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Rock 01 - FRET by Sandrine Gasq-DIon (10)

Chapter 10: Gareth


Paris was a whirlwind of excitement but I didn’t feel any of it. I had trusted Stan, believed him. What did that say about me? That I’m so damn naïve I can’t tell when someone is lying to my face? I’m a shitty judge of character, that’s for sure.

Axel tried to raise my spirits with a tour of the city but even the paintings at the Louvre couldn’t pull me out of my funk. The overcast skies matched my mood. We walked along the Seine in silence. He was gobbling a fluffy pastry while I sipped coffee.



“You need to snap out of this mood.”

“I played well last night, didn’t I?”

“Yes, but you weren’t your normal self. I could tell.”

“Are you going to leave now that Stan is in jail?”

“No. I told Ransom I would stay through the tour.”


“Because I want to, Gareth. I take jobs when I want. I don’t have a set schedule.”

“I’m glad. I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t here.”

“You could talk to Hammer,” Axel teased.

I snorted. “Hammer doesn’t talk, he grunts. Everything Buster says sounds like a threat. Achilles…well, he’s just too damned quiet!”

“Well, none of us went to charm school.”

“At least they use utensils to eat,” I joked.

Axel stopped and tugged me into his chest. I looked up at him and he ran his fingers down my cheek.

“I know this hurts, but I learned a long time ago that sometimes you can’t trust even the people closest to you.”

“I don’t believe that.”

“No? Why do you think I never get close to anyone? I was betrayed in the worst way, Gareth. Back in the day, one of my closest friends switched sides on me. I didn’t suspect a thing until he literally stabbed me in the back. He chose money over loyalty and when it came down to it, he was willing to kill me for it. That was the first time I had to look someone in the eye as I took his life.”

I gasped and searched his eyes. I could tell it still hurt him. That he trusted me enough to tell me this was huge. I held him and buried my face in his chest.

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered.

“So am I, but it just goes to show you that even the people you trust with your life can’t be trusted, Gareth.”

“I trust you.” I backed away a bit and looked into his eyes.

“I’m the exception.” Axel grinned.

“I thought you said you never had friends.”

“SEALS are a team, Gareth, and friends by extension. You trust that team with your life. Let’s just say that was the day I left the team.”

I searched Axel’s face. I could tell it still hurt him.

“Ready to head back?”



The Italy stop finally arrived and I was pumped! I pulled myself out of my doldrums about Stan and played like the rock star I was. We got multiple standing ovations and played four encores. By the time we walked off the stage, I was wiped out.

Axel took my hand as we walked back to the dressing rooms. People lined up by the back door as we headed in to shower, change and meet the fans. I noticed them, but I was distracted.

I was too excited about tomorrow. Axel and I were going to take a gondola ride. I heard they’re romantic as fuck and I wanted to talk to Axel about staying in my life for good. I don’t know how it’s going to work, but I wanted it more than I’ve ever wanted anything.

The guys and I signed autographs and took pictures with the fans for two hours. I was more than ready for bed by the time we got to the hotel. Axel still does a sweep of the room even though they’ve caught my stalker. Even now, I can’t wrap my head around it. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to. Strong hands slid beneath my shirt and lifted it up. I raised my arms as Axel took my shirt off, his hands sliding back down my chest.

“Do you know how gorgeous you are?” he whispered in my ear. “How many times I’ve wanted to kiss you and touch you?”

“Probably the same amount as I’ve wanted to do the same thing to you.”

I turned in his arms and he kissed me. It was different from the last time. His mouth devoured mine; his strong hands gripped my hips as he plunged his tongue in to taste me. I looped my arms around his neck as he picked me up and carried me to the bed.

Axel pulled my zipper down and grabbed my hard dick. I whimpered into his mouth and wound my legs around his hips as he stroked me.

“I want to feel you.” I gasped as he pulled his own dick out and rutted against me.

