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Growing Up Santorno: The Santorno Series by Sandrine Gasq-Dion (31)

Jensen was watching Max and Cameron eat lunch. They were laughing about something and Jensen was straining to hear. He saw Evan come into the cafeteria and smiled as female heads turned. Jensen looked back at Cameron and he almost laughed; it was so obvious the guy was hung up on Evan. He watched every move he made. Evan got his lunch and was weaving his way to the table when he was suddenly flat on his face on the floor. Evan looked up to see one of the guys from his biology class smiling down at him.

“You should be more careful, Voronova.”

Evan barely held onto his temper. “What is your problem?” He wasn’t short but this guy was twice his size.

“I see the way you look at Courtney. She’s my girlfriend, asshole.”

“I’m her lab partner, dumbass. That’s it.”

Jensen was on his way over when he saw Cameron crossing the room. Jensen stopped and watched. They smiled at each other. The look on Cameron’s face told Jensen that he’d just be getting in his way. Evan wasn’t prone to violence; he avoided it as much as possible. But his uncles had trained him and he could take someone down if he wanted.

Cameron stepped in between them and asked Evan, “Are you all right?” Cameron noticed blood on his bottom lip.

“I’m fine, Cameron.”

“You playing bodyguard now, Cam? Evan needs to know his place. Courtney is mine.”

Cameron leaned down and smiled in his face. “Touch him again, bitch, and see what happens.”

“You want to go a round with me, Cameron?”

“Daren.” Max stepped between them. “You know you won’t survive a fight with Cameron, so put your dick back in your pants. It’s too small for this fight.”

“Fuck you, Remo.”

Max laughed. “You want me or Courtney? Make up your mind.”

Daren looked at them and then kicked Evan in the side while he was still down. “Fags.”

Cameron took him out with one punch. The guy went down like a ton of bricks and didn’t get back up. Cameron spat on him. “Dickhead.” Jensen’s jaw dropped.


“Shit.” Cameron sighed. He held his hand out to Evan and helped him up.

Evan looked up at him. “Thanks, Cameron.”

“I thought you’d be pissed at me.”

“I’m not always an asshole.” Evan watched the headmaster coming and sighed. “Just let me do all the talking, okay?”

Cameron sat at the table with Jensen and Max as Evan talked to their headmaster.

“Thanks, Cameron. Evan isn’t helpless but he’s smaller and that was fucked up of Daren.”

“He’s just jealous that his girlfriend likes Evan.” Max chuckled.

Cameron watched as Evan began getting angry. He was under six feet by several inches and had the most beautiful eyes; he just wanted to hug him, he was so damned cute. Evan came over and smiled at the guys at the table.

“I took care of it; no problems.”

“Thanks, Evan. I guess I shouldn’t have hit him.”

“I loved it, can you do it again?” Jensen pleaded.

“We should get going, Jensen. See you guys later.”

Cameron watched Evan leave and then turned and saw Max looking at him. “What?

“He’s going to figure it out, you know. What is it about Evan? I mean he’s cute and all but I’ve seen guys checking you out.”

“I don’t know, just something about him. He reminds me of this one guy I saw a long time ago at football camp and I can’t get those eyes out of my head.” Cameron shrugged. “You’re one to talk. I see how you look at Jensen.”

  “Well, we need to go. Try to keep your crush in check before you kill someone,” Max suggested.

“Tell them to leave him alone then.” Cameron waggled his eyebrows.

“I worry about you, Cam.”

“Let’s go shooting.”

“You’re on.”

Ryan yawned, twirled his pencil, and shifted in his chair. Only two more hours to go and he would be free. During the last football game, a cheap shot after the whistle smashed Ryan to the ground and he went off on the guy, who ended up being carried off the field. Now, Ryan had to take anger management classes. Which is where he sat at the moment.

“Ryan Cannon.”


“Why are you here today?”

“Um, because I’m angry?” Ryan guessed.

There was soft laughter in the room and the instructor pointed out, “You have a temper on the football field, Ryan.”

“I have one off too.”

“So you and your teammate…” The instructor consulted her notes. “Jagger, work in tandem is that right?”

Jagger smiled. “No, I just take what’s still up and walking around.”

The instructor sighed. “I see we have a lot of work to cover. As you can see I have a full class today. Some of you are here because you can’t help but get into fights. You have no idea how to control your anger.”

Jagger poked Ryan and motioned to a kid in the front row. He looked asleep and Ryan chuckled. He couldn’t blame the guy. Ryan studied his profile. He looked incredible and had perfect full lips.

“Did you hear me, Ryan?”

“I would say yes but then I’d be lying.”

“This class can go on longer if you keep it up.”


“Okay, I have some exercises I want you to do. Please split into groups of four.”

Ryan was hoping the kid in front would be in their group but the guy sitting beside him woke him up and they went across the room. Ryan got a better look and now that they were facing the same way, his eyes made Ryan stare. They were so blue. Their eyes met and Ryan felt a blush creep into his cheeks. The guy smiled at him and he looked down, pretending to look at something.

