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Men Out of Uniform: 6 Book Omnibus by Rhonda Russell (88)


Dear Levi, I love the way your mouth hitches up into that little half-grin. It makes my heart skip and beat...and my nipples tingle...


He hadn’t been kidding about the holding his hand thing, Natalie thought as his strong fingers lay entwined with hers on top of his muscled thigh. A sexual current seemed to run from his fingers through hers and straight to the very heart of her sex. They sat in a sort of expectant silence as the final credits rolled.

Damn,” Levi finally said, releasing a pent up breath. “That was one scary ass movie.”

Understatement of the year, Natalie thought. She’d heard about the legendary horror film for years, but had never watched it. Levi hadn’t either, which had made her self-serving give-her-a-reason-to-cuddle selection perfect.

Natalie grinned. “Are you saying you’d rather watched the chick flick?” she teased.

“Hell no,” Levi said, chuckling. He squeezed her hand. “This was nice. I haven’t watched a movie in ages.”

“I love movies,” she admitted. “It’s one of my favorite forms of entertainment.”

A wicked twinkle lit his gaze and it was quite obvious he was thinking about a completely different form of entertainment. The kind that involved naked skin and hurried breathing and culminated with a back-clawing, ball-busting release. “I enjoy it, but I don’t think I’d go so far as to say it was one of my favorites. I prefer a more...physical form of entertainment.” His gaze caught and held hers. “Unless it’s reading, of course. Particularly letters.”

Oh, hell. Natalie swallowed as her stomach gave an ominous quiver.

“Did Adam mention that I’ve been getting letters from a woman from Bethel Bay?” he asked, studying her closely.

“He, er... He might have mentioned it.” She’d known this was coming, that it was only a matter of time before he’d bring it up. And she should own up, Natalie thought. Get it out of the way. Just tell him. This had gone on long enough.

All she had to do was admit that she was his Mysterious Ms. X and they could move forward, in the admittedly temporary direction they both wanted. Though she didn’t know whether or not Adam had shared his suspicions with Levi or not, given the leading little questions he’d asked--as well as his not so subtle let’s-go-to-the-post-office idea--she knew he had his own incriminating thoughts on the subject as well.

And just because he didn’t know now, didn’t mean he wouldn’t know shortly. That letter would be here any day now and when it came...

She should just tell him, Natalie thought again, trying to drum up the nerve to do just that.

But she couldn’t. Ridiculous and cowardly, she knew, but--

“I’ve really appreciated them,” Levi told her, twisting the guilt knife even further. A faint smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “They’ve uh... They’ve meant a lot.”

“That’s nice,” Natalie said, for lack of anything better. Meanwhile her heart did a little pirouette.

She’d known that he’d been smitten with her letters--had enjoyed them--because he’d written her back and told her so. Told her that and so much more. Those letters had opened the line of communication between them and the intimacy they’d created--even anonymously--had been nothing short of magical. It had been open and honest and thoughtful. She’d poured out her heart, but had measured and selected each word with care.

 Levi waited, evidently on her to confess, and let out a silent, almost imperceptible sigh when she didn’t.

“It’s getting late,” he finally said. “I should get going.” Still holding her hand, he reluctantly stood and made his way to the door. He stared down at her. “Dinner was fabulous,” he murmured. He edged closer, leaving no room for doubt about his intentions. “Adam was right about your lasagna.”

He was going to kiss her, Natalie thought faintly. Finally, finally, finally, after all these years. Her lips tingled in anticipation, her breasts grew heavy and a steady insistent warmth pooled in her middle.

“Much as it pains me to admit it, Adam is usually right about a lot of things. I think the world of your brother. He’s one of my best friends.”

His measured gaze searched hers. “I kept thinking the two of you would become more than friends.”

Natalie laughed and rolled her eyes. “You and everybody else.” She let go a breath and shook her head. “But we’ve never been interested in each other that way.” Though she wasn’t about to admit to Levi, she and Adam had even kissed once to test the waters. Nothing, nada, zilch. Her gaze inexplicably dropped to his lips and a bolt of heat hit her womb. “There’s never been any chemistry.”

