good point, let’s go.”

“What about your rental car? How are you going to return it?” I ask.

“You left the keys inside, right?”


He pulls out his phone and puts it to his ear.

“Archer, I need you to take care of something for me…Yes, I’m fine, but the leeches found me…Yeah, I got out of there, and I’m heading out of town now. I need you to get someone to pick up my rental car and return it…because I’m with someone who has a car, and we’re heading to the airport…Washington state…You don’t know him…none of your business, that’s why…okay, thanks, man. The car is outside my cabin with the keys inside…Oh and one last thing, can you get us two plane tickets to Seattle…I’ll text you the information…thanks again. Bye.” He sets his phone in the cup holder and glances over at me. “All taken care of.”

“What’s it like to just be able to call someone to handle all your problems?”

“Fucking weird.”

“I bet. You don’t happen to have a guy who can skydive in with coffee for us, do you?”

Lincoln chuckles and shakes his head.

“Unfortunately, not. But we can stop in the next town for coffee, I’ll even throw in pastries for breakfast.”

“Mmm and here I thought you’d be over it after I gave it up last night,” I tease.

“I know you’re joking, but just so we’re clear, I’m not looking for a vacation fling with you. I want everything from you, and this time I’m not going anywhere.”

My breath catches in my throat at his declaration. He can’t mean it, can he? What’s changed since the last time he left? We’d still have to spend months on end apart. He’s a rock star, and I’m a nerd in a lab. Our lives don’t fit together.

“Let’s not make promises we can’t keep, Linc. Let’s work this out of our system, and let it run its course, okay?”

He growls and shakes his head but doesn’t argue.

It takes nearly half an hour to reach the next town, and we’re still two hours from the airport.

“Damn, they don’t have a drive through,” Lincoln complains as we spot a coffee shop.

“You’re so spoiled now you can’t get out of the car to get coffee these days?” I guess.

“No, smartass, but if you think those assholes at the cabin were a pain in the ass, you should see fangirls…or fanboys.”

“We’re still in the middle of nowhere, I doubt anyone here has heard of you,” I assure him, getting out of the car.

He follows with obvious reluctance.

There’s a little bell over the door that jingles when we enter, and I head straight for the counter, desperate for the largest coffee they have.

“Can I help you?” a teenage boy behind the counter asks when I approach.

“Yeah, can I get—” His eyes go wide, and his mouth drops open, his gaze fixed over my shoulder. I look back to see Lincoln standing there with a sheepish smile.

“Holy shit, you’re Lincoln Miller,” the kid says.

“Uh…” He looks between me and the kid like he’s trying to decide if he could get away with lying. “Yeah,”

“This is so cool. Downward Spiral is like the greatest band ever. Can I get an autograph?”

“Sure,” Lincoln agrees, giving me an I told you so look.

The barista hands him a napkin and a pen, practically vibrating with excitement as Lincoln jots him a little note and signs his name.

“Is it true you grew up with a summer cabin around here and that “Cherry Lane” was written about someone you dated near here?”

I feel Linc stiffen beside me, and he casts a nervous glance in my direction.

“Um…I don’t really talk about that song…but yeah, I grew up coming up here every summer.”

“That’s so cool,” he says again.

“Thanks. Now, my friend here may pass out if he doesn’t get some caffeine stat; can you help him out with that?”

“Oh yeah,” he agrees with a blush, and I finally get to order my coffee.

It’s not that I didn’t know Linc was famous, but it’s weird seeing it firsthand. I wonder what it must be like having complete strangers feel entitled to know things about your private life? I guess with that damn song, Lincoln put me in that spotlight as well. At least he never told anyone my name. But if things were to somehow work out between us, I would be in the media. People would know me, and ask questions, and pry into my life. Could I deal with that?





Jace’s silence after the coffee shop worries me. I can tell he’s in his own head, thinking up all the reasons we could never work as a couple because of my fame. I won’t let this be the thing that prevents me from keeping him. I’ll give it all up if it means I can keep Jace.

At the airport we check-in, getting strange looks for not having any luggage aside from my guitar.

“I have you all set with two first class seats, leaving in two hours for Seattle, Washington,” the woman behind the ticket desk informs me with a smile after I let her know my name.

“First class?” Jace scoffs.

“Relax, Freckles.”

He makes an irritated noise but doesn’t continue to argue, then we grab some seats near where our plane will be boarding, and we get comfortable.