“What’s up?” Jagger whispered.

“Nothin’ man.”

They spent the better part of the next two hours in scenarios that involved them keeping their temper. It didn’t work out so well for some of them. When the subject of being gay was mentioned to the guy he had been looking at, the guy went off.

“That is not holding your temper.” The instructor noted.

“Then pick something I don’t give a shit about.”

Ryan laughed loud that time and covered his mouth quickly. “Sorry.”

The instructor sighed. “Class dismissed. I hope you guys don’t get into trouble before our last class.”

“I do.” Jagger chuckled.

Ryan grabbed his backpack and started to leave. The guy was looking right at him. This time Ryan smiled and the guy smiled back. They locked eyes until one of his friends pushed him out the door.

“Ryan?” the instructor called out as Ryan got to the door.


“Try not to kill anyone.”

Ryan chuckled. “Have you met my family?”

Jagger cracked up. “Move it.”

Evan and Jensen had hunkered in their rooms for days studying for finals, so they treated themselves by going one town over for drinks and found themselves in a strip club. Evan watched Jensen take another shot. His eyes widened as a woman shook her tits right in his face. They had thought this was the best way to distract themselves from finals.

“Wow.” Evan laughed his ass off. The girl dancing in front of him was alternating between shaking her ass and pushing her tits in his face.

“You’re very handsome.”

“Thank you.”

Jensen was having his own problems. The stripper was trying to pull him onstage and he was looking at Evan for a save. “Van, help me, man.”

“Okay.” Evan got up on the stage.

“What the hell? Fuck it, put some good music on!”

Max and Cameron had been to quite a few bars and were now looking for a distraction. They saw the sign for half-price drinks at the strip club and Cameron waggled his eyebrows.

“Half the money spent getting more drunk. I like it.”

“It’s women stripping, dumbass.”

“Who gives a shit!” Cameron dragged him by the hand.

They walked in the club and Max’s mouth dropped open. Jensen Maddox and Evan Voronova were on stage, shirtless, with two strippers. “Oh, I like this.” Max sat down.

Cameron could only stand and stare. Evan was shirtless and running his hands down his torso while rotating his hips. Cameron watched as his hands went further and he followed the line of hair as it went down from his belly button to disappear beneath his jeans.

“Oh…my…God.” Cameron hardened immediately.

“Sit down.” Max pulled him into a chair. “They’re going to see you.”

Jensen was twirling his shirt around in the air while pumping his hips. The stripper had stopped dancing and now she was watching him too. Max couldn’t blame her; he couldn’t drag his eyes away if the damn club was on fire. Jensen was, for lack of a better expression, ripped to shit. His muscles were well-defined, and his biceps and pectoral muscles flexed with every move. Max’s jeans got tighter.

“I want to throw money at him.” Cameron’s mouth hung open as he watched Evan.

“I wanna shove a wad of cash in Jensen’s pants.”

They watched them dance and Cameron observed the patrons in the club. No one seemed upset that two high school kids were stripping; hell he didn’t mind at all. He spotted two men sitting by the stage watching Jensen and Evan and his eyes narrowed. He hit Max in the shoulder and motioned to them. The song was over and Jensen laughed, hopped off the stage, and put his shirt back on. They sat down and found two fresh drinks in front of them.

“Payment for stripping?” Evan laughed and downed his.

“Maybe. I’m not a big fan of tequila.” Jensen looked at the glass. “Ah, hell.”

In the back of the club, Max and Cameron were still fighting the club to get to the stage and their friends. The two men were still sitting nearby. Evan was trying hard to keep his head up. Jensen was practically asleep sitting up.

Max and Cameron finally made it to their table. Cameron pulled Evan’s chair out and picked him up. One of the men stood up and challenged Max.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

Max realized Jensen was out. “Taking my date home. Thanks for drugging him; makes it easier.”

“Those are ours, mate,” the other guy complained.

Cameron put a finger up to Max signaling to give him a minute and put Evan down carefully. He turned and punched the first guy, sending him into another table.

“Those are ours, asshole.”

Max chuckled and hoisted Jensen over his shoulder. Cameron picked Evan up in his arms and threatened the two guys. “Next time, I’ll kill you.”

Before they left the club, he reported the drugging incident to the bouncer. Cameron shifted Evan over his shoulder as they walked. He felt Evan moving as he bounced him up and down.

“I’m going to be sick,” Evan moaned.

“Good.” Cameron put him down and Evan threw up everywhere.

“Oh, God,” Jensen moaned. “Put me down! I’m going to throw up just from the smell!”

Max set him down and two seconds later, Jensen was vomiting. They stood off to the side as Jensen and Evan threw up repeatedly. Evan turned to see Max and Cameron standing there.

“When did you get here?”

“Just in time,” Max said.