He sidled closer, incinerating her with his nearness. A flash of goosebumps skittered up her spine and camped at the back of her neck. “Chemistry’s important.”

Sweet Lord, he smelled good. Natalie licked her lips. “Essential,” she said.

That melting caramel gaze traced every line in her face and settled hungrily on her mouth. “I happen to think that we’ve got it.”

He was killing her, Natalie thought. Absolutely killing her. “You do?”

Another wicked chuckle, then “In spades.” He tugged her closer and bent his head until his lips were just a hairsbreadth away from her own. “Do you feel it?” he whispered huskily.

She nodded because she couldn’t speak. God help her, if she felt it anymore she’d self-combust.

He smiled, ever so slightly, the wretch. He knew what he was doing to her, knew that she wanted him more than she wanted her next breath. In fact, breathing seemed highly over-rated at the moment. She’d completely forgotten to do it.

And then his lips finally, blessedly--she even heard faint tones of the hallelujah chorus--touched hers and the air she’d been holding inexplicably leaked out in a sigh of utter and complete pleasure. It was as though every minute of her life was tied to this particular second, as though every tick of the clock had been leading up to the mating of their mouths, to the instant when he would kiss her. Sound receded. Sensation reigned. Happiness--joy the likes of which she’d never known and instinctively knew she’d never recognize again--rushed through in wave of euphoria so intense and perfect she could scarcely believe it.

Levi made a soft growl of masculine pleasure as his lips brushed lightly--almost reverently--over her mouth. Once, twice, a sampling, and then his hands framed her face, pushed into her hair and her soldier, her badass, her hero, the bonafide love of her life, laid siege.

There was no other term for it.

His tongue tangled around hers in a thorough exploration of the soft recesses of her mouth. He tasted like wine and marinara, like rain after a long drought. Like heaven, Natalie thought dimly. Even better than Winnie’s petite fours and that was saying something.

His thumb stroked her cheek in an achingly tender gesture, as though he’d been waiting a lifetime for this as well, and he fed at her mouth, suckling, tasting, deepening the kiss until her legs shook and her knees threatened to give way. She leaned closer against him, absorbing the hot, hard feel of him against her, then carefully entwined her arms around his neck.

She loved the feel of his close-cropped hair against her fingers and slid the pad of her thumb behind the curiously vulnerable patch of skin just below and behind his ear. Soft, yet masculine, Natalie thought. Descriptions that should have been a misnomer, but were, quite strangely, not.

“Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do this?” Levi asked, a hint of desperation in his gravelly voice. His hands slid purposely down her back and settled hotly over her rump.

“Not nearly as long as I’ve wanted you to, I’ll bet,” Natalie told him, her suddenly giddy heart giving a little jump in her chest. She suckled his bottom lip, wanting to kiss other parts of him. Neck and shoulder, chest and abdomen...and parts further south. A particular part which was currently nudging impatiently--gratifyingly--against her middle.

Levi rested his forehead against hers. “Years,” he said.

She drew back, shocked. Years? Really? But she’d never detected-- She’d never imagined-- Years? “What the hell was the hold up?”

“I’ve told you already. I thought you and Adam would eventually become a ‘thing’ and I didn’t want to tread into my brother’s territory.”

He wouldn’t, she knew. It made perfect sense. And yet... “What about Sabrina?”

He chuckled darkly. “A poor substitute, a mistake, a monumental lapse in judgment. Need I go on?” He gave his head a small shake. “I don’t know what the hell I was thinking.”

“I don’t know what the hell you were thinking either. She was all wrong for you.”

He grinned, seemingly pleased with her assessment. “And I suppose you know what’s right for me?”

Natalie felt her cheeks warm. “I think I’ve got a better grasp of it than she ever did, yes.” She was right for him, thank you very much.

Levi drew back a bit once again and seemed to hesitate. “Adam has threatened to kick my ass if I hurt you.”

Translation--this is temporary, I’m only home for a few more days, my career comes first, and this will never be more than it is right now.

He didn’t have to say it. She’d known it all along. And it was good enough, Natalie thought. It had to be. She’d rather have him now--for whatever amount of time they had--than miss the opportunity all together. She’d deal with the fall out later.

