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Filthy Love (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 4) by V. Theia (47)


“My woman. The badass, bravest head shrink there is. Also, my fucking savior.” - Hawk


“Hawk … baby, should we talk about it?” She asked him cautiously, worrying on her gorgeous lip with her teeth again. That motion always made him think about freeing her lip and then doing his own sucking on it until she whimpered an orgasm for him.

The club was heaving with people and music and the usual Friday night partying that went down with bikers from around the city and groupies flocking to it.

Luckily no one was humping a groupie that he could see, so he had Gia under his arm while she looked at him cute and confused, probably wondering why he was so calm after hearing his mother was dead. Rest in Hell, bitch.

Because his Gia was a pure soul, her heart so full of kindness, she wouldn’t fully understand how relieved he was feeling. She’d watched him all day and he’d watched her worry. He was good. Really fucking good in fact with no more weighted bolder on his chest and now he just wanted to spend time with her. To start fresh and be with her.

“We should talk about it. About what happened. What I made happen and if you can’t forgive me—”

He stopped her craziness by pressing his lips against hers.

“Gia, you could slaughter this entire room and it still wouldn’t warrant forgiving, you understand? You could empty my bank account and spend it on shoes and you wouldn’t need forgiving for a single fucking thing.”

Her eyes went dreamy and watery. “Hawk.”

He took his opportunity, sweeping down again, but she wouldn’t give him the kiss he craved. His modest girl turned pink, eyes darting around the room.

Maybe some of his boys were watching, he couldn’t give a fuck. He wanted to kiss her.

He wanted to fucking maul her, but that would wait a minute.

Hand around her neck, he drew her in, almost speaking to her lips.

“I’m glad you put it into motion, Gia. I’m so fucking grateful that I’ll be paying you back for centuries and still my debt will never be fulfilled. What you did, little girl, was beyond everything I could have asked for. But listen when I tell you, I’m good and we don’t need to talk about it. Let me concentrate on my woman, okay?”

She nodded but avoided his kiss.

His brows got a good fucking workout.


“Hawk. People are here!” Hands pushed at his chest, but she didn’t put any real effort behind it and not when he squeezed her ass, she moaned leaning into him. Her eyes sparkled, and her cheeks flushed with the start of arousal.

He noticed shit like sparkling eyes now.

“You only get one warning, little bit,” he nipped her lower lip, felt how she inhaled against his chest. Sweet tits pressing his torso. “Forget about them and kiss me back or you won’t like what I do next. Scratch that, you’ll love what I do, but you might not be able to look at your brother again.” Gia beamed wrapping her bare arms around his neck. He didn’t fuck around when he wanted her mouth. She opened and invited him inside and let him give her the kiss he wanted all fucking week long.

Much to the jeers and whistles of dickheads around him. Inside her mouth, he still managed to flip the room the middle finger.

When he set her mouth free she was red-faced, lips wet.

Fuck him. He loved this woman.

Why hadn’t he told her already?

Because he always had one foot out the door ready for her to realize he was a no-good piece of shit.

With a lust filled growl against her neck he began striding off through the clubhouse, ignoring all attempts at people trying to talk to him.

He was busy and gonna be busy with his woman for some time.

“Where are we going?” She giggled her sexy noise.

He let her see his eyes and she breathed in fast. Fingers clasped the back of his neck making his cock swell harder.

If he didn’t get to his room he’d fuck her against a wall, he didn’t give a shit.

Her hesitation lasted a second. “We’re going to do it … here in the club with everyone around?”

“You’ve been dry-grinding my stomach for the past minute, little bit. You have an ache and I have the cure.” He smirked at her rosy face. “I need you. It’s been too long.” He confessed and heard her groan, he could have sworn her little hips moved faster. Fuck. He had to get her to his room or else.

“Aren’t you worried my brother will knock your block off?” She taunted sweetly, the smile in her voice made him stone hard and the inside of his jeans were wet from all the leaking he was doing.

Hawk unlocked the door, carried his precious cargo inside and kicked it closed, pinning her against it. His girl wrapped her legs around him, and fisted both hands in his hair dragging him forward.

He loved her being desperate for him.

“He could try. No one gets in the way of me seeing to my woman’s aches.”

She beamed. “Hawk. I love you so much.”

His heart cranked up a beat.

“And they’re too busy celebrating Preacher’s pregnant wife news anyway.”

“We’re going to have beautiful babies too one day.” She announced like she had no fucking clue how she made the inside of his brain explode.

Fuck her first was all he could concentrate on.

“They might hear…” she was already yanking at his shirt then the belt, he breathed a sigh of relief when her skinny fingers got the zipper open before it cut his dick in half with the metal teeth.

“So long as you scream into the pillow we’ll be fine.” Hawk captured her hand, bringing it to his mouth, only he didn’t kiss softly. Her beautiful doe-eyes so wide and filled with the want of his fuck. Hawk nearly buckled at the knees. When she was like this, panting softly, her nails leaving marks in his shoulders and wet between her legs, he would give her anything she asked of him. She had no real clue yet just how fucking devoted of a man he was for her.

