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Mister Romantic by Alice Cooper (49)

Chapter 3


Samantha saw him coming and couldn’t believe that she was even contemplating telling him that he was going to be a father. Two weeks had gone by and she was praying that this wasn’t going to happen and then had heard that she was indeed pregnant. They had debated on whether not to abort and then start over, but the risk to her health was not worth it. “I practiced this speech all the way here on the plane and even in the taxi making the guy driving very nervous. He probably pitied the man that was going to get this news out of the blue like a slap to the face. I see the lipstick marks on his face and they are two different colors. I’m not even sure that I want him to be the father and maybe it wasn’t right for me to expect much of any kind of support. I’ve come all the way here and it seems pointless to go back without putting him under the microscope.”

“I don’t know why you’re here and it damn well better not be for money. You had your chance to get in on the ground floor of all of this, but you pushed me aside like I was nothing.” He watched for any kind of reaction to his tirade, but mostly she was standing there doing nothing but staring at him like she was seeing right through him.

“I’m not here for your money and your fame and fortune means nothing to me. I’m here because I think that I made a mistake and I owed it to myself to find out if we could’ve had something special.” This was not the speech that she had rehearsed on the way here and seeing those lipstick marks had changed that script in a hurry. “The very reason why I’m here is because I have a bun in the oven. I feel that there’s a reason to keep this from him and he probably has a multitude of resources to make my life a living hell. I don’t want to risk alienating him. I don’t want to make him think that I’m trapping him. The only way that I can be perfectly sure that he’s the right man is to immerse myself into his world. To see things through his eyes and not through beer color goggles.”

“I’m a little surprised to hear you say that after the way that you slapped me. I still feel it every time that it rains.” It was an exaggeration, but he felt that he needed to make his displeasure known. That slap was the only one that he had received from a woman. He didn’t know what to make of it at the time, but he felt like he had lost a piece of himself that day. He found himself thinking about her often mostly after unlikely dalliances that led him to a night of debauchery that had him thinking that there had to be more.

“You’re not the only one to be surprised by me being here. I took a sabbatical from my company to come here and try to determine why it is I can’t seem to stop thinking about you. We didn’t even have sex, but I know that wasn’t from your lack of trying. Somehow and I still don’t know how you did it to this day, but you managed to take off my bra underneath my dress. It was like some sick and obscene magic trick and not one that I want to have repeated anytime soon. Maybe it would be better that we do this in private.” “I don’t need this kind of public scrutiny and I see that there are a couple of photographers standing at the ready to catch us in some kind of unfavorable situation. I would rather that we discussed things in a more civilized manner then maybe I can get a better understanding for who this man really is. I wasn’t lying when I said that I had thought about him, but I still don’t know why after the way that he treated me. I was just another conquest and notch on his belt. He didn’t get that far and it was by sheer will alone that I was able to deny him.

“I suppose, if you are already here that it would seem rude not to at least show you some kind of hospitality. Come with me and maybe this way we can finally find some closure.” His main concern was to get her into bed and to get her out of his system once and for all. He had spent several hours talking to a therapist about the one that had gotten away. “I will say that I’m surprised to see you, but it’s a welcome surprise. I have been keeping tabs on you and I do hope that you don’t take any offense by that.” He led her to a private elevator that would lead them to the penthouse suite taking up the entire floor of the building. This was courtesy of his dad trying to buy his affection.

Samantha saw that he was carrying one of those card keys that slipped into a slot designated for only his use. The doors close and being in this enclosed environment had made her feel like her skin was crawling. She was biting her bottom lip and didn’t know exactly what to do with her hands. She saw the man standing beside her and for some reason she envisioned jumping him and wrapping her legs around his waist.

“I don’t know what possessed you to come here, but let’s hear what you have to say before I decide one way or the other if you’re going to stay or not. Don’t worry; I’m not suggesting that we get together in the Biblical sense. I wouldn’t be opposed to it, but I feel that your purpose for being here is more selfish than pleasure.” He didn’t mean to sound like a disinterested party. He wanted to seduce her and draw her into his world. Surrounded by these luxuries and seeing how he hobnobbed with those that were the movers and shakers of the city might be exactly what she needed to shed some of those layers.

