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JAKE (Leaves of a Maple Book 2) by Haley Jenner (17)


I pack slowly. Methodically. Making sure I miss nothing, not wanting a single need to have to return to this place. To David’s home. I start in our bedroom and feel no sense of nostalgia removing my things from his space and into the suitcases lined along the bed. I feel no connection to this house, a place that was supposed to be my home for so many years. But I feel nothing. No sense of loss knowing I’m leaving with no intention to ever return. In its place, I feel only relief that I’ll finally be able to say goodbye to a life I pretended was mine. A life I pretended I was happy in. I move through the house, removing my belongings. It doesn’t take me long to finish packing, further cementing the fact that I never really belonged here. That I knew deep down what we shared wasn’t real because I’ve never really settled here. Never really made David’s home, my home. I was only ever a guest in his space, most of the time somewhat unwelcome. As much as David, even until the end, held onto the fact that we both should settle for what we had, neither of us were really comfortable with the other. Even from the beginning it was stilted conversation and awkward silences. He could never understand and would never appreciate my bluntness or inappropriate sense of humor. I, too, could never understand his need for the utmost perfection and the façade he constantly portrayed, never allowing anyone too close, always far too consumed with work to care about living his life. Then in the blink of an eye, this dwindling relationship took the most unexpected of nose dives and a man I’d spent years trying to love morphed into someone I never imagined he could be. Maybe if Jake and I hadn’t happened I would’ve continued in my compliance. But we didn’t happen and it took me falling in love, all consuming, heartbreakingly painful love, to realize that this can’t be my life. It just can’t.

Car packed, I walk back into the house one last time, willing myself to feel anything other than relief, but nothing comes. Maybe guilt, hate, disappointment. All directed at myself, because standing in the exact point I rejected Jake, again, so forcefully, I feel sick at the words I spoke. At the lies stripped from my mouth in a moment of desperation.

He called me out. Completely. He forced himself to be the voice of reason in my head and I panicked. Actually, that’s not even a word that could come close to describing what happened. I finally broke. I was clutching at my dimly disguised lies in a hysterical haze. Fighting for him to not see me for the fractured person I really am. But he saw me. Has always seen me and the only way I could retain the sliver of control I felt I had, I turned on him. I turned on the one person who sees me, flaws and all, and loves me all the same. I took his declaration, his beautiful words and twisted them with so much hate that I know Luca was right. One hundred percent. Jake’s better than me. His soul shines with so much love and kindness and mine shadows that with the darkness that live inside my head and heart. I’m not enough. Not for someone as good as Jake. He deserves someone who fights harder than I have. Someone who would never deny the feelings in their heart. Someone who would love him as fiercely as he does them. He’s worthy of a far greater love. Love that I know I have inside of me. But, he should demand that great love from a better person. A kinder, more honorable person.

Can I be her? Can I repair the flaws in my soul to be that person for him? I hope so. One day. When I’ve fixed all that seems broken inside me, I hope I can offer even the smallest snippet of what he deserves.

Removing my key and placing it on the kitchen counter I contemplate calling David. Talking through the demise of our relationship and telling him I can’t do it any longer, play his pawn. But I can’t stomach any more insults or condescension. More, he’d force his threats upon me and I’d likely change my mind. I’d let the cold reality of what I’m about to do filter in and convince myself I’m being selfish.

My hand doesn’t shake when I say goodbye in a note, further reinforcing that I’ve made the right decision. So much of me has already been lost and I just can’t keep going. This is not me. Arguing with Jake, spewing more and more lies, the last few months flashed through my eyes. All of it. Every last twisted and magical moment. Every disgusting and manipulative move David has made and every kind and genuine gifted by Jake.

