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Rescue Me (Sheltered Hearts Book 3) by Kiska Gray (12)


Jory woke slowly to the trilling chirp of birdsong outside his bedroom window. Yawning wide, he stretched and started to roll over, only to realize that his arm—the same arm that was buzzing with pins and needles—was trapped beneath something soft and warm. Or rather, someone.


A little thrill shot through him at the sight of the younger man sprawled out on his back, the sheets kicked off the side of the bed, using Jory’s arm as his own personal neck pillow. His mouth was open and a thin line of drool had dried on the side of his cheek. Jory couldn’t have stopped the grin spreading quickly over his face if he tried. How precious was he?

How long had it been since he’d woken up like this? How long had it been since he’d spent the night with another person, matching his breathing to theirs as he dozed off into slumberland? A long time. It felt good, that was for damn sure.

Waking up in Thiessen’s bed gave him a giddy little feeling that bounced around in his belly, even as he carefully untangled himself from the snoring man. He rolled out of bed still wearing yesterday’s clothing and covered his lover back up. As much as he would’ve loved to bask in the glory of a sleeping Thiessen, he had work.

Judging by the pale morning light creeping in through the curtains, Jory had just enough time to race home and take care of Felicity, grab a hot shower and change into some clean scrubs, and get to the office. He might be ten minutes late, but Hemi and the techs didn’t come in till eight, and besides. He was the boss. No one was gonna bite his head off if he was a little tardy.

Not when he had such a good reason for it.

He found a pen and a pad of neon sticky notes and quickly scribbled: Last night was perfect. Going to work. Text me later, beautiful :) He signed his name in big loopy letters and stuck the note on the bathroom mirror, right at eye-level. Hopefully that would give him a smile.

He made it home in record time. Felicity was shrieking at the top of her lungs before he ever turned the car off. He took her out for a quick potty, feeling guilty that she’d had to hold it so long. No doubt she’d likely peed in the corner behind the couch, but he’d deal with that later. It wasn’t her fault he’d been too wrapped up in Thiessen to let her out. Bad owner.

She munched away on her bowl of kibble while he took a quick shower. He dressed in his favorite pair of paw print scrubs and tied his sneakers, then grabbed Felicity’s leash. “I’m sorry, girlfriend. Don’t have time for a run this morning.” She whuffed at him, but her tail was wagging. That was the best thing about dogs—they never judged you. They were pure and wholesome creatures who deserved the best.

Guess he’d have to talk to Thiessen about spending the night here sometime.

As it turned out, he didn’t have to worry. One night turned into two, until they were spending entire weekends together, back and forth between the two houses. Jory knew it was moving fast; he was still waiting for reality to catch up with Thiessen, waiting for him to realize that things between them were quickly spiraling into something so much bigger, but to his relief, Thiessen didn’t freak out or back away.

After letting Felicity and Lady Luck meet at the park, the dogs were fast friends. Lady Luck was your typical terrier, overly bossy and nippy, but Felicity didn’t seem to mind much. She liked having a companion and if the smaller dog got annoying, she’d knock her off the couch with one swift swing of her big head. Lady Luck would get her feelings hurt and go crying to Daddy, and Thiessen would coddle her till she fell asleep in his lap.

It was cute as hell.

Jory was with a rather fuzzy patient when he felt his phone vibrate in the pocket of his scrub pants. He knew it was Thiessen and that put a spring in his step, knowing he was on the man’s mind even when Thiessen was out shopping with Peri. Jory knew, because he’d complained about it all morning while getting ready.

Mrs. Morgan quirked a harshly-plucked silver brow at Jory—or rather, the goofy expression he was now wearing—and shook her head. “You kids and your technology,” she tutted. “When I was your age, telephones were hooked to the wall and if you wanted privacy, well, you were just out of luck. Nowadays, you young folk are connected at the hip, with your fancy cameras and your video games and your Facebooks. I just don’t get it.”

“Times are changing,” Jory said cheerily. And thank god for that. “I’m lucky. I’m from the generation that bridged the gap between tech and no tech. When I was a kid, all I needed was my bike and my friends, and we’d go on epic adventures down old country roads. We rode horses and dirt bikes and scraped our knees bloody. They were simpler times.”

