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Royal Company (Company Men Book 1) by Crystal Perkins (19)



“How did this happen, Darce? How did I go from escaping the stigma of living with a royal family to falling in love with a royal?”

“From what was said, it sounds like she’s not a royal right now.”

“That was crazy, right? I’m not imagining how that went down.”

“It was full-on nuts. Especially when the old girl slapped her sister for speaking up. I’m not surprised Jyn would reject that.”

“She told me she had a secret, but how would I have ever guessed it was something like this? She knows how I feel about royalty. I talked to her about living in a royal household, and she never said one word about understanding. She purposely kept this all from me.”

“Maybe because she knew you might not be able to accept her background.”

“She didn’t give me a choice! I don’t have any choice now, either. I’m stuck with yet another royal family. I just can’t escape this life, can I?”

“Again, she’s not royal. There’s a lot none of us know, although Steve’s looking into her country, and what exactly happened with Jyn. I’d rather hear it all from her, but I know you don’t want to.”

“You really think it’s going to make me feel better to hear her talk about being royal?”

“Could it make you feel any worse at this point?”

“Honestly? No.”

“I’m going to open the door, and let her in, okay?”

“Yeah. I want to talk to her alone, though.”

“You’re sure?”

“Not really, but I know it’s the right thing to do.”

While Darcy opens the door, I clutch the velvet box in my pocket. Today was supposed to be one of the best of my life, but it’s turned out to be one of the worst. How did this even happen?

“Hi,” Jyn says, walking into the room.

She’s still in her dress from the Christening, but her hair’s down now, and her makeup looks ruined. She’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life, which makes my heart hurt even more.

“Just say what you need to say, so we can figure things out.”

“My country is small, and unknown by most of the world. It’s a Matriarchy; only women can rule, but it has to be by choice. Until a woman from the royal line turns 18, she is treated as any other child in the land. I went to school with everyone else my age, and wasn’t treated differently by anyone I grew up with. I loved my life as a commoner, and I didn’t want it to end, so when I turned 18, I chose not to become part of the royal family.

“My mother blamed Mari, because she thinks my aunt is jealous of her. She isn’t. Mari chose her place, because she wants to serve our people, not because she wants to rule. She’s more than happy to be second, or hundredth, as long as it means she has a voice. Mari knew I wouldn’t be happy in the life, but she always told me the choice was mine. I have never once regretted my choice, and I didn’t even care about it until I met you. The pain you feel from your time here made me so glad I chose the life I did.”

“Yet, you didn’t tell me.”

“I couldn’t find the right time to tell you our daughter will one day have the same choice to make. You didn’t like growing up with royals, and now you’ll be raising a girl who could decide she wants to be one.”

“What would I be if she decides to go the royal route?”

“The father to a princess. Unless I take the oath, and the crown, you would not be royal, even if Cari is.”


“I would do it for you, if that’s what you want.”

“Why did you not choose it for yourself?” I ask, ignoring her offer. Right now, I want nothing from her.

“As I said, I liked my common life. I wanted to live, and being second in line, I wouldn’t be allowed to do that. I could travel some, but always with an entourage, and never would I be allowed to walk around and explore the world around me. Or meet a wonderful man every month for a tryst.” She pauses, and I think she’s done, but she has more to say. “Never did I imagine my mother would banish me when I made my choice. I ended up losing all my friends as well as my family. I need to tell you I kept my fortune, because that transferred to me when I was 18, regardless of my choice.”

“So, you’re wealthy, yet working for Matt. Oh, and let’s not forget it was apparent he knew about all of this.”

“When I was banished, I chose to use my money and freedom to see the world. I studied religions—and fighting techniques—in countries all over the world. I wasn’t sure what I believed, or who I wanted to be. While trying to find myself, I ended up in a remote village near Antarctica. I can’t tell you exactly what connection Matt and Reina have to that village, but let’s just say I stumbled into something I shouldn’t have.

“After seeing a demonstration of my skills, Reina wanted to recruit me. While I believe in what she does, I didn’t want to belong to a specific group. Matt offered me a job in security, with the freedom to travel when I wanted, and the ability to walk away when I was ready. That was five years ago, and I’ve never had the urge to leave. I belong at C&C, and it doesn’t scare me. Just like belonging with you and Cari doesn’t scare me, either.”

“I’m having a hard time processing all of this. I have to be honest, Jyn, and remind you I want nothing to do with anything royal.”

“Obviously, I feel the same way.”

“It’s different for you.”

“Every situation is different for every person involved. I did not ask to be born into a royal life, just like you didn’t ask to be adopted into one.”

“I need time.”

“I’m planning to wean Cari onto bottles as I go back to work, but she’s not there yet, which means we’ll need to live close by. I can have Matt give you the apartment next door.”

“I have a meeting with him and Ryan as soon as we get home, so I guess we can figure that part out then.”

“He will not remove you from the C&C project. I’ve already talked to him about it. No matter what, you’ve earned that job.”

“I don’t want it if he doesn’t want me on it.”

“He’s already approved your designs, so you know he wants you.”

“I feel like I don’t know anything about anything right now.”

“I’m going to have Darcy bring Cari in here, so she can spend some time with you. I just fed her, so you’ve got a couple of hours. In that time, I’ll pack my bags, and go to the airport. If you want to ride back tonight, you can come with us on Matt’s jet. The others will be there, so you won’t have to interact with me at all.”

“I need to talk to Steve, but leaving tonight should be fine.”

“Do you want me to pack your suitcase?”

We’re being so damn formal, and I hate every second of it, but I know there’s no other way for us to be at the moment. “I’d appreciate it, yes.”

“Okay, then. I’ll go, I guess.”