Natalie leaned forward and gently kissed the corner of his mouth, not the least bit surprised that he’d addressed the elephant in the room before taking things any further. It was noble and right and heroic. She inwardly smiled.

It was so Levi.

Which was why she’d lie. “You’re not going to hurt me, Levi.” She didn’t have any expectations beyond this week. “I know what we’re doing.”


*   *   *


Then that made one of them, Levi thought. Because he sure as hell didn’t know what he was doing.

He’d thought he did...until he kissed her.

Then every bit of gray matter he possessed seemed to vanish and it had just been his lips on hers, her lithe body pressed tightly against his. Those talented fingers which had created unique and wonderful works of art sliding over the back of his neck and into his hair, tracing the shell of his ear. It had conversely soothed and enflamed him, made his chest go tight and his heart do a funny little thump against his ribcage.

Though it was the most profound and provocative kiss of his life, it had also been...more. Something less easily defined and more felt. He was certain this emotion had some sort of name, but absolutely refused to label it. Shamefully cowardice, particularly for a so-called badass Ranger, but so be it. He’d rather take an unknown hill than admit what he suspected he was feeling for Natalie.

The hill was a lot less terrifying.

Levi had been kissing girls since grade school, having sex on a semi-routine basis since his sophomore year. No brag, just fact, but he’d been charming the pants off of practically any girl he’d set his sights on since puberty. Some had fallen willingly into his arms, some--very few, actually--had required more persuading.

Seducing a woman had always come fairly easily to him. A slow smile, an I’m-into-you up-nod and it was usually game on. He never made any promises and made sure that the women he kept company with knew the rules going in. Though he knew some guys were a little less than truthful when it came to bedsport, Levi preferred the honest, direct approach. It gave the lady in question the option to refuse, should she not agree to the terms.

And frankly, there were too many women looking for the same one-night relationship to muddy the waters with one who wasn’t. No muss, no fuss. Everybody walked away happy and mutually satisfied, without feeling used.

Given Levi’s typical modus operandi, Adam had been fully justified in issuing the warning on Natalie’s behalf. The problem was...who was going to issue a warning on his behalf.

Because for the first time in his life, he suspected he was going to need one.

Kissing Natalie had been different. Better. More. It honestly defied description, and if he came apart with a mere meeting of the mouths, then what the hell was going to happen to him when he finally made love to her? When he finally settled himself firmly between her thighs?

Though she still hadn’t admitted that she was his Mysterious Ms. X, he knew it all the same and was proceeding accordingly. They only had a small window of opportunity to be together and he’d be damned if he’d waste it chasing what he knew in his gut was a forgone conclusion.

It was her.

And thanks to those letters he had an inside track to her dreams and desires. He knew what she wanted--most importantly, him--how she wanted it and when she wanted it. His imagination had cast her into those graphic scenes she’d written to him and, as a result, he’d been cocked, locked and ready to rock since the first letter had arrived.

He’d read those fantasies, over and over--sometimes to the point that he’d had to take matters into his own hands, so to speak--and now, he’d been given the rare opportunity to live them out.

In the flesh.

With her.

Unfortunately he only had four days--he’d fly out of Charlotte on Saturday morning--to make a lifetime’s worth of her--and his--sexual fantasies come true.

“We’ve wasted a lot of time,” Levi told her, content for the moment just to hold her.

She winced. “I know.”

“I don’t want to waste anymore.”

Her laugh tickled his neck. “You won’t get any objection from me. Although I hate the idea of taking time away from your family.”

Levi shrugged. “Just because I’m home doesn’t mean their lives are on hold. I’ll spend time with them while you’re at work.”

“How will they feel about this? We won’t be able to keep it a secret.”

“Whatever makes me happy, makes them happy,” Levi said. Which was true in the general sense. No doubt his mother would be imagining another wedding and grandchildren, Levi thought, surprised when he didn’t involuntarily recoil. Because it was Natalie meeting him at the alter and red-haired, brown-eyed babies and...