Axel’s larger frame dwarfed me as his body moved over mine. Our dicks, slick with precome, slid against each other as we continued to kiss languidly. Axel’s movements slowed to the tempo of our kiss and I couldn’t catch my breath. I was so fucking turned on, I was about to blow all over both of us.

Axel broke from the kiss and smiled down at me, still rocking into my hips. I stilled him and scooted down until my face made contact with his dick. I took him in and almost gagged at his length and girth. Axel’s breathing turned ragged as I proceeded to suck him off, jacking myself off as I did it. He planted his hands on the bed and fucked into my more-than-willing mouth.

My eyes watered and my jaw began to ache, but fuck it, I wanted this! I want Axel to lose his entire load in my mouth. His hips began to buck wildly as I teased the rim of his dick, sliding my tongue into his slit before taking him again as deeply as I could. His dick rubbed against the lining of my throat and the head flared, constricting my airway. I somehow managed to stick a finger in my mouth, wetting it and then running it around his hole as I sucked harder on his dick. Axel cried out, his hips plunging into me repeatedly as he unloaded hot and hard into my mouth. I sucked at him greedily, my finger still playing around his asshole as my own orgasm began to subside. Finally, Axel stopped moving and the only sound in the room was his heavy breathing.

“Jesus, Gareth!”

I licked my lips and smiled as I crawled back up the bed. Sweat covered Axel’s face; droplets ran down his chest as well. Damn, he looks good glistening like that!

“So, it was good?” I asked hesitantly.

“That was your first one?” Axel’s eyes widened in amazement as I nodded tentatively. “Well, fuck! Hell, yes! It was damn good!”

I smiled, pleased with myself. Axel kissed me slowly, tasting himself on my tongue.

“We should rest. We’re going to be doing a lot of walking tomorrow. Are you excited?”

“I am! I’ve been wanting to do this for years.”

Axel rolled off me and pulled me into his arms. His lips brushed my forehead and I sighed blissfully.

“Night, Gareth.”




“I can’t even imagine being a prisoner and having to walk this bridge.”

Axel and I were crossing the Bridge of Sighs. We had just hit Doge’s Palace and now we’re crossing the bridge to the other side. Axel seems as excited I am to be taking in all the tourist stuff. I love stuff like this — I was always a history buff.

“You know the lore, right?”

“I don’t believe I do.” Axel grinned wide.

Well, I’m not going to tell him. I think that ruins it anyway. I smiled and took his hand

We head to the square and I’m in absolute awe in front of Saint Mark’s Basilica. Pigeons covered the square as we stood there in silence. The sky was slightly overcast, but the sun was trying its best to peek through. All around us, tourists laughed and snapped pictures and painters set up easels to capture the beauty.

City lights illuminated the canal as the sun set. Axel paid for the gondola and we glided down the canal. It was breathtaking, and so peaceful. The soft lapping of the water was as soothing as a lullaby. I nestled between Axel’s legs as we drifted along, the sounds of the city humming around us. The Bridge of Sighs was up ahead and I was waiting for the perfect moment.

Axel put his lips near my ear as we got closer. “If two lovers kiss on a gondola under this bridge, they’ll be granted eternal bliss.”

I swiveled to look at him, a look of shock on my face.

“Did you really think I didn’t know the legend?”

“I didn’t —”

Axel kissed me just as we passed under the bridge. His warmth spread through my body as I leaned back against him; he gently cupped my left cheek as I lifted into the kiss, resting my right cheek against his shoulder. I’ve never been kissed like this. It was as though Axel was trying to tell me without words what I already felt, one of those rare moments in life where everything was absolutely perfect. Even though we haven’t had sex yet, I couldn’t care less. I was thrilled just to be with him.

We met up with Ransom and the others at the Venice Jazz Club. I’m not normally into jazz, but when in Rome — well, Venice. Axel sipped water beside me as the others told us about their jaunt around the city. Achilles, Buster and Hammer stood off to the side, arms crossed, looking threatening. As usual.

