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Mister Romantic by Alice Cooper (92)




Melody Hall woke up and looked around, “Where am I at?”  She said rubbing her head.

The last thing she remembered was looking at a patient. Her partner and she had received a call.  There had been a horrible accident.  The patient had bad lacerations to his chest, was close to death. 

Now here she was in some big room, and she had no idea what was going on.  She was mad, but more scared then made at the moment. 

It was so dark in the room.  She thought she had heard some noises when she first woke up, but now she didn’t hear a thing.  Melody wondered if her fear was playing with her, perhaps the noises were just her imagination.

Melody wanted to get up and walk around, but her head was still woozy.  Also her fright of dark places wasn’t making her move any quicker.  She could and would gladly use the excuse of not feeling well for a bit longer.

Her head whipped to the left, she heard a soft mewing or some sort of noise.  Could it be a monster of some type, she wondered.  She listened more closely, it sounded more like a young girl softly crying or moaning.

The paramedic in her kicked in and she tried to judge how far away the voice was.  Slowly she moved her way towards the sound, hoping it wasn’t some trick.

In her mind she picked some sick serial killer waiting for her to react.  The killer would end up being the one making the noises.  He would be slowly bringing her in for the kill.

Melody slowed her approach to the noise.  She tried to give her eyes more time to adjust to the light.  She thought she saw a figure of a younger girl sitting there.  It looked like she was holding her knees and rocking back and forth.

 “Hey are you okay?”  Melody said softly, just in case a killer was in the room with them.

The girl looked up; her eyes were shiny with fresh tears.  She couldn’t be any more than 18 years old.  “Are you real?”  The girl asked.

 “Yes, where are we, do you know?”  Melody asked, happy the girl could talk.

 “I heard them talking about the girls who were to be sold to the highest bidder.  Then something else about fights and I don’t know where we are though.”  The girl broke down sobbing again.

 “Shit.”  It was the only thing that Melody could think of saying.  She did have a fleeting moment of wonder, what had happened to her partner, and the dying guy?

Melody decided she should explore, but didn’t know if the girl would be okay or not.  “Hey, I think I should look for a way to escape.  Will you be okay here by yourself?”  She asked.

The girl snapped up her head quickly, “Please don’t leave me.”  She pleaded.

 “I promise I’ll come back for you if I find a way out.  Or you can go with me.”  Melody offered as she noticed the pure terror in the girl’s eyes.

 “Okay, I’ll go with you.”  The girl finally answered.

Melody tried to hear any more noises, and decide which way was the best to try.  Finally, she decided to go more to the left.  Her eyes were fairly adjusted by now.

As they began to move they heard noises from outside a door, it had to be a door.  Melody grew excited to hear a way out, or she hoped.  She tried to prey the girl back into motion, but she wouldn’t move.

Melody looked back at her, “Come on we have to move quickly.”  She whispered.

The girl shook her head, “No, I don’t want too.  How can we get past anyone?”  The girl asked.

 “I know a bit of self-defense moves.  Come on, just stay behind me if trouble breaks out.”  Melody pulled the girl along.

The door opened when they were too far away, if only she could have made the girl move quicker.  A bright light made her blind and she knew that she had made a vital mistake.

 “Oh what do we have here?”  A tall man said from the door.

Before she could react and get her eyes adjusted she felt strong arms circle around her.

 “Stop, where am I, what are you doing to us?”  Melody asked the man.  But as she looked up she noticed he didn’t look like a human.  His skin seemed to have a strange green tint to it, and were those eyes right?

 “Oh, well I guess I can tell you.  It won’t matter; you’ll never be able to escape.”  The thing chuckled; she could tell he wasn’t human now for sure.  “You’re being sold to the Sheiktel Family for their Goma.”  He answered and his smile grew large.

 “What is a Goma?”  She questioned.

 “Nope sorry, you’ll learn that soon enough.”  Another two large men had already entered the room.

 “We’re ready for the transfer; the funds are in the account.”  One of the men/creatures said. 

Melody’s mind was lost trying to figure out what creatures they were.  Besides the slight tint, they looked close to human.  But those eyes, she studied them closer.

Before she could look anymore though, she and the girl were being pushed along a long hall.