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Mister Romantic by Alice Cooper (21)




Things were moving fast for Angela and I. We haven’t even known each other for even a year and we were already planning to get married. But when it comes to love it doesn’t matter how long we’ve known each other or how old we are. All that matters is that you want to spend the rest of your life with one another.

Picturing myself sleeping to Angela’s face and seeing her first thing in the morning sounded like a perfect life. To prepare breakfast and see her wearing pajamas with a bed head or hearing her bare feet patting against the wooden floor. All the little things mattered the most to me.

I suddenly couldn’t wait to start a family with Angela. I’ve never imagined that one day I would settle down and make a family. I’ve never even thought of ever having kids. I always thought that my life was dangerous for small children but just the thought of having a child with Angela sent my heart into a joyous mood. I truly love Angela.

I woke up early in the morning deciding to get breakfast since I wasn’t able to grocery shopping for a few weeks. Angela was still fast asleep in my bed. The blanket covering her nakedness didn’t help calm down my morning wood. I wanted nothing more than to take her again as I did last night but I didn’t want to bother her sleep. She had a tiring day yesterday and I wanted her to get more sleep especially since she needed the rest.

Instead of calming my morning wood with Angela I decided on taking a cold shower, a very cold shower. I left a note on the nightstand just in case she woke up and started heading towards Fancy Cups where I’ll buy breakfast and inform Fran that Angela wouldn’t be working for a few days. I wanted her to rest and at the same time get settled in our apartment.

I also walked towards Fancy Cups so I could smoke a cigarette.

As I entered the coffee shop I expected to see Fran and Stephan instead I saw Ciel and Zen as both of them looked absolutely out of place. They wore black shirts, Zen had his sleeves torn off as they both wore the Fancy Cups employee aprons. They both scowled as I entered the shop. They both looked ridiculous wearing those aprons.

“What are you guys doing?” I asked. Ciel clicked his tongue while Zen replied “We’re filling in for Angela and Stephan.”

“Oh, I’m going to order but can you also tell Fran that Angela won’t be coming in for a few days.” I told them calmly. Ciel sighed in defeat and said “Hey man, I know we don’t really get along and all… But Fran told me about Angela being pregnant.”

Zen looked at Ciel like they both were trying to say what Ciel was saying. “And at first I thought you knocked her up and was going to run away. When I heard that you stayed and planning to marry Angela I couldn’t help but… respect you for your decision.” Ciel sounded not too happy saying those words.

I held a hand up before things can get anymore awkward. “No need to explain everything, I know you guys love your girls and would do anything for them. So for now I guess I can tolerate you guys. Well, I always have.” I told them. Unexpectedly Fran came out from the corner and started squealing as she threw her arms around Ciel and gushed “I can’t believe you guys are getting along.” Zen rolled his eyes while Ciel smiled at his girl.

I managed to order breakfast for Angela and I. When I got home I was expecting to find Angela asleep but the moment I walked into the apartment I was suddenly tackled but good thing I caught her. She ran up to me and literally threw herself on me. Her arms were wrapped around my neck as she hung on it like some kind of monkey. She giggled and said “Good morning.” I smiled lovingly at her.

I even managed to keep our breakfast from falling out of my hands as I brought her and our breakfast to the small dining table. “Good morning Angel. How was your sleep?” I asked. She placed her feet back on the ground and replied “It was good but it would’ve been perfect if I woke up to your face.”

I placed our breakfast on the table and said “Sorry Angel.” As I wrapped my arms around her and placed a kiss on her lips. She was wearing my shirt and still had bed head. I definitely could get used to this. “You have to make it up to me.” She said as she bit her lower lip. I couldn’t help but feel happy that my Angela has completely open up to me unlike before where she was nervous or always wore that confident fake mask of hers.

Now she’s acting more and more like herself and I love every bit of her personality. This time she’s extra energetic and I think that has something to do with the pregnancy.

“And what do you expect me to do?” I asked teasingly as my fingers caressed her lips. My lips were practically begging to kiss hers. “There are a few things I could think of.” she said seductively as she slid a part of my shirt off her shoulder exposing that soft milky skin of hers.

“How about we eat first.” I suggested. As much as I love ravishing her with kisses and making love to her I can’t help but think about her being pregnant and that she should eat on time. Her seductive smile deflated for a second before she smiled again and said “How about we skip breakfast and go straight to dessert.”

I chuckled and said “You my Angel are insatiable.” She blushed at my words making it unbearable. So I succumbed to my desires and connected our lips in another searing passionate kiss. She pulled away as a sly smirk made its way onto her face as she teased “Who said you were the dessert.”

She managed to escape my arms as she tried to run away from me, but it was no use because no matter where she runs to I’ll always be there to catch her again. Although I did stop a moment as I watched her run towards our bedroom because as she ran my shirt that she wore would run up her body giving me a glimpse of her lacy underwear. For a second I admired her bubbly butt and started fantasizing about what I could do with my hard-on and that butt of hers.

I easily caught up to her as I wrapped my arms around her which made her squirm in my arms. I pressed my nose against her neck and said “I’m not dessert… you are.” As I placed an open mouth kiss to her neck and gently sucked on her supple skin. She instantly melted into my arms, her body completely submitting to me. Her limp and willing body made it easy to bring her back to bed.

Our once hot breakfast was long forgotten as our tongues dance a familiar rhythm. My hand caressed her long legs while her hands were buried in my dark hair. I noticed that recently she’s been finding different ways to touch my hair, and when I once brought up that I would get a hair-cut she immediately objected.

Sadly we had to pull away to breathe. Our eyes stared at each other with longing even after last night’s event, we simply couldn’t get enough of one another. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that this woman was able to tame someone like me. “Hey… would you like to have dinner with my family next week?” I asked. Angela instantly tensed up, obviously nervous.

“I’ve never met parents of the person I’m dating… ever.” she told me. She suddenly smiled and asked “Is your family just like you? Besides Kathy.”

My eyebrows pulled together as I asked “What do you mean?”

“I mean do they communicate with their fists as well?” she asked teasingly as she gave out a little laugh. I rolled my eyes at her teasing and said “No that’s just me… my family is practically normal.”

“So you’re the only asshole in your family.” she stated which made me look at her with an ‘Are you serious?’ look. “Speaking of you being an asshole, you should be more kind towards Stephan and Fran they’re like family to me, you know?” she suggested.

“What are you saying? I am kind towards them.” I told her as I played with the strands of her strawberry blonde hair. She gave me a deadpan look and said “Arguing with Fran and throwing insults at Stephan isn’t being kind.” I cleared my throat as I said “I’m kind as much as I can be.” She sighed in defeat as she laid her head on my chest.

“I hope you aren’t an asshole towards our baby.” she said. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her and bringing her closer to me. “You have nothing to worry Angel, you and our baby get special treatment.” I assured her.

She smiled even wider as she snuggled deeper into me. But she suddenly tensed when she felt my hard-on press against her stomach. She giggled as she commented “There’s no end to this.”

And I hope there will never be one.