I’ve felt great over the past week, better than usual. But with everything that happened this morning—the press, the uncertainty hanging between me and Jace…I find myself jittery, antsy. My skin feels like there’s a low level electric current running over it, and every sound that hits my ears feels like a bomb going off.

Jace puts a hand on my bouncing leg to still me, and I brush him off, earning a surprised look. Around us, kids are running around, people are talking on their phones, flights are being announced over the intercom, and I feel a scream boiling up in my chest.

“Oh my god, is that Lincoln Miller?” I hear, and it’s like someone pulls the pin.

“Jesus Christ, can’t I have five fucking minutes of peace?” I burst, shocking the people around me into silence. I dare a glance at Jace and find his mouth hanging open in surprise.

“Come with me for a minute,” he insists quietly, taking my hand and leading me away from the noisy seating area. He leads me down a hallway until we find a bathroom, and he tugs me inside and then locks the door behind us. “What’s going on with you?”

“Nothing,” I snap. “It’s been a stressful morning, and I don’t want to deal with people whispering about me.”

“Okay,” Jace says unconvincingly. “You need to relax, otherwise this is going to be a long damn flight, so tell me how I can help.” I quirk an eyebrow at him, and he rolls his eyes. “We’re in public, and you’re a damn celebrity. Do you think for one second it won’t be all over every magazine in the world if you get caught getting a blowjob in an airport bathroom?”

“Hmm, good point,” I agree, reaching out for Jace and looping my arms around his waist and then spinning us around to back him up against the wall. “I’d better blow you instead.”

“Linc—” Whatever he was about to say dies on his lips as I drop to my knees and unzip his jeans.

He’s only half-hard, but that’s okay; it’ll be more fun to coax him into it.

I nuzzle into the bulge in the front of his briefs, earning a gasp. I love the smell of him, especially the concentrated masculine scent between his legs. I’m already achingly hard, remembering what it felt like to bury myself deep inside him last night and how he looked when he fell apart. That’s what I want again, to watch his eyes roll back and curses fall from his lips.

I cup his growing erection through his underwear and tease my tongue along the tip, making the fabric damp until it clings to the outline of his ridge where the head meets his shaft. His fingers tangle in my hair, tugging at it until it starts to sting. I moan at the sensation and tug his briefs down, his now full erection bobbing free.

“Linc,” he says again, this time more of a prayer than an argument.

“I’ve missed this, Freckles. I’ve missed every fucking thing about you, but this is definitely near the top of the list.”

I place an open mouth kiss at his base, his dark pubes tickling my face as I do. And then I drag my tongue from root to tip and revel in the way he shivers and pulls harder at my hair. His hips twitch as my tongue laps at the crown, savoring the salty taste of his skin and pre-cum.

“Please, please,” he begs quietly.

“Oh Freckles, haven’t you learned by now that I can’t deny you anything?”

Before he can respond, I wrap my lips around him and swallow him down until my nose is buried in his pubic hair. His heavy balls bump my chin, and I hum around his length, deep in my throat. Jace whimpers, and I swear I could come just from bringing him pleasure; I wouldn’t even need to touch myself.

His fingers flex in my hair, and I slide back, until his cock is almost released from my mouth, then in a fast bob, I take him down again. On the next outward stroke, I run my tongue along every vein and ridge, re-memorizing the texture of his cock. My eyes want to fall closed, but I force them to stay open, to watch as the pleasure plays across Jace’s face with each thrust of my throat around his cock.

When he starts to pant and his cock swells against my tongue, I moan around him, dying to have his cum fill my mouth.

“Oh god, Linc, I’m…I’m…Ungh…”

The first burst of salty seed against my tongue is pure heaven, and I suck harder, milking every drop from him until he’s whimpering and pushing my head away.

“You were right; that did help,” I joke, looking up at Jace, still panting and blushing from his orgasm.

“Glad to be of service.” He offers me a smile as he tucks his spent dick back into his underwear and pulls his pants back up. “I can’t believe I let you blow me in a bathroom. I can’t even begin to tell you how many germs are in here.”

“I’m sure you’ll live,” I deadpan.

“We’ll see.”

Blowing Jace did help, but I think the way he’s joking with me afterward is helping even more. Things could go back to how they used to be…no, they could be better than they used to be.

“We’d better get back out there, we wouldn’t want to miss our call,” I suggest.

Jace nods and reaches for my hand. My heart flips when he laces our fingers together before we leave the bathroom.




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