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Rock 01 - FRET by Sandrine Gasq-DIon (7)

Chapter 7: Axel


Oh God. Gareth’s lips were so warm against mine and I held him as closely as I could. I inhaled sharply through my nose as Gareth’s mouth opened to mine on a whimper. I swept inside to taste him and groaned. I couldn’t stop touching him, kissing him. His skin was like silk under my fingers and I wanted him under me. Our lips moved against each other in harmony, hands aching to touch as much skin as possible. Gareth wrapped his arms around my neck and I picked him up, taking him back into the house.

His teeth nipped at my bottom lip and I sucked in his tongue. Gareth’s erection was against my stomach and I knew I was hard as a rock. I was kissing Gareth, I was all over him and I couldn’t stop. Our tongues tangled and Gareth moaned in my mouth as my hands gripped his ass. I carried him into the bedroom and went down on top of him on the bed. His legs wrapped around my hips as our tongues continued to do battle. Gareth’s hands held my face as he whimpered and moaned; his hips arched into mine.

I couldn’t get enough of him. I’d never wanted someone so badly in my entire existence. His skin, his lips, his eyes — everything about Gareth called to me and I wanted to answer him. I pulled his sweats down and gripped his rock hard dick. A long, drawn out moan left Gareth’s mouth and landed in mine. I pulled my dick out and wrapped my hand around both of us.

“Oh fuck…yes…” Gareth was all but sobbing.

My whole body shook as I jacked us off together. Gareth’s dick leaked precome like a geyser and I wasn’t much better. I was so fucking turned on I could barely breathe. And the kisses — oh fuck me, the kisses! I am so glad I never kissed anyone before Gareth, because it would have paled in comparison. We fit. Everything about us fit. Gareth is the one man who could change me forever — and that thought scares the fuck out of me.

“Axel…oh yes…please!”

I palmed Gareth’s nut and dragged my hand along our dicks in one deliberately slow sweep, squeezing his head against mine. Fireworks shot off behind my eyes as I came with a loud cry, my seed spilling all over Gareth’s chest. He went off seconds after me, his mouth open, eyes wide as he came and came and came. His body jerked as the aftershocks hit him in waves. I kept kissing him through it all because dammit, I couldn’t fucking stop. Gareth was panting beneath me and I threaded my free hand through his wet hair. I palmed his cheek and ran the pad of my thumb over his kiss-swollen lips. Jesus I’d never seen anyone as perfect as Gareth Wolf.

And I had just lost all perspective.


I almost hadn’t made it to him on time. The sound of the sliding glass door woke me up. The next thing I knew, Gareth was crawling over the side of the deck. I was off balance because things had gotten strained between us; we weren’t in sync as we had been lately. I wanted him, more than he could ever know. I wanted a life with him but he deserved so much better than what I had to offer.


I kissed him softly. “You scared me.”

“I’m getting that idea.” Gareth smiled shyly.

“What were you doing?”

“I don’t know. I was in bed and the next thing I knew, you were pulling me up.”

“Do you normally sleepwalk?”

“No. Not that I know of.” Gareth’s face scrunched in thought. “I did take sleeping pills tonight, though.”

“Where are they?” I asked.

“In the bathroom. I don’t like taking pills, period, but I just needed to get some rest. The last few days …” Gareth trailed off and turned his head away from me.

“I know.” I turned his face back to mine gently. “I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

“Well, you won’t do that again, will you?” Gareth tried to joke.

“Stay here. I’ll get something to clean us up and grab the pills.”

Gareth nodded and I moved slowly. His body displayed in the light of the moon would make grown men cry. Jesus, I was in so much trouble with this kid. I flicked the bathroom light on and grabbed a washcloth from the cupboard.

I checked the medicine cabinet for the pills, then the drawer. I found an orange pill bottle in the back and grabbed it. Gareth was still spread-eagle on the bed when I came back into the room. I handed him the washcloth and then turned on the bedside lamp. I inspected the bottle and then opened it, letting a few pills fall into my palm.