“Do they ever relax?” I asked Axel.

“Can’t afford to,” he replied.

“Jinx found an Italian girl.” Ransom nudged Jinx.

“Yeah, but she doesn’t speak any English,” Rebel laughed.

“We spoke French.” Jinx waggled his eyebrows. “Get it?”

I rolled my eyes as the rest of the guys ribbed Jinx on his womanizing ways. We had one more day in Italy before heading for the next concert. I know one thing for sure: I’m coming back to Venice.


We spent the next day in Rome, taking in the Colosseum. Axel is as much a history buff as I, which shocks the shit out of me for some reason. I thought I was the only geek in this group who loved that shit. We walked hand and hand as the sun dipped below the horizon. I realized where we are and looked up at him. He’s smiling at the fountain in front of us. Neptune, flanked by his tritons, was emerging from the fountain.

“You know what they say about the fountain?” I asked slyly.

“Yep. If you throw coins from your right hand over your left shoulder into the fountain of Trevi, ” he said, “three things will happen.” He held up a finger. “One, you’ll return to Rome. Two,” he held up a second finger. “You’ll fall in love with a sexy Roman. And three,” he held up a third finger. “You’ll marry that Roman.”

“Wow. You really are a nerd,” I laughed.

“History and culture fascinate me. I’m always surprised at how many times we repeat the mistakes of the past.” Axel turns to me and drops three coins into my hand. “Come on. Do it.”

I turned my back to the fountain and held the coins in my right hand. I closed my eyes and threw them over my left shoulder.

“So, you’ll be back to Rome in the future.” Axel took my hand.

I hope it’s with Axel because even though he’s not Roman, I want to marry him.




Greece welcomed us with arms open wide. Our concert was sold out, and I was ready for a week off. Axel took me to the Parthenon and I proceeded to go fangirl all over his nerdy ass. He should have been a history or humanities teacher. His face was so animated as he talked about ancient Greece. If he had been my teacher in high school, I would never have fallen asleep in class.

I would have been drooling over his ass.

Unlike my actual history teacher, who reminded me of the teacher in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” Axel had a way of telling the story so that you actually felt like you were there in the middle of it all. I wonder how he would be in all the other countries. I know a lot of history, but I love hearing Axel’s voice. We wound up going out to eat and Axel ordered a bottle of Ouzo. I don’t normally drink, but it smelled so good I had to taste it.

“You like it?”

“It’s different.” I nodded, savoring the aftertaste.

“I don’t eat lamb very often, but you might have noticed a lot of Greek recipes use it.” Axel eyed me closely. “Don’t drink too much of that.”

“Why? It’s really good.” It really was. I didn’t feel too fucked up, either.

“Ouzo sneaks up on you. Trust me.”

The rest of the group eventually joined us, drank Ouzo and laughingly regaled us with their escapades in the city. Normally, we don’t get too wild. Ransom doesn’t want us to end up in some rag magazine naked or trashed. Besides, none of us wants to spend a night in jail — especially in a foreign country. The guys were getting rowdy as we left the restaurant and I laughed at Harley as his shirt flew off and he began running down the street.

“Oh, shit.” Ransom hid his face in his hands. “How much Ouzo did he drink?”

“I got him.” Achilles headed after Harley, who was now running around in only his boxers. I was surprised that a man as huge as Achilles had such a soft voice. I’ll be honest; I’d have bet against that. My thoughts were interrupted by Harley’s antics.

“Oooh!! The big Trojan warrior is coming to get me!” Harley sing-songed as he laughed and scampered around half-naked.

I felt a little sorry for Achilles. If he was going to be a permanent fixture in our lives, he was going to be running after Harley a lot. I feel a little tipsy from the Ouzo, but I’m holding my own. Thank God, I’d eaten quite a bit.