It’s funny to think that all those months ago, writing a single note began the domino of events that brought us here. That penning that letter to Jake after each of us gave part of ourselves to the other, was so much harder. That after spending only one night, less than twelve hours together, saying goodbye was hard enough to have me reconsider actually leaving. My hand shook then, my mind wanting to tell him to wait for me, that I’d be back, that I’d go home and pack and be back with him before he hopefully woke. Clearly, at the time, I didn’t see that as an option. What would my life look like now if I’d listened to my heart? If I’d given it the power it so rightfully deserved. Would I be happy? Deliriously so? I think so. I think my life would have started to unfold in a way that I would want, and appreciate. A life that I crave to be a part of. Instead of this, scribbling a note that doesn’t hurt to write, about to walk away with the hope my life doesn’t crumble around me.



Go fuck yourself.




Securing my note under my discarded house key I turn, grabbing my camera bag, making sure my equipment is packed securely. I take one last look at the space and even with my limited belongings removed, it looks the same in my eyes. Stale and unwelcoming. In all honesty, most people wouldn’t look at the space in the same way I do. They would see modern day living; clean and subtle decor. Neutral colors and a designated spot for every item within the walls. My opinion is tainted by years of loneliness and attempting to alter myself to fit. In any little way possible. 

As I stand alone in the figuratively empty space, I imagine how I would look. A dash of color in an overwhelming sea of shade. I’d give anything for the image in a photo. A girl so broken down by the weight of her errors standing within the walls of a house she is so thankful to be leaving. A complete juxtaposition of one individual’s emotions. Relief and unhappiness equal parts overwhelming.

Standing there with the photo captured only in my mind, I vow to remember this moment for the remainder of my life. To let this minute in the endless succession I have in front of me to always sit within my mind so I can remember how I never want to feel again. Going forward I vow to only ever feel confident and at ease with the decisions I make in my life. Never to be controlled or manipulated by another. My decisions will always be mine. Always. It sounds promising and daunting all at the same time. But the existence I’ve lived for the past few years has been lonely. So soul consuming lonely, I’ve spent a whole lot of time, unsure of who I am. Or who I care to be.

Except for the time I spent with Jake. With Jake I felt content and happy within myself, enough to be who I really wanted to be. To be who I really was.

Standing in a similar spot he stood when I lied so blatantly and hurtfully, I feel a suffocating sense of loss. I can’t imagine ever being able to forgive myself for the pain I caused him or the deluded lies I spewed time and time again attempting to distance myself from him. And if I can’t ever forgive myself, how can I ever expect Jake too. I guess in reality I don’t. It’s a nice dream to have that one day all that is broken between us could be fixed. It’s far-fetched and as close to a fairytale as every Disney movie to exist. Shame I’m no princess, fighting for my happily ever after might have been a little easier from the beginning.

Walking down the porch steps, I contemplate heading straight for Carnation. For Jake. To let the fight I have ahead of me to begin immediately. But I can’t. For the first time in my life, I need to be utterly selfish, for all the right reasons. I need to think only of myself right now and try to piece together everything broken down inside of me. I need to take back control. Then and only then will I have the strength I need to fight my way back into the lives of the people I love; Dad, Mom, Steve, Archer, Janie, Luca, Annabelle, and Jake. It sounds stupid but I plan to leave my amends with Jake until the very end. For no other reason but the fact that I’ll need every single last person in my life on my side. I don’t want doubt or hesitation from anyone because I don’t want Jake to have any source of negativity in his life when it comes to me. I want, when he chooses me, if he chooses me again, to have the blessing of the people in our world that we love most.  Only that way will he consider giving me the second chance he promised I’d never have. Only when no further heartache could come from us being together will he give thought to trusting me with his heart again.

Driving to my dad’s, I feel nervous. Afraid of his disappointment at my decision to leave David and the life we looked to be building. Afraid that I’ll cause him further heartbreak with my decision. Afraid that the rejection and loss he felt when my mom left will come storming back for him. That I’ll break his heart all over again when he realizes, I, like Mom, could not find happiness with a man married to his career. Couldn’t build a life with a stable, structured man that would have no trouble providing financially for his family, but emotionally came up short every time. A man like him. But more, will he understand that my decision could destroy the one thing in life he’s worked his hardest at building, his career. Will he hate me for that?