The sleeping pills were the kind you could only get with a doctor’s prescription. They were the ones with the crazy-ass side effects. I scowled and held up a pill.

“Where did these come from?”

“Paul gave them to me a while back. I couldn’t sleep and he said he could help. Why? What’s wrong with them?”

“I’m sure nothing is wrong with them. But when they’re taken by someone who never takes anything — well, let’s just say it could cause a problem. There’s a reason they tell people not to take someone else’s prescriptions.”

Gareth noticed my face and sat up. “Don’t even think that. Paul was just trying to help. You don’t know him like we do. He was the one who hired a bodyguard. We grew up together, Axel. He would never hurt me.”

“I can’t let anything happen to you. Do you understand that?”

“I know, I know,” Gareth huffed. “It’s your job.”

“I think it’s become a lot more than that, don’t you?” I lifted his face to mine gently. “I just broke every rule with you and I can’t seem to care.”

“Don’t tease me,” Gareth barely whispered.

“Come here,” I said quietly.

Gareth moved into me and I held him, running my nose through his hair and breathing him in. His hands spread across my back and he kissed my neck. I leaned back a bit and met his eyes. He was so vulnerable to me then, so open and honest.

“I don’t know what will happen between us, but I’m not leaving you until we catch whoever is doing this.”

Gareth nodded and snuggled into me. An ache began to form in my chest and I took a deep breath. If I had lost Gareth tonight, I don’t think I would have survived it. Somewhere along the way, the little shit had burrowed into my heart.

I’m pretty damned sure I’m going to keep him.




Mac called me in the morning with an update on the other guys. Nothing stood out. Well, at least nothing that I could see as a threat to Gareth. Mac had gotten the video from the L.A. concert and we both watched it repeatedly, but nothing stood out. I paced the kitchen with my coffee and phone as Mac babbled in my ear. Gareth was still sleeping and I wanted him to get as much rest as possible.

“That is fucked up!” Mac whistled in amazement at the story.

“You have no idea. Damn good thing I’m a light sleeper or he would have plummeted to the bottom of the ridge.”

“So the dad checks out, Stan checks out; you’re liking Paul for this aren’t you?”

“Am I that transparent?”

“No, you’re smart and your gut is almost never wrong.”

“Yeah, but he called you to protect Gareth. That’s what’s got me confused. This guy grew up with them, takes care of them and hired someone to make sure Gareth stays safe.”

“Maybe we need to dig a little more?” Mac suggested.

“I’m going to go through more of the letters. Stan was right, we need to go back and see if anything matches up to what we have now.”

“I’m going to come up and help,” Mac announced.

“You’re leaving your wife to come help?” I chuckled.

“She’s with her sister,” Mac grumbled.

“Oh, so the sister is visiting and now you have to come help me.”

“I’ll be there by tonight, asswipe.”

“Love you, Dad.”

“Fuck off.”

I hung up and turned to see Gareth behind me. His hair was sticking up adorably and he was wiping the sleep from his eyes. His sweats barely sat on his hips and his ratty T-shirt looked like a pack of wild dogs had attacked it.

“Dad?” Gareth asked inquisitively. “I thought he passed away?”

“He did. That was my boss, Mac. Seems his sister-in-law is visiting and now he can’t wait to get out here and help.”

“You guys are close?” Gareth walked to the coffeepot and poured himself a cup.


Gareth turned and eyed me suspiciously over his coffee cup. “How close?”

I grinned and pulled him into my arms. I took his cup and placed it on the counter before I leaned in to kiss his neck. Gareth whimpered as I grabbed his ass in both hands.

“The only one I want to be close to is you,” I whispered in his ear.

“Holy fuck.”

I stiffened and raised my head to see Ransom standing in the doorway.

Shit and fuck me running.

“Is this why you wanted to bring him home? So you could fuck him?!” Ransom snarled, advancing on us. “I trusted you!”

Gareth stood in front of me and put a hand out to stop his brother. Ransom got in my face and I swear his eyes flared red.