She made a noise, seemingly satisfied with his answer, then pressed a kiss against the underside of his jaw, setting off a blast of heat in his groin. She slipped one hand over the back of his neck and the other at the base of his spine, pressing herself more tightly to him. It was slow and leisurely, demanding and erotic and it stoked a flame inside him to a fever pitch.

Though he knew he should go before things got too far out of control--because when things ultimately went out of control, it was going to be one of her made to order fantasies--Levi couldn’t help himself. His legs had turned to lead, were rooted to the spot and his hands had taken on a life of their own. They were determined to slip and slide all over Natalie’s body. They slid down her ribcage, around her back and settled over her magnificent ass.

How long had he wanted to do that? Levi wondered, as he filled his palms with her sweetly curved rump. How long had he wanted to suckle her ripe bottom lip, exactly the way he was doing now, or pull her tongue deep into his mouth? How many times had he thought about holding her? Kissing her? Bending her over a chair and taking her until her eyes rolled back in her head and his balls burst from the pleasure?

As if on cue of the thought, Natalie reached between them and cupped him over his jeans. He jerked hard against her and felt his breath leave him in a startled whoosh.

“You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” he choked out, pushing against her clever palm.

She found the snap, then the zipper whined as she pulled it down. “Killing you would hardly serve my purposes.” She wrapped her hand around him and stroked. “I need you both stiff and alive.”

 An unexpected bark of laughter erupted from his throat. He’d been around her long enough to know that she had an outrageous sense of humor. He just wasn’t used to encountering it under these particular circumstances--like her hand down his pants, slipping and sliding over his dick with enough skill to have him prepared for launch and ready to detonate at any second.

He needed to distract her, Levi thought, or he didn’t have a prayer in hell of holding it together. In fact, a few more strokes and he was going to lose it.

Not like this, dammit. The next time he came, he fully intended to be inside of her.

Time to turn the tables.

Levi reached down, slipped his hand beneath her dress and made a determined trek up the inside of her thigh. He found a ridiculously small triangle of silky fabric over her curls and smiled against her lips when he realized it was gratifyingly damp. She squirmed against his fingers and made a little mewling sound in her throat.

Predictably--thankfully--her hand stilled against him.

He rubbed her, wishing that he’d had the forethought to bring a condom. Admittedly, sleeping with her tonight hadn’t been in his plans. Tonight he’d planned to move in and test the waters.

What he hadn’t expected was the physical equivalent of a nuclear bomb.

Of losing any pretense of control.

He should have, but he didn’t. Furthermore, there was a reason he’d wanted to wait, though for the life of him right now he couldn’t remember it. Something about fulfilling her fantasies, but at the moment all he wanted to do was fill her. With himself.

Right here against her front door. Hadn’t that been one of her fantasies, Levi thought as he backed her up and slipped a finger between her nether lips. He unerringly found the little nub at the top of her sex and thumbed it, pulling a broken breath from her chest.

“You don’t play fair.”

“Fair’s for pansies,” Levi said, dipping a finger inside, then coating her with her own juices. He felt a single bead of moisture leak from his dick and a sweat break out across his forehead.

God, how he wanted her.

To hell with plans. To hell with everything.

He kissed a path down her throat, then licked a path over the top of her breast and watched it pucker for him. Pouting nipples, hot pussy...

Doomed. Utterly doomed.

“Natalie, I didn’t-- I don’t have any protection. You wouldn’t happen to--“

“What?” she asked, her voice a tortured wail as she worked herself against him, hovering on what he knew was the edge of climax. The straps on her sundress sagged, revealing her cleavage. “You didn’t bring anything?”

“No,” he admitted. She clamped around him, her greedy sex clutching his fingers. So damned responsive, he thought. And so very, very close. He hooked his finger around and angled up, then knuckled her clit harder.

Her mouth opened in a silent scream and seconds later she spasmed hard around him. Her breathing came him labored little puffs and she clung to him, seemingly unable to stand.

A moment later, a satisfied smile curling her lips, she looked up and her gaze tangled with his. “Then the next time you come to my door you need to take a note from the Boy Scouts,” Natalie told him. “And be prepared.”

Another laugh rattled out of his chest. “Duly noted.”

He pressed another kiss to her lips.

Make no mistake--he would be.