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Roosted (Moto X Book 1) by Brooke May (21)

Megan: Hi Axle. How are you? I’ve missed our friendship.

Once I read the message, I have to re-read it several times before I can even begin to process it. Megan has basically fallen off the face of the earth since the night I hooked up with Paige. Not that I’m trying to talk to her. I’ve been a shitty friend on my part. Just because we aren’t fucking anymore doesn’t mean our friendship needs to go away. We had promised not to ruin our friendship, yet we let it happen.

Another fine example of how fucking a woman can mess up things.

I don’t know where I stand with her in the friendship department anymore. I don’t feel any less of a man to admit being around her now makes me mildly uncomfortable. I’m sure she feels the same way around me.

Me: I’ve been good. Started a new job. How have you been?

Setting my phone down, I go back to work only to be stopped again.

Megan: That’s great! I’m well. Could we meet for lunch tomorrow?

Sighing, I push my work away and take a minute to talk things over with Megan.

Me: I don’t work in the city anymore. Could we meet for dinner tonight instead?

Megan: I can manage that. Lucky 13’s? Say 6-ish?

Me: Works for me. I’ll see you then.

Megan: Okay.

Casting my phone back into the drawer, I return to my work and focus on it for the rest of the day. That is until my stomach revolts and commands me to get something in it. The spread I had on my desk has diminished, and now I am basically done. I’m torturing myself with the tedious work of labeling the fuck out of everything. I’m a little obsessed when it comes to keeping things organized. I like order—call it OCD if you will, but I like to keep my things nice.

So sue me.

I stretch on my way down to the break room. Yesterday, I had it filled with fruits and other snacks for myself and my new co-workers. Len told me Paige said I was the boss of the numbers. I’m the head fucking accountant, and I don’t know how to deal with the shit that comes with the title. I’d much rather call them my co-workers than my employees. I don’t like the god complex which accompanies my title.

The break room is much nicer than the one at Havre and Bell. Instead of the bland, boring white everywhere, it looks like a modern kitchen; kind of like Paige and Parker’s but more of a galley.

Going straight to the bowl of fruit, I see no one has touched it yet. I’ll have to let the others know they are free to bring whatever they want and share my things. It’s their first day, so I don’t want them to feel that I’m that much of an arsehole to withhold food or the break room. If they are hungry and don’t have something, they can just grab whatever is in here unless it’s labeled otherwise.

The apple makes a crisp break as I bite into the red flesh and the juices seep into my mouth. Fuck, it tastes good, but it instantly makes me thirsty. Turning to the refrigerator, I stop in my tracks with the sound of the door clicking closed and the lock turning. The apple stays stuck in my mouth like the pig I am as Paige turns to face me.

“Hi, Oz.” Her voice is soft like a cumulonimbus cloud, and like the clouds she can cause a great storm. Her boots clunk on the tile floor, bringing her closer to me. The only noises are the sound of her boots, our breathing, and the blood thundering in my ears.

Her cool hands brace her body against my chest, and she rises to the tips of her boots like she is going to give me a kiss. Instead, she takes a hearty bite from the opposite side of my apple.

Fuck, yes.

“Mmm.” She moans, dropping back to the flat of her feet. She doesn’t go to wipe the juices off the corners of her mouth. Instead, she lets them drip down to her chin and one little drop at a time falls on the ample cleavage created by her bra and tank.

I moan around the apple, my body sagging in the slightest of ways as I take her in. I’m turned into an imprudent reject by the simple things Paige Bartin does around me. I’ve completely forgotten my arms are hanging at my sides like useless noodles.

“I’ve been wondering when my brother would finally leave you alone.” Her tongue darts out to dab the remnants of her bite before she wipes her chin with her finger, leaving the rest glazing her cleavage.

May I motorboat those plump beauties?

She pulls the apple from my mouth and sets it on the counter. “You’ve been holed up in there for the past two days.” Her head tilts the tiniest fraction to the side; her sea green eyes penetrate the depths of my mind. “Get it all figured out?”

