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Happy Ever Afterlife Part 1 (Afterlife saga Book 9) by Stephanie Hudson (30)





“I can feel your soul near glowing with your love for me and you don’t know what it means to me to witness it.” Draven’s voice was deep and rough as if he was finding it difficult to speak, so I replied with the only words that needed to be said right in that beautiful moment,

“Make love to me.” He didn’t say anything to this as his actions said it all. He simply turned me in his arms and placed a hand gently to my cheek before running it up through my hair. I closed my eyes the second I felt him bringing me forward close to him for a kiss. It wasn’t demanding or raw or possessive. No, this time, it was gentle and soft, caring and tender. It was the type of kiss that tells you, the world has stopped and the only two hearts beating are the ones you can feel beating for each other.

I felt him slowly pull away at the covers, shifting my body to face him fully and breaking our connection for only a second before his lips were back to mine. His hands were everywhere but not just sexually. Over my shoulders, down my arms, entwining his fingers with mine to squeeze once, twice, a third time before letting me go so that they could caress my back. It was tenderness in every touch and his fingers left invisible prints against each part of blushed skin he touched with his heat.

And all the while Jane Eyre continued, and her own love story became a backdrop to our own. But the difference was clear, she was yet to experience the trials of love and tests put before us. But me…well I had already conquered mine and the man in my arms now was my prize.

“Look at me, I want to see your soul light up for me,” he murmured softly and the second I did he finally joined our bodies. I cried out at the pleasure of it all, then I reached up, framed his face in my trembling hands and said,

“You don’t just light up my soul, Dominic…” I paused reaching up further and whispered over his lips fiercely,

“You set it ablaze.” I then ended up swallowing his response with a kiss, whatever it would have been. His hands reached down, held onto my wrists before raising my arms above my head to hold me still so he could continue to slowly make love to me. It was a maddening pace but one that was so beautiful, that it didn’t last as long as Draven’s sexual drive normally pushed me. No, this wasn’t about sexual gratification or the high from riding the wave of an orgasm. This was about letting our bodies speak to one another in the best way two people in love could. It was about letting our souls touch the fire that burned and sparked around them as our vessels connected.

“Come with me, let us fall together,” Draven demanded softly, and I could only nod my answer as I already felt the building need chasing up from my core. Every long pull of his length away from me was followed slowly by an even greater feeling of him going back in for more. Every drag created along my nerves to fill the void, was done so with such tender care, that I was close to begging him to take me hard.

But after only a few moments more of him licking my nerves with his steely shaft, I was crying out in his arms and found him doing the same. He buried his head down next to mine, turning it so his release was being called against my cheek. I felt him coat my insides with his seed, one I was blessed to know had already taken root within my body.

“I love you, Keira,” he whispered against my cheek before kissing me there, no doubt tasting the salty tears that had escaped through the strength of our lovemaking. He raised himself up and looked down at me, now framing my face with his own hands. The look he gave me was simply one of wonder, as if any minute he expected me to merely fade away as if it had all been a part of his dreams. I covered one of his hands with my own, slipping two of my fingers between the gaps and I closed my eyes telling him the only thing he needed to hear from me…

“I love you, Dominic.”


“Well, there is another pretty big reason not to forget this story,” I said after we had calmed our loving storm back down to a simmering breeze and in doing so I nodded back at the telly. Draven laughed above me before falling to his side and taking me in his arms. He looked back to the screen and saw that it was the part where Jane was sneaking out of Thornfield Hall and leaving Mr Rochester for what she assumed was forever. Draven gripped me tighter and his next words, stole my breath.

“I know how that feels.” He may have been mimicking my earlier statement again, but this one referred to many more heart-breaking times. I couldn’t even say which time he was referring to, considering if it wasn’t through my own doing but that of others, this was when I realised, I had indeed left him more times than he had ever left me.


“And thankfully, we both know how that feels,” I told him once Jane and Rochester were again back together.

“To have you back in my arms after so long of living in the darkness without you, consumed by a fear that I had lost you forever…yes I would say I too thought it must have been a dream.”

“But now it is time for another dream to be lived and experienced, one of which that up until recently, I hadn’t known was also one of your own.” I shifted on my side to look at him and asked,

“What do you mean?” Then before he could answer me, his phone rang as if on cue. He winked at me before getting from the bed to retrieve it from his pocket. I swear the sight of his naked bum sent a little spasm down against my already sensitive channel.