They arrived at his penthouse and the door opened and she was accosted visually with an overload of her senses. The skyline was amazing and she could only imagine what it would look like at night with him standing behind her with his package nestled into the buns of steel that she had accomplished with a lot of hard work. “Why am I even thinking anything sexual when it was the last thing that I was thinking when I came here? Perhaps, there’s more to him than I realize and I do hope that’s what I’m going to learn with this ill advised journey of self discovery.” She went towards the balcony and opened up the two doors to stand and look at the world like she was the queen overlooking the peasants down below.

It gave her a sense of calm and then she was jolted back to reality by seeing him completely naked with this clothes lying there at his feet. His manhood was a marvel of god’s benevolence. There was no reason for her not to stare, as he it out there like it was commonplace to walk around completely nude in front of guests.

“I know that you didn’t have sex with me, but I did want to show you what you were missing. I was about 20 pounds lighter back then, but you can see that the package can deliver.” He saw the way that she was staring and found himself walking towards her. When she didn’t back away, he took her hand and placed it on the object that had become something of a fascination for her. At first, he thought that she was going to slap him again, but this time she made this sigh and then curled her fingers around the flesh that was now becoming shaped by the excitement of the moment.

“You are an ego driven man and why I’m even allowing you to do this is beyond me. I can’t seem to stop myself and what my head and my body want are two different things. Please… I’m begging you to stop this before I can’t control myself.” “I want him to know that his body is not something that I can walk away from easily. I had no idea this was going to happen when I came here, but now that it has, I don’t think that I can let go. I can only hope that he will be a real man and not let his libido cash the check for him.”

“I know what you’re saying and I feel the same way.” Seeing her in that dress made him visualize what it would look like off her body. He grabbed for her waist and found no resistance as he opened the belt and then reached back to unzip it from behind. The black and white fabric had a certain classical appeal, but underneath there was a more wanton whore waiting to get out. The revealing red lingerie was like throwing a red cape in front of a bull and not expecting it to charge. “What exactly do we have here?” He fell to his knees in a mad panic to see how the lips of her sweetness were framed inside that sheer material. They were fat and he could see the stain of wetness from how her body was reacting to his presence.

“I’m begging you to stop this. Don’t do something that we are both going to regret later. I’m not strong enough to put an end to this, but you need to.” “I wish that I can convey to him the reason why this can’t happen like this. I need to know that he’s truly changed from the callous prick that I had known in high school. It seems almost like it was fate that we were meant to meet. Life has a funny way of throwing people together and this was one of the more dramatic turn of events that I have ever seen in my life. I’m with his child and not having had sex with him is a little hard to digest.” She looked down onto his lust crazed eyes and that there was no way that she was getting away without feeling his oral examination.

“I promise on my career that I will not fuck you. I’m going to leave that to you, but I do need to do this for my own sanity. I do hope that you understand.” He stripped her of the garment and held it up against his face to smell her arousal like a permeating aphrodisiac. “Fuck… I didn’t get this far the last time. You were determined to stay chaste and I thought that you were just playing hard to get.” He was talking through her underwear that was now masking his features and letting him inhale the aroma of her sex.

“Jesus… I don’t need any more encouragement and I’m practically buzzing.” It had only been a little over a week, since she had learned about her pregnancy. She was determined that this was a case of overactive hormones, but it didn’t seem likely so early on. “This guy really does have what it takes to seal the deal with any woman. It’s obvious from the lipstick marks on his face that his evening was not without company. I can say that I’m lucky it wasn’t with me, but I can’t do that. I need to convince myself that he’s not the womanizer that he appears to be on television.”

His cock was still out of commission, but there were signs of life, as he opened her lips and saw the wetness staring back of him. The throbbing clit was bigger than average and he had been down this road several times to know the difference. This was enlarged and had his lips almost salivating for the chance to touch her.