I love my dad wholeheartedly and not just because he’s my dad. I saw how hard he tried to be there for me throughout my life. I saw how he accepted every life path I chose when it most likely wouldn’t have been something he would choose for me. Always taking comfort and acceptance at my decisions because they made me happy. That above everything, my happiness, is all that has ever concerned him when it comes to me. I just always wanted to do right by him. Would he have wanted his daughter to choose a career as a photographer? I’d say not. But he never said a negative word when I expressed my desire to follow that path, only told me to find the best school to teach me my art and be the best I could be.

Would he have wanted a daughter that struggled to filter the words that fall from her mouth, one that laughs and jokes at all things inappropriate regardless of the company? I’d say not. But never once has he reprimanded me for my behavior, only ever encouraging me to be who I wanted to be and to never apologize for it.

Would he have wanted a daughter that accepted the man that ruined his marriage into her life, completely, loving him fiercely without apology? I’d say not. But he only ever encouraged my relationship with Steve, taking comfort in the additional support Steve’s love and guidance gave me.

I couldn’t find it in myself to love a man with a similar life pattern and life outlook to my dad. The man who has accepted every single part of me without hesitation or disappointment. I tried. I tried to find happiness with someone with whom he could relate. I tried for years but only found my happiness and self-worth being eaten away by the disappointment and contempt David viewed me with.

Now, I can’t even find it within me swallow my wants in life for my dad to be happy.

My dad has proven the strength of his love for me over and over again. The depth of his love has never wavered, so now I have to have faith. Faith that, once again, his love for me is strong enough to respect my decisions. That he can accept my discretions, my decision even if it might destroy his dreams. I have to have faith that all he has ever really wanted for me is to be happy, no matter the path I take.

I call his phone and wait only two or three rings for his voice to filter into my car. “Aubrey, sweetheart, how are you?”

My body smiles automatically at his soft-spoken voice. “I’m okay, Daddy, on my way to see you. You okay if I stay with you for a few days?”

The returning smile in his voice is obvious when he speaks. “Of course, sweetheart. I have a bit of work on, I’m sure you understand, but I’ll always make time for you.”

“Awesome. I’ll be there in a bit. I’m tired and just gonna crash when I get there, so don’t rush back from the office. Maybe we can have breakfast tomorrow?”

“Absolutely. Drive safe. Sleep well. Love you, Aubrey.”

“Love you too, Daddy,” I reply, comforted by his small endearment.

The rest of the drive is quiet, the soft shuffle of blues drifting from the sound system my only company. It’s comforting, and I let myself forget everything plaguing my mind in that moment of solitude. Losing myself in the soft hum of the music and run of the lyrics.  

The snow lining the roads on the way to Seattle is starting to subside, barely an inch deep as the weather prepares to thaw out –slightly – over the coming months. I’ve never minded the snow, the cold weather. Most people around our side of the State complain relentlessly about it. I’ve never understood that. Why complain? Why not just move if you hate it that much?

David was always a bit that way, complaining about the snow and the coldness of the air. His dislike confused me, the man spent most of his life inside, within a temperature controlled office – how could outside have any impact on his life? Maybe it was the travel to Seattle, combatting it on the roads. No matter how careful people are, accidents are a given on wet, icy roads. Additional traffic due to weather or accidents would make him irate. How could it not? How dare Mother Nature pull him away from time in the office. Inconsiderate bitch that she is. No one likes traffic, but spend enough time on the road and I’ll give it to David that it was enough to drive anyone nuts.  But that, right there, is something I never understood. Why live almost two hours away from where you were needed most for work? Why not shift that small distance south? I guess change was never a strong point of David’s, comfortable in his set environment, with limited possibility for movement. 

Arriving at Dad’s in the late afternoon I nibble on a snack before showering and settling into the guest room. Cuddled into the thousand thread-count sheets and comforter, I fail miserably at resisting the overwhelming urge to look at Jake, to read his words. I flick endlessly through photo after photo stored within the memory of my phone.

Singing at gigs, sweat lining his forehead, the thick cords of his neck straining against the lyrics. 