“Thanks for sending Cari in.”

It’s lame, and stupid, but it’s also all I can say right now. I can’t hug her and tell her it’s going to be alright, because I don’t know if it will be. I know this ring needs to go back into the vault, and maybe it’s just never going to be brought out again.

* * *


Walking out of that room is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I’m numb as I tell Darcy she can take Cari into the room with Noah. I ignore the icy glares of the staff as I walk the halls, but wish Noah could see these people and how loyal they are to him. I hold in my tears as I walk out the gates, declining the car I’m offered, because I can’t be in close quarters with other humans right now, even ones who don’t know how far from grace I’ve fallen.

I’ve rarely cared what others think of me, but right now, I care. I care about the people who call me names as I walk past them, and tell me I’ve disgraced their favorite son. Again, I wish Noah could see these people, and understand that while they love Brayden, it’s him they favor. He’s the boy they once wished they could be, but then grew to admire and love for the man he is now.

It’s not until I’m in our rented apartment, lying on the floor, that I let the tears fall. I’ve fought so hard to leave my old life behind, and I did it. I proved myself to the people who matter to me, and despite what happened in the hospital, I know I’m a good mom. I would do anything for my daughter, including trying to co-parent with the man I love.

Maybe that’s it…maybe I love Noah too much. What if I was never meant to have a great love for the ages? Princesses get their fairytale endings, but when you refuse that crown, can you still live happily ever after? Right now, I don’t think so.

I’m not sure how long I lie on the floor, but even when I hear the door open behind me, I don’t have the energy to stand up. Luckily, I don’t have to defend myself from an intruder.

“I’ve got you, Jyny,” Matt says, lifting me into his arms.

“I have to pack up our stuff,” I protest.

“I’ve got it,” Reina tells me, and I start to cry again.

“It’s going to be okay,” Matt assures me, but I can’t bring myself to believe him.

He sits on the couch, holding me until Reina wheels our bags out. “Thank you.”

“No thanks needed. Let’s get down to the car.”

Matt stands with me in his arms, and when I try to protest, Reina silences me. “It’s okay to lean on your friends. That’s what friends are for.”

If I speak, I’m going to start crying again, so I nod, and bury my head in Matt’s neck. I can hear the people on the street, but thanks to my friends, I don’t see them. Reina is practically vibrating with anger when she climbs into the car after us.

“I swear this island is out to get us, Matteo. Every time we come here, something crazy happens.”

“They’re not angry at you,” I remind her.

“You are one of us, Jyn.”

“You’re going to make me cry again.”

“Go ahead. It makes Matt uncomfortable, and he needs that feeling in his life every once in a while.”

Despite my somber mood, I burst out laughing. “You two are totally relationship goals. If I was in a relationship, I mean.”

“Noah’s not dumb, Jyn. Unworthy of you, and a little cocky sometimes, but not dumb. He’ll come around,” Matt assures me.

“He’s confident, not cocky. And you left out how talented he is.”

“I have not forgotten my promise to you, although I’d like to toss him out on his ass.”

“No matter what, he is my daughter’s father, and I want him to be happy and successful.”

Do I wish he could be both of those things we me at his side? Of course, I do. I just don’t believe I’ll ever have the chance to prove it to him. Hell, I’ll be lucky if we have any interactions that don’t include pick-up and drop-off times. When did this become my life?

* * *


“Matt and Reina Corrigan need to stay out of our business!” Brayden’s mother says, barging into the room where I’ve been talking things over with Steve, Darcy, Bray, Jen, and Wayne.

“They don’t usually interfere unless they have a reason to,” Wayne tells her.

She looks at him like he’s something stuck to the bottom of her shoe, but per usual, he just smiles even brighter at her. She practically growls as she grabs the television remote, and puts on the local news channel.

I sit up straight, jostling Cari a little, when I see what’s on the screen. Matt is carrying Jyn through a crowd of angry locals, while Reina walks behind them with our luggage.

“What the hell is going on?”

“You’ve always chosen to put on blinders where the people of this island are concerned. They have never thought of you as less than us,” Steve explains. “In fact, I daresay they like you more than the rest of us at times.”

“They shouldn’t be yelling at her like that! How do they even know what happened?”

“That woman’s mother held a little press conference before departing the island.”

“Really, mother? You know her name,” Bray admonishes her.

“Her name is not worthy of my lips.”

“That sounds kinda gross, Mama Bray,” Wayne tells her with a smirk.

He’s my hero. Seriously. I’m secure enough in my manhood to idolize a boy bander, and I might even need a tattoo.

“What did you call me?”

“Since this has nothing to do with you, why don’t you retire to your room?” Steve asks, but it’s really an order, and we all know it.

She storms away, but the damage is done. I’m awestruck by the loyalty of people I always thought were laughing at me behind my back. Yet, seeing Jyn so broken is destroying me.

“What do you want to do, Noah?” Jen asks, sitting next to me.

“I wish I knew. I can’t stop loving her, but what she kept from me is monumental.”

“Only you can decide how to proceed from here,” Steve tells me.

“Can we talk for a moment?” I ask him.


There’s an audible gasp from both Darcy and Jen, while Wayne curses, and Bray just looks shocked.


“I know what you want, and I can’t let you make a hasty decision. Take some time to think about if it’s really what you want. If it is, I’ll take an audience with you, and accept the item you wish to return.”

“When have I ever need an official audience?”

“Only for this, Noah. Anything else, and I will be there for you, day or night.”

I know he’s right to make me wait, since I don’t know my own mind right now. It still grates a little to be put in my place, but I know he’d do the same to anyone else in this room if he wanted them to think something through. I can’t take it personally, despite this entire situation feeling pretty damn personal right now.