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Mister Romantic by Alice Cooper (57)

Chapter 3


Lalena headed out of the precinct for her shift.  As she was going through the doors she ran into Jackson.  He smiled at her broadly.  “Hey I hear you should congratulate me!”  He laughed.

“I would if I thought you deserve it.”  She sneered at him.

“Oh is that any way to be with your fellow officer who is just moving up?”  He asked, playing the hurt face all too well.

“Jackson, you know as well as I do that you didn’t deserve the promotion.  But when you mess up, I’ll try again and this time I’ll get it.”  She said lowly as she moved closer to him.

“Be careful you get too close people will think your hitting on me and trying to move up.  Don’t want everyone to see you rubbing those breasts on me now do we.”  Jackson said and stared at her ample chest freely.  “I would love to see them though, tell you what you show them to me and I’ll get you on my team.”  He offered.

“Fuck you Jackson; I don’t need to do that to move up in the precinct.”  Lalena stated.

“I don’t know seems like you’ve been stuck in the same position for some time now, you might want to think about it.”  He stated.

She walked away before she punched him.  It wasn’t worth talking to him; he was a Neanderthal among humans.  “Good luck not fucking up that new position.” She yelled over her shoulder as she walked out the door.

Lalena could hear him muttering something as she left, but she didn’t care about it.  She really wanted to get out of the office right now.  Maybe she would stop by and see a few friends later on that night.  It could help her cheer up quite a bit.  Then she remembered she was assigned to be security at the cancer event.  “Shit, guess this day just keeps getting better and better.”

These events were a pain to work, you had to wear your dress blues and look all dressed up.  However, if something popped off you also had to be able to move.  Dress blues weren’t the most comfortable things in the world, and they definitely weren’t great to run in, or do much else.

She had to go home and check to make sure her blues were ready for the night.  Lalena wanted this day to end, to be able to go home and grab a cold brew and just relax.  Maybe talk to a few friends online or on the phone, she wasn’t sure.  But definitely her idea of relaxing was not being security for the cancer event.  In past years they had hired private teams, but not this year, she wasn’t sure why.  Maybe it had something to do with the mayor and all the uproar in the underground mob arena.  He had imposed some pretty strict taxes that had hurt a lot of people who didn’t like it.  They had some power, maybe a lot more than anyone knew, and they would use it.

Though perhaps there was more to the story than the press was saying.  Because she would think that if he had pissed the mob off too much he would be dead by now.  So maybe it was all just ways for the good mayor to grab more press time.

There had been a joke when the mayor was first elected, and honestly it fit him.  His name was Rico Zess, but many of the papers had called him Rico Suave.  After the popular 80’s one hit wonder sexy Spanish singer.  Lalena had to admit that he was pure sexiness for sure.

She hadn’t been joking when she said she would love just a few minutes with him in a room.  There was something charismatic about him that drew females and males alike to him.  Maybe that was the only real reason he was still alive, he had some connections among those mobsters who thought he was too important to knock off.

She didn’t really care honestly; maybe the only good thing about tonight was to see the mayor and maybe something else.  Where the mayor was usually something would happen that was unusual. 

Laughing she remembered the one time that a date of his had supposedly been married.  The mayor claimed to have no idea about it, but when her husband showed up at the event, it had been quite the show.  The husband had pulled a gun on the mayor and threatened to use it on him.  Claimed the mayor had ruined his marriage by going out with his wife several times.

The press had dug up the story and had found out that the woman had claimed to be separated when first asked out by the mayor.  He hadn’t seen her but maybe two times in a few months though.  The husband was unstable and was placed in a psychiatric hospital for evaluation. 

“That’s what we call the problems of being a playboy.”  She laughed.  “I wonder how good he is, why do all these women want to be with him?”  It had made her wonder more than one time.  Besides the sexy look that he possessed, there must be more under it.  Lalena would love to know if he was the Spanish lover that he came across as in pictures and stories. 

Her shift was slow and she barely made it home in time to get ready for her security detail that night.  Thankfully her blues were clean and she simply took a shower and dressed.  Lalena walked out of the door upset she was going, but at least it would hopefully keep her mind off the rest of the day.

Distraction was always something she had used to keep sad feelings at bay in the past.  Tonight she needed the distraction of this cancer event to make her forget about Jackson and all of the other bullshit that had taken place today.

She walked out the door running late and hoping she didn’t get in trouble when she got to the convention center.

Lalena got there with barely enough time before the event began.  She got a look from the lieutenant that was in charge, but at least he didn’t make any comments to her.  She might have said something to him about this.  She had after all actually volunteered for this night, right now she had no clue why, but the fact was it had been her choice.

She stood around and watched the people who walked in the door.  She was looking for anyone who looked a little suspicious or acting too nervous.  It was one of the classic signs that they were up to no good.

As she watched the people filter in she noticed the mayor.  He was looking stunning in a white suite that made his dark skin tone stand out even more.  On his arm was a beautiful dark haired goddess.  Lalena knew she was good looking, but compared to that woman she was nothing.  She immediately felt inadequate for even having the thoughts of the mayor at that moment.  If he choose women who looked like that she would never even be recognized by him. 

As the couple walked past the mayor looked at her and smiled.

“Good evening sir, I hope you’re having a great evening.”  She commented.  Lalena was shocked when he stopped in front of her.

“How long have you been on the force?”  He asked her.

“I’ve been on the force for 10 years now.”  She answered.

“I would think a 10 year veteran wouldn’t be here, did you do something to make your superiors put you on duty tonight?”  He questioned her, his eyes studying her closely.

“No sir, I didn’t do anything, I volunteered.”  She stated.

He leaned in closer to her, “Your middle button has come undone and I can see your red bra underneath your shirt.”  He whispered into her ear.

Her mouth flew open and she looked down in shock only to find that he had been joking.  Lalena took a deep breath in and thanked the universe that it wasn’t true.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t resist you looked far too serious.”  He laughed and began to walk away.

“It was funny, thanks for giving me a heart attack.”  Lalena said.

The mayor turned around and came back to her.  “So now I know you have a red bra on, I wouldn’t mind seeing it one day.”  He whispered to her.

Lalena’s face had to be bright red as he walked away from her again.  Her mouth was hanging wide open and she had to admit she was quite excited by his comments.  She had to go to the bathroom and compose herself after the scene.

She had noticed that the mayor’s date had been busy talking to his secretary the whole time he had been talking to her.  “What if I was on the team to protect him?  Would he undress me and see what color bra I had on every day?”  She could feel her pussy get moist at the thought of his hands touching her body.

Lalena had to shake it off though and get back to work.  She wondered if the mayor would approach her again tonight or not.  In a way she hoped in did, but part of her wanted to avoid it as well.  There was definitely no future in aligning herself with a playboy who switched women more than people did their clothes.