His eyes burned holding hers as he sank his teeth into the fleshy part of her palm, causing her to moan. The shock of it had her humping directly over his dick and that was game over.

He didn’t stumble them to the bed, but he did drop and crawl on top of her.

He filled her in one bone-rattling thrust.

He made love to her like he had the devil on his back showing her more passion and intense hunger than ever before. He was wide open to Gia now. Never would he hide how he felt for her. What she made him feel. Because now he was one feeling motherfucker.

How one smile from her could make his fucking heart gallop.

Lost in a bubble of euphoria and Gia’s cries, it was difficult to resurface again. Their bodies writhed like they wanted to crawl into one another and never re-emerge again.

Hawk would be a happy man living right there.

Pressing starves kisses on her neck leading down to take a nipple into his mouth, he tasted every inch of her skin. “I need you,” he groaned once he made it back up to her mouth, using two hands to hold behind his neck Gia anchored him in and like a man in love he went wherever she needed him, he controlled their kiss until her lips were deliciously swollen.

“Have me however you want to have me, Hawk, I’m yours, always yours.”

“Unravel on my cock, Gia.”

Her slim hips were gonna have bruises. He held her too tight. The need too strong for Hawk to hold back this time.  

As he watched the pleasure completely mask her irises she moaned into his mouth, locked her legs around him and took the hard shoves he delivered with uncoordinated fury directing his body that resulted in one hell of a grunted fuck. She exploded and dragged Hawk down with her, he managed to break her sounds by swallowing them into his throat, so no dipshits out there heard what belonged only to him.

“A little bit more, baby. Give me just a little bit more.” His thrusts slowed to stir her up again.

“Jesus, Gia. I’ve fucking died missing you.”

Hawk’s mouth began to feast. There was no other description, he couldn’t hold back, he had too much to make up for and with every indecent brushing of mouths his actions told her he belonged to her. He was her old man. The only one to put on the back of his bike, protect and love until he was in a pine box. Even then he’d be a perverted ghost hanging around her.

In the aftermath of their heated tornado he pulled Gia to lay over him, his fingers feathered down the slope of her side, lulling her into a sleepy hum.

“I was right here, Colton.”

“I was giving you time to … get used to everything.”

“Silly man.” She purred into his neck, vibrating the skin with her soft music.

“Your heart is chained to mine,” puffing air against her temple, he kissed as he went, addicted to touching her, having her soften under his filthy hands.

And the floodgates opened

“I love you, Gia. Always fucking loved you, it’s worse than love, but I got no words for it. That’s it now, you own a monster.”

“Finally,” Gia giggled. “It only took me a century to run you to ground, baby.”

“You undo me, little bit.” Worshipping kisses trailed along her arched neck and when Gia fingered through his hair silently asking for more he swore he had some biblical shit epiphany. Knowing absolute that making her happy was his only task in life.

He had his shot finally and he wasn’t gonna fuck it up.

“I’m having a hard time keeping up with how fast you’re changing me.”

“Don’t change. Just be you. I fell in love with Colton Hawk. Colton Hawk the badass, irritable biker is who I want to spend every hour of every day with.”

Christ, his pulse jerked into high speed so fast lights winked in his vision.

On top of everything, a burn had started in his torso. A wicked lick of intense heat wherever Gia tickled her fingertips.

What was this? Was he having an aneurysm?

It was goddamn happiness.

“Tell me more, Colton.” She urged. Big blue eyes so pretty and filled with a smile implored him and like her servant his tongue went to town.

“I craved you in every way a man can. Illegal, illicit ways. I wanted your body, your smile, your laughter in my ear. I wanted to soak in your intelligent, Gia. I wanted to become intoxicated in your strength and peace. I’ve died a thousand times each time you let me inside this perfect, fucking body, you know that? You’ve plug holes in me, you covered me in so much fucking light. Your monster worships every fucking inch of you.”

His Gia smiled. Pressed a kiss to his lips. Whispered how she adored him. He was a fucking giant in her praise. “I made us go without one another all this time, Gia. I’ll make it up to you. Every day I’ll make it better.”

Flawless kisses chased over his cheeks and eyelids.

“You already have. I only wanted you, Colton.”

“That means, little bit, I’ll fight as hard as I have to, I’ll be so fucking filthy to keep you happy and satisfied because I can’t live a second without you. I’ll get down in the soil and the brimstone to keep you smiling, no matter what I gotta do. I’ll be as creepy as it’s needed if the end results are making you happy. Your happiness is my redemption and my peace. The devil himself wouldn’t fucking dare get in my way of me doing my job. I love you with every cracked ache of my heart. With my dying breath you will be my only. My one. My true.”

As calm as he felt his heart ramped up in speed.

“Wow. I’m dreaming.” She giggled.

Satisfaction sucker punched his self-confessed addicted self as he dipped back for seconds by brushing the hair from Gia’s face to kiss her. Once, twice. Her lips an invitation he wouldn’t refuse again. “I wanted to fuck you dangerously the first time I saw you. When you bounced out of the house to say hey to your brother. I sat on my bike while my brain fucking exploded because I was seeing you. I felt like a deviant. You knocked the air out of my lungs, Gia. I wanted to crawl under your dress the night of your prom. I was insanely jealous of that punk. I wanted to send you home with your thighs smeared in virgin blood. No, that’s a fucking lie. I wanted to keep you and take care of all your aches until you couldn’t walk for days and I’d have to carry you around like my prize and my peace.”

