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Fashionably Forever After: Book Ten, The Hot Damned Series by Robyn Peterman (3)

Chapter Three

“Touch me,” she said.

Her lavender, gold-rimmed eyes sparkled and her beauty took my breath. Masses of honey blonde hair framed her perfect face and her body would make the Angels on high weep. Her wild blonde hair blew around her face as strong gusts of sensual magic darted around the room. Her presence alone calmed the fury smoldering inside me.

My black silk brocade bedroom curtains flapped wildly and my heart beat a staccato rhythm in my chest. What game was my Siren playing?

“This isn’t real,” I said, keeping my hands pressed to my sides with Herculean effort.

“What’s real and what’s an illusion?” she countered, moving about my room and running her hands over the surfaces of the sleek and modern décor.

With a snap of her slim fingers, a roaring fire appeared in the massive stone fireplace. The dancing flames illuminated the room, making her glowing amethyst aura burn even brighter. The sheer lavender robe she wore left nothing to the imagination. It was glorious. I, of course, was naked. A fact that was very much appreciated by my surprise, and very welcome, guest.

The tendrils of the fire intertwined in a macabre sensual tango. The fire was our foreplay. I knew it and she knew it.

“I’m asleep and I’m dreaming,” I said flatly. As necessary as it was for me to see her—to have her—a small bubble of rage simmered in my gut. How dare she come to me like this. Clearly my Siren was a Dream Walker—rare—but then again so was she.

“Possibly,” she agreed with a laugh that made my dick hard and my balls tighten to the point of pain.

“You left me,” I accused watching her every move with greedy eyes.

If I was asleep, so be it. I’d play Adrielle Rinoa’s game for now. Hell, I always would… no matter how much she lied and cheated because I was a better liar and cheater than she was. Fleeting moments with my Siren, even if I was technically asleep, were better than nothing. It was the nothing that was driving me insane.

“Yes. I did leave you. This is my battle—not yours.”

“Tell me where you’re hiding,” I insisted, tamping back my desire to chain her to me and trap her in a cage. The action would be worthless since this was a dream state, but habits were hard to break. I hated not getting what I wanted when I wanted it. Standing my ground took everything I had. My need to move to her and take her in my arms was overwhelming.

“That was a shifty move you pulled, Lucifer,” she pointed out with a raised brow while ignoring my question.

“I’m Satan. It’s to be expected.”

“Yes, well, I need my soul back.”

“Then I suppose you’ll have to come back to me when I’m awake to get it.”

“No can do, Mr. Bad Guy,” she said with a giggle. “You’d never let me go… and I wouldn’t want to leave.”

“Your point?”

She eyed me with lust and shrugged nonchalantly. “I can go a hundred years without my soul. How long can you go without yours?”

“Seeing as how I didn’t think I had one until I made the brilliantly devious trade with you, my guess is forever. Although just in case, I’d prefer that you take good care of my soul, Siren.”

“Your soul is in good hands,” Elle promised.

“As is yours,” I replied. “However, I can think of a few other things I’d like to do with my hands and mouth—and other parts of me.”

“You don’t say…” she whispered coyly with excitement in her eyes.

“Oh, I do say,” I said, moving toward my prey.

Placing her hand on her heart, Elle stared right into the depths of me. It stopped my forward motion instantly. It was our sign that we had to tell the truth—difficult for both of us as lying was our preferred method of communication.

“I’m in love with you, Lucifer. That’s why I left. The world will be fine with one less Siren in it. It will not be fine without the Harbinger of Evil. You’re an absolutely horrible deceitful person—you’re gorgeous, dishonest, underhanded, and you didn’t drop dead after we had mind-blowing sex. You’re an asshole with a tremendously bad attitude. You are perfect—for me. And that’s why I left.”

Raising my hand to my heart, I heard Elle’s sharp intake of breath. “You are a dreadful woman, Adrielle Rinoa and I love you as well. I want to spend every horrible moment for the rest of eternity with you by my side, but you are fucking that lovely scenario up at the moment. Admitting my true feelings isn’t an everyday occurrence for me. However, I do love you and I’m not even appalled to admit it.”

Elle stared at me with wonder and a sinking feeling consumed me. She wasn’t going to stay. She was never going to stay. Part of me wanted to banish her from Hell this instant. I wanted to throw a fit of unheard of proportions, but I wouldn’t. I would take every single second with her that she would give me, no matter how fucked up it was.

“It’s a mistake to love each other,” she said sadly. “Even if I succeed in my quest, I can belong to no one but the Winds of Change.”

“Is that what you think?”

“It’s what I know,” she said in a strangled whisper. “This will be our lot in life—or immortality so to speak. Will it be enough for you?”

“For tonight it will be enough,” I said, noncommittally. “Tomorrow we shall see.”

Elle gazed at me with such longing and sadness, it tore at my cold dead heart. She was wildly incorrect about our future, but right now that was for me to know and for her to discover. I would lie, cheat, kill and steal to get what I wanted.

And I wanted Adrielle Rinoa—my darkness. And she wanted me. Forever.

My Siren didn’t stand a chance.

“Come to me, Siren. Bring me your fire and wash away my sins and I will give you the lust you need to survive,” I said, so very ready to take her body and heart. I already had her soul… and she wasn’t going to get it back until she was here to stay.

“I thought you’d never ask, Devil,” she purred with a smile so sensual my brain scrambled for a brief moment.

We were two wrongs that made one disastrously fabulous right.