Harley ran around Achilles, giggling like an idiot. As soon as he was within arm’s reach, Achilles grabbed him and threw him over his shoulder. Harley struggled, smacking Achilles on his wide back.

“Put me down!” Harley shouted.

Achilles walked back to our group, motioning to the moron over his shoulder.

“I’ll get him back to the hotel; throw him in a cold shower. Can you guys grab his clothes for me?”

“I can walk! Put me down!”

I chuckled as Achilles rolled his eyes and stuck his hand out for Harley’s clothes. Buster and Hammer stood nearby; arms crossed — as usual — unreadable looks on their faces. Jinx elbowed me and I glanced over at him.

“Are these guys going to be with us for the long haul? Cuz I gotta say, they’re pretty fucking scary.”

“That’s the point,” Axel cut in. “According to Mac, they’re thinking of staying on full time. You guys are big time now. You need professional security.”

“Well, that should be fun.” Jinx glanced over his shoulder at Buster and Hammer and wiggled his fingers in a wave. “Will they talk more over time?”

“Nope.” Axel replied cheerfully.

“Look on the bright side. Achilles talks. Kind of.” I grinned.

“Put me down, asshole!” Harley shrieked from behind us.

“Bye, Harley.” I smiled and waved.

“Where’s Paul?” Axel directed the question to Ransom.

“At the hotel. He’s making sure all our equipment was packed. Speaking of which, are we ready to head back?”

I had to laugh as Harley fought Achilles’ grip as the big, burly bodyguard carried him down the street. Even I had to admit that Achilles was one hot motherfucker. Too bad Harley wasn’t gay. They’d make a cute couple. I turned to Axel with a grin.

“What’s the story with Achilles?”

Axel took my hand and we began walking back toward the hotel. The guys were ahead of us, laughing and joking.

“He’s former Delta Force. Those tattoos on his arms?” I nodded for Axel to go on. “They cover bullet scars.”

“What?” I gasped.

“Do you really think we leave the military unscathed? Achilles and his team were ambushed in Ramadi. He was the only one who made it out alive. He recovered in the hospital for four months.”

“Holy shit.”

“Buster and Hammer are former Rangers. All of us have our own stories, Gareth. The point is, we’ve seen a lot of shit and we’re prepared to do what we have to do for those we protect.”

“I can’t even imagine.” I was quiet for a moment. “To watch your team killed right in front of you.”

“Most of us end up in jobs like this. I think for Achilles, it’s his way of making up for the fact he couldn’t save his guys.”

I turned to Axel on a gasp. “He couldn’t have saved them all!”

Axel stopped and pulled me into his arms. I sighed and rested my cheek on his chest. His strong arms tugged me close to him and his lips brushed my temple.

“I love how fierce you are, Gareth Wolf! I’m sure Achilles would appreciate how you feel. I know he carries guilt. Mac made him go to a shrink before he hired him. Achilles will die to protect your bandmates, as will Buster and Hammer.”

I pulled back and searched his eyes. “And you?”

“I’ll die for you with a smile on my face, Gareth.”

I wanted to say something, I really did, but Axel’s lips met mine and anything I wanted to say flew right out of my head. Axel’s hands cupped my face as he kissed me softly. Axel broke the kiss and pulled back a bit. My eyes were still closed and I heard Axel chuckle softly. I opened them to find him smiling at me.

“Come on. Let’s go.”


The next morning, Axel was with Buster and Hammer as I hit the hotel lobby for coffee. Jinx stumbled a bit behind me and I handed him a cup. Most of the guys were hung over, but Harley was by far the worst. Ouzo was indeed very deceptive.

I headed back upstairs and unlocked the door. We have a whole block of rooms, all connected, and I headed to Ransom’s room. He was still sleeping, his head buried under the pillow. Harley was across from him in the other queen bed, snoring so loudly I was surprised the walls weren’t shaking.