“Ransom! Stop it!” Gareth shouted.

“You might want to back that shit off,” I said calmly.

“Or what?” Ransom snapped.

“I’m going to kick you in your fucking balls, Ransom!” Gareth yelled.

“My brother doesn’t need to be de-virginized and used by an asshole like you!”

“Oh. My. God!” Gareth rasped. “Did you have to go there?”

“I didn’t have sex with your brother, Ransom.” I tilted my head to the side in thought. “Well, what is your definition of sex? Is it penetration? Because if that’s it, then no. We did not have sex.”

“I’m going to fucking kill you!” Ransom thundered.

I sighed and crossed my arms.

“Ransom, please calm down,” Gareth pleaded. “Axel didn’t do anything to me that I didn’t want, okay? He saved me.”

That seemed to get through to Ransom and his face paled.

“What do you mean?”

“I couldn’t sleep last night so I took some sleeping pills. Turns out, they have some pretty freaky side effects. Axel found me hanging off the side of the deck. I guess I sleepwalked outside. I would have fallen, but he caught me, Ransom. Axel saved my life. Again.”

Ransom practically collapsed at the table and stared at the floor. I knew what was running through his mind right then. Losing his brother overtook anything else he was feeling.

“Paul gave him the pills,” I spoke up.

Ransom’s head snapped up and he narrowed his eyes at me. “And?”

“And nothing.” I shrugged. “I’m just giving you all the information I have.”

“You’re okay though, right?” Ransom eyed Gareth from head to toe.

“Yes. I’m fine.”

“Are you done screaming now?” I asked Ransom.

“That depends.”


“I don’t want Gareth hurt. You don’t strike me as the type of guy who does relationships.”

“Ransom…” Gareth warned.

“As I told Gareth, I don’t know what’s going to happen between us, but I’m not leaving his side until we figure out who is behind these threats. I take this job very seriously. No more hanky panky with Gareth until we solve this.”

“Hey!” Gareth balked. “Don’t I get a say in this?”

“No.” Ransom and I answered in unison.

“Fuck my life.” Gareth blew out an exasperated sigh. “You two are fucking with my sex life.”

“What sex life?” Ransom grinned. “According to Axel here, you didn’t have sex.”

“Shut up,” Gareth grumbled.

“We’re headed into town.” I glanced at Ransom. “We’re doing some homework. Want to help?”

“Yeah. I’ll get the guys in on this, too.”

“Good, we need all the eyes we can get.”




We sat on the floor as a group sifting through letters, handling them as little as possible to protect any fingerprints the asshole might have been dumb enough to leave, to see if there were threatening letters we might have missed. There were so many letters it was ridiculous. More than one came from a kid who had finally come out because of Gareth. Gareth’s face lit up every time he read one. I had to give him serious props for what he had done. He’d done so much for other kids who were too afraid to come out to their parents.

Ransom was reading the letters from their father while the rest of us sifted through the fan mail.

“Look.” Rebel held up a letter. “This one is around the same as the threatening ones.”

I took it from him and perused the paper. Pieces of newspaper were cut to spell out ‘burn in hell, homo.’ My fingers itched to crumple it and rage rose inside me. What the hell was wrong with people? Gareth preferred men, so what? Who gave a damn in the big picture? Was Gareth’s sex life preventing said fuckhead from getting any? I never did understand homophobic people. Like we gays were subliminally burrowing into their lives and converting them.

My face must have spoken volumes because Gareth placed a soothing hand on my arm.

“Hey, it’s okay.”

“No, it’s not.” I stood up and paced the office floor.

“I don’t get it,” Jinx spoke up. “So Gareth is gay. And? Who the fuck is he hurting?”

“Believe me,” Stan sighed. “It’s not fun being gay.”

“Dude, you’re gay?” Harley blurted out.

“Yes,” I answered for Stan. “He’s gay, and so am I.”

Stan seemed to choke on his spit and the other guys —minus Ransom who already knew this —gasped pretty much as one. I smiled because I enjoy shocking the shit out of people.

