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Mister Romantic by Alice Cooper (5)




The music resonated around the room, a bunch of sweaty bodies grinded against one another, and the overwhelming scent of alcohol and sex was comforting in some way. I haven’t been to a club in so long but a few friends of mine wanted to meet up.

“Hey Jax, what’s got you so busy lately? You haven’t been around in a while.” One of my friends asked me. I took a swig of my beer and said “My sister’s been a pain in my ass.” They all laughed and told me how I’ve become my sister’s bitch now.

“Dude, there’s this sexy chick on the dance floor. Check her out.” One of the guys pointed out. All of us turned towards the dance floor to see a bunch of people. One of the guys asked “Which one dumbass? There’s a lot of people here.”

“She has some sort of blonde hair wearing a short red dress. You know when you’ll see her.” he replied. We all searched and when my eyes spotted the red dress I couldn’t help but jolt in my seat which caught all of the guy’s attention. “What’s wrong man? Did you suddenly cum when you looked at her?” they jokingly asked.

It just shocked me to see the woman in the red dress, it was none other than my next door submissive neighbor. Angela. She looked absolutely sexy in a short red dress with a sweetheart neckline, the neckline emphasized her boobs making them look bigger than they usually are. I found myself completely under her spell, I couldn’t look away.

She looked completely different than usual. She looked more confident and she looked free, like a bird finally soaring after being tamed for so long. The way she moved her body was mesmerizing and I knew I wasn’t the only one because all of my friends were under her spell as well.

My gaze started trailing down her body when suddenly I frowned, finding the sight bothersome. Not only does she look sexy but the way she moves is also sexy, but I would prefer is she didn’t move her body against anyone else but me. Her body was grinding against another man, a total stranger.

I stood up from my chair and started making my way towards them. The guys started asking questions about where I was heading to but I ignored them. My eyes were narrowed at Angela and that scum dancing with her, my eyes held a fury that no one has seen before. The people on the dance floor must’ve felt my aura because as I walked towards Angela the people around me gave way.

Once I stood in front of Angela and the guy she danced with, I instantly grabbed the guy by the shirt wasting no time to stake my claim on the beautiful strawberry blonde headed girl. The guy seemed too drunk to notice anything but once his dazed eyes connected with mine it instantly filled with fear. I leaned forward so that I could literally growl in his ear “Scram.” Once I dropped him to the ground he immediately ran away.

Angela didn’t notice that her dancing partner was nowhere near her. Good. Like a predator who’s eyeing its prey, I noticed the men who was eyeing Angela and can see that they were planning to come near her. I quickly grabbed Angela by the waist and easily lifted her up making her squeal. Her eyes widen from the sudden action as they drifted over to me, and they widened even more when she saw me.

It was like everything was in slow motion. Since I lifted her up and was looking up at her, with all the light shining behind her she looked like an angel descending from the heavens. I wrapped my arm around her still not dropping her to the floor. I then started walking away from the dance floor with her in my arms. I can even hear my friends cheering me on as they saw me walk away with Angela in my arms.

I didn’t know where I was going, I didn’t get too far in my plan. All I know is that I wanted Angela away from here.

“Jaxon,” the way she said my name made my grip on her tightened. I want her to moan my name and to scream it. “Where are you taking me?” she slurred as she gave out a small giggle.

She’s drunk.

“Stephan got lost in the sea of men, but what are you doing here?” she asked as she suddenly leaned over my shoulder, most of her weight was now on my right shoulder. “I’m here to get you away from the sea of men.” I said seriously as I walked outside of the club. She shuddered from the sudden coldness. I placed her on her feet and shrugged off my jacket and placed them on her shoulders.

She swayed for a bit but I quickly grabbed ahold of her. I stared at her as she didn’t hide the fact that she was sniffing my jacket. She moaned and I had to grit my teeth from doing anything rash. “I love your smell.” she practically purred. My body was finally shaking, it was fighting the urge to bend her over and just take her right where she stood.

Her glistening brown eyes looked up to me and unexpectedly threw her arms around my neck. But what was even more shocking was that she inhaled my scent as she buried her face into the crook of my neck. I growled as I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist as we both stood on the sidewalk, we didn’t stand out as much since there were people littering the place and some were even making out.

I was on the verge of breaking.

I wanted to take her, fuck her in all ways possible.

Unconsciously, my hands trailed from her waist down towards her plumped ass. Once my hands felt the softness of her ass I squeezed it making her body press more onto mine which made her whimper. Hearing that made me think that we weren’t going to make the trip back home.

My head whirled around and once my eyes spotted the word motel I scooped Angela into my arms and started walking towards it. I couldn’t wait any longer.

I needed to dominate her tonight, to make her submit.