I laughed quietly and headed to the last room. Papers littered the bed and a paper shredder was swallowing the last of a document. I heard the shower running and walked toward it. I was about to call out to Paul when my eyes landed on a piece of red paper beneath a stack of manila folders. I glanced over my shoulder at the bathroom, and then walked to the bed. I lifted the folders and saw the end of a plane ticket.

Only it wasn’t a ticket to Hawaii.

I stared at the date and the destination, then back at the bed. I grabbed the first folder and flipped it open. It contained dozens of stapled receipts — all for surgeries performed in Switzerland! Anger built inside me as I found more and more receipts, along with a sales receipt for our fucking tour bus!

Checking to make sure the water was still running, I booted up Paul’s computer and found the band’s bank accounts.

“That’s a little rude, don’t you think?”

I jumped up and spun around, floored by the sight of Paul training a gun on me.

“Why?” I barely whispered.

Why?” Paul practically spat. “You little shit! From the day you were born, you’ve been a fucking thorn in my side! Ransom was my best friend! We did everything together; we were as close as two people could be — and then you came along and everything was about poor, sickly Gareth.” Paul snorted. “Ransom doted on you from the second you came home. I barely existed after that. He never spent the night at my house anymore. Everything was about you and how you would feel. It made me sick! Then, on the night of the wreck, you had to fucking whine about being hungry —”

“So this is about your jealousy?” I spluttered. “Because my brother loves me?”

“He used to love me!”

I step back in shock. “What are you saying? Ransom and you …?”

“Oh, don’t look so fucking shocked! I wanted him, I loved him, but he didn’t want to be with me in that way. Oh no, it was all about you, Gareth. It has ALWAYS been all about you! God forbid anything should happen to precious Gareth!”

“So — what? You’ve been taking money off the top and secretly jetting off to Switzerland to have surgeries on your hand?! You sold the bus! That’s our money!”

“It’s MY fucking money! I started this band —”

“The fuck you did!” I shouted. “What? You’re going to off me and take my place? Tell me, how will that go over with my brother?”

“I wanted to scare you into leaving, Gareth. I even picked that muscle-head gorilla because he’s never done this kind of babysitting shit before. How was I supposed to know he would step up and actually do his fucking job? I framed Stan, and they fell for it. Now it’s just a matter of taking care of you.”


I spun around. Ransom was in the doorway, a look of complete disbelief on his face.

“You don’t get it, Ransom,” Paul began.

“I don’t get what? That I trusted you? That I thought you were my best friend? And all this time you’ve secretly been trying to kill my brother?!” Ransom’s voice accelerated to a shout.

“I wasn’t going to kill him, I swear! I just wanted to scare him into leaving the band —”

“So you could take his place?” Ransom yelled.

“You forgot all about me!” Paul screamed, practically jumping up and down in his rage.

A blur on the left caught my attention and the next thing I knew, Paul’s gun went off. Axel flew in front of me and I heard a grunt, followed by a thud across the room. Axel came down on top of me and all the air left my lungs.

“Gun is secure!” Achilles shouted.

“Axel?” I pushed on his chest and tried to move him. He was a dead weight on top of me. “Axel!” I yelled, trying to get him to stir at least.

“Achilles!” Ransom fell to his knees in front of us. “Oh God, there’s blood everywhere!”

“Axel? Talk to me!” My eyes filled with tears as I tried to move from beneath him. Blood was all over the front of my shirt and on my hand. “He’s been shot!”

A flurry of activity surrounded me as Buster and Hammer moved into the room along with the rest of the band. Harley was standing in the middle of the room, jaw hanging open, staring at Paul — who was laid out on the floor, disarmed and watched carefully by Buster.

“Paul?” Harley shook his head in disgust.

“He needs a doctor!” I shouted in a panic. Blood was seeping from Axel’s side and his face had gone pale.

“Gareth…” Axel rasped.

“I’m here, hang on!”

“Sorry …so sorry.”

“Don’t you fucking leave me!”

Axel’s eyes fluttered closed and I screamed.




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