“Is everything ready?” Draven asked as way of answering his phone. I frowned, wondering what he was up to this time and seriously wondering that if it was anything like my surprise today, then would it be possible to burst from so much joy?

“Excellent, give us ten minutes,” he said then waited for the other person to finish and I was just questioning what would be happening in ten minutes, and also who he was talking to. I didn’t have long to wait as the next thing he said finally gave me a name. 

“You have done well Sophia, I am proud of you.” After this he hung up and turned back to me now sporting a rather large grin.

“What was all that about?” I asked as he came back to the bed. He didn’t tell me, no he only continued to grin before he suddenly whipped the covers off me.

“Hey!” I complained, something he ignored. No once again instead of explaining his actions he just picked me up off the bed and walked with me in his arms to the bathroom.

“Do I smell that bad?” I joked making his lips curl up at one side.

“It’s time I got my little Queen washed, as we have things to do,” he told me finally, although this didn’t really give me much to go on.

“And that being?” I asked but again his answer was a secretive one. Only at least it did kind of answer my earlier question about bursting from joy, especially when he replied,

“Another surprise.”


Ten minutes later and after one of the quickest showers ever, I was stood back in our room in a fluffy bathrobe still looking at Draven expectantly, waiting for him to tell me what he was up to. Although I had to say the sight of him dripping wet with a towel hanging low off his hips and rubbing another one over his hair was somewhat distracting in my mission to find out. Especially the way the action made his delicious muscles bunch at his biceps and shoulders. Jesus but even his back was ripped.

“So, are you going to tell me?” I asked finally shaking myself out of my sexually induced Draven haze.

“Nope,” he answered, throwing the towel he had been using on his hair casually off to one side.

“But I will tell you what sweetheart, I might let you see your dress when it arrives…and speaking of which, here it comes, along with some other…”

“Pip! Sophia!” I shouted as his sentence was cut off when the two of them burst into the room. Well, Pip did the bursting bit and Sophia sashayed in after her.

“Tooty Preggers!” Pip shouted making Draven’s lip twitch and Sophia groan. Then it took me half a second to realise what the surprise was thanks to what they were wearing. My head quickly snapped to Draven and in total shock I uttered,

“You’re taking me to the medieval banquet?!” Draven just grinned at me, obviously enjoying my reaction and then closed the distance between us. He cupped my cheek as I looked up at him adoringly before he lowered his head, so he could grant me a sweet kiss.

Then he said,

“We shall see.” Which only ended up confusing me more as soon after that he left the room, saying,

“If you will excuse me ladies, I will now leave my wife in your capable hands.” And I had to wonder where he was going considering he was still only wearing a towel.

But I didn’t ask this, no instead I turned back to the girls and said,

“Oh my god, I think he is taking me to that banquet.” To which they both just laughed. Well, Pip squealed a giggle and Sophia chuckled sounding like the Angel she wasn’t.

“Wow, you guys look…”

“Utterly amazeballs with supersonic range?” Pip finished, and I grinned at her and said,


Sophia wore a beautiful gown of red velvet and gold embroidered oak tree leaves that were interwoven with tiny red crystals. It was in the typical medieval style dress that was cut across the breasts and full sleeves that covered her shoulders and fanned out into a great teardrop shape by her hands. It was a full skirt, that must have had a petticoat underneath to give it that much body. As for her beautiful black hair, half of it was twisted back over a little net cap of pearls that sat at the crown of her head and the rest cascaded down past her shoulders in lovely loose curls. She looked as though she had just stepped out of an Anne Boleyn movie.

Now Pip on the other hand looked as if she had just climbed up from Wonderland and out of a rabbit hole finding herself in a sweetshop. In fact, I think this was one of her most outrageous outfits yet, and it was definitely her most colourful. It was funny because the only colour missing from her dress was black, which she had chosen to wear over her eyes instead and for probably this reason. It looked as though a candy factory had first turned into a transformer, had then tried to swallow her, only to end up choking so had to throw her back up with all the sweets still attached!

The only remote thing about it that was authentic was the shape and cut of the dress being that it was similar to Sophia’s. The bodice part was patterned in candy pinstripes, in a rainbow of pastel colours, this matched her tights that could be seen thanks to a large section of the long dress cut out at the front. In its place was a huge net tutu in layers of fuchsia pinks, lime greens and pale blues, all of which sparkled with a hem of silver sequins around the wavy edges.