Smiling up at me, dimple on show, my bare knees visible in the framework of the still. A reminder of one of the few nights we gave into our need, fighting for the closeness while refusing to let anything infiltrate that moment. Refusing to let our reality crash down on us while we shared a night of the intimacy we so greatly craved.

Random snapshots of different sections of ink. The cursive lining his spine my favorite. Black script. ‘The future is not set, there is not fate but what we make for ourselves’. 

That decoration on his body always hit me, always pulling me to reason, reminding me that my life is nothing but a result of the decisions I’ve made. That I was unhappy because of me. Not David, not Jake, not Dad, not Mom or Steve. Me. I think that’s why I love it so much. Why I always paid so much attention to it. That and the fact that it was framed by the strong muscles of his back.

I wish I had these on digital still, not just on my smartphone. The clarity on the small phone not giving him the justice he deserves. I’d want them blown up, black and white stills decorating the walls of my bedroom.

A room that doesn’t actually exist when I think about it, considering at this moment I’m virtually homeless.

Flicking out of the photos and into the messages, I scroll down until I find his name.



Aubrey: Shitty ass client today. Tell me something to make me smile.



Jake: Struggling to concentrate today. Got the boss playin’ BB in the shed and I can’t remove a certain redhead from my mind.



Aubrey: Totally smiling now. He did give me my EXCELLENT taste in music.

Aubrey: I miss you.



Jake: Like you wouldn’t believe Strawb’ries.



I know what happened after each and every conversation. Some resulted in me being able to take the stills locked into my phone. Others had him distancing, telling me he couldn’t do it any longer. This one led to the former. Since David was out of town, Jake fucked me senseless on David’s sectional. I’m classy like that.



Jake: Annabelle came over today, we played video games and Archer almost spontaneously combusted. It was gold. Pure fucking gold.



Aubrey: I’m missing something right.



Jake: Luca was here :P



Aubrey: Please tell me she threw attitude too.and you videoed it.



Jake: Ha! Yes and no. I have a gig this week, didn’t need a broken rib.

Jake: I miss you.



Aubrey: Going crazy here with it J-Baby.



That one didn’t work out so well for me.  My phone blew up that night with a barrage of texts attributing blame for the desperation we both feel. I take full responsibility but what can I possibly say? I’m sorry. I do that. It upsets him more, and his response is always the same, ‘don’t say sorry, make it fucking right.’ If only it had been that easy, if only I’d had a backbone strong enough to support the decisions I made in life and finally, in love, trusted my heart.



Jake: I’m drunk and so fucking lonely Aubrey. I need you so fucking bad…..



Aubrey: J-BabyI’m stuck at an event, I can’t. Where are you?



Jake: R u with him? Why can’t u c u should b with me? Not him. Not fucking him.


Jake: Do u still let him fuck you? Do you give him that?






Jake: God I hate that I need u so fucking much

Jake: Bellevue



I drove there that night. Left David at his stale function and drove the fifteen minutes from Seattle to find Jake. I knew where he’d be, only ever staying at a Sheraton in the bigger cities he visits. He looked so broken down when I finally made it to his room. He rarely let himself get to that point, but there he was, standing in the doorway, shirtless, colorful skin on show, the top button of his jeans open with a bottle of whiskey swinging from his hand. In that moment, he reminded me so much of Archer, their height, the slight tan to their skin and dark hair their only physical similarities. But the look in his blood-shot eyes, so lost in the world, the resemblance was striking. I always hated myself the most in those moments. Despised myself deeply that I could have it in me to cause someone so much pain. Someone I cared for immensely.

“You look so beautiful,” he slurred, moving an arm to drag a finger across my naked collarbone.

“Jake. Baby,” I’d barely managed before he’d dragged me forward to smash his lips down to my own.

That night had been a messy one. Teeth, tongues, lips and loud, messy sex. He first told me he loved me that night. Drunk, but so genuine in his declaration that I’d cried. Because I wanted to tell him I loved him back. I wanted to tell him he owned my heart completely, but I didn’t. Instead I told him no, like every clichéd story, I told him he wasn’t allowed to love me, and he was so fucking mad at me. Understandably.