The elderly lady rattled out a raspy sigh. “My grandson tried to show me the new game he got, and I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. It’s just beyond me, I suppose. Guess my time’s up, huh Doc?”

He patted Blackie on the top of the head. The little Pomeranian growled at him, but he chuckled anyway. “Nah, I wouldn’t say that. Look at you—you can’t be a day over sixty! You’re aging quite gracefully, Mrs. Morgan. Trust me on that.”

Just as he expected, the woman turned bright pink, but she was all smiles. “Thank you, Doc. Is my Blackie-boy all ready?” She picked the tiny dog up and he went from vicious to wiggles in point-five seconds. “My good boy. Always a good boy, he just doesn’t like the doctor. I don’t blame him one bit, though you’re a nice young man. Easy on the eyes, too.”

“Whoa now, Mrs. Morgan. I’m taken and you’re married.”

“I suppose I am.” She tittered and waved, then shuffled out of the room. “You have a good day now.”

“You too.”

The moment the exam room door clicked shut, Jory dug his cell from the depths of his pocket and swiped his finger across the screen. Thiessen’s icon came up, a cute pic Jory had snapped when the man wasn’t paying attention, and he smiled. Three texts popped up in bright green bubbles on the screen.

Ugh. I want to die. Why does shopping suck so bad? She’s buying lingerie. Who buys panties at the mall? Save me…

She is literally dragging me through every fucking store in this godforsaken place. SOS.

I’m hungry. Probs hangry. Def hangry. RIP. Bury me in the fuck-me pants, so that I might get lucky in heaven. There’s gotta be gay angels, right?

Jory smirked and typed back: You’re prob going to hell, sorry. Those pants are a goddamn sin.

Yeah well so is the gift I bought you. So ;P

You bought me a gift? Take a pic!

Oh, I will. Trust me. That was the last text he sent for nearly an hour, leaving Jory to wonder what the hell he’d bought. By the time the phone vibrated again, thankfully this time on his lunch break, he was practically dying to know.

I’m only giving you a sneak peak for now tho. You gotta wait till you get home.

Oh god, Thee, what did you buy? Silence. Thiessen Emery Ward. Please. You’re killing me.

;) I know, babe. I know. Wanna get coffee later?

Jory groaned loud enough that Michelle burst into giggles and hurried from the room. Damn it. He dropped his head against the wall with a loud thunk and quickly replied. Don’t change the subject.

A minute later, a picture popped up on the screen. When Jory realized what, exactly, it was, he choked on his sandwich. Holy fuck. It was a selfie, obviously taken in a changing room stall. Thiessen’s jeans were tugged down around his thighs just enough to show off the pair of neon pink manties he wore, complete with a fringe of black lace against his milky skin. The smile on Thiessen’s face was decidedly impish. Probably because the panties were so tight they were practically painted on.

Damn boy. You’re trying to kill me.

Had to do something to entertain myself while Peri was trying on bras. You’ll have to wait till later to see them in person :P So. Coffee? Yes?

Jory glanced at the clock. Damn it, he’d never last four more hours knowing Thiessen was wearing that. I get off at six. Will meet you there. Can’t promise not to grope you in public tho.

Bad boy.

I’m not the one wearing lacy underwear. Six. Don’t be late.

Jory was practically vibrating with excitement by the time he got off work. He didn’t even bother to change into jeans, he drove straight to Brew You and parked in the back. Drumming his fingers impatiently over the steering wheel, he typed out a one-handed text that he was here. A few minutes later, Thiessen was waving at him from across the lot.

Jory met him with a kiss that Thiessen was glad to give back. “You’re a tease,” he growled when they broke apart, his heart thudding wild in his ears. Thiessen’s smile was adorably sheepish, like a little kid who’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Jory grabbed him by the hip and drew him closer, then dipped his fingers below the waistband of his jeans.

When his fingertips rasped over lace, he groaned. “Killing me, Thee…”

“We’ll get it to-go,” Thiessen replied breezily.

“I don’t know if I can wait.”

“We are not having sex in the parking lot, Mr. Crosswind.”