And look at him now.

The luckiest prick on two legs holding his woman, cuddled naked and wet from her pleasure, with the privilege of lowering his hard body over hers with the purpose of giving her a filthy, unruly night of a satisfied fuck.

Whenever. Wherever. When she needed him.

She was soft, and welcoming posed in such a way that sex automatically intruded his brain like a fucking SWAT team on crack. He’d never get enough of Gia Marinos, not for as long as his worthless dick had get-up-and-go rushing through it.

“You’re giving me so many words right now, Hawk. I feel like I should be recording them in case I wake up from my coma.” She giggled when he tickled her ribs.

She was gonna drive him crazy.

She’d keep him on his toes.  

She mewled making noises Hawk had never heard a woman make before her. Noises he couldn’t truly accept weren’t pained sounds until he saw the look of rapture on her face. She was all over him all at once, with hands and her sweet body and her soaked pussy leaving a trail on his stomach and the top of his head nearly blew off. He bellowed out a sigh, held onto her hips as if misery already wasn’t his usual cologne she’d just made it worse, hadn’t she?

“Christ, you’re never gonna give me a minute’s peace, are you, little bit? I’ll never get a full night’s sleep again, you’ll be crawling all over your man demanding I take care of this hungry, too-tight body. What the fuck have I created?”

She smiled her sweetness. Batting her goddamn lashes at him like she didn’t already know she ruled him heart and dick. “I just need… a little something.”

“What I have for you isn’t little. You’ll feel it in your chest, now open your legs and let me see where it throbs.”

Another rousing round, Hawk collapsed on the bed, lungs protesting so much exertion. “Did I kill you? You’re pretty old. I keep forgetting that.” She dared laugh crawling up beside him, Gia tucked her smaller body into his ribs where she belonged.

His brow was arrogant. “Didn’t I just show you what your old man could achieve?” He’d thought about taking her in this room so many times. He thought of her house as his home, and soon as he had the keys to the new place in six month they’d have their house together. But now he had a hot, satisfying memory of Gia cuddled in his twin bed, wet and pleasured.

“Mmm, you did. I loved it. I love you, Colton.”

He gave her more words. He owed her so many. All the sentiments and vows he kept bottled in his chest. “I love you so much it’s fucking excruciating. I love you to my bones, Gia. When I was ill with loving you, I couldn’t stop.” Like he’d waited a whole goddamn lifetime to unburden himself from the secret of loving her.

“You’ve given me things no one ever has in my life.” She told him with a smile etched on the most perfect pair of distracting lips. “I’ve loved you my whole life it feels like even before I knew you and I’ll love you for the rest of it until death puts me in the ground.”

Words over actions, he told himself. Then he could suck on her mouth.

Fingers tiptoed across his chest, traced her name. He wanted to add to his ink one day. He wanted to put Gia all over his skin. “Hm. Then I suppose you’ll hunt me down in the afterlife, won’t you, baby? Because no one will ever again keep Hawk and Gia apart.”

There was only one answer to that and he gave it instantly. Fingertips traced goosebumps on her skin. “Yeah,” he’d find her anywhere. “You fucking freed me, little bit. My old lady rescued me from bad shit and now I can spend the rest of my life doing what I was born to do and that’s cater to your every fucking need and want until you’re a whimpering, little mess. I waited ten lifetimes. It feels like.”

For once it was his Gia who was tongue tied and he took satisfaction in knowing he’d given her what she needed when her eyes filled, and she smiled. Her hand pushed between the inch of space separating them. “What you looking for, little bit?”

The second her hand touched his cock his neck corded, he was hard and wanting, as if hours’ worth of lovemaking hadn't happened.

“Think you can crawl up here and get that pussy on my mouth? I wanna devour you until your voice is ruined. C’mere, little bit, you know how to climb your man and make him work for it, don’t you? Make my mouth juicy.”

Of course, she did. His Gia scaled him like a professional rock climber and made him work to get her off again grinding her pliable body she left his tongue in a paralyzed state thirty minutes later.

Content he had her in his arms, idly listening to the partying going on outside the door. He would have been right there with his brothers not so long ago. Looking for a false high, something to quieten the noise and desperation of loving a woman out of his league. Now he was happy to leave them to it and bask in sweetness in his arms.

“What are you thinking about?” She asked sleepily.


A beat of a second. “Oh.”

A few more seconds. His heart going nuts. “Will you marry me and be Mrs sociopath, little bit?”

Bursting with laughter Gia crawled all over him again. His gut gathered with renewed hunger. Jesus. She really was gonna kill him.

“You know I will. You absolutely know I will, Colton.”

Hawk smirked and roped her down by the back of her neck ready to meet her mouth.

Turned out he could have everything he’d always wanted.

He’d just needed to get a little filthy first.