I‘d left him in the room, starting to sober up, his declaration dancing around the room, so thick with rejection it was suffocating. I ran like a coward and the next day he cut it off. Told me he couldn’t do it anymore and asked me not to contact him. I conceded to his request. What more could I have possibly said? He was right after all.

I hadn’t seen him for months after that until last night. Last night it all came crashing down and once again I broke him.

Throwing my phone onto the bed, I toss away the covers, sitting upright to turn the small chain hanging on my ankle to locate my strawberry, trying in vain to replace the violent sadness I feel with a happy memory. I recall the uncertainty in his eyes as he gave me the gift, the pride in his grin when I told him I loved it. The image only heightens the tightening in my chest, the complete and utter loss I feel.

Memories flood my mind, forcing me to remember every hideous moment of the past few months. I rub my eyes in vain, working to expel them, but they won’t stop. They’re relentless.


“Is she coming back?”

I lift my head at the sound of David’s voice, breaking my gaze from the images I’m lost in editing. I fucking hate when he does this, interrupts my workspace. He’d lose his shit if I stormed into his office while he was working, but then again, according to him, he has a real job. God, he’s so sanctimonious.

“What?” I query, not caring to camouflage the irritation in my tone. Not that he’d care he was pissing me off, shit, he probably didn’t even notice the spike in my tone.

His eyes scan our guestroom, the room in the house I claimed as my office. It’s still a stale space of muted color and limited furnishings, working in with David’s lavish décor. Insert fucking eye roll. The guy is as bland as they come. It’s a shame really, that someone so handsome could be so incomplete. I swallow the sigh held within my throat, following his eyes as they move over Annabelle’s scattered belongings.

“I said, is she coming back? Annabelle. You saw her in Carnation what, a week ago. Is she staying there or will she continue to squat in our guestroom?”

It’s not said in an overly offensive manner, but I still scold him. “David.”

He rolls his eyes. “Aubrey. She’s been here for years. How can an adult be so hopeless?” He shrugs awkwardly and I consider for a moment that he couldn’t possibly understand Annabelle’s psyche right now.

She’s heartbroken.

Completely. Utterly.

God, my heart hurts for her.  After leaving Carnation, or more so, after being pushed from Carnation all those years ago, you could barely classify her a person. She’s a shell. A chassis of pain and sadness.


I wanna cry just looking at her.

At how disappointed she seems when she wakes up every morning, like her preference would be just to fall asleep and stay that way for eternity.

At how every single mundane task in life brings her grief I couldn’t imagine. It reminds her of him. Of Archer. Everything. So everything hurts. You cross your arms over your chest, and her mind chooses to recall all the times Archer used to do the same. She hears the word baby, and I could swear in those moments, her legs consider giving up their ability to hold her upright.

Focusing on David, I consider whether I’d ever feel even a shred of that pain if he left me. If he pushed me away. I can’t imagine so. On recollection, our relationship was most likely over before it even began. Fuck knows why we both stay. Companionship? Or laziness? Possibly we’re content in the guise of our ‘love’, this way neither of us has to make the effort elsewhere. We have a familiarity that brings us the notion we’re cared for by one another. Ha. What a joke. We have a warm body when our need spikes, saving us the need to search for a lackluster fuck when we have something satisfactory enough at hand. His presence in my life seems to comfort my dad, which is an added bonus. I feel sad at times when I think how lacking a large chunk of my life is, but then I look at Annabelle, completely lost, barely existing now that love has been ripped away from her, and I let myself believe I’m okay with this. Because there is no way I could survive what Annabelle is going through. No. Fucking. Way. I watch her and I understand her want to go to sleep and not wake up. Fuck. That’s exactly what I would want. If I had love like she and Archer and it was torn away from me so brutally, I’d wanna die. Difference between Annabelle and I, I’m weak enough to let it happen.

“She lost the love of her life, David.”

He looks to me, pausing his assessment of the space, arms folding across his chest as he shakes his head. “She didn’t lose anything. The guy is a Neanderthal. He didn’t want her anymore, am I the only one that sees that? He’d prefer to drink himself into an early grave. I rather think he did her a favor.”