They got them back to the school. Cameron took Evan back to their room, put him in bed, and got him a glass of water. Evan was lying in bed with his eyes closed. Cameron sat on the edge. He caressed his face and pulled his hand back when Evan’s eyes fluttered open.

“What are you doing?”

“Sit up.” Cameron handed him the water.

Evan took a sip and Cameron pushed the glass up higher. “You need to drink more, you still have drugs in your system.”

“What?” Evan could have sworn he’d just heard Cameron say drugs.

“Oh, yeah. You and Jensen.” Cameron smoothed his hair back. “Try to get some sleep. I’ll check on you in an hour.”

“Wait.” Evan sat up. “Is Jensen?”

“He’s all right, Max is with him.”

Evan watched him move away and called out, “Cameron?”


“Thank you.”

“No problem.”


Jensen was still half-drunk when Max got him back to his room. He helped him out of his shirt and turned around when Jensen took his pants off before crawling into bed. Max got him a glass of water and sat on the chair next to the bed as he gulped it down.

“Slow down.” Max took the glass.

“How long were you guys there?”

“We caught the show.” Max smiled when Jensen blushed. “Cameron saw what was happening afterward and we intervened.”

“Thank you.” Jensen closed his eyes and lay back. “Are you going back to your room?”

“No. I’m staying to make sure you’re okay.”

Jensen rolled over on his side and sighed. “Thank you.”

Jensen was out like a light. Max caressed his face and smiled. “You’re welcome.”

Jesse sat on a park bench waiting for the rest of the group to show up. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Hunter since the fight after the boxing match. Hunter was stunning.

His first boyfriend had broken his heart in half. He hadn’t been ready to come out and wanted Jesse to keep his sexual orientation a secret so they could hang out. Jesse had agreed at first but as time went on, he couldn’t hide anymore. At about the same time, his boyfriend was pushing for more than the occasional kiss and Jesse hadn’t been ready. He had tried forcing himself on him and that was the first time Jesse had been scared shitless. They broke up the next day. After that, there were a slew of fights with Jesse constantly defending himself against bigots.

He heard voices and looked up to see a rival football team and it wasn’t Winston’s. Jesse sighed. He knew what was coming. He hadn’t hidden his sexual orientation when he finally decided to go to Fairfield and it was well known through the district that he was gay.

“Well, if it isn’t the fairy in the park.”

“How long did you have to think about that one before you said it?”

“Fuck off, Walker.”

“Look guys, I’m just waiting for the rest of my guys to play football. So, if you don’t mind.” Jesse stood up and stretched his arms. Someone grabbed one of his arms and he turned toward him.

“But we do mind. This is our field, in our territory and we don’t take kindly to fags.”


Hunter crossed his arms. He had gotten there before anyone else and now watched at least twelve guys surround Jesse. He cleared his throat before saying, “I suggest you morons take a few steps back.”

Jesse almost breathed a loud sigh of relief. Then he realized they were still outnumbered. “Hunter, just walk away. You don’t need to get involved in this shit.”

Hunter smiled and stripped off his shirt. He cracked his neck from side to side and bounced up and down on the balls of his feet. “I need a good workout. Who’s first?”

The guys were looking at him as it he was nuts. “You do realize there are twelve us right?”

“Yup, I can count. Come on, pussies, let’s go.” Hunter waved his hand in a ‘come and get it’ motion.

“Who the fuck is this guy?”

“Hunter Trevino. Not so pleased to meet you. Now, come on. Who’s first?” Hunter put his hand out. He smiled. One of them had heard the name and was putting two and two together. Roman Trevino, notorious assassin, friend of Vince Markov.

“Yeah, I don’t think so.”

Hunter pouted. “Aw, come on!”

Jesse’s mouth dropped open as one of them was talking in a low voice. They walked away with most of them still looking back at Hunter. “What was that all about?”

“I guess they’ve seen me fight.”

Jesse arched a brow. “Uh huh.”

“So what do you say we throw the ball around while we wait?” Hunter smiled twirling the football on his index finger.

Oh for fucks sake, could the guy get any hotter? Jesse shook his head clear and smiled. “Start running.”

Hunter was impressed. They had been passing the ball back and forth for a while and the guy had an arm like he’d never seen. The ball sailed across the park at least fifty yards in a perfect spiral and landed right in his hands. He looked up to find Jesse smiling at him.

“Wow.” Jesse took his shirt off, wiped his forehead and Hunter almost fell over. “Hot damn.”

Jack was watching Hunter staring at Jesse and he sensed Devon beside him. They both smiled at Hunter and Jesse joking together. “So, we’re going to help out I take it?” Jack asked.

“The only way we will be on the same field is if you guys lose. We’re the team your coach has picked to train you.” Devon watched Jesse chasing Hunter downfield.

“I can’t guarantee that.” Jack chuckled.

“Well, then we keep getting them together. Hopefully, Hunter will get a little more comfortable.”

Jack watched Jesse tackle Hunter. They both went down and Jesse was on top of him. “Let’s hope so.”




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