But this wasn’t the craziest part, nor was it her ice cream shoes that had colourful cupcake shaped heels and cherries at the toe. Or even her massive baby pink wig that was up and around her head in a massive cone that was at least a foot high. To this she had added a massive stuffed bow of white latex with candies glued to it. 

But again, like I said this was still pretty tame for Pip, that is if it hadn’t been for the flowing pink gown cut like a curtain either side of the tutu and nearly completely covered in sweets! I mean it even trailed along the floor behind her and I just had images of her being chased by a gang of kids at a children’s party. Although, knowing Pip she would have loved it.

But I was ashamed to admit, my first thought had been what were all the humans going to think when we all turned up at this banquet thing. Suddenly I couldn’t help it but I kind of started to wish we were now having our own here.

It wasn’t because I was ashamed to be seen with her, not in a million years. That was Pip and you loved her for who she was, not who everyone else thought she should be. No, what I was afraid of was anyone coming close to hurting her feelings, which I knew from speaking with Sophia, this had happened before. Although she had also told me that since she was now decreed ‘The Queen’s’ best friend, this had magically stopped happening. Something to do with the threat of what upsets my friends, would also upset me…And the King would not tolerate that.

So, I was definitely calling this a perk.

A perk however that had no effect in the human world.   

“When did you guys get here?” I asked getting giddy just at the sight of them both. Sophia shot Pip a look first, which was a dead giveaway that when this happened, there was always something I should know but was being kept from me.

So naturally, I wanted to know.

“Alright guys, come on, spill it,” I said putting a hand on my hip.

“Spill what, nothing to spill here, nope, nothing, nada…nothing to see here folks, time to move along…so what do you think of my hair, awesome right?” Pip said with a twirl of her foot as she pointed her toes like a naughty coy child.

“Smooth, really smooth,” Sophia commented dryly, and Pip raised a sugar sprinkled coated fingernail to her blue painted lips and started biting it.

“Well come on, what do you expect, she’s the Dr. Claw to my Inspector Gadget… I mean she is intense and has MAD interrogation skills…Haha, get it…not a fan eh, fine then but it’s still those shifty eyes, no offence Toots,” she added blowing me a kiss.

“Oh, jeez thanks, none taken.” I muttered as Sophia commented sarcastically.

“Oh yeah, just like a member of the Gestapo, gosh I don’t know how you survived.”

“I know right, don’t think I don’t see you eyeing up my candy tits now,” she said wagging a finger at me and I don’t know why my first thought was…isn’t that the only place she didn’t have sweets dripping off her. Unless there was something I was missing and if that was the case well, Adam was certainly in for a treat later. Which reminded me, I still had my own treat to give Draven, thanks to Pip’s handmade sugar corset she gave me at my hen do.

Now knowing of Draven’s recently discovered sweet tooth, I was definitely looking forward to that night!

But right now, what I was looking forward to even more, was seeing my new dress and knowing what everyone was up to. 

“So, you’re not going to tell me what’s going on?”


“Not a chance.” Both Pip and Sophia answered together making me groan.

“But you get to see your dress,” Sophia added.

“Oh, and we get to play human dress up again YEY!” Pip shouted after Sophia and this time I really groaned, then felt the need to correct her, like I felt I had to do around everyone these days,

“Don’t you mean human Vampire dress up?” To which they both just shrugged their shoulders at the same time, like some comedy duo.

“Nah.” Pip answered this time for them as a collective unit. 

“I am never going to get taken seriously as a vampire, am I?” I asked with a slump of my shoulders.

“Nope” Pip said swiftly followed by Sophia’s,

“No, not really” I rolled my eyes at them and said,

“You guys are spending way too much time together.” They both just laughed at this, and again, it was just another thing not to take me serious about.

Then my human/little respect Vamp self was made to sit down whilst my two crazy best friends went to work on dressing me for a night of the medieval past, and of course what music did Pip click to play whilst they worked…

The Time Warp.


“Seriously Pip if you don’t stop ‘jump to the left’ and ‘taking a step to the right’ every time you brush her hair then it will end up being more knotted than before she got out the bloody shower!” Sophia said referring to Pip dancing behind me. Of course, what she forgot to include on this list were the hands on the hips and pelvic thrusts she was also adding every time the chorus came on.

“Yeah well, at least I have an actual brush this time, seriously you should have seen the shit I had to deal with back in Persia, I thought I was going to cut it off whilst she was sleeping!”

“Oi!” I shouted moaning, one that was ignored of course. 

“But then she would have strangled me with it, so I said to myself…I said Pipper, just walk away and find a horse to take your frustration out on,” she finished, and I said,

“Yes, she would have strangled you…but wait, did you just say a horse?!”