He touched it with the tip of his tongue without warning and saw her legs give out from underneath her. It was a good thing that there was a sofa behind her and she landed with a rush of air that came out of her lungs. He grabbed her legs and put them easily onto his shoulders. He looked at her and then wiggled that appendage to make sure that she knew that his intention was to bring her off.

“I hope that you are as good as you think you are. Let me be the judge of that.” I want this and I can only wonder if I can stop after he is finished with showing me the expertise that he has learned from somewhere. There are certain tricks that he should know about, but it’s not up to me to teach him. His confidence is very sexy and it doesn’t hurt that his eyes look at me with a hunger that I’m not sure how to respond to.”

Instead of trying to convince her that he was that good, he decided to prove it with actions instead of words. That came in form of slipping her the tongue. That took on a different meaning than what most people would think it was. He drove into her with the spear of his tongue. He was going into a battle to see if she would succumb to his wily ways. He had learned his fair share of mishaps and it was only through trial and error that she was about to receive the lesson of a lifetime.

“Fuck…oh my fuck.” The way that his tongue was moving in and out of her while the walls gripped him and tried to prevent him from moving any further was having the right effect. It was that oral digit that was able to find a good rhythm and then his fingers drove into her at the same time stretching her and letting her know that his reputation did have merit. “Yes… Just do it…you fucking bastard.” She was upset with herself that she had allowed it to go this far. “I’m fucking cumming and there’s no way that I can say for certain if this is the hormones or the man himself. I think deep down I already know the truth, but now I have to remember not to judge a book by its cover. I see a callous individual that is out for his own pleasure and yet what he is doing to me right now is to the contrary.”

She lay there with her legs spread wide and he was most happy to see her in this light. He didn’t even bother to take out his cock. He felt that it was more important to give her something to think about. The way that she screamed and thrashed in the wake of her own orgasm had his mouth covered with her juices. They squirted out of her like someone was firing a gun. He had his finger inside touching on that piece of flesh that made it possible for her to gush like never before.

It didn’t hurt that his mouth was over top of her clit, drawing it into his mouth repeatedly with his tongue leading the way to her pleasure. They were completely involved with one another and had no interest in what was happening on the outside of these walls. If Samantha had a black light, she would be running to the nearest exit.

Samantha lay there thinking about how wrong everything had gone from the moment that he had stepped up to her downstairs. The lipstick marks on his body not to mention the smell of perfume that assaulted her senses had given her something to doubt about his character. That led to this and the easy way that he had stripped her and made her into a smorgasbord of delight.

“I asked you…not to do this and you didn’t listen. I didn’t come here for this. I didn’t ask to be used like this. You really do have…a one track mind. I think that it would be…a good idea that I stay here for the duration of my stay. I don’t want you to ask any questions and treat this as an experiment. I don’t want you to even think that I’m here and I want you to believe that I’m just a fly on the wall. I want to observe you and I know how crazy that sounds, but it’s a request that I think that you should readily accept.” I wasn’t sure how this was going to play out, but the only way to know was to be underneath the same roof. It’s a risk and I know it, but it’s one that I’m willing to make for the sake of finding out if he is father material. I owe it to myself to stick this out until I learn the truth about him one way or the other.”

He looked at her confused and then it dawned on him that this was some sort of game to see if he was the marrying kind. He decided that it was a good idea despite his misgivings. “I’m going to allow you to observe, as you put it, but don’t be surprised if I make it impossible for you to stay in your room by yourself all evening. If you can stand, I’ll take you up and show you where you will be laying your head. If you truly do want to shadow me then you need to be up at the crack of dawn for my ritual workout in my own private gym. I can supply you with some workout gear. I am curious to know what you’re made of.” Putting her through that kind of hell would give him that pound of flesh for her slapping him that one time. He felt vindicated, but he also enjoyed their heated banter. They retired for the evening not realizing that these next few weeks were going to bring them closer than ever.