“Dude.” Rebel shook his head. “I had no fucking idea.”

“Well, as Gareth says — you don’t walk up to people and say ‘Hey, I’m Rebel and I’m straight.’ Why should I mosey up and say ‘Hey, I’m Axel and I’m gay’.”

“That would be so fucking cool if you did.” Ransom chuckled. “I’d love to be there with a camera.”

“Here’s another one.” Harley held up a letter. “It’s postmarked Tucson.”

I took the letter and looked at it closely. Other than the originating post office, there was no identifying information on it. Fuck. This was getting me nowhere and fast. The door to the office opened and I whirled around, hand on my gun.

A grinning Mac paused in the doorway, and I relaxed.

“Hey, if you haven’t shot me by now, it ain’t gonna happen,” Mac drawled.

I waved the letter at him. “Please tell me you brought a print kit.”

“Who do you take me for?” Mac answered shaking his backpack at me. He eyed the men on the floor and then looked back at me. “Slumber party? Please tell me there are s’mores.”

“Get over here and help,” I snapped.

“Sheesh.” Mac approached us and dropped down on the floor.

I made introductions and we went back to going through letters. Mac assured Gareth and Ransom that he genuinely believed their father was not behind the threatening letters, that he had seriously turned his life around.

“Well, I’m going to go see him,” Ransom announced.

“He looks good,” Gareth smiled.

“So when is Paul coming back to town?” Mac asked casually.

“Probably Friday. He always does Hawaii for a week,” Ransom provided absent-mindedly as he scanned another letter.

“I’d really like to have a sit-down with him.” Mac elbowed me and I nodded.

“Why?” Ransom asked.

“We need to ask him some questions about the fan mail, you know, stuff like that,” I answered vaguely.

“Can I see you outside for a sec?” Mac stood up.

I followed Mac outside and made sure to close the door behind me. He stared off into the distance and I pinched his side.

“What’s up?”

“You crossed the line, didn’t you?” He turned to face me.

“It’s not what you think. I didn’t fuck him.”

“No, but something happened. I can see it in his eyes when he looks at you and I can see it on your face. You have feelings for this kid.”

“I can still do my job.” I lifted my chin in defiance.

“Look, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. Sometimes the babysitting jobs get complicated because of the amount of time spent together in close quarters. Sometimes the feelings dissipate after the job is over. It’s the adrenaline and the constant danger. You’ve prided yourself on never having feelings for anyone, Axel. Not even me. It’s one of the reasons I walked away from you and gave Christy a chance. I knew you’d never feel anything for me.”

My mouth dropped open in surprise. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

“Was I in love? No, I don’t think so; but I did care for you, Axel. A lot. I knew you’d never care for me like that. That’s why I’m worried about you now. You do care for this kid.”

“I’m going to find out who is doing this, Mac, and then the job is done. Whether or not Gareth and I survive after that is another story.”

“What are we missing here?” Mac sighed in exasperation.

“Who has the most to gain from Gareth getting hurt or killed?”

“Well, you think Paul does, but that doesn’t make sense.”

“I swear to God, my gut is saying it’s him. I don’t know why, though. He can’t play anymore; his hand was fucked up in the accident. So it isn’t like he would take Gareth’s place.”

“What about Harley?” Mac asked. “He could take Gareth’s place as lead guitarist.”

“I don’t know. I’m not getting a shitty vibe from him. He seems to genuinely care for Gareth.” I ran a hand through my hair. “Fuck!”

“Okay. Well, I’m here now so let’s find out who’s behind this.”


We ended up at the Galaxy Diner with another box of letters to go through. The place was decorated with ’50’s and ’60’s memorabilia and it was homey. I liked it instantly. I could tell the guys had been here before as the entire wait staff knew them. I watched Gareth’s face as he and the guys laughed about their touring adventures. He was so damned happy and relaxed.

“Ha! Remember in Vegas when Mikey was in the bathroom and that guy leaned over and said ‘Nice dick, dude’?” Rebel cracked up.