“I know I am going to regret this but explain, Pip.” Sophia said first giving me a sideways looks as if to say, ‘here we go’.

“Well, I cut its tail off of course,” she said as if this was obvious behaviour, which even for Pip I was struggling to see. I blinked a few times, shook my head and this time it was me and Sophia that were both speaking at the same time,

“Come again?”

“You what now?”

Then as if it explained everything, she just lifted all my hair up and said,

“Duh.” And that was it.

That was our explanation.


A little while later and a lot more crazy from Pip, I was now staring at the finished product and again was dumbfounded by the reflection now staring back at me. My gown was truly like something out of a fairy tale and suddenly I found I didn’t even want to leave the castle, as it certainly fit with the fantasy. No, all I wanted was to see Draven dressed in an outfit from the same time period after entering his grand ballroom and for him to see me like this before asking me to dance.

Maybe this was something I could ask for a New Year’s Eve party one year or something?

Well even if not, then at least we had tonight and staring at myself right now I found I couldn’t wait to know what Draven would think.

My dress was a different style to the others as for a start the corseted top had a sweetheart neckline instead of just the classic cut across my breasts. I wondered if this was because I was curvy in this area and therefore this style suited me better, showcasing them, rather than just squashing them flat.

It looked as though two dresses had been made together with the front section of the dress being a rich Cadbury’s purple colour. This went down from the tight corset to my feet flaring out at the bottom into a wider section.

The whole of the shimmering purple taffeta was decorated with a luxurious black velvet Damask brocade in a classic medieval style. The rest of the dress was a soft plain black velvet, that hung down, and flared out over my petticoat underneath. Its sleeves came down past my knees and were folded back to reveal the purple, patterned material underneath. This looked like overly large cuffs so that my hands could be seen and not get lost underneath all the lush fabric. The same exquisite purple material could also be seen at the large hood that swooped down from my shoulders, looking more like a cape because of the way it hung.

I was just wondering how I was going to walk without tripping up over the massive train that followed my every move, making this dress bigger than what I wore for my wedding. It was definitely a medieval statement, that was for sure, as it was most certainly fit for a queen.

My hair, done by the dancing Pip, had been braided in different sections then wound around the crown of my head framing a riot of loose barrel curls, that fell down my back like a waterfall. Even my make-up had been done to look the part, with smoky purple shadow and heavier eyeliner flicking up to points at the edges. My lips were a deep matt red colour that seemed to be stained on as it wasn’t going anywhere fast. Great news then for kissing handsome Kings.

Over all, I barely recognised the girl who had looked in the mirror this morning.

“I guess we’d better get going if we want to make it in time, I don’t know how long a drive it is…what…why does she now look like she is storing a couple of golf balls in her mouth?” I asked Sophia, referring to Pip who looked like she was trying to stop something from exploding from her mouth. It was that or she was holding her breath like a kid does, where they puff their cheeks out, looking like a blow fish impression.

“Pip no, don’t do it…” Sophia warned but I swear she looked like she was going to blow any minute. Then, before she could say anything else, she ran to the door still with her hands over her mouth. Sophia inhaled a premature sigh of relief when just as she pulled a hand away to open the door, she quickly blurted out,

“See you at the party…which is downstairs as Draven wanted it to be a surprise for you, so that instead of going to a different castle for a night in the past, he decided he wanted to show you what it was like in his castle playing king and queen with you, blonde preggy queenie, by his side. He has been keeping this a secret for days having Sophia make the arrangements as he lied to you about having work done on the castle, so you wouldn’t find out!” My mouth had dropped open at all she had just blurted out and I turned to Sophia to see her head lowered as she rubbed her temple in that disappointing way. But with Pip still having her back to us she simply said,

“Sorry, I didn’t make it…See ya!” Then she ran out the door before another word could be said.

“Is that all true?” I asked once me and Sophia had just recovered from all…well, all of that.

“You mean the truth bomb that just went off?” she replied making me snort a laugh.

“Did he really do all that, just because I mentioned about going to a banquet?”

“No, he did all that because he loves you and wants to make you happy. He did all of that Keira, because after everything you have done, and all you have endured for simply loving my brother, well honey, he did it because…you deserve it.” Hearing this I practically threw myself in her arms and hugged her to me. She made a little ‘humpf’ sound at being caught off guard but as she hugged me back I only had one thing to say to her…


“I love having you for a sister.”