Jory pouted. “What about the car?” He was mostly kidding, but it was worth it to see Thiessen’s face turn red. He sputtered for words and Jory laughed, wrapping an arm around his waist before leading him into the small coffee shop. “I’ll behave,” he whispered in his ear. Thiessen bit down on his lip with a breathless sound that did all sorts of things to Jory’s nether regions.

Patience, he reminded himself.

They’d never ordered their coffee faster. They were in and out in five minutes, making a beeline for Jory’s SUV. Thiessen hesitated outside the passenger door, glancing at him over the hood of the vehicle. “I drove. I’ll meet you at your place once I grab Lady and an overnight bag.”

Jory groaned. “Thiessen.”

“I promise. No more teasing. I’m all yours the minute we walk through that door. Oh. One more thing.” He slowly walked around the front of the Tahoe and reached into the pocket of his jeans. With a shy smile, he held out a key.

“Key to your heart?”

Thiessen rolled his eyes. “Smart ass. No. It’s a key to my place.”

His heart jumped. This was big. No. This was monumental. A show of trust, pinched delicately between Thiessen’s thumb and forefinger. Jory grinned and stepped into his space, plucking the key from his grasp before kissing him, sweet and slow, and god he could’ve gotten lost in that taste.

“I’ll cherish it always,” he whispered.

Thiessen flushed, squirming just a little. “Good. Now… I’ll see you at your place. Fifteen minutes. Twenty max.”



* * *

The pair of manties he’d bought at the mall were just supposed to be for fun. He hadn’t expected Jory to completely flip his shit over them. Thiessen didn’t make it two steps in the front door before the man pounced. Jory had him pinned up against the wall and his pants yanked down before he began sucking wetly over the pink fabric, and holy hell. Thiessen had never blown in his underwear before, but he came dangerously close to it.

By the time they collapsed into bed for one last stroke-off session, Thiessen was utterly spent. Blissed out was an understatement. Being with Jory was something sweet and dangerous at the same time. The man knew exactly what buttons to push to flip his switch and it was heady, the control the other man seemed to have over him.

Yet, lying here with Jory’s heavy arm looped over his waist, he felt safe. Like no one would dare to touch him with his big goofball of a lover standing guard, igniting his blood with only a kiss. Thiessen groaned softly and burrowed his face into the cool cotton of the pillowcase. It was early. He could still sleep for a little while longer, except…

There was something hard jabbing him in the back. Thiessen’s skin turned hot and tingly. He bit down on his lip, then slowly rocked his hips back against Jory. In his sleep, Jory grunted and cinched his grip tighter. Thiessen pinched his eyes shut and tried to catch his breath, but his own dick was already springing back to life, ready for another round.

He wiggled his hips, letting himself enjoy the feel of Jory’s erection rubbing against his ass, their skin separated only by Thiessen’s briefs and the soft silk slide of Jory’s boxers. He fell still when Jory’s lips caressed the back of his neck with a breathy sigh. “What are you doing?” He sounded amused.

“Nothing,” Thiessen replied as innocently as he could muster.

“Liar.” Jory rubbed himself up against Thiessen’s ass, his hand squeezing over his hip. “You’re up to something…but I think I might enjoy it, so by all means, please. Go right ahead, loverboy.” He chuckled and that low, raspy sound sent little bolts of need straight to Thiessen’s core. He knew exactly what he wanted. The question was, was he bold enough to take it?

Tugging free of Jory’s grip, he kicked the sheets back and rose up on his knees. Jory’s brows jumped up in surprise when Thiessen carefully pulled his boxers down. Jory’s erection sprang free dangerously close to Thiessen’s face and he could feel the urgency whistling through him, followed by a glaring uncertainty.

Would Jory be able to tell he’d never done this before? Would his fumbles give it away, or would his years of nightly porn watching finally pay off?

“Thiessen.” His name was thick on Jory’s tongue and when he glanced up, the heat that pooled in the man’s eyes was enough to drive him forward. Thiessen wet his lips and took Jory by the root, working over him.

Precum glistened at his tip and tossing his reservations aside, he leaned in and licked them off. Salty and a bit sour, but not unpleasant. He could work with that. Up close, Jory smelled of musk and man and faintly of soap from last night’s shower. Thiessen flicked his tongue over Jory’s cockhead before running it along the ridged underside. It twitched in his grasp and this time, Thiessen moaned.