“I remember Arson running down Flamingo Boulevard shouting ‘I have 3 nipples!’” Ransom laughed so hard he had to sip his water.

“Well, in all fairness, he does,” Jinx pointed out.

“I take it you guys run into some pretty interesting people,” I observed with a grin.

“Oh, yeah! Ask Rebel about the stripper,” Gareth laughed.

“I am NOT talking about that!”

“The stripper?” I inquired.

“Oh for fucks sake,” Rebel sighed. “She was hot until I got a handful of cock.”

I snorted and inhaled the coffee I was just sipping. The whole table broke out in laughter and Rebel got up, narrowing his eyes at us all.

“I’m going to pee.”

“Be careful of guys checking out your package,” Jinx snickered.

“Remember when Gareth fell asleep on the lounge chair by the pool?” Ransom elbowed his brother.

“I looked like a lobster for a week,” Gareth groaned. “I couldn’t even wear clothes!”

“Thank God we’d already played the night before or you’d have been up there in a thong,” Ransom guffawed.

“Speaking of thongs.” Harley raised his brows.

“Oh, do tell.” I leaned forward.

“Shut up,” Jinx warned.

“Oh, now I have to know!” I turned to Jinx.

“Fine. I had a girl backstage and she was all into me wearing her underwear. Well, I passed out and the next thing I know, I’m wearing her thong, she’s gone and so are all my clothes.”

“Turns out she was a girl he’d been with before and treated like shit. Those pictures on Facebook were priceless.” Ransom broke out in laughter.

“That’s pretty damn harsh.” I punched Jinx’s shoulder playfully.

“Yeah, well, I’m very selective now. I’m not screwing everything that comes backstage. I’m tired of that, anyway.”

There was a murmur of agreement from the rest of the guys and I stared at them in surprise.

“So, none of you are getting it on anymore?”

“Well, I wouldn’t go that far,” Harley spoke up. “We’re just not as enthusiastic about it as we used to be.”

I glanced over my shoulder and noticed through the window that the sun was setting. Where the hell had the day gone?

“Mac and I are going to go over more of the boxes tomorrow. You guys are more than welcome to join us.”

“Hey, if it helps find out who’s trying to hurt Munchkin, I’m in.” Harley mussed Gareth’s hair affectionately.

“Stop that.” Gareth complained, batting Harley’s hand away.

“Okay, bright and early at the office,” I ordered.

There were groans around the table and I lifted my brows.

“Ten in the morning good?” Mac asked.

I shot him a look and he shrugged.

“You got it, Big Bird.” Jinx winked at me.

“I like that one!” Mac chuckled. “I’m going to get you a bright yellow shirt for Christmas.”

“Fuck off.”


The guys paid the bill and headed to the car. I waited for Gareth to come out of the bathroom and Mac stood by the front door. The temperature had cooled off quite a bit and a breeze drifted through the open door.

“Okay, I’m ready,” Gareth announced behind me.

“I’ll be right behind you,” I assured him. I found our waitress and gave her $10 on top of the other tip just for putting up with us. She smiled and waved as I headed out. The air was crisp and clean as I followed Gareth.

In seconds, a car peeled out of the parking lot, nearly blinding us with its high beams.

I hauled ass. “Gareth!”

The car accelerated, headed right for him. Mac tried in vain to get to him, but I was closer. The vehicle clipped Mac’s thigh, sending him sprawling to the pavement. I launched myself and tackled Gareth; we crashed to the asphalt. My right shoulder took the brunt of the impact and I wrapped Gareth in my arms.

“Mac!” I shouted, panicked.

“I’m good! Did you see the plate?”

“No! Goddammit!” I eased back and checked Gareth. His face was pale and he was shaking. “Gareth, talk to me! Are you okay?”

“Sore,” he mumbled, clearly dazed.

A crowd gathered as I grabbed my phone and called Ransom. “Where are you?”

“At the gas station, getting drinks. Why?”

