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Sanctuary (RiffRaff Records Book 5) by L.P. Maxa (26)

Chapter Thirty


Getting ready for dinner tonight wasn’t like dinner last night. Last night Nicky and I had shared his bathroom, music playing in the background while we brushed our teeth. We’d put on comfy clothes and ordered from three different takeout places, and then we had eaten on his terrace. I loved this past week at his apartment, in his bed. I felt healthy and happy. I felt like I was well on my way to a better life, with an amazing guy.

But it was time to let the real world in. It was time to face my demons, and slay a few dragons. I wasn’t looking forward to seeing Collin. I wasn’t looking forward to telling him it was over. Don’t get me wrong, I was elated to be done with him. But he was unpredictable and vindictive. He was cruel to the core, and I expected nothing less than a fight.

I put on the black diamond studs my Aunt Lexi had given me for my sixteenth birthday. I didn’t wear them often, because they were three carats each. That was Aunt Lex though, rocker couture all the way. They went perfectly with the vintage black Alexander Wang mini dress I’d bought a few weeks ago. It had sheer black paneling over my chest and arms, and the corset was snug across my body, which showed that I was gaining weight. I wasn’t self-conscious; I was proud of myself. I’d been too thin. I’d been sick.

“You look beautiful, little bird.”

I looked up, meeting Nicky’s gaze in the mirror. “Thank you.”

He stepped up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. “I’ve been a dick about all this, and I’m sorry.”

“I get it.” How could I not? I was leaving him, basically for the first time in a week, to go spend the evening with a guy neither one of us could stand. Albeit for really different reasons. “But, I need to do this. And I won’t be gone long.” I turned, kissing his rough cheek. “As soon as the awards are over, I’m out of there and on my way home.” Home. I’d never thought of the Kappa house as home, or any of the dorms or apartments I’d had in the last two years. Nicky’s place was the first that felt like home since I’d left the compound.

“I’m going to go have a few beers with Bleu so I don’t wear a hole in the floor waiting for you to get back.” He rested his forehead against mine.

“Probably a good idea.” I kissed him, pouring my heart into it and smudging my lip gloss in the process. “I’m going to be okay, I promise.”

“I know you will, little bird.” He put his hand on my ass, leading me out of the bathroom. “And if you aren’t, I’ll kill him.”


“Get the fuck over here, you little whore, you.” Maykin held her arms out when I walked into my sorority house, a playful smile on her face.

I laughed and let her envelop me in her arms, her familiar Chanel perfume filling my nose. “Oh, let me see.” I stepped back, taking her hand and then spinning her in a circle. She’d bought a backless dress when we’d gone shopping together, but since then Bleu had done her carousel tattoo. “I love it, Mayk.”

“I know, right?”

It was vibrant and detailed; the horse looked like it could jump off her back and into a 1953 state fair at any second. “Bleu is really talented.” I giggled. “No wonder he hates wasting his time on small pieces.”

“Speaking of Bleu.”

“Please tell me you didn’t fuck him.” Nicky swore they had a rule about hooking up with clients, but Maykin was pushy and bold. She typically got what she wanted out of life.

“Not yet.” She winked. “He told me he you’ve been hanging around the shop this week. I assume that means you’re still hooking up with the infamous Nick?”

“It does.” I pursed my lips, narrowing my eyes slightly. “Exactly how many times a day do you talk to Bleu? He doesn’t seem like the chatty texter type.”

“You know better than anyone that there is an exception to every rule.” She shrugged, her wicked grin firmly in place. “But for real, enough about Bleu, tell me about Nick. I want all the details. The sex has to blow anything you had with Collin right out of the fucking water.”

It took me taking a step away to see that Maykin had never been a fake friend. She’d always been someone I could count on, someone I could be honest with. Yeah, she let me pop pills to the point of no return, but that was Maykin. She didn’t judge. She wasn’t here to stop anyone’s party. I’d seemed happy, so she’d been happy for me. And I’d missed her. I’d missed talking to her.

“You have no idea.”

“Evie, your car is here.” Chasity was standing in the doorway, a plastic smile on her face. How much of our conversation had she heard? Not like it really mattered; I was ending everything with Collin tonight. Who cared if I technically cheated? He cheated pretty much every damn night.

I took a deep breath, trying to keep the unnecessary stress out of my mind. I grabbed Maykin’s hand, pulling her out the door with me. I sent Chasity a sassy grin as we passed.

“Ride with me?” I was still leading Maykin out the door, not really giving her much choice in the matter.

“He got the top-shelf shit in there?” The chauffer opened our door, tipping his fancy hat at us as we climbed inside.

“Knowing Collin? He’s got way more than booze stocked in here.” This wasn’t our first event together, and this wasn’t the first time he’d sent a car to pick me up. I knew that all I had to do was look and I’d find everything I typically needed.

Mayk immediately popped the cork on an expensive bottle of champagne, filling two flutes and handing me one before the driver could even pull out of the circular drive. “Cheers, to tattooed gods.”

I shook my head as I clicked my glass to hers and then took a small sip. “Cheers.”

“Are you pregnant?” Maykin’s jaw was on the floor.

“What? No.” I took another really small sip.

She gestured to my glass with hers. “Are you sure? Because the Evie James I know would have already downed that one and would be asking for another. A fancy dinner with Collin? E, you’d have an entire bottle downed by the time we got there.”

Would I? Was the drinking as bad as the pills? Was I an alcoholic too? I needed to make a list of questions to ask my therapist next week. “I, um, I’m weaning myself off Adderall.” I gave her a quick shrug. “I tend to get these headaches from it.” Plus, I simply didn’t feel like drinking. I didn’t feel like I needed it. I wanted to get through this dinner, get rid of Collin, and cry in bed with Nicky.

“Wow. E, that’s…that’s really great.” Maykin took the champagne from me and downed it before putting it back on the shelf. She reached for my hand, squeezing it. “You look good.”

“I feel good.” I wrinkled my nose. “Not to sound like one of those motivational speakers or anything, but I feel like a new person. I guess I didn’t realize just how fucked up my life had become.” I looked around the car, taking in all the over-the-top touches and crystal glasses. “Everything was fine, and then all of sudden nothing was. You know?”

“I do.” She tipped back her glass, polishing it off and then setting it down. “We don’t need to party to hang out, you know that, right?” She lifted her shoulders. “You ever want to, oh I don’t know, have a little Netflix night, I’d be more than happy to come over.”

“And have Nicky invite Bleu?”

“I mean, we’re all friends here, E.”

I shook my head, smiling. “Yes, we are.”