My face finds my hands as I drop it into them, now my turn to shake my head. “God. There is something fundamentally wrong with you.”

“Do tell,” he quips, his voice laced with sarcasm.

“Do you not feel any sadness for what they’ve both lost? Archer was broken when he finished his last contract. Shit. None of us can even imagine the things he’s seen. He’s lost everything because of his duty, as has Annabelle. You’re so unfeeling.”

The sigh he coughs out mocks me, and I stand, moving out from behind my desk.

I scowl over at him, taking a breath to speak but he cuts me off before I’ve had a chance to form a conscious thought.

“I want her gone.”
Shock lacerates through my body, and I gape, my mouth opening and closing in an ability to conjure a single coherent word.

“It’s not up for discussion. We look like fools, having a grown woman squatting in our house. We’re at an age where we should be getting married, having children. Instead we have this zombie living with us, who can barely pull herself out of bed.”

He turns to walk away, and I follow his footsteps. “No.”

Pausing his retreat, he turns, head tipped to the side in irritation. “Sorry?”

I bark out a humorless laugh. “I said no.”

“Cute. That you think you have a say in this, Aubrey. If you won’t tell her she has to leave. I will. Annabelle, against all appearances, isn’t stupid, I tell her she’s not welcome, she’ll leave.”

“No,” I repeat, the word cracking against the walls of the guestroom.

“Are you going to just keep repeating the same word over and over again? What does it matter, Aubrey? Let her go and mope somewhere else.”

I stagger backward at the lack of feeling in the way he speaks of my best friend. “You honestly have nothing inside of you. You’re empty. Void of emotion.”

Scrubbing a hand down his face, he groans in irritation. “You’re being overdramatic.”

I watch him, looking down at me in nothing but boredom.

“Only you would think that. Maybe it’s because you don’t have any friends, you can’t imagine what fatal fucking error you made by throwing out such a heartless ultimatum.”

I meet the stone of his stare with the ice of my own.

“You wouldn’t understand though because you have no friends. No one who would do anything to help you.”

He laughs dryly, the sound bitter and chafing. “Oh, Aubrey. How can you be so daft? Annabelle is using you. How often did she visit prior to her life falling apart? Hmmm?”

“See that’s your problem, David. You see every act of kindness, every act of love as having an ulterior motive. You see my friend using me, I see her leaning on me, needing me,” I pause to take a breath, brushing my hair from my face. “I feel sad for you.”

He doesn’t like that, being made to feel less, made to feel weak. Once upon a time, his slicing look would have cut me, wounded me to a point that I would’ve worked my hardest to fix it. I would’ve hated being looked at with so much animosity. Not now. He can keep his rage firmly in place. Fuck him. Fuck his stifling fucking home and his holier-than-thou attitude.

“I’m done. We’re done,” I correct.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he huffs.

“I’m fucking serious. I’m done with this fucking charade. I was content enough with your bored indifference, but then you went and threatened the safe haven of my best friend. Fuck you. I’m done.”

The flatness in his eyes dissipates as I work to move past him, a panic seizing his frame as he grabs my arm.

“Let go of me,” I spit.

“You stupid girl, you think you can just stamp your foot and be rid of me? No.”

My face morphs into one of surprised amusement. “I don’t just think it, it’s what’s happening. You don’t want this just as much as I don’t.”

“You’re wrong,” he argues, his defenses escalating at the desperation he let leak into his voice.

“Please,” I spit. “You’re not in love with me.”

His eyes close over in affliction, brows knotting together like my words alone bring on the mother of migraines. “God, Aubrey. Forget the silly notion you seem to have of true love. You can’t possibly believe it actually exists. It’s a fairy tale. Not real.”

I swallow against the acid of his words. “I’ve seen it,” I defend.

“Oh, that’s right, Archer and Annabelle.” He rolls his eyes. “How well love worked out for them.”