I swallow the bite suspended in my mouth. “Yes, it was a fucking mess.”

“No shit.” Her red lips perk on one side. “That’s why I wanted an expert like you. You saw what was wrong when you looked at our files.” Her fingers walk up the front of my chest, her touch searing me through my vest and dress shirt. “I’ve wanted some alone time with you.”

My eyes grow hooded, matching hers. At night, when I get home, I want the same thing with her, but at work, I’m not thinking about anything but fixing their accounts.

“I’m starting to think you only want me for sex.” My arms are no longer noodles. My colossal hands wrap around her biceps, pulling her to me.

“Oh darn, you’re on to me now.” Strangely, I don’t sense the humor in her voice like I thought I would. She’s dry, even, and controlled. She isn’t going to give anything away to me. “So what you do say? Break room fuck sound good to you?”

My dick springs to life in my trousers. Do I really mind that Paige is using me to supply her orgasms?

No, no, I’m not. As long as I’m giving them to her with either my fingers, tongue, or dick, I can live with that. My eyes dart around her, checking to see if the door is truly locked. I haven’t had time to see everything yet, and I wasn’t sure if the door had a window in it or not.

It doesn’t.

When I turn back to her, I catch the time. It’s nearly five thirty.

I cringe, and even though my body is yelling at me to stay put and stick my dick in her tight, wonderful pussy, I take a step back.

What the motherfucking hell am I doing?

Do I cancel on Megan? Try to make dinner with her tomorrow and stay here to get my mind and dick blown by Paige?

“What’s the matter, Oz?” She steps back into my space. “Don’t tell me you’re getting shy on me. I seem to remember fucking somewhere we can easily be caught turns you on?”

I jerk and nearly yelp when she cups me, finding my dick straining.

“See? He wants it.” Her brows twitch and lustful excitement fills her usually expressionless face. “Fuck. Me.”

I’ve learned Paige doesn’t ask; she commands.

“I-I ca-ca—” I’m cut off from my weak and would have been non-reinforced excuse by a violent knock on the door and yelling from Len.

“Paige, get your ass out here and back down to the garage! We have shit to do if you want to be ready for your race Friday.” A few more violent bangs from the pixie sound and then a rather loud growling.

“I thought I had a while before the bitch found me,” Paige grumbles, relinquishing her hold on my dick as she glares up at me. “Were you about to refuse me?”


She’s angry now. I guess saying no to a woman like Paige isn’t wise.

“No, I was just going to resch—”

“Paige! Now!”

Snarling, Paige pins me with one last glare and then stomps out of the room. I watch Len’s Mohawk sway from side to side as she shakes her head and follows Paige. And then I remember why I was pushing Paige away.

Booking it back to my office, I put everything away and hightail it back to the city and to Lucky 13’s to meet Megan for dinner. She’s already there with our food waiting at the table by the time I get in the door. Marching over, I take the seat opposite her.

“Here I am.” The heat crossing my face is foreign—whether out of anger of being pulled away from Paige manhandling my dick and balls or the annoyance of being here entirely.

“I ordered for you.” Megan smiles softly, and we fall into a funky silence. I don’t like this shit. I don’t care to beat around the bush; I would rather get straight to the point.

“We both fucked our friendship up, Megan.”

Her gentle, glassy eyes flash to me. “No, it was me.” She sniffles. “I knew you didn’t want something more, and I pushed it. I ended up pushing you away and ruining our friendship. I’m sorry.”

I’m not going to lie and say no. It was her fault. I never gave her the false hope she somehow found. I never promised more.

“I can’t say I can forget about it, but let’s attempt to put all of it in the past and try to salvage our friendship.” I don’t move to squeeze her hand. I may still be her friend, but I’m not blurring the lines.

Not again.

“Sounds great to me.” She smiles. “So tell me about your new job.”

And just like that, our once easy friendship falls back into place.