“Who’s with you?”

“The guys. Why? You’re freaking me out!”

“You should be, someone just tried to run over your brother!”


The waiting room at the hospital was abuzz with activity. I sat in one of the stereotypically uncomfortable chairs while they took Gareth and Mac back to the emergency bays.

Ransom had gone with Gareth but Mac waved me off, insisting that he was a big boy and didn’t need a hand-holder. I called Christy to let her know what was going on.

“That man will get hit by a car to avoid my sister? He’s okay, right?”

“He got up and walked away — so, yes. Just a precaution,” I assured her.

“Find who’s doing this Axel and put them ten feet under. You got that?”

My eyes widened. Christy was one hell of a woman.

“You got it.” I heard her soft chuckle and smiled.

“Yeah, I know what he does and what you do — and you know what? I don’t care. I know what kind of men you are. Men of principle and character.”

“Thanks, Christy.”

“You bet!”

She hung up and I sighed, dropping my hands between my legs. Harley, Jinx and Rebel were across from me, looking worried. There was no way any of them could be behind this attack. They were with Ransom when it happened. The waiting room doors swished open and Paul hurried in.

“Where is he?!” he shouted.

I stood immediately and faced him. “He’s being checked out by a doctor.”

“What the fuck happened?! You’re supposed to be looking out for him!” Paul shouted, getting in my personal space.

I grabbed the front of his shirt and hauled him up to my face. “Where the fuck did you just come from, huh, Paul?”

“W-What?” Paul spluttered.

“I find it really interesting that you’re in town when no one was expecting you until Friday.”

“Ransom called me yesterday, so I came back!”

“He just told me you were coming home Friday.”

“I didn’t tell him I was coming. What the fuck are you implying, Mr. Blaze?”

“I wonder.” I leaned further into his face. “What am I insinuating, Paul?”

His eyes widened and his mouth opened and shut like a fish on land trying to get some air.

“You can’t think that I would…that I…”

“Oh, I can and I do.”

“Axel, back it off a bit, eh?” Jinx placed a hand on my shoulder. I let go of the other man and took one step back.

“You’re fucking fired, Mr. Blaze!” Paul screamed.

“Fine, go ahead and fire me. But know this — I will stay with Gareth until all this is done. Do you hear me, Paul? I’ve got your fucking number and I’m about to ring it.”

“Get out of here now before I slap a restraining order on you,” Paul seethed.

“Sure. Let me just go see Gareth.” I grinned.

“You stay away from him! You’re supposed to find out who’s doing all this, not make false accusations,” Paul huffed.

“You don’t tell me shit about what I can do, Paul.” I poked him in the chest. “The final word comes from Gareth, and I think we all know what he’ll say.”

“Oh my God! You’re fucking him, aren’t you?” Paul laughed.

I saw my hand move but I couldn’t stop it. My fist connected with Paul’s face and his neck snapped back from the force. I laid him out and then stood over him, pointing a finger.

“Do not ever speak about Gareth like that. Ever. Are we clear?”

“Call the police, Rebel.” Paul massaged his aching jaw.

I glanced over to find Rebel, arms crossed, shaking his head. It seemed the childhood friendship was taking a beating.

“I can’t do that, Paul. Axel is doing what’s best for Gareth and that means looking at all of us as suspects.”

Paul struggled to his feet and surveyed the rest of the band.

“You guys are okay with this asshole thinking you’re trying to off Gareth?!”

“If it rules us out and helps him find the real douchebag, I don’t give a flying fuck,” Harley snapped.

“What the hell is going on out here?” Ransom stepped into the room with a look of shock. “We can hear you all the way in the back!”

“I want him gone, Ransom!” Paul pointed to me.

“Axel, Gareth is asking for you.” Ransom yanked his head toward to bays.

“Thank you, Ransom.” I smiled as I walked past Paul. “Buh-bye.”

“This isn’t over, Mr. Blaze!” Paul fairly screeched.

I looked over my shoulder and glared at him.

“You’re right. It’s not.”




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