“Thee.” There was a thrum of desperation in Jory’s voice. His fingers snagged in Thiessen’s hair to draw his gaze back up. There was softness there. Thiessen’s heart fluttered in his chest. “You don’t have to. If it’s too soon…”

“I want to.” Fisting over the length of him, Thiessen wrapped his lips around Jory’s crown and gave an experimental suck. After Jory had all but blown his brains out the night before, he wanted to give it back. He wanted to touch him, to taste him, to make Jory cry out his name until he exploded. He wanted to show the man exactly what he needed. What they both needed.

By the sounds coming from deep in Jory’s throat, he wasn’t fucking this up too badly. Thiessen pumped slowly over his base while he started to suck and lick his way down his shaft, focusing on the way the man pulsed in his mouth, the way Jory fought to keep himself flat on the bed. Precum dribbled onto his tongue and he swallowed it, along with the saliva pooling in his mouth.

With each bob of his head, Thiessen grew bolder. Braver. Taking more of the man into his mouth, suddenly hungry for it. Jory’s fingers threaded through his hair, his breathy moans urging him on. Thiessen’s cock was rock-hard and in need of attention, but he was focused on the task at hand. Still, just the thought of Jory blowing his load was enough to make him leak.

He wanted it.

“Fuck.” Jory’s hand tightened in his hair at the same time his hips came up off the bed, his body twisting in desperation and desire. Thiessen felt his cock slide deeper, his lips stretching to accommodate Jory’s girth. A moan eked up his throat and Jory panted. It wasn’t long before he heard, “Oh, Thiessen. Jesus!”

His guttural cry gave Thiessen enough time to pull back before the first salty load hit his tongue. He quickly swallowed and continued to suck in deep drags. His grip tightened on Jory’s cock just as Jory had done to him, drawing out his pleasure stroke by stroke until the man was reduced to mumbling whimpers on the bed.

As he fought to catch his breath, Thiessen realized his heart was racing and his hands were shaky. Holy shit… He climbed over Jory’s body, his blond hair dangling into his face. He looked down into the man’s dark eyes, glossed over with pleasure, and smiled hesitantly. That was a good thing, right? “Good?”

Jory’s grin was lazy. “Better than good. Come here and let me kiss you.” Catching him by the back of the neck, he dragged Thiessen closer. Thiessen melted into him, his mouth parting when Jory’s tongue slipped between his lips, as if seeking out the flavor of himself on Thiessen’s tongue. And fuck, why was that so hot?

When Jory pulled back, his smile was devious. “Now it’s your turn, baby. Come here.” He grabbed Thiessen’s thighs and pulled him up, until he was straddling Jory’s chest. His cock mere inches away from Jory’s mouth, the man wrapped a hand around him and began to jerk him off with quick tugs.

“Want you to come all over me. Paint my neck and lips with your seed. Need it.” He growled the words and Thiessen shuddered. Oh god. He knew exactly what buttons to push. It was like he’d peeled open Thiessen’s head and peeked inside. “Look at me, Thiessen.” Jory squeezed his ass and Thiessen gasped, his body lurching forwards, but he didn’t look away.

Not even as his balls drew up tight. Not even as his cock spasmed and the first spurt of cum splashed over Jory’s parted mouth. Not even when Jory moaned his name and licked his lips, tasting him. “So fucking good,” the man uttered, milking him to the last drop until Thiessen was spent. “Exactly as I imagined.”

He groaned. “You fantasized over me coming on you?”

“Such depravity, right?” He snickered. “Admit it. You liked it.”

Thiessen felt his face grow warm. “Uh. Yeah. That was hot.”

“I’ll admit… There for a minute, I wasn’t sure if we’d even reach this point. I wasn’t sure if you’d ever trust me enough.” But Jory was smiling, radiating warmth. “You were definitely worth the wait, Thiessen.”

Thiessen smacked his chest. “You’re so sappy. Besides, you haven’t even fucked me yet.”

“All in due time, beautiful. I’m a patient man, like I said. What’s a little bit longer?” The twinkle in Jory’s eye promised him that when it happened, it would completely and utterly shatter him. Jory Crosswind would be his undoing.




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