His grip on my arm tightens and I wince, pulling back, but he’s stronger, pulling me closer. “Aubrey, my job is built around finding weak spots and exploiting them. Capitalizing on deficiencies in a way that plays right into my hands.”

Yanking my arm from his tight grip, I step backward, away from his menacing glare. I’ve never seen him so angry, so panicked.

“You showed me your Achilles heel the moment I met you, Aubrey. The moment you agreed to go out with me after your dad introduced us. Anything to please Joseph.”

I swallow heavily at his easily spoken threat.

“I knew you weren’t interested, not in the same way I was you. I thought you’d grow to like me,” he shrugs, not too concerned that it didn’t play out that way. “You’re beautiful,” his hand reaches up, touching a strand of my hair and for a single moment the annoyance in his eyes dies, replacing itself with yearning. “More importantly,” he comes back to himself, dropping his hand away. “I knew you’d do great things for my career. Which you have done. Well, not you personally, your status, as Joseph’s daughter. Surely you know that our relationship put me in higher esteem with the other partners.”

“You used me.” I want to laugh at how absurd that is. How stupid I feel that I never saw it.

He watches me blankly for a single beat before shaking his head. “Not entirely. To begin with it was a bit of both. But while my affections grew for you, yours lessened with time. So disappointing.”

He seems sad as his words drift off and I almost feel bad for him. Almost.

“Aubrey, I can’t afford a hiccup in my career. Not this early on. I’ve just been voted onto the Board and this relationship ending wouldn’t look good.”

I shake my head, shocked that he’d think I give two shits about his career. “That’s not my problem.”

He taunts me with the sharpness of his smile. “That’s where you’re wrong. You’re far too beneficial for me to let you end this. It’s not an option.”

I laugh at the idiocy of his comment. “Jesus, David. Listen to yourself. You can’t lock me in a fucking cellar.”

“Not necessary,” he smirks, the gesture twisting the attractive lines of his face into something ugly.  “I could ruin him.” The words are spoken softly, his body language relaxed as he leans casually against the doorframe. But his eyes shoot daggers, cutting into me, daring me to defy him. “Joseph. I could take his career from him. The one thing he loves more than anything, more than you, I could take it from him. He’s older now, pushing back on motions that could move the company into another league, I could move to have him voted out.”

I hate that I don’t know enough about my dad’s career to know if that’s true. Whether David has that level of power.

“Aubrey, I don’t like looking like a fool, and I will step on or over anyone to make sure that doesn’t happen. I’ve worked too hard to let it all fall down now.”

“You wouldn’t,” I breathe. “He has nothing to do with this. With us.”

He stands to full height, pulling at his tie. “But he’s the one way I can keep what I want. High esteem is critical to me. I won’t lose face because of a childish tantrum you’ve decided to throw. If the very real threat of me ending your father’s career is how I keep you in check, then Joseph has everything to do with us.”

He walks away without further comment, turning and leaving the guestroom like nothing had happened.

I’m still standing there dumbfounded when he moves into the open door once again. “Annabelle can stay. For a few more weeks,” he offers lightly like he’s doing me a favor, like he didn’t just threaten me, like he didn’t just blackmail me into staying in this relationship.

He’s gone again before I can blink and I stand in a sea of Annabelle’s belongings trying to work out when it changed, when I completely lost sight of the man I was sharing a bed with. Or was I happy enough to remain oblivious and he’s always been this person?

I wish I could even pretend that I told him to shove his threat up his conceited fucking ass, but that would be a bold-faced lie. Because as soon as he simply spoken ultimatum slid from his lips, I knew he’d won. He took the one fear, so deeply rooted within my body and painted it neon. I couldn’t have ignored it, no matter how hard I tried. As much as I hate to admit it, after all these years together, David knows me, whether I want to admit that or not. He knew that he had me before the words were spoken. He’d won a long time ago. It just unfortunately took me longer to figure it out.

Rubbing my eyes with the palms of my hands, the skin becomes damp with the tears pooling inside. I fall back on the bed, pulling my comforter over my head as I stutter through my breathing and not for the first time over the past few months, I cry myself to sleep.





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