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She Was Mine: An Incapable Novella by Marie Skye (22)


It worked. At least I hoped it did. I didn’t have my phone, which was stupid, but I did see on the news the statement Francisco gave. I walked around the cabin. Grayson took me here once. A home he had right outside the city, that he never visited. I ran my hand along the mantle. Even though we haven’t been here since that time, he still had it updated with pictures of us and pictures of Emersyn.

I made some soup I found in the cabinet and laid on the couch. It was close to midnight. I picked up my Kindle, determined to finish Filthy Bastard by Shelley Springfield and Emily Minton, but after reading the same line over and over again, I closed it. I was about to head to the room when I heard the crunching noise of a car on the gravel. I peered behind the curtain, seeing a car approached.

It could be Grayson, I thought. Or it could be the housekeeper checking in. I stepped away from the door in case it was an intruder. I heard the sound of the key code being entered in and then the door unlocking. My eyes grew wide as the door opened and Grayson filled the entrance.

He stood by the door and stared. I couldn’t read him. He looked menacing and pissed off. As he should be. I started getting nervous. He took two steps forward, which still left quite a distance between us. I licked my dry lips. I owed him something. An apology. A cry. Something. But none of that came out of my mouth.

“I wouldn’t have signed them,” I blurted out. His expression didn’t change. I elaborated just in case. “The papers,” I clarified. It hurt just to say the words divorce. “I wouldn’t have signed the papers,” I whispered out. I started wringing my hands. “But, I wanted to help. I needed to help, and I wanted…”

Shut up.”

Those two words had me halting. Those two words he said so deeply, they would have stopped anyone. I took another deep breath, because he needed to know. He needed to know before he kicked me out.

I just…”

“I said shut. Up.”

I felt my chin starting to quiver, and I started to turn, but he spoke again. “What’s your safeword?”

I froze and slowly turned around and met his gaze. “Attic,” I whispered out.


His voice boomed around me, and I jumped. He was angry, and now he needed to punish. A tear rolled down my face, but I kept his gaze. “Attic,” I said more clearly.

His expression was blank. “Strip.” His voice was low, but I heard it. I slowly took off my shirt and threw it on the edge of the couch. I toed each shoe off slowly, trying to prolong whatever wrath he was going to bring down. Finally, I took off my jeans, as well as my bra and panties, but decided I was going to leave my socks on. I chanced a glance up at him. He slightly tilted his brow, and that was all I needed to remove both socks.

I stood before him, completely nude, already getting chilled. I kept my head down, because the last thing I wanted to see was the look of disappointment and hate on his face. I shut my eyes as I tried to remember the good part of what we had, when he loved me. I heard him step closer, and I could feel him right in front of me. Without lifting my head, I slowly opened my eyes and found myself staring at his boots.

“Look at me,” he whispered. I took a moment before slowly raising my head to meet his gaze. After a few seconds, he finally raised his hand to under my chin. It was the first real touch we’d have of each other in quite a while.

“Thank you,” he whispered. “Thank you for doing that.”

My eyes teared up, I wanted to respond, but instead, hoped he could see in my eyes that what I did was for the best. Not only for him, but for Emersyn, as well.

He cupped my face with both hands. “You are my wife.” I gave him a slight nod. “You are my wife. Say it.”

“I am your wife,” I whispered.


“I am your wife,” I said more loudly. He abruptly picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around him as he walked us to a wall. His hand unbuckled his belt to free his cock. “Again!”

Before I could say it again, he plunged into me hard, and I cried out. It had been a few weeks. Which meant a few weeks of pent-up frustration. “I am your wife,” I panted out.


He pushed me harder against the wall. His grip around my waist was bruising. I wanted to kiss him, but every time I tried, he buried his face into my neck and bit down. He was making it clear that he was in control. That he’ll always be in control.

I felt delirious, not only from the pain he inflicted, but from the pleasure that quickly came after. I was close. Oh, so close. I felt the power of the orgasm spiraling up. Grayson, changed his position, which had him thrusting in deeper, and I cried out as his pelvis rubbed my clit. I was going to come, and Grayson knew it too, because he stopped and pulled out. All I could do was I whimper.

Still holding me, he walked us to the table and set me down on it. “All fours,” he said, and I quickly complied to get into position. I shivered as he ran a single finger down my spine. He spread my ass cheeks and blew softly. The air made me clench my pussy in anticipation. He stood up and slammed into me again.

I moaned as the pressure built itself back up. I didn’t even try to stop myself as my hand trickled down and started to rub my clit.

Grayson stopped and slapped me hard on the ass. “Did I say you could do that? Back into position. That’s how I want you.” I whimpered placing my hand back on the table After a few seconds, Grayson’s arm came across my chest, and he slowly lifted me up. I started to panic. He felt so deep inside of me, deeper than ever before. I felt constricted and overwhelmed. Everything that had gone on these past few months finally erupted in me, so much so, that I burst into tears.

“Shhh,” he whispered in my ear. He ran one of his hands up and down my body, trying to reassure me that I was okay, his other hand tight against me. I was up on my knees on the hardwood kitchen table, with Grayson buried in as deep as he’s ever been.


I took several deep breaths. He asked if I wanted to safeword. After a few minutes, I shook my head. He didn’t move. I knew why. He needed the words. His hand moved over my stomach, and I placed mine on top of his. Tell him.

“No, no safeword.”

His hand continued down to my pussy, and his other arm went to my breasts. “I’m going to fuck you now, and you’re going to come.” I nodded rapidly, and he started to move. Each time he thrust in, I let out a silent moan. I felt so open and so stretched, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel good. Grayson thrust harder, and I leaned my head back against his chest. With his fingers working their magic against my clit, I was on edge and I was about to come.

Grayson’s other arm lowered to my pelvis, and he pressed down. His other hand that was slowly rubbing my clit suddenly stopped. I was about to yell out when his hand came down and slapped me hard on my pussy. I yelped in shock. His fingers started rubbing my clit furiously, and he pressed harder on my pelvis with his other hand, and I came almost without warning and I came hard. The squelching noise that came from my pussy grew louder as my orgasm went on and on. I felt myself getting wetter and wetter. Grayson let out a guttural moan as he came as deep inside me as he could.

I felt myself leaning forward, but he held me up. He always held me up. In more ways than one. He stayed inside of me for another minute, before finally pulling out, and carefully lowering me down. I shakily climbed off the table. I should’ve known this was it. One last fuck before we parted. I wrapped my arms around myself and bowed my head, because I knew if I looked at him, I would fall apart.

I started to walk past him, and he grabbed my arm. “Where are you going?”

“That was it, wasn’t it?” I fumbled for my words. “The goodbye sex.”

He smirked. “And why would you think that?”

I looked at him confused. He pulled me closer. “I wasn’t going to sign them, either. I never would’ve signed them, even if you did. When you said you wanted to leave, you broke my fucking heart,” he whispered. “Those words will never come out of your mouth; do you hear me?” I blinked back tears, as I nodded.

“I never would’ve…” I paused trying to get my thoughts together. “I was confused and hurt when the results came back and…”

He pulled me into him tightly. Grayson then informed me how the rest of the trial went, and that she did drug him.

“What about the baby?”

He sighed looking resolute. “I can’t ask you to have a part in that child’s life. I understand, but…it’s a part of me. It’ll be Flick’s sibling.”

I smiled sadly. Tell him! “I guess, we’ll just have to figure it out when the baby’s born.” He gathered us under the blanket.

“I wish this wasn’t the way. I really, really do. But, I can’t change what or how it happened.”

“